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( function () {
    var NS_FILE = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).file;

     * @class
     * @param {mw.UploadWizardUpload} upload
     * @param {mw.Api} api
    mw.ApiUploadHandler = function ( upload, api ) {
        this.upload = upload;
        this.api = api;

        this.ignoreWarnings = [
            // we ignore these warnings, because the title is not our final title.

        this.upload.on( 'remove-upload', this.abort.bind( this ) );

     * @method
     * @abstract
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.abort = null;

     * @method
     * @abstract
     * @return {jQuery.Promise}
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.submit = null;

     * @return {jQuery.Promise}
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.start = function () {
        return this.submit().then(
            this.setTransported.bind( this ),
            this.setTransportError.bind( this )

     * Process a successful upload.
     * @param {Object} result
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.setTransported = function ( result ) {
        var code;
        if ( result.upload && result.upload.warnings ) {
            for ( code in result.upload.warnings ) {
                if ( !this.isIgnoredWarning( code ) ) {
                    this.setTransportWarning( code, result );

        if ( !result.upload || result.upload.result !== 'Success' ) {
            this.setError( 'unknown', mw.message( 'unknown-error' ).parse() );

        if ( !result.upload.imageinfo ) {
            this.setError( 'noimageinfo', mw.message( 'api-error-noimageinfo' ).parse() );

        this.upload.setSuccess( result );

     * Process an upload with a warning.
     * @param {string} code The API warning code
     * @param {Object} result The API result in parsed JSON form
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.setTransportWarning = function ( code, result ) {
        var param, duplicates, links;

        switch ( code ) {
            case 'duplicate':
                duplicates = result.upload.warnings.duplicate;
                if ( result.upload.warnings.exists && result.upload.warnings.nochange ) {
                    // An existing same (nochange) file will not show up as
                    // duplicate, but it should also be present in order to
                    // figure out how to process the attempted upload)
                    duplicates.push( result.upload.warnings.exists );
                this.processDuplicateError( code, result, result.upload.warnings.duplicate );
            case 'nochange':
                // This is like 'duplicate', but also the filename is the same, which doesn't matter
                if ( result.upload.warnings.exists ) {
                    links = this.getFileLinks( [ result.upload.warnings.exists ] );
                    this.setDuplicateError( code, result, links, {}, 1 - Object.keys( links ).length );
            case 'duplicateversions':
                this.setDuplicateOldError( code, result, result.upload.warnings.exists, result.upload.warnings.duplicateversions.length );
            case 'duplicate-archive':
                this.setDuplicateArchiveError( code, result, result.upload.warnings[ 'duplicate-archive' ] );
                param = code;
                if ( typeof result.upload.warnings[ code ] === 'string' ) {
                    // tack the original error code onto the warning message
                    param += mw.message( 'colon-separator' ).text() + result.upload.warnings[ code ];

                // we have an unknown warning, so let's say what we know
                this.setError( code, mw.message( 'api-error-unknown-warning', param ).parse() );

    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.makeOverrideButton = function () {
        return new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
            label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-override' ).text(),
            title: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-override-upload' ).text(),
            flags: 'progressive',
            framed: false
        } );

     * Process an erroneous upload.
     * @param {string} code The API error code
     * @param {Object} result The API result in parsed JSON form
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.setTransportError = function ( code, result ) {
        var $extra;

        if ( code === 'badtoken' ) {
            this.api.badToken( 'csrf' );

            // Try again once
            if ( this.ignoreWarning( code ) ) {

        if ( code === 'abusefilter-warning' ) {
            $extra = this.makeOverrideButton().on( 'click', () => {
                // No need to ignore the error, AbuseFilter will only return it once
            } ).$element;

        this.setError( code, result.errors[ 0 ].html, $extra );

     * Figure out the source of duplicates (local or foreign) and distribute
     * them to the correct function to display the accurate error messages.
     * @param {string} code
     * @param {Object} result
     * @param {string[] }duplicates
     * @return {jQuery.Promise}
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.processDuplicateError = function ( code, result, duplicates ) {
        var files = this.getFileLinks( duplicates ),
            unknownAmount = duplicates.length - Object.keys( files ).length;

        return this.getDuplicateSource( Object.keys( files ) ).then(
            ( data ) => {
                this.setDuplicateError( code, result, data.local, data.foreign, unknownAmount );
            () => {
                // if anything goes wrong trying to figure out the source of
                // duplicates, just move on with local duplicate handling
                this.setDuplicateError( code, result, files, {}, unknownAmount );

     * @param {string[]} duplicates Array of duplicate filenames
     * @return {jQuery.Promise}
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.getDuplicateSource = function ( duplicates ) {
        return this.getImageInfo( duplicates, 'url' ).then( ( result ) => {
            var local = [],
                foreign = [],
                normalized = [];

            if ( !result.query || !result.query.pages ) {
                return $.Deferred().reject();

            // map of normalized titles, so we can find original title
            if ( result.query.normalized ) {
                result.query.normalized.forEach( ( data ) => {
                    normalized[ ] = data.from;
                } );

            Object.keys( result.query.pages ).forEach( ( pageId ) => {
                var page = result.query.pages[ pageId ],
                    title = normalized[ page.title ] || page.title;
                if ( page.imagerepository === 'local' ) {
                    local[ title ] = page.imageinfo[ 0 ].descriptionurl;
                } else if ( page.imagerepository !== '' ) {
                    foreign[ title ] = page.imageinfo[ 0 ].descriptionurl;
            } );

            return $.Deferred().resolve( { local: local, foreign: foreign } );
        } );

     * Helper function to generate existing duplicate errors in a possibly collapsible list.
     * @param {string} code Warning code, should have matching strings in .i18n.php
     * @param {Object} result The API result in parsed JSON form
     * @param {Object} localDuplicates Array of [duplicate filenames => local url]
     * @param {Object} foreignDuplicates Array of [duplicate filenames => foreign url]
     * @param {number} unknownAmount Amount of unknown filenames (e.g. revdeleted)
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.setDuplicateError = function ( code, result, localDuplicates, foreignDuplicates, unknownAmount ) {
        var allDuplicates = $.extend( {}, localDuplicates, foreignDuplicates ),
            $extra = $( '<div>' ),
            $ul = $( '<ul>' ).appendTo( $extra ),

        unknownAmount = unknownAmount || 0;

        Object.keys( allDuplicates ).forEach( ( filename ) => {
            var href = allDuplicates[ filename ];
            $a = $( '<a>' ).text( filename );
            $a.attr( { href: href, target: '_blank' } );
            $ul.append( $( '<li>' ).append( $a ) );
        } );

        for ( i = 0; i < unknownAmount; i++ ) {
            $a = $( '<em>' ).text( mw.msg( 'mwe-upwiz-deleted-duplicate-unknown-filename' ) );
            $ul.append( $( '<li>' ).append( $a ) );

        if ( allDuplicates.length > 1 ) {
            $ul.makeCollapsible( { collapsed: true } );

        // allow upload to continue if it's only a duplicate of files in a
        // foreign repo, not when it's a local dupe
        if ( Object.keys( localDuplicates ).length === 0 ) {
            override = this.makeOverrideButton().on( 'click', () => {
                // mark this warning as ignored & process the API result again
                this.ignoreWarning( 'duplicate' );
                this.setTransported( result );
            } );

            override.$element.appendTo( $extra );

        this.setError( code, mw.message( 'file-exists-duplicate', allDuplicates.length ).parse(), $extra );

     * @param {string} code Warning code, should have matching strings in .i18n.php
     * @param {Object} result The API result in parsed JSON form
     * @param {string} duplicate Duplicate filename
     * @param {number} count Number of duplicate versions
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.setDuplicateOldError = function ( code, result, duplicate, count ) {
        var filename = mw.Title.makeTitle( NS_FILE, duplicate ).getPrefixedText(),
            uploadDuplicate = this.makeOverrideButton().on( 'click', () => {
                // mark this warning as ignored & process the API result again
                this.ignoreWarning( 'duplicateversions' );
                this.setTransported( result );
            } );

        this.setError( code, mw.message( 'fileexists-duplicate-version', filename, count ).parse(), uploadDuplicate.$element );

     * @param {string} code Warning code, should have matching strings in .i18n.php
     * @param {Object} result The API result in parsed JSON form
     * @param {string} duplicate Duplicate filename
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.setDuplicateArchiveError = function ( code, result, duplicate ) {
        var filename = mw.Title.makeTitle( NS_FILE, duplicate ).getPrefixedText(),
            uploadDuplicate = this.makeOverrideButton().on( 'click', () => {
                // mark this warning as ignored & process the API result again
                this.ignoreWarning( 'duplicate-archive' );
                this.setTransported( result );
            } );

        this.setError( code, mw.message( 'file-deleted-duplicate', filename ).parse(), uploadDuplicate.$element );

     * @param {string|string[]} titles File title or array of titles
     * @param {string|string[]} prop Image props
     * @return {jQuery.Promise}
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.getImageInfo = function ( titles, prop ) {
        return this.api.get( {
            action: 'query',
            titles: titles,
            prop: 'imageinfo',
            iiprop: prop
        } );

     * Convert an array of non-prefixed filenames into a [filename => url] map.
     * @param {string[]} filenames Array of non-prefixed filenames
     * @return {Object} Map of [prefixed filename => url]
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.getFileLinks = function ( filenames ) {
        var files = {};

        filenames.forEach( ( filename ) => {
            var title;
            try {
                title = mw.Title.makeTitle( NS_FILE, filename );
                files[ title.getPrefixedText() ] = title.getUrl( {} );
            } catch ( e ) {
                // invalid filename (e.g. file was revdeleted)
        } );

        return files;

     * @param {string} code Error code from API
     * @param {string} html Error message
     * @param {jQuery} [$extra]
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.setError = function ( code, html, $extra ) {
        this.upload.setError( code, html, $extra );

     * Marks a warning to be ignored.
     * @param {string} code
     * @return {boolean}
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.ignoreWarning = function ( code ) {
        if ( this.isIgnoredWarning( code ) ) {
            return false;

        // mark the warning as being ignored, then restart the request
        this.ignoreWarnings.push( code );
        return true;

     * Returns whether or not the warning is being ignored.
     * @param {string} code
     * @return {boolean}
    mw.ApiUploadHandler.prototype.isIgnoredWarning = function ( code ) {
        return this.ignoreWarnings.indexOf( code ) > -1;
}() );