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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
            "Daniel Kinzler",
            "Gergő Tisza",
            "Jeroen De Dauw",
            "Katie Filbert",
            "Marius Hoch",
            "Matěj Suchánek",
            "Nikola Smolenski",
            "Stephen Niedzielski",
            "Thiemo Kreuz"
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-summary": "Returns all entity IDs used in the given pages.",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-param-aspect": "Only return entity IDs that used this aspect.",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-aspect-S": "The entity's sitelinks are used",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-aspect-L": "The entity's label is used",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-aspect-D": "The entity's description is used",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-aspect-T": "The title of the local page corresponding to the entity is used",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-aspect-C": "Statements from the entity are used",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-aspect-X": "All aspects of an entity are or may be used",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-aspect-O": "Something else about the entity is used. This currently implies alias usage and explicit checks for entity existence.",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-param-prop": "Properties to add to the result.",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-paramvalue-prop-url": "If enabled url of entity will be added",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-param-entities": "Only return page that used these entities.",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-param-limit": "How many entity usages to return.",
    "apihelp-query+wbentityusage-example-simple": "Get entities used in the page <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-summary": "Returns all pages that use the given entity IDs.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-param-prop": "Properties to add to the result.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-paramvalue-prop-url": "If enabled the url of the entity will be added to the result.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-param-aspect": "Only return entity IDs that used this aspect.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-param-entities": "Entities that have been used.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-param-limit": "How many entity usages to return.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-example-simple": "Get pages that use the entity <kbd>Q2</kbd>.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-example-url": "Get pages that use the entity <kbd>Q2</kbd> with URL included.",
    "apihelp-query+wblistentityusage-example-aspect": "Get pages that use the entity <kbd>Q2</kbd> and the aspect was sitelink or statement.",
    "apihelp-query+pageterms-summary": "Get the {{WBREPONAME}} terms (typically labels, descriptions and aliases) associated with a page via a sitelink.",
    "apihelp-query+pageterms-example-simple": "Get all terms associated with the page 'London', in the user language.",
    "apihelp-query+pageterms-example-label-en": "Get labels and aliases associated with the page 'London', in English.",
    "apihelp-query+pageterms-param-language": "The language code to get terms in. If not specified, the user language is used.",
    "apihelp-query+pageterms-param-terms": "The types of terms to get, e.g. 'description', each returned as an array of strings keyed by their type, e.g. {\"description\": [\"foo\"]}. If not specified, all types are returned.",
    "apihelp-query+description-summary": "Get a short description a.k.a. subtitle explaining what the target page is about.",
    "apihelp-query+description-extended-description": "The description is plain text, on a single line, but otherwise arbitrary (potentially including raw HTML tags, which also should be interpreted as plain text). It must not be used in HTML unescaped!",
    "apihelp-query+description-param-prefersource": "Which description source to prefer if present:",
    "apihelp-query+description-paramvalue-prefersource-local": "Local descriptions via <code><nowiki>{{SHORTDESC:...}}</nowiki></code> parser function in the wikitext of the page.",
    "apihelp-query+description-paramvalue-prefersource-central": "Central descriptions from the associated {{WBREPONAME}} item.",
    "apihelp-query+description-example": "Get the description for the page 'London'.",
    "apihelp-query+description-example-central": "Get the description for the page 'London', preferring the central description if it exists.",
    "apihelp-query+wikibase-summary": "Get information about the Wikibase client and the associated Wikibase repository.",
    "apihelp-query+wikibase-example": "Get URL path and other information about Wikibase client and repository.",
    "apihelp-query+wikibase-param-prop": "Which properties to get:",
    "apihelp-query+wikibase-paramvalue-prop-url": "Base URL, script path and article path of the Wikibase repository.",
    "apihelp-query+wikibase-paramvalue-prop-siteid": "The siteid of this site.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-summary": "Formats a reference for display to users.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-example-1": "Format an empty reference using the Data Bridge style into HTML.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-example-2": "Format a reference containing one string using the Data Bridge style into HTML.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-param-reference": "The reference as a JSON object.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-param-style": "The style in which to format the reference.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-paramvalue-style-internal-data-bridge": "The style used by [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata Bridge|Data Bridge]]. Not intended for general use.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-param-outputformat": "The format in which the result should be returned.",
    "apihelp-wbformatreference-paramvalue-outputformat-html": "HTML markup."