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( function ( uw ) {

     * Metadata copier in UploadWizard's "Details" step form.
     * @extends OO.ui.Widget
     * @class
     * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
     * @param {mw.UploadWizardUpload} config.copyFrom Upload to copy the details from
     * @param {mw.UploadWizardUpload[]} config.copyTo Uploads to copy the details to
    uw.CopyMetadataWidget = function UWCopyMetadataWidget( config ) {
        var metadataType, defaultStatus, copyMetadataMsg,
            checkboxes = [],
            $copyMetadataWrapperDiv = $( '<div>' ),
            $copyMetadataDiv = $( '<div>' ); this );

        this.copyFrom = config.copyFrom;
        this.copyTo = config.copyTo;
        this.savedSerializedData = [];

        for ( metadataType in uw.CopyMetadataWidget.static.copyMetadataTypes ) {
            if ( uw.CopyMetadataWidget.static.copyMetadataTypes, metadataType ) ) {
                defaultStatus = uw.CopyMetadataWidget.static.copyMetadataTypes[ metadataType ];
                // mwe-upwiz-copy-title, mwe-upwiz-copy-caption, mwe-upwiz-copy-description,
                // mwe-upwiz-copy-date, mwe-upwiz-copy-categories, mwe-upwiz-copy-location,
                // mwe-upwiz-copy-other
                copyMetadataMsg = mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-copy-' + metadataType ).text();

                checkboxes.push( new OO.ui.CheckboxMultioptionWidget( {
                    data: metadataType,
                    label: copyMetadataMsg,
                    selected: defaultStatus
                } ) );

        this.$success = $( '<span>' );
        this.checkboxesWidget = new OO.ui.CheckboxMultiselectWidget( {
            items: checkboxes
        } );
        this.copyButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
            label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-copy-metadata-button' ).text(),
            flags: [ 'progressive' ]
        } );
        this.undoButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
            label: mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-copy-metadata-button-undo' ).text()
        } );

        this.checkboxesWidget.connect( this, {
            select: 'onCheckboxesSelect'
        } );
        this.copyButton.connect( this, {
            click: 'onCopyClick'
        } );
        this.undoButton.connect( this, {
            click: 'onUndoClick'
        } );

        this.undoButton.toggle( false );

                $( '<a>' ).text( mw.msg( 'mwe-upwiz-copy-metadata' ) )
                    .addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-details-copy-metadata mw-collapsible-toggle mw-collapsible-arrow' ),
                $copyMetadataDiv.addClass( 'mw-collapsible-content' )
            .addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-data' )
            .makeCollapsible( { collapsed: true } );

            .addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-info-file filled mwe-upwiz-copyMetadataWidget' )
                $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mwe-upwiz-thumbnail' ),
    OO.inheritClass( uw.CopyMetadataWidget, OO.ui.Widget );

     * Metadata which we can copy over to other details objects.
     * Object with key: metadata name and value: boolean value indicating default checked status
     * @property {Object}
     * @static
    uw.CopyMetadataWidget.static.copyMetadataTypes = {
        title: true,
        caption: true,
        description: true,
        date: false,
        categories: true,
        location: false,
        other: true

     * Checkbox multiselect widget select event handler.
     * @private
    uw.CopyMetadataWidget.prototype.onCheckboxesSelect = function () {
        this.copyButton.setDisabled( this.checkboxesWidget.findSelectedItemsData().length === 0 );

     * Button click event handler.
     * @private
    uw.CopyMetadataWidget.prototype.onCopyClick = function () {
        var metadataTypes = this.checkboxesWidget.findSelectedItemsData();
        this.copyMetadata( metadataTypes );

        this.undoButton.toggle( true );
        // FIXME: Use CSS transition
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-fade
            .text( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-copied-metadata' ).text() )
            .fadeOut( 5000, 'linear' );

     * Button click event handler.
     * @private
    uw.CopyMetadataWidget.prototype.onUndoClick = function () {

        this.undoButton.toggle( false );
        // FIXME: Use CSS transition
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-fade
            .text( mw.message( 'mwe-upwiz-undid-metadata' ).text() )
            .fadeOut( 5000, 'linear' );

     * Copy metadata from the first upload to other uploads.
     * @param {string[]} metadataTypes Types to copy, as defined in the copyMetadataTypes property
    uw.CopyMetadataWidget.prototype.copyMetadata = function ( metadataTypes ) {
        var titleZero, matches, i,
            uploads = this.copyTo,
            sourceUpload = this.copyFrom,
            serialized = sourceUpload.details.getSerialized(),
            // Values to copy
            sourceValue = {},
            // Checks for extra behaviors
            copyingTitle = false,
            copyingOther = false;

        // Filter serialized data to only the types we want to copy
        metadataTypes.forEach( ( type ) => {
            sourceValue[ type ] = serialized[ type ];
            copyingTitle = copyingTitle || type === 'title';
            copyingOther = copyingOther || type === 'other';
        } );

        if ( copyingOther ) {
            // Campaign fields are grouped with this, hmph
            sourceValue.campaigns = serialized.campaigns;

        if ( copyingTitle ) {
            titleZero = sourceValue.title.title;
            // Add number suffix to first title if no numbering present
            matches = titleZero.match( /(\D+)(\d{1,3})(\.\D*)?$/ );
            if ( matches === null ) {
                titleZero = titleZero.trim() + ' 01';

        // And apply
        for ( i = 0; i < uploads.length; i++ ) {
            if ( copyingTitle ) {
                // Overwrite remaining title inputs with first title + increment of rightmost
                // number in the title. Note: We ignore numbers with more than three digits, because these
                // are more likely to be years ("Wikimania 2011 Celebration") or other non-sequence
                // numbers.
                sourceValue.title.title = titleZero.replace( /(\D+)(\d{1,3})(\D*)$/,
                    // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
                    ( str, m1, m2, m3 ) => {
                        var newstr = String( +m2 + i );
                        return m1 + new Array( m2.length + 1 - newstr.length )
                            .join( '0' ) + newstr + m3;

            this.savedSerializedData[ i ] = uploads[ i ].details.getSerialized();
            uploads[ i ].details.setSerialized( sourceValue );

     * Restore previously saved metadata that we backed up when copying.
    uw.CopyMetadataWidget.prototype.restoreMetadata = function () {
        var i,
            uploads = this.copyTo;

        for ( i = 0; i < uploads.length; i++ ) {
            uploads[ i ].details.setSerialized( this.savedSerializedData[ i ] );

}( mw.uploadWizard ) );