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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\UploadWizard;

use File;
use MediaTransformOutput;
use MediaWiki\Html\Html;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;

 * Class to encapsulate all the html generation associated with the UploadWizard tutorial.
 * Might be a start for a subclass of UploadWizard, if we ever free it of its WMF-oriented features
 * So that non-WMF'ers can use it
class Tutorial {

    // Id of imagemap used in tutorial.
    private const IMAGEMAP_ID = 'tutorialMap';

     * Fetches appropriate HTML for the tutorial portion of the wizard.
     * Looks up an image on the current wiki. This will work as is on Commons, and will also work
     * on test wikis that enable instantCommons.
     * @param string|null $campaign Upload Wizard campaign for which the tutorial should be displayed.
     * @return string html that will display the tutorial.
    public static function getHtml( $campaign = null ) {
        global $wgLang;

        $error = null;
        $errorHtml = '';
        $tutorialHtml = '';

        $langCode = $wgLang->getCode();

        $tutorial = Config::getSetting( 'tutorial', $campaign );
        // getFile returns false if it can't find the right file
        $tutorialFile = self::getFile( $langCode, $tutorial );
        if ( $tutorialFile === false ) {
            $error = 'localized-file-missing';
            foreach ( $wgLang->getFallbackLanguages() as $langCode ) {
                $tutorialFile = self::getFile( $langCode, $tutorial );
                if ( $tutorialFile !== false ) {
                    // $langCode remains as the code where a file is found.

        // at this point, we have one of the following situations:
        // $error is null, and tutorialFile is the right one for this language
        // $error notes we couldn't find the tutorialFile for your language,
        // and $tutorialFile is the english one
        // $error notes we couldn't find the tutorialFile for your language,
        // and $tutorialFile is still false (major file failure)

        if ( $tutorialFile ) {
            // XXX TODO if the client can handle SVG, we could also just send it the unscaled thumb,
            // client-scaled into a DIV or something.
            // if ( client can handle SVG ) {
            // $tutorialThumbnailImage->getUnscaledThumb();
            // }
            // put it into a div of appropriate dimensions.

            // n.b. File::transform() returns false if failed, MediaTransformOutput otherwise
            $thumbnailImage = $tutorialFile->transform( [ 'width' => $tutorial['width'] ] );

            if ( $thumbnailImage ) {
                $tutorialHtml = self::getImageHtml( $thumbnailImage, $tutorial );
            } else {
                $error = 'cannot-transform';
        } else {
            $error = 'file-missing';

        if ( $error !== null ) {
            // Messages:
            // mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-localized-file-missing, mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-file-missing,
            // mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-cannot-transform
            $errorMsg = wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-tutorial-error-' . $error );
            if ( $error === 'localized-file-missing' ) {
                $errorMsg->params( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageNameUtils()
                    ->getLanguageName( $langCode, $wgLang->getCode() ) );
            $errorHtml = Html::errorBox(

        return $errorHtml . $tutorialHtml;

     * Get tutorial file for a particular language, or false if not available.
     * @param string $langCode language Code
     * @param string[] $tutorial Upload Wizard campaign for which the tutorial should be displayed.
     * @return File|false
    public static function getFile( $langCode, $tutorial ) {
        $tutorialName = str_replace( '$1', $langCode, $tutorial['template'] );
        return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRepoGroup()
            ->findFile( Title::newFromText( $tutorialName, NS_FILE ) );

     * Constructs HTML for the tutorial (laboriously),
     * including an imagemap for the clickable "Help desk" button.
     * @param MediaTransformOutput $thumb
     * @param string[] $tutorial Upload Wizard campaign for which the tutorial should be displayed.
     * @return string HTML representing the image, with clickable helpdesk button
    public static function getImageHtml( MediaTransformOutput $thumb, $tutorial ) {
        $helpDeskUrl = wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-help-desk-url' )->text();

        // Per convention, we may be either using an absolute URL or a wiki page title in this UI message
        if ( preg_match( '/^(?:' . wfUrlProtocols() . ')/', $helpDeskUrl ) ) {
            $helpDeskHref = $helpDeskUrl;
        } else {
            $helpDeskTitle = Title::newFromText( $helpDeskUrl );
            if ( !$helpDeskTitle || !$helpDeskTitle->exists() ) {
                // Fall back to the wiki's content language...if that page
                // doesn't exist, we can't help.
                $helpDeskUrl = wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-help-desk-url' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
                $helpDeskTitle = Title::newFromText( $helpDeskUrl );

            $helpDeskHref = $helpDeskTitle ? $helpDeskTitle->getLocalURL() : '#';

        $buttonCoords = $tutorial['helpdeskCoords'];
        $useMap = $buttonCoords !== false && trim( $buttonCoords ) != '';

        $imgAttributes = [
            'src' => $thumb->getUrl(),
            'width' => $thumb->getWidth(),
            'height' => $thumb->getHeight(),

        if ( $useMap ) {
            $imgAttributes['usemap'] = '#' . self::IMAGEMAP_ID;

        // here we use the not-yet-forgotten HTML imagemap to add a clickable area to the tutorial image.
        // we could do more special effects with hovers and images and such, not to mention SVG scripting,
        // but we aren't sure what we want yet...
        $imgHtml = Html::element( 'img', $imgAttributes );

        if ( $useMap ) {
            $areaAltText = wfMessage( 'mwe-upwiz-help-desk' )->text();

            $area = Html::element( 'area', [
                'shape' => 'rect',
                'coords' => $buttonCoords,
                'href' => $helpDeskHref,
                'alt' => $areaAltText,
                'title' => $areaAltText,
                'id' => 'mwe-upwiz-tutorial-helpdesk',
            ] );

            $imgHtml = Html::rawElement(
                [ 'id' => self::IMAGEMAP_ID, 'name' => self::IMAGEMAP_ID ],
            ) . $imgHtml;

        return $imgHtml;
