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( function ( uw ) {

    var NS_FILE = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).file;

     * Object that represents the Details (step 2) portion of the UploadWizard
     * n.b. each upload gets its own details.
     * @class
     * @param {mw.UploadWizardUpload} upload
     * @param {jQuery} $containerDiv The `div` to put the interface into
    mw.UploadWizardDetails = function ( upload, $containerDiv ) {
        this.upload = upload;
        this.$containerDiv = $containerDiv;
        this.api = upload.api;

        this.mainFields = [];

        this.structuredDataSubmissionErrors = false;

        this.$div = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-info-file filled' );

    mw.UploadWizardDetails.prototype = {

        // Has this details object been attached to the DOM already?
        isAttached: false,

        // Build the interface and attach all elements - do this on demand
        buildInterface: function () {
            var descriptionRequired, uri,
                details = this,
                config = mw.UploadWizard.config,
                captionsAvailable = config.wikibase.enabled && config.wikibase.captions,
                // the following only end up getting used if statements are enabled
                dataTypesMap = mw.config.get( 'wbDataTypes' ) || {},
                defaultProperties = mw.config.get( 'wbmiDefaultProperties' ) || [],
                propertyTypes = mw.config.get( 'wbmiPropertyTypes' ) || {},
                propertyDataValuesTypes = [],
                statementFields = {};

            this.propertyTitles = Object.assign(
                mw.config.get( 'wbmiPropertyTitles' ) || {},
                mw.config.get( 'upwizPropertyTitles' ) || {}
            this.dateProperty = config.wikibase.dateProperty || '';

            this.$thumbnailDiv = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-thumbnail' );

            this.$dataDiv = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-data' );

            // Title
            this.titleDetails = new uw.TitleDetailsWidget( {
                // Normalize file extension, e.g. 'JPEG' to 'jpg'
                extension: mw.Title.normalizeExtension( this.upload.title.getExtension() ),
                minLength: config.minTitleLength,
                maxLength: config.maxTitleLength
            } );
            this.titleDetailsField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.titleDetails, {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-title' ).text(),
                required: true
            } );
            this.mainFields.push( this.titleDetailsField );

            // Captions
            this.captionsDetails = new uw.MultipleLanguageInputWidget( {
                inputWidgetConstructor: OO.ui.TextInputWidget.bind( null, {
                    classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-singleLanguageInputWidget-text' ]
                } ),
                required: true,
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-caption-add' ),
                error: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-bad-captions' ),
                errorBlank: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-caption-blank' ),
                remove: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-remove-caption' ),
                minLength: config.minCaptionLength,
                maxLength: config.maxCaptionLength
            } );
            this.captionsDetailsField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.captionsDetails, {
                required: true,
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-caption' ],
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-caption' ).text(),
                help: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-tooltip-caption' ).text()
            } );
            if ( captionsAvailable ) {
                this.mainFields.push( this.captionsDetailsField );

            // Descriptions
            // Description is not required if a campaign provides alternative wikitext fields,
            // which are assumed to function like a description
            descriptionRequired = !(
                config.fields &&
                config.fields.length &&
                config.fields[ 0 ].wikitext
            // Main widget
            this.descriptionsDetails = new uw.MultipleLanguageInputWidget( {
                // if captions are available then the default is to copy them to descriptions,
                // so the descriptions field itself is not required
                required: descriptionRequired && !captionsAvailable,
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-caption' ],
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-desc-add' ),
                error: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-bad-descriptions' ),
                errorBlank: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-description-blank' ),
                remove: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-remove-description' ),
                minLength: config.minDescriptionLength,
                maxLength: config.maxDescriptionLength
            } );

            // Checkbox telling whether descriptions must be identical to captions.
            // If selected, hide descriptions. This is the default behavior.
            this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxMultioptionWidget( {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-description-same-as-caption' ).text(),
                // set it as selected only when we have captions in the first place,
                // otherwise there will be nothing to copy from
                // note that in such case, this checkbox should not be displayed,
                // but we may still check its value when extracting data
                selected: captionsAvailable
            } );
            this.descriptionSameAsCaption = new OO.ui.CheckboxMultiselectWidget( {
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-description-same-as-caption-checkbox' ],
                items: [ this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox ]
            } );
            this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.on( 'change', () => {
                // if descriptions are entered separately rather than being copied
                // from captions, they become required (unless they are not, e.g.
                // when a campaign provides alternatives) & captions turn optional
                details.descriptionsDetails.setRequired( descriptionRequired && !details.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.isSelected() );
                details.captionsDetails.setRequired( details.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.isSelected() );
            } );

            // Descriptions are fickle; they are required (unless, as described earlier,
            // a campaign provides alternatives), but are not necessarily visible:
            // they default to being hidden and automatically being copied over from
            // captions. Unless captions aren't even available, in which case they
            // need to be on display after all...
            // uw.FieldLayout doesn't currently lend itself to having additional content
            // between the title and the validated element (descriptionsDetails in this
            // case), and I'd rather avoid reaching into descriptionsDetails to
            // conditionally insert the "copy" nodes in the right place.
            // We also can't stick the title to the "copy" field, because that's not
            // even guaranteed to be something that is supported.
            // Best I can think of would be to combine both of these in another,
            // separate widget; there's a little complication in forwarding the error
            // handling between uw.FieldLayout (or rather, uw.ValidationMessageElement)
            // and the actual widget (descriptionsDetails), but I guess that's what
            // this comment is for!
            this.descriptionsWidget = new OO.ui.Widget();
                // only show checkbox to copy from captions if captions are enabled)
                captionsAvailable ? this.descriptionSameAsCaption.$element : null,
                // toggle visibility of descriptions based on availability of captions
                this.descriptionsDetails.$element.toggle( !( captionsAvailable ) )
            // if something changes within this widget, then let this widget
            // itself propagate the change event, to trigger input validation
            // that is managed by uw.FieldLayout (or rather, uw.ValidationMessageElement)
            this.descriptionSameAsCaption.connect( this.descriptionsWidget, { change: [ 'emit', 'change' ] } );
            this.descriptionsDetails.connect( this.descriptionsWidget, { change: [ 'emit', 'change' ] } );
            // forward warnings & errors checks between the combined widget & descriptionsDetails
            this.descriptionsWidget.getWarnings = this.descriptionsDetails.getWarnings.bind( this.descriptionsDetails );
            this.descriptionsWidget.getErrors = this.descriptionsDetails.getErrors.bind( this.descriptionsDetails );

            this.descriptionsDetailsField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.descriptionsWidget, {
                required: descriptionRequired,
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-desc' ).text(),
                help: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-tooltip-description' ).text()
            } );
            this.mainFields.push( this.descriptionsDetailsField );

            // Date
            this.dateDetails = new uw.DateDetailsWidget( { upload: this.upload } );
            this.dateDetailsField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.dateDetails, {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-date-created' ).text(),
                help: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-tooltip-date' ).text(),
                required: true
            } );
            // The date isn't prefilled anymore if the user changed its value
            this.dateDetails.on( 'change', () => details.dateDetails.setPrefilled( false ) );
            this.mainFields.push( this.dateDetailsField );

            // Additional information
            // This is a field set: fields will be added later
            this.additionalInfoFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-additional-info' ).text(),
                help: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-tooltip-additional-info' ).text(),
                helpInline: true,
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-fieldsetLayout' ]
            } );

            // TODO improve location:
            this.locationInput = new uw.LocationDetailsWidget( {
                templateName: 'Location', // {{Location}}
                latitudeKey: 'latitude',
                longitudeKey: 'longitude',
                headingKey: 'heading'
            } );
            this.locationInputField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.locationInput, {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-location' ).text(),
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-fieldLayout-additional-info' ]
            } );
            this.objectLocationInput = new uw.LocationDetailsWidget( {
                templateName: 'Object location', // {{Object location}}
                latitudeKey: 'objectLatitude',
                longitudeKey: 'objectLongitude',
                headingKey: ''
            } );
            this.objectLocationInputField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.objectLocationInput, {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-location-object' ).text(),
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-fieldLayout-additional-info' ]
            } );

            // Categories
            this.categoriesDetails = new uw.CategoriesDetailsWidget( {
                placeholder: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-categories-placeholder' )
            } );
            this.categoriesDetailsField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.categoriesDetails, {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-categories' ).text(),
                help: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-tooltip-categories-v2' ).text(),
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-fieldLayout-additional-info' ]
            } );

            // Any other information
            this.otherDetails = new uw.OtherDetailsWidget();
            this.otherDetailsField = new uw.FieldLayout( this.otherDetails, {
                label: $( '<span>' ).append(
                    new OO.ui.IconWidget( { icon: 'expand' } ).$element,
                    new OO.ui.IconWidget( { icon: 'collapse' } ).$element,
                    ' ',
                    mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-other-v2', mw.user ).text()
                classes: [
            } );
            this.otherDetails.$element.makeCollapsible( {
                collapsed: true,
                $customTogglers: this.otherDetailsField.$element.find( '.oo-ui-fieldLayout-header' )
            } );
            // Expand collapsed sections if the fields within were changed (e.g. by metadata copier)
            this.otherDetails.on( 'change', () => {
                details.otherDetails.$ 'mw-collapsible' ).expand();
            } );

            this.mainFields.push( this.categoriesDetailsField );
            this.mainFields.push( this.locationInputField );
            this.mainFields.push( this.objectLocationInputField );
            this.mainFields.push( this.otherDetailsField );

            // Structured data - Main subjects AKA depicts
            this.statementWidgets = {};
            if ( config.wikibase.enabled && config.wikibase.statements ) {
                Object.keys( propertyTypes ).forEach( ( propertyId ) => {
                    propertyDataValuesTypes[ propertyId ] = dataTypesMap[ propertyTypes[ propertyId ] ].dataValueType;
                } );

                ( config.defaults.statements || [] ).forEach( ( data ) => {
                    if ( defaultProperties.indexOf( data.propertyId ) < 0 ) {
                        defaultProperties.push( data.propertyId );
                    propertyDataValuesTypes[ data.propertyId ] = data.dataType;
                } );

                defaultProperties.forEach( ( propertyId ) => {
                    var widget;

                    // only wikibase-entityid types are supported
                    if ( propertyDataValuesTypes[ propertyId ] !== 'wikibase-entityid' ) {

                    widget = details.createStatementWidget( propertyId );
                    statementFields[ propertyId ] = new uw.FieldLayout( widget, {
                        // unknown labels will get filled in later on
                        label: details.propertyTitles[ propertyId ] || propertyId,
                        classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-fieldLayout-additional-info' ]
                    } );

                    details.additionalInfoFieldset.addItems( [ statementFields[ propertyId ] ] );
                    details.statementWidgets[ propertyId ] = widget;
                    details.mainFields.push( statementFields[ propertyId ] );

                    // properties without a specified title default to their property id,
                    // but we'll grab the property label from Wikibase and update the
                    // field's label once we have it
                    if ( !( propertyId in details.propertyTitles ) ) {
                        details.getPropertyLabel( propertyId ).then( ( text ) => {
                            statementFields[ propertyId ].setLabel( text );
                        } );
                } );


            this.$form = $( '<form id="mwe-upwiz-detailsform' + this.upload.index + '"></form>' ).addClass( 'detailsForm' );
                captionsAvailable ? this.captionsDetailsField.$element : null,

            this.$form.on( 'submit', ( e ) => {
                // Prevent actual form submission
            } );

            // Campaigns
            this.campaignDetailsFields = [];
            config.fields.forEach( ( field ) => {
                var customDetails, customDetailsField;

                if ( field.wikitext ) {
                    customDetails = new uw.CampaignDetailsWidget( field );
                    customDetailsField = new uw.FieldLayout( customDetails, {
                        label: $( $.parseHTML( field.label ) ),
                        required: !!field.required
                    } );

                    if ( field.initialValue ) {
                        customDetails.setSerialized( { value: field.initialValue } );

                    details.$form.append( customDetailsField.$element );
                    details.campaignDetailsFields.push( customDetailsField );
            } );

            // Remove upload button
            this.removeCtrl = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
                label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-remove' ).text(),
                title: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-remove-upload' ).text(),
                classes: [ 'mwe-upwiz-remove-upload' ],
                flags: 'destructive',
                icon: 'trash',
                framed: false
            } ).on( 'click', () => {
                OO.ui.confirm( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-license-confirm-remove' ).text(), {
                    title: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-license-confirm-remove-title' ).text()
                } ).done( ( confirmed ) => {
                    if ( confirmed ) {
                        details.upload.emit( 'remove-upload' );
                } );
            } );

            this.$thumbnailDiv.append( this.removeCtrl.$element );

            this.statusMessage = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( { inline: true } );
            this.statusMessage.toggle( false );
            this.$spinner = $.createSpinner( { size: 'small', type: 'inline' } );
            this.$indicator = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-file-indicator' ).append(

            this.$submittingDiv = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-submitting' )
                    $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-details-texts' ).append(
                        $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-visible-file-filename-text' ),
                        $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-file-status-line' )



            uri = new mw.Uri( location.href, { overrideKeys: true } );
            if ( config.defaults.caption || uri.query.captionlang ) {
                this.captionsDetails.setSerialized( {
                    inputs: [
                            text: config.defaults.caption || ''
                } );
                this.captionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].setLanguage(
                    uri.query.captionlang ?
                        this.captionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].getClosestAllowedLanguage( uri.query.captionlang ) :
                        this.captionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].getDefaultLanguage()

            if ( config.defaults.description || uri.query.descriptionlang ) {
                this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.setSelected( false );
                this.descriptionsDetails.setSerialized( {
                    inputs: [
                            text: config.defaults.description || ''
                } );
                this.descriptionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].setLanguage(
                    uri.query.descriptionlang ?
                        this.descriptionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].getClosestAllowedLanguage( uri.query.descriptionlang ) :
                        this.descriptionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].getDefaultLanguage()


            this.interfaceBuilt = true;

            if ( this.savedSerialData ) {
                this.setSerialized( this.savedSerialData );
                this.savedSerialData = undefined;

        createStatementWidget: function ( propertyId, dataType, data ) {
            var propertyPlaceholders = mw.config.get( 'upwizPropertyPlaceholders' ) || {};

            return new uw.StatementWidget( {
                propertyId: propertyId,
                type: dataType,
                classes: [ 'wbmi-statement-input' ],
                data: data,
                placeholder: propertyId in propertyPlaceholders ? propertyPlaceholders[ propertyId ] : ''
            } );

        getStatementProperties: function () {
            var propertyId, properties = [];
            for ( propertyId in this.statementWidgets ) {
                properties.push( {
                    id: propertyId,
                    label: this.propertyTitles[ propertyId ]
                } );
            return properties;

        getPropertyLabel: function ( propertyId ) {
            var FormatValueElement = mw.loader.require( 'wikibase.mediainfo.base' ).FormatValueElement,
                formatValueElement = new FormatValueElement(),
                datamodel = require( 'wikibase.datamodel' );

            // Format the label & capitalize
            return formatValueElement.formatValue(
                new datamodel.EntityId( propertyId ),
            ).then( ( text ) => text.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + text.slice( 1 ) );

         * Append the div for this details object to the DOM.
         * We need to ensure that we add divs in the right order
         * (the order in which the user selected files).
         * Will only append once.
        attach: function () {
            var $window = $( window ),
                details = this;

            function maybeBuild() {
                if ( !this.interfaceBuilt && $window.scrollTop() + $window.height() + 1000 >= details.$div.offset().top ) {
                    $ 'scroll', maybeBuild );

            if ( !this.isAttached ) {
                this.$containerDiv.append( this.$div );

                if ( $window.scrollTop() + $window.height() + 1000 >= this.$div.offset().top ) {
                } else {
                    $window.on( 'scroll', maybeBuild );

                this.isAttached = true;

         * Get file page title for this upload.
         * @return {mw.Title|null}
        getTitle: function () {
            // title will not be set until we've actually submitted the file
            if ( this.title === undefined ) {
                return this.titleDetails.getTitle();

            // once the file has been submitted, we'll have confirmation on
            // the filename and trust the authoritative source over own input
            return this.title;

         * Display error message about multiple uploaded files with the same title specified
         * @return {mw.UploadWizardDetails}
         * @chainable
        setDuplicateTitleError: function () {
            // TODO This should give immediate response, not only when submitting the form
            this.titleDetailsField.setErrors( [ mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-title-duplicate' ) ] );
            return this;

         * @private
         * @return {uw.FieldLayout[]}
        getAllFields: function () {
            return [].concat(
                this.upload.deedChooser.deed ? this.upload.deedChooser.deed.getFields() : [],

         * Check all the fields for validity.
         * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved with multiple array arguments, each containing a
         *   list of error messages for a single field. If API requests necessary to check validity
         *   fail, the promise may be rejected. The form is valid if the promise is resolved with all
         *   empty arrays.
        getErrors: function () {
            return $.when.apply( $, this.getAllFields().map( ( fieldLayout ) => {
                // return errors if field has them, empty array (no errors) otherwise
                if ( fieldLayout.fieldWidget.getErrors ) {
                    return fieldLayout.fieldWidget.getErrors();
                return [];
            } ) );

         * Check all the fields for warnings.
         * @return {jQuery.Promise} Same as #getErrors
        getWarnings: function () {
            return $.when.apply( $, this.getAllFields().map( ( fieldLayout ) => {
                // return warnings if field has them, empty array (no warnings) otherwise
                if ( fieldLayout.fieldWidget.getWarnings ) {
                    return fieldLayout.fieldWidget.getWarnings();
                return [];
            } ) );

         * Get a thumbnail caption for this upload (basically, the first caption).
         * @return {string}
        getThumbnailCaption: function () {
            var captions = [];
            if ( mw.UploadWizard.config.wikibase.enabled && mw.UploadWizard.config.wikibase.captions ) {
                captions = this.captionsDetails.getSerialized().inputs;
            } else {
                captions = this.descriptionsDetails.getSerialized().inputs;

            if ( captions.length > 0 ) {
                return mw.Escaper.escapeForTemplate( captions[ 0 ].text.trim() );
            } else {
                return '';

         * Pull some info into the form ( for instance, extracted from EXIF, desired filename )
        populate: function () {
            var $thumbnailDiv = this.$thumbnailDiv;
            // This must match the CSS dimensions of .mwe-upwiz-thumbnail
            this.upload.getThumbnail( 230 ).done( ( thumb ) => {
                mw.UploadWizard.placeThumbnail( $thumbnailDiv, thumb );
            } );

         * Check if we got an EXIF date back and enter it into the details
         * XXX We ought to be using date + time here...
         * EXIF examples tend to be in ISO 8601, but the separators are sometimes things like colons, and they have lots of trailing info
         * (which we should actually be using, such as time and timezone)
        prefillDate: function () {
            var dateObj, metadata, dateTimeRegex, matches, dateStr, saneTime,
                yyyyMmDdRegex = /^(\d\d\d\d)[:/-](\d\d)[:/-](\d\d)\D.*/,
                timeRegex = /\D(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/;

            // XXX surely we have this function somewhere already
            function pad( n ) {
                return ( n < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + String( n );

            function getSaneTime( date ) {
                var str = '';

                str += pad( date.getHours() ) + ':';
                str += pad( date.getMinutes() ) + ':';
                str += pad( date.getSeconds() );

                return str;

            // If not own work, don't prefill
            if ( === 'thirdparty' ) {

            if ( this.upload.imageinfo.metadata ) {
                metadata = this.upload.imageinfo.metadata;
                [ 'datetimeoriginal', 'datetimedigitized', 'datetime', 'date' ].some( ( propName ) => {
                    var matches, timeMatches,
                        dateInfo = metadata[ propName ];
                    if ( dateInfo ) {
                        matches = dateInfo.trim().match( yyyyMmDdRegex );
                        if ( matches ) {
                            timeMatches = dateInfo.trim().match( timeRegex );
                            if ( timeMatches ) {
                                dateObj = new Date( parseInt( matches[ 1 ], 10 ),
                                    parseInt( matches[ 2 ], 10 ) - 1,
                                    parseInt( matches[ 3 ], 10 ),
                                    parseInt( timeMatches[ 1 ], 10 ),
                                    parseInt( timeMatches[ 2 ], 10 ),
                                    parseInt( timeMatches[ 3 ], 10 ) );
                            } else {
                                dateObj = new Date( parseInt( matches[ 1 ], 10 ),
                                    parseInt( matches[ 2 ], 10 ) - 1,
                                    parseInt( matches[ 3 ], 10 ) );
                            return true; // break from Array.some
                    return false;
                } );

            // If we don't have EXIF lets try other sources - Flickr
            if ( dateObj === undefined && this.upload.file !== undefined && !== undefined ) {
                dateTimeRegex = /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/;
                matches = dateTimeRegex );
                if ( matches ) {
                    this.dateDetails.setSerialized( {
                        prefilled: true,
                    } );

            // if we don't have EXIF or other metadata, just don't put a date in.
            // XXX if we have FileAPI, it might be clever to look at file attrs, saved
            // in the upload object for use here later, perhaps
            if ( dateObj === undefined ) {

            dateStr = dateObj.getFullYear() + '-' + pad( dateObj.getMonth() + 1 ) + '-' + pad( dateObj.getDate() );

            // Add the time
            // If the date but not the time is set in EXIF data, we'll get a bogus
            // time value of '00:00:00'.
            // FIXME: Check for missing time value earlier rather than blacklisting
            // a potentially legitimate time value.
            saneTime = getSaneTime( dateObj );
            if ( saneTime !== '00:00:00' ) {
                dateStr += ' ' + saneTime;

            // ok by now we should definitely have a dateObj and a date string
            this.dateDetails.setSerialized( {
                prefilled: true,
                value: dateStr
            } );

         * Set the title of the thing we just uploaded, visibly
        prefillTitle: function () {
            this.titleDetails.setSerialized( {
                title: this.upload.title.getNameText()
            } );

         * Prefill the image description if we have a description
         * Note that this is not related to specifying the description from the query
         * string (that happens earlier). This is for when we have retrieved a
         * description from an upload_by_url upload (e.g. Flickr transfer)
         * or from the metadata.
        prefillDescription: function () {
            var m, descText;

            if (
                this.descriptionsDetails.getWikiText() === '' &&
                this.upload.file !== undefined
            ) {
                m = this.upload.imageinfo.metadata;
                descText = this.upload.file.description ||
                    ( m && m.imagedescription && m.imagedescription[ 0 ] && m.imagedescription[ 0 ].value );

                if ( descText ) {
                    // strip out any HTML tags
                    descText = descText.replace( /<[^>]+>/g, '' );
                    // & and " are escaped by Flickr, so we need to unescape
                    descText = descText.replace( /&amp;/g, '&' ).replace( /&quot;/g, '"' );

                    this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.setSelected( false );
                    this.descriptionsDetails.setSerialized( {
                        inputs: [
                                text: descText.trim()
                    } );
                    // The language is probably wrong in many cases...
                    this.descriptionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].setLanguage(
                        this.descriptionsDetails.getItems()[ 0 ].getClosestAllowedLanguage( mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) )

         * Prefill location input from image info and metadata
         * As of MediaWiki 1.18, the exif parser translates the rational GPS data tagged by the camera
         * to decimal format.  Let's just use that.
        prefillLocation: function () {
            var dir,
                m = this.upload.imageinfo.metadata,
                values = {};

            if ( ) {
                values.latitude =;
            if ( mw.UploadWizard.config.defaults.lon ) {
                values.longitude = mw.UploadWizard.config.defaults.lon;
            if ( mw.UploadWizard.config.defaults.heading ) {
                values.heading = mw.UploadWizard.config.defaults.heading;

            if ( m ) {
                dir = m.gpsimgdirection || m.gpsdestbearing;

                if ( dir ) {
                    if ( /^\d+\/\d+$/.test( dir ) ) {
                        // Apparently it can take the form "x/y" instead of
                        // a decimal value. Mighty silly, but let's save it.
                        dir = dir.split( '/' );
                        dir = parseInt( dir[ 0 ], 10 ) / parseInt( dir[ 1 ], 10 );

                    values.heading = dir;

                // Prefill useful stuff only
                if ( Number( m.gpslatitude ) && Number( m.gpslongitude ) ) {
                    values.latitude = m.gpslatitude;
                    values.longitude = m.gpslongitude;
                } else if (
                    this.upload.file &&
                    this.upload.file.location &&
                    this.upload.file.location.latitude &&
                ) {
                    values.latitude = this.upload.file.location.latitude;
                    values.longitude = this.upload.file.location.longitude;
                if ( Number( m.gpsdestlatitude ) && Number( m.gpsdestlongitude ) ) {
                    values.objectLatitude = m.gpsdestlatitude;
                    values.objectLongitude = m.gpsdestlongitude;
                } else if (
                    this.upload.file &&
                    this.upload.file.objectLocation &&
                    this.upload.file.objectLocation.objectLatitude &&
                ) {
                    values.objectLatitude = this.upload.file.objectLocation.objectLatitude;
                    values.objectLongitude = this.upload.file.objectLocation.objectLongitude;

            this.locationInput.setSerialized( values );
            this.objectLocationInput.setSerialized( values );
            this.objectLocationInputField.$element.toggle( Boolean( values.objectLatitude && values.objectLongitude ) );

         * Get a machine-readable representation of the current state of the upload details. It can be
         * passed to #setSerialized to restore this state (or to set it for another instance of the same
         * class).
         * Note that this doesn't include custom deed's state.
         * @return {Object.<string,Object>}
        getSerialized: function () {
            if ( !this.interfaceBuilt ) {
                // We don't have the interface yet, but it'll get filled out as
                // needed.

            return {
                title: this.titleDetails.getSerialized(),
                caption: this.captionsDetails.getSerialized(),
                description: this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.isSelected() ? undefined : this.descriptionsDetails.getSerialized(),
                date: this.dateDetails.getSerialized(),
                categories: this.categoriesDetails.getSerialized(),
                statements: this.serializeStatements(),
                location: this.locationInput.getSerialized(),
                objectLocation: this.objectLocationInput.getSerialized(),
                other: this.otherDetails.getSerialized(),
                campaigns: ( field ) => field.fieldWidget.getSerialized() )

        serializeStatements: function () {
            var serialized = {},
            for ( propertyId in this.statementWidgets ) {
                serialized[ propertyId ] = this.statementWidgets[ propertyId ].getStatementList();
            return serialized;

        setStatementsFromSerialized: function ( serialized ) {
            var propertyId;
            for ( propertyId in serialized ) {
                this.statementWidgets[ propertyId ].resetData( serialized[ propertyId ] );

         * Set the state of this widget from machine-readable representation, as returned by
         * #getSerialized.
         * Fields from the representation can be omitted to keep the current value.
         * @param {Object.<string,Object>} [serialized]
        setSerialized: function ( serialized ) {
            var i;

            if ( !this.interfaceBuilt ) {
                // There's no interface yet! Don't load the data, just keep it
                // around.
                if ( serialized === undefined ) {
                    // Note: This will happen if we "undo" a copy operation while
                    // some of the details interfaces aren't loaded.
                    this.savedSerialData = undefined;
                } else {
                    this.savedSerialData = $.extend( true,
                        this.savedSerialData || {},

            if ( serialized === undefined ) {
                // This is meaningless if the interface is already built.

            if ( serialized.title ) {
                this.titleDetails.setSerialized( serialized.title );
            if ( serialized.caption ) {
                this.captionsDetails.setSerialized( serialized.caption );
            this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.setSelected( serialized.description === undefined );
            if ( serialized.description ) {
                this.descriptionsDetails.setSerialized( serialized.description );
            if ( ) {
                this.dateDetails.setSerialized( );
            if ( serialized.categories ) {
                this.categoriesDetails.setSerialized( serialized.categories );
            if ( serialized.statements ) {
                this.setStatementsFromSerialized( serialized.statements );
            if ( serialized.location ) {
                this.locationInput.setSerialized( serialized.location );
            if ( serialized.objectLocation ) {
                this.objectLocationInput.setSerialized( serialized.objectLocation );
            if ( serialized.other ) {
                this.otherDetails.setSerialized( serialized.other );
            if ( serialized.campaigns ) {
                for ( i = 0; i < this.campaignDetailsFields.length; i++ ) {
                    this.campaignDetailsFields[ i ].fieldWidget.setSerialized( serialized.campaigns[ i ] );

         * Convert entire details for this file into wikiText, which will then be posted to the file
         * This function assumes that all input is valid.
         * @return {string} wikitext representing all details
        getWikiText: function () {
            var deed, info, key,
                wikiText = '';

            // can we be more slick and do this with maps, applys, joins?
            information = {
                // {{lang|description in lang}}* (required)
                description: '',
                // YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD (required) use jquery but allow editing, then double check for sane date.
                date: '',
                // {{own}} or wikitext (optional)
                source: '',
                // any wikitext, but particularly {{Creator:Name Surname}} (required)
                author: '',
                // leave blank unless OTRS pending; by default will be "see below" (optional)
                permission: '',
                // pipe separated list, other versions (optional)
                'other versions': ''

            if ( this.descriptionSameAsCaptionCheckbox.isSelected() ) {
                information.description = this.captionsDetails.getWikiText();
            } else {
                information.description = this.descriptionsDetails.getWikiText();

            this.campaignDetailsFields.forEach( ( layout ) => {
                information.description += layout.fieldWidget.getWikiText();
            } );

   = this.dateDetails.getWikiText();

            deed = this.upload.deedChooser.deed;

            information.source = deed.getSourceWikiText( this.upload );

   = deed.getAuthorWikiText( this.upload );

            info = '';

            for ( key in information ) {
                if ( information, key ) ) {
                    info += '|' + key.replace( /:/g, '_' );
                    info += '=' + mw.Escaper.escapeForTemplate( information[ key ] ) + '\n';

            wikiText += '=={{int:filedesc}}==\n';
            wikiText += '{{Information\n' + info + '}}\n';

            wikiText += this.locationInput.getWikiText() + '\n';
            wikiText += this.objectLocationInput.getWikiText() + '\n';

            // add an "anything else" template if needed
            wikiText += this.otherDetails.getWikiText() + '\n\n';

            // add licensing information
            wikiText += '\n=={{int:license-header}}==\n';
            wikiText += deed.getLicenseWikiText( this.upload ) + '\n\n';

            if ( mw.UploadWizard.config.autoAdd.wikitext !== undefined ) {
                wikiText += mw.UploadWizard.config.autoAdd.wikitext + '\n';

            // add parameters for list callback bot
            // this cue will be used to supplement a wiki page with an image thumbnail
            if ( $( '#imgPicker' + this.upload.index ).prop( 'checked' ) ) {
                wikiText += '\n<!-- WIKIPAGE_UPDATE_PARAMS ' +
                    mw.UploadWizard.config.defaults.objref +
                    ' -->\n';

            // templates for other options
            wikiText += deed.getTemplateOptionsWikiText() + '\n\n';

            // categories
            wikiText += '\n' + this.categoriesDetails.getWikiText();

            // sanitize wikitext if TextCleaner is defined (MediaWiki:TextCleaner.js)
            if ( typeof window.TextCleaner !== 'undefined' && typeof window.TextCleaner.sanitizeWikiText === 'function' ) {
                wikiText = window.TextCleaner.sanitizeWikiText( wikiText, true );

            // remove too many newlines in a row
            wikiText = wikiText.replace( /\n{3,}/g, '\n\n' );

            return wikiText;

         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        submit: function () {
            var details = this,
                wikitext, promise, errorString;

            this.$containerDiv.find( 'form' ).trigger( 'submit' );

            this.upload.title = this.getTitle();
            this.upload.state = 'submitting-details';
            this.setStatus( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-submitting-details' ).text() );
            this.showIndicator( 'progress' );

            wikitext = this.getWikiText();
            promise = this.submitWikiText( wikitext );

            if ( mw.UploadWizard.config.wikibase.enabled ) {
                promise = promise
                    .then( () => {
                        // just work out the mediainfo entity id from the page id
                        var status = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-submitting-structured-data' );
                        details.setStatus( status.text() );
                        return details.getMediaInfoEntityId(); // (T208545)
                    } )
                    // submit structured data to wikibase
                    .then( this.submitStructuredData.bind( this ) );

            return promise.then( () => {
                // FIXME - structuredDataSubmissionErrors gets set to true in the catch block of
                // postStructuredData which executes AFTER this, and so the error never gets
                // displayed
                if ( details.structuredDataSubmissionErrors ) {
                    errorString = '<strong>' + mw.message(
                    ).parse() + '</strong>';

                    errorString += '<strong>' + mw.message(
                    ).parse() + '</strong>';

                    details.upload.state = 'sdc-api-error';
                    // If there is a structured data error, then details for how to deal with it are
                    // in the errorString above, no need to show anything else
                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
                    $( '#mwe-upwiz-details-warning-count' ).hide();
                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
                    $( '.mwe-upwiz-remove-upload' ).hide();
                    // Remove the beforeunload warning, as the image is now as uploaded
                    // as it's going to get
                    $( window ).off( 'beforeunload' );
                } else {
                    details.showIndicator( 'success' );
                    details.setStatus( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-published' ).text() );
            } );

         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        getMediaInfoEntityId: function () {
            var self = this;

            if ( this.mediaInfoEntityId !== undefined ) {
                return $.Deferred().resolve( this.mediaInfoEntityId ).promise();

            return this.upload.api.get( {
                action: 'query',
                prop: 'info',
                titles: this.getTitle().getPrefixedDb()
            } ).then( ( result ) => {
                var message;

                if ( result.query.pages[ 0 ].missing ) {
                    // page doesn't exist (yet)
                    message = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-pageprops-missing-page' ).parse();
                    return $.Deferred().reject( 'pageprops-missing-page', { errors: [ { html: message } ] } ).promise();

                // FIXME: This just fetches the pageid and then hard-codes knowing that M+pageid is what we need
                self.mediaInfoEntityId = 'M' + result.query.pages[ 0 ].pageid;
                return self.mediaInfoEntityId;
            } );

         * Post wikitext as edited here, to the file
         * This function is only called if all input seems valid (which doesn't mean that we can't get
         * an error, see #processError).
         * @param {string} wikiText
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        submitWikiText: function ( wikiText ) {
            var params,
                tags = [ 'uploadwizard' ],
                deed = this.upload.deedChooser.deed,
                comment = '',
                config = mw.UploadWizard.config;

            this.firstPoll =;

            if ( this.upload.file.source ) {
                tags.push( 'uploadwizard-' + this.upload.file.source );

            if ( === 'ownwork' ) {
                // This message does not have any parameters, so there's nothing to substitute
                comment = config.uploadComment.ownWork;
            } else {
                comment = mw.message(

            params = {
                action: 'upload',
                filekey: this.upload.fileKey,
                filename: this.getTitle().getMain(),
                comment: comment,
                tags: config.CanAddTags ? tags : [],
                // we can ignore upload warnings here, we've already checked
                // when stashing the file
                // not ignoring warnings would prevent us from uploading a file
                // that is a duplicate of something in a foreign repo
                ignorewarnings: true,
                text: wikiText

            // Only enable async publishing if file is larger than 10MiB
            if ( this.upload.transportWeight > 10 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
                params.async = true;

            return this.submitWikiTextInternal( params );

         * @param {string} entityId
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        submitStructuredData: function ( entityId ) {
            var labels,
                config = mw.UploadWizard.config,
                promise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise(),
                data = {},
                self = this,
                wbDataModel = mw.loader.require( 'wikibase.datamodel' ),
                wbSerialization = mw.loader.require( 'wikibase.serialization' ),
                wbSerializer = new wbSerialization.StatementSerializer();

            labels = this.prepareLabelsData();
            statements = this.prepareStatementsData();

            if ( !config.wikibase.enabled ) {
                return promise;

            if ( config.wikibase.captions && Object.keys( labels ).length !== 0 ) {
                data.labels = labels;

            if ( config.wikibase.statements && statements.length !== 0 ) {
       = statements;

            // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
            if ( this.dateProperty !== '' && dataValues ) {
                promise = promise
                    .then( () => this.dateDetails.parseDate() )
                        ( response ) => {
                            date = response.results[ 0 ].value;
                            dateStatement = wbSerializer.serialize(
                                new wbDataModel.Statement(
                                    new wbDataModel.Claim(
                                        new wbDataModel.PropertyValueSnak(
                                            // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
                                            dataValues.TimeValue.newFromJSON( date )
                   = ? dateStatement ) : [ dateStatement ];
                        ( errorCode ) => {
                                'uw.DateDetailsWidget::parseDate> ' +
                                'Parsing into a Wikibase date failed. Reason: ' +
                            // Parsing failed: don't add the date statement,
                            // but convert back to a resolved promise to keep
                            // the chain going
                            return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();

            return promise.then(
                () => {
                    if ( Object.keys( data ).length > 0 ) {
                        return this.postStructuredData( entityId, JSON.stringify( data ) );

        prepareLabelsData: function () {
            var captions = this.captionsDetails.getValues(),
                languages = Object.keys( captions ),
                i, labels = {};
            for ( i = 0; i < languages.length; i++ ) {
                labels[ languages[ i ] ] = {
                    language: languages[ i ],
                    value: captions[ languages[ i ] ]
            return labels;

        prepareStatementsData: function () {
            var claims = [],
                wikibaseSerialization = mw.loader.require( 'wikibase.serialization' ),
                statementListSerializer = new wikibaseSerialization.StatementListSerializer(),
            for ( propertyId in this.statementWidgets ) {
                claims = claims.concat(
                        this.statementWidgets[ propertyId ].getStatementList()
            return claims;

         * @param {string} id
         * @param {string} data
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        postStructuredData: function ( id, data ) {
            var self = this,
                config = mw.UploadWizard.config,
                params = {
                    action: 'wbeditentity',
                    id: id,
                    data: data,
                    // baserevid is intentionally left blank: SD can be submitted
                    // without baserevid just fine - baserevid is to prevent edit conflicts,
                    // and this is a new upload so there should be none
                    baserevid: undefined
                ajaxOptions = { url: config.wikibase.api };

            return this.upload.api.postWithEditToken(
                params, ajaxOptions
            ).catch( () => {
                self.structuredDataSubmissionErrors = true;
            } );

         * Perform the API call with given parameters (which is expected to publish this file) and
         * handle the result.
         * @param {Object} params API call parameters
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        submitWikiTextInternal: function ( params ) {
            var details = this,
                apiPromise = this.upload.api.postWithEditToken( params );

            return apiPromise
                // process the successful (in terms of HTTP status...) API call first:
                // there may be warnings or other issues with the upload that need
                // to be dealt with
                .then( this.validateWikiTextSubmitResult.bind( this, params ) )
                // making it here means the upload is a success, or it would've been
                // rejected by now (either by HTTP status code, or in validateWikiTextSubmitResult)
                .then( ( result ) => {
                    details.title = mw.Title.makeTitle( 6, result.upload.filename );
                    details.upload.extractImageInfo( result.upload.imageinfo );
                    details.upload.thisProgress = 1.0;
                    details.upload.state = 'complete';
                    return result;
                } )
                // uh-oh - something went wrong!
                .catch( ( code, result ) => {
                    details.upload.state = 'error';
                    details.processError( code, result );
                    return $.Deferred().reject( code, result );
                } )
                .promise( { abort: apiPromise.abort } );

         * Validates the result of a submission & returns a resolved promise with
         * the API response if all went well, or rejects with error code & error
         * message as you would expect from failed mediawiki API calls.
         * @param {Object} params What we passed to the API that caused this response.
         * @param {Object} result API result of an upload or status check.
         * @return {jQuery.Promise}
        validateWikiTextSubmitResult: function ( params, result ) {
            var wx, warningsKeys, existingFile, existingFileUrl, existingFileExt, ourFileExt, code, message,
                details = this,
                warnings = null,
                ignoreTheseWarnings = false,
                deferred = $.Deferred();

            if ( result && result.upload && result.upload.result === 'Poll' ) {
                // if async publishing takes longer than 10 minutes give up
                if ( ( - this.firstPoll ) > 10 * 60 * 1000 ) {
                    return deferred.reject( 'server-error', { errors: [ {
                        code: 'server-error',
                        html: 'Unknown server error'
                    } ] } );
                } else {
                    if ( result.upload.stage === undefined ) {
                        return deferred.reject( 'no-stage', { errors: [ {
                            code: 'no-stage',
                            html: 'Unable to check file\'s status'
                        } ] } );
                    } else {
                        // Messages that can be returned:
                        // * mwe-upwiz-queued
                        // * mwe-upwiz-publish
                        // * mwe-upwiz-assembling
                        this.setStatus( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-' + result.upload.stage ).text() );
                        setTimeout( () => {
                            if ( details.upload.state !== 'aborted' ) {
                                details.submitWikiTextInternal( {
                                    action: 'upload',
                                    checkstatus: true,
                                    filekey: details.upload.fileKey
                                } ).then( deferred.resolve, deferred.reject );
                            } else {
                                deferred.resolve( 'aborted' );
                        }, 3000 );

                        return deferred.promise();
            if ( result && result.upload && result.upload.warnings ) {
                warnings = result.upload.warnings;
            if ( warnings && warnings.exists ) {
                existingFile = warnings.exists;
            } else if ( warnings && warnings[ 'exists-normalized' ] ) {
                existingFile = warnings[ 'exists-normalized' ];
                existingFileExt = mw.Title.normalizeExtension( existingFile.split( '.' ).pop() );
                ourFileExt = mw.Title.normalizeExtension( this.getTitle().getExtension() );

                if ( existingFileExt !== ourFileExt ) {
                    delete warnings[ 'exists-normalized' ];
                    ignoreTheseWarnings = true;
            if ( warnings && warnings[ 'was-deleted' ] ) {
                delete warnings[ 'was-deleted' ];
                ignoreTheseWarnings = true;
            for ( wx in warnings ) {
                if ( warnings, wx ) ) {
                    // if there are other warnings, deal with those first
                    ignoreTheseWarnings = false;
            if ( result && result.upload && result.upload.imageinfo ) {
                return $.Deferred().resolve( result );
            } else if ( ignoreTheseWarnings ) {
                params.ignorewarnings = 1;
                return this.submitWikiTextInternal( params );
            } else if ( result && result.upload && result.upload.warnings ) {
                if ( warnings.thumb || warnings[ 'thumb-name' ] ) {
                    code = 'error-title-thumbnail';
                    message = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-title-thumbnail' ).parse();
                } else if ( warnings.badfilename ) {
                    code = 'title-invalid';
                    message = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-title-invalid' ).parse();
                } else if ( warnings[ 'bad-prefix' ] ) {
                    code = 'title-senselessimagename';
                    message = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-error-title-senselessimagename' ).parse();
                } else if ( existingFile ) {
                    existingFileUrl = mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.Title.makeTitle( NS_FILE, existingFile ).getUrl();
                    code = 'api-warning-exists';
                    message = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-api-warning-exists', existingFileUrl ).parse();
                } else if ( warnings.duplicate ) {
                    code = 'upload-error-duplicate';
                    message = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate' ).parse();
                } else if ( warnings[ 'duplicate-archive' ] !== undefined ) {
                    // warnings[ 'duplicate-archive' ] may be '' (empty string) for revdeleted files
                    if ( this.upload.handler.isIgnoredWarning( 'duplicate-archive' ) ) {
                        // We already told the interface to ignore this warning, so
                        // let's steamroll over it and re-call this handler.
                        params.ignorewarnings = true;
                        return this.submitWikiTextInternal( params );
                    } else {
                        // This should _never_ happen, but just in case....
                        code = 'upload-error-duplicate-archive';
                        message = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-upload-error-duplicate-archive' ).parse();
                } else {
                    warningsKeys = Object.keys( warnings );
                    code = 'unknown-warning';
                    message = mw.message( 'api-error-unknown-warning', warningsKeys.join( ', ' ) ).parse();

                return $.Deferred().reject( code, { errors: [ { html: message } ] } );
            } else {
                return $.Deferred().reject( 'this-info-missing', result );

         * Create a recoverable error -- show the form again, and highlight the problematic field.
         * @param {string} code
         * @param {string} html Error message to show.
        recoverFromError: function ( code, html ) {
            this.upload.state = 'recoverable-error';
            this.$dataDiv.morphCrossfade( '.detailsForm' );
            this.titleDetailsField.setErrors( [ { code: code, html: html } ] );

         * Show error state, possibly using a recoverable error form
         * @param {string} code Error code
         * @param {string} html Error message
        showError: function ( code, html ) {
            this.showIndicator( 'error' );
            this.setStatus( html );

         * Decide how to treat various errors
         * @param {string} code Error code
         * @param {Object} result Result from ajax call
        processError: function ( code, result ) {
            var recoverable = [

                // below are not actual API errors, but recoverable warnings that have
                // been discovered in validateWikiTextSubmitResult and fabricated to resemble
                // API errors and end up here to be dealt with

            if ( code === 'badtoken' ) {
                this.api.badToken( 'csrf' );
                // TODO Automatically try again instead of requiring the user to bonk the button

            if ( code === 'ratelimited' ) {
                // None of the remaining uploads is going to succeed, and every failed one is going to
                // ping the rate limiter again.
            } else if ( code === 'http' && result && result.exception === 'abort' ) {
                // This upload has just been aborted because an earlier one got the 'ratelimited' error.
                // This could potentially also come up when an upload is removed by the user, but in that
                // case the UI is invisible anyway, so whatever.
                code = 'ratelimited';

            if ( recoverable.indexOf( code ) > -1 ) {
                this.recoverFromError( code, result.errors[ 0 ].html );

            this.showError( code, result.errors[ 0 ].html );

        setStatus: function ( s ) {
            this.$div.find( '.mwe-upwiz-file-status-line' ).html( s ).show();

        // TODO: De-duplicate with code form mw.UploadWizardUploadInterface.js
        showIndicator: function ( status ) {
            var progress = status === 'progress';
            this.$spinner.toggle( progress );
            this.statusMessage.toggle( status && !progress ).setType( status );
            this.$indicator.toggleClass( 'mwe-upwiz-file-indicator-visible', !!status );

        setVisibleTitle: function ( s ) {
            $( this.$submittingDiv )
                .find( '.mwe-upwiz-visible-file-filename-text' )
                .text( s );

}( mw.uploadWizard ) );