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Test Coverage
 * Object that represents the entire multi-step Upload Wizard
 * @param uw
( function ( uw ) {

     * @param config
     * @class
    mw.UploadWizard = function ( config ) {
        var maxSimPref;

        this.api = this.getApi( { ajax: { timeout: 0 } } );

        // making a sort of global for now, should be done by passing in config or fragments of config
        // when needed elsewhere
        mw.UploadWizard.config = config;
        // Shortcut for local references
        this.config = config;

        this.steps = {};

        maxSimPref = mw.user.options.get( 'upwiz_maxsimultaneous' );

        if ( maxSimPref !== 'default' ) {
            config.maxSimultaneousConnections = Math.max( 1, maxSimPref );

        this.maxSimultaneousConnections = config.maxSimultaneousConnections;

        if ( mw.loader.getState( 'ext.uls.mediawiki' ) !== null ) {
            mw.loader.load( 'ext.uls.mediawiki' );

    mw.UploadWizard.DEBUG = true;

    mw.UploadWizard.userAgent = 'UploadWizard';

    mw.UploadWizard.prototype = {
         * Create the basic interface to make an upload in this div
         * @param {string} selector
        createInterface: function ( selector ) {
            var promise, self = this;
            this.ui = new uw.ui.Wizard( selector );

            promise = this.initialiseSteps();

            if (
                this.config.wikibase.enabled &&
                // .depicts is for backward compatibility
                ( this.config.wikibase.statements || this.config.wikibase.depicts )
            ) {
                // mediainfo has a couple of widgets that we'll be using, but they're not
                // necessarily a hard dependency for UploadWizard
                // let's just attempt to load them - if not available we'll just do without
                promise.then( () => {
                    // disable wikibase until its components are loaded - this is just a safeguard
                    // against the 'details' page being loaded with captions/depicts before
                    // the wikibase components have loaded
                    self.config.wikibase.enabled = false;
                    return mw.loader.using( [
                    ] ).then( () => {
                        self.config.wikibase.enabled = true;
                    } );
                } );

            promise.then( ( steps ) => {
                // "select" the first step - highlight, make it visible, hide all others
                steps.tutorial.load( [] );
            } );

         * Initialise the steps in the wizard
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        initialiseSteps: function () {
            var self = this,
                steps = {};

            steps.tutorial = new uw.controller.Tutorial( this.api, this.config );
            steps.file = new uw.controller.Upload( this.api, this.config );
            steps.deeds = new uw.controller.Deed( this.api, this.config );
            steps.details = new uw.controller.Details( this.api, this.config );
            steps.thanks = new uw.controller.Thanks( this.api, Object.assign(
                { showInBreadcrumb: false },
            ) );

            steps.tutorial.setNextStep( steps.file );

            steps.file.setPreviousStep( steps.tutorial );
            steps.file.setNextStep( steps.deeds );

            steps.deeds.setPreviousStep( steps.file );
            steps.deeds.setNextStep( steps.details );

            steps.details.setPreviousStep( steps.deeds );
            steps.details.setNextStep( steps.thanks );

            // thanks doesn't need a "previous" step, there's no undoing uploads!
            steps.thanks.setNextStep( steps.file );

            return $.Deferred().resolve( steps ).promise()
                .always( ( steps ) => {
                    self.steps = steps;
                    self.ui.initialiseSteps( steps );
                } );

         * mw.Api's ajax calls are not very consistent in their error handling.
         * As long as the response comes back, the response will be fine: it'll
         * get rejected with the error details there. However, if no response
         * comes back for whatever reason, things can get confusing.
         * I'll monkeypatch around such cases so that we can always rely on the
         * error response the way we want it to be.
         * TODO: Instead of this monkeypatching, we could call api.getErrorMessage()
         * in the error handlers to get nice messages.
         * @param {Object} options
         * @return {mw.Api}
        getApi: function ( options ) {
            var api = new mw.Api( options );

            api.ajax = function ( parameters, ajaxOptions ) {
                var original, override;

                Object.assign( parameters, {
                    errorformat: 'html',
                    errorlang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
                    errorsuselocal: 1,
                    formatversion: 2
                } );

                original = mw.Api.prototype.ajax.apply( this, [ parameters, ajaxOptions ] );

                // we'll attach a default error handler that makes sure error
                // output is always, reliably, in the same format
                override = original.then(
                    null, // done handler - doesn't need overriding
                    ( code, result ) => { // fail handler
                        var response = { errors: [ {
                            code: code,
                            html: result.textStatus || mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-invalidresponse' ).parse()
                        } ] };

                        if ( result.errors && result.errors[ 0 ] ) {
                            // in case of success-but-has-errors, we have a valid result
                            response = result;
                        } else if ( result && result.textStatus === 'timeout' ) {
                            // in case of $, there is no response json
                            response.errors[ 0 ].html = mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-timeout' ).parse();
                        } else if ( result && result.textStatus === 'parsererror' ) {
                            response.errors[ 0 ].html = mw.message( 'api-error-parsererror' ).parse();
                        } else if ( code === 'http' && result && result.xhr && result.xhr.status === 0 ) {
                            // failed to even connect to server
                            response.errors[ 0 ].html = mw.message( 'api-clientside-error-noconnect' ).parse();

                        return $.Deferred().reject( code, response, response );

                 * After attaching (.then) our error handler, a new promise is
                 * returned. The original promise had an 'abort' method, which
                 * we'll also want to make use of...
                return override.promise( { abort: original.abort } );

            return api;

     * Helper method to put a thumbnail somewhere.
     * @param {string|jQuery} selector String representing a jQuery selector, or a jQuery object
     * @param {HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLImageElement|null} image
    mw.UploadWizard.placeThumbnail = function ( selector, image ) {
        if ( image === null ) {
            $( selector ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-file-preview-broken' );

        $( selector )
            .css( { background: 'none' } )
                $( '<a>' )
                    .addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-thumbnail-link' )
                    .append( image )

}( mw.uploadWizard ) );