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( function ( uw ) {

     * A set of location fields in UploadWizard's "Details" step form.
     * @extends uw.DetailsWidget
     * @class
     * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
     * @param {boolean} [config.showHeading=true] Whether to show the 'heading' field
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget = function UWLocationDetailsWidget( config ) {
        this.config = config || {}; this );

        this.$element.addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-locationDetailsWidget' );

        this.latitudeInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget();
        this.longitudeInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget();
        this.headingInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget();
        this.$map = $( '<div>' ).css( { width: 500, height: 300 } );
        this.mapButton = new OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget( {
            icon: 'mapPin',
            title: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-location-button' ).text(),
            popup: {
                $content: this.$map,
                width: 500,
                height: 300
        } );

            new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.latitudeInput, {
                align: 'top',
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-location-lat' ).text()
            } ).$element,
            new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.longitudeInput, {
                align: 'top',
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-location-lon' ).text()
            } ).$element

        if ( this.config.showHeading ) {
                new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.headingInput, {
                    align: 'top',
                    label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-location-heading' ).text()
                } ).$element

        this.mapButton.setDisabled( true );
        this.$element.append( this.mapButton.$element );

        // Aggregate 'change' events
        this.latitudeInput.connect( this, { change: [ 'emit', 'change' ] } );
        this.longitudeInput.connect( this, { change: [ 'emit', 'change' ] } );
        this.headingInput.connect( this, { change: [ 'emit', 'change' ] } );

        this.mapButton.connect( this, { click: 'onMapButtonClick' } );
        this.connect( this, { change: 'onChange' } );

        this.mapButton.toggle( false );
        mw.loader.using( [ '', 'ext.kartographer.editing' ] ).done( () => {
            // Kartographer is installed and we'll be able to show the map. Display the button.
            this.mapButton.toggle( true );
        } );

    OO.inheritClass( uw.LocationDetailsWidget, uw.DetailsWidget );

     * @private
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.onChange = function () {
        var widget = this;
        this.getErrors().done( ( errors ) => {
            widget.mapButton.setDisabled( !( errors.length === 0 && widget.getWikiText() !== '' ) );
        } );

     * @private
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.onMapButtonClick = function () {
        var latitude = this.normalizeCoordinate( this.latitudeInput.getValue() ),
            longitude = this.normalizeCoordinate( this.longitudeInput.getValue() );

        // Disable clipping because it doesn't play nicely with the map
        this.mapButton.getPopup().toggleClipping( false );

        if ( ! ) {
   = require( '' ).map( {
                container: this.$map[ 0 ]
            } );
        require( 'ext.kartographer.editing' ).getKartographerLayer( ).setGeoJSON( {
            type: 'Feature',
            properties: {},
            geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ longitude, latitude ] }
        } ); [ latitude, longitude ], 9 );

     * @inheritdoc
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.getErrors = function () {
        var errors = [],
            latInput = this.latitudeInput.getValue(),
            lonInput = this.longitudeInput.getValue(),
            headInput = this.headingInput.getValue(),
            latNum = this.normalizeCoordinate( latInput ),
            lonNum = this.normalizeCoordinate( lonInput ),
            headNum = parseFloat( headInput );

        // input is invalid if the coordinates are out of bounds, or if the
        // coordinates that were derived from the input are 0, without a 0 even
        // being present in the input
        if ( latInput || lonInput ) {
            if ( latNum > 90 || latNum < -90 || ( latNum === 0 && latInput.indexOf( '0' ) < 0 ) || isNaN( latNum ) ) {
                errors.push( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-latitude' ) );

            if ( lonNum > 180 || lonNum < -180 || ( lonNum === 0 && lonInput.indexOf( '0' ) < 0 ) || isNaN( lonNum ) ) {
                errors.push( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-longitude' ) );

        if ( headInput !== '' && ( headInput > 360 || headInput < 0 || isNaN( headNum ) ) ) {
            errors.push( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-heading' ) );

        return $.Deferred().resolve( errors );

     * Set up the input fields.
     * @param {string} [lat] Latitude value to set.
     * @param {string} [lon] Longitude value to set.
     * @param {string} [head] Heading value to set.
     * @private
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.setupInputs = function ( lat, lon, head ) {
        if ( lat !== undefined ) {
            this.latitudeInput.setValue( lat );

        if ( lon !== undefined ) {
            this.longitudeInput.setValue( lon );

        if ( head !== undefined ) {
            this.headingInput.setValue( head );

     * @inheritdoc
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.getWikiText = function () {
        var locationParts,
            latInput = this.latitudeInput.getValue(),
            lonInput = this.longitudeInput.getValue(),
            headInput = this.headingInput.getValue(),
            latNum = this.normalizeCoordinate( latInput ),
            lonNum = this.normalizeCoordinate( lonInput ),
            headNum = parseFloat( headInput );

        // input is invalid if the coordinates are out of bounds, or if the
        // coordinates that were derived from the input are 0, without a 0 even
        // being present in the input
        if ( latNum !== 0 || latInput.indexOf( '0' ) >= 0 || lonNum !== 0 || lonInput.indexOf( '0' ) >= 0 ) {
            locationParts = [ '{{Location', latNum, lonNum ];

            if ( !isNaN( headNum ) ) {
                locationParts.push( 'heading:' + headNum );

            return locationParts.join( '|' ) + '}}';

        return '';

     * @inheritdoc
     * @return {Object} See #setSerialized
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.getSerialized = function () {
        return {
            latitude: this.latitudeInput.getValue(),
            longitude: this.longitudeInput.getValue(),
            heading: this.headingInput.getValue()

     * @inheritdoc
     * @param {Object} serialized
     * @param {string} serialized.latitude Latitude value
     * @param {string} serialized.longitude Longitude value
     * @param {string} serialized.heading Heading value
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.setSerialized = function ( serialized ) {
        this.setupInputs( serialized.latitude, serialized.longitude, serialized.heading );

     * Interprets a wide variety of coordinate input formats, it'll return the
     * coordinate in decimal degrees.
     * Formats understood include:
     * - degrees minutes seconds: 40° 26' 46" S
     * - degrees decimal minutes: 40° 26.767' S
     * - decimal degrees: 40.446° S
     * - decimal degrees exact value: -40.446
     * This code is shared with the Kartographer extension. Please consider updating both when you
     * touch this.
     * @param {string} input
     * @return {number|NaN} NaN when normalization was not possible
    uw.LocationDetailsWidget.prototype.normalizeCoordinate = function ( input ) {
        var sign = input.match( /[sw]/i ) ? -1 : 1;

        // fix commonly used character alternatives
        var value = input.trim()
            .replace( /−/g, '-' )
            .replace( /\s*[,.]\s*/g, '.' );

        // convert degrees, minutes, seconds (or degrees & decimal minutes) to
        // decimal degrees
        // there can be a lot of variation in the notation, so let's only
        // focus on "groups of digits" (and not whether e.g. ″ or " is used)
        var parts = value.match( /^\D*(-?\d{1,3}\b[\d.]*)[^\d.]+(\d{1,2}\b[\d.]*)(?:[^\d.]+(\d{1,2}\b[\d.]*))?\D*$/ );
        if ( parts ) {
            value = parts[ 1 ] * 1 + parts[ 2 ] / 60 + ( parts[ 3 ] || 0 ) / 3600;
        } else {
            value = value.replace( /[^-\d.]+/g, '' ) * 1;
            if ( Math.abs( value ) > 360 ) {
                return NaN;

        // Round to 6 decimal places, this approx. corresponds to a precision of 0.1 meter or less
        return Math.round( sign * value * 1000000 ) / 1000000;

}( mw.uploadWizard ) );