* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @author Marius Hoch < >
( function ( wb ) {
'use strict';
var PageConnector = require( '../wikibase.client.PageConnector.js' ),
getMwApiForRepo = require( '../wikibase.client.getMwApiForRepo.js' );
require( './jquery.wikibase.siteselector.js' );
require( './jquery.wikibase.wbtooltip.js' );
require( '../jquery.event.special.eachchange.js' );
// wikibase.api module
require( '../../../lib/resources/wikibase-api/src/namespace.js' );
require( '../../../lib/resources/wikibase-api/src/RepoApi.js' );
require( '../../../lib/resources/wikibase-api/src/getLocationAgnosticMwApi.js' );
require( '../../../lib/resources/wikibase-api/src/RepoApiError.js' );
* This widget allows linking articles with Wikibase items or creating new wikibase items directly
* in client wikis.
* The widget can take a couple of arguments to make it work on pages and sites other than the
* current one. All these options default to global state / the current page's attributes.
* @option mwApiForRep {mediaWiki.Api} A mw.Api instance configured to use the repo's API.
* @option pageTitle {string} Title of the page to link.
* @option globalSiteId {string} Id of the site the given page is on.
* @option namespaceNumber {number} Number of the namespace the given title is in.
* This is used to determine the linkable pages on the target wiki.
* @option repoArticlePath {string} Article path (like wgArticlePath) for the repo.
* @option langLinkSiteGroup {string} Group of sites we allow the user to link the given page with.
* @event dialogclose: Triggered when the interaction dialog is closed.
* (1) {jQuery.Event}
* @event success: Triggered when pages have been linked successfully.
* (1) {jQuery.Event}
$.widget( 'wikibase.linkitem', {
_pageConnector: null,
* @type jQuery
$dialog: null,
* Spinner (set if there's something ongoing)
* @type jQuery
$spinner: null,
* Button to go on (next step)
* @type jQuery
$goButton: null,
* Global ID of the site to link with
* @type {string}
targetSite: null,
* Name of the page title to link with
* @type {string}
targetArticle: null,
mwApiForRepo: getMwApiForRepo(),
* Options
* @see jQuery.Widget.options
options: {
pageTitle: null,
globalSiteId: null,
namespaceNumber: null,
repoArticlePath: null,
langLinkSiteGroup: null,
tags: []
* Check whether the user is logged in on both the client and the repo
* show the dialog if he is, error if not
* @see jQuery.Widget._create
_create: function () {
var self = this,
$dialogSpinner = $.createSpinner();
.after( $dialogSpinner );
this.mwApiForRepo.get( {
action: 'query',
meta: 'userinfo'
} )
.done( function ( data ) {
if ( data.query.userinfo.anon !== undefined ) {
// User isn't logged into the repo
$( '#wbclient-linkItem-site' ).trigger( 'focus' );
} )
.fail( function ( errorCode, errorInfo ) {
self.element.wbtooltip( {
content: mw.msg( 'wikibase-error-unexpected',
( errorInfo.error && ) || errorInfo.exception ),
gravity: 'w'
} ); 'wbtooltip' ).show(); 'click.' + self.widgetName, function () {
// Remove the tooltip by the time the user clicks the link again. 'wbtooltip' ).destroy();
} );
} );
* Show an error to the user in case he isn't logged in on both the client and the repo
_notLoggedIn: function () {
var self = this;
var userLogin = this._linkRepoTitle( 'Special:UserLogin' );
$( '<div>' )
.dialog( {
title: mw.message( 'wikibase-linkitem-not-loggedin-title' ).escaped(),
width: 400,
height: 200,
resizable: true
} )
.on( 'dialogclose', function () {
self._trigger( 'dialogclose' );
} )
$( '<p>' )
.addClass( 'wbclient-linkItem-not-loggedin-message' )
.html( mw.message( 'wikibase-linkitem-not-loggedin', userLogin ).parse() )
* Create the dialog asking for a page the user wants to link with the current one
_createDialog: function () {
this.$dialog = $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', 'wbclient-linkItem-dialog' )
.dialog( {
title: mw.message( 'wikibase-linkitem-title' ).escaped(),
width: 500,
resizable: false,
position: { my: 'top', at: 'top+50', of: window },
buttons: [ {
text: mw.msg( 'wikibase-linkitem-linkpage' ),
id: 'wbclient-linkItem-goButton',
disabled: 'disabled',
click: this._secondStep.bind( this )
} ],
modal: true
} )
// Use .on instead of passing this to dialog() as close as we want to be able to remove
// it later:
.on( 'dialogclose', function () {;
this._trigger( 'dialogclose' );
}.bind( this ) )
.append( $( '<p>' ).text( mw.msg( 'wikibase-linkitem-selectlink' ) ) )
.append( this._createSiteLinkForm() );
this.$goButton = $( '#wbclient-linkItem-goButton' );
* @see jQuery.Widget.destroy
destroy: function () {
if ( this.$dialog && this.$dialog.length ) {
if ( this.$spinner && this.$spinner.length ) {
if ( this.$goButton && this.$goButton.length ) {
$ this );
// FIXME: The destroy() method should be final. Re-showing the element should be done
// outside the scope of destroy().;
* Creates a form for selecting the site and the page to link in a user-friendly manner (with
* auto-completion).
* @return {jQuery}
_createSiteLinkForm: function () {
return $( '<form>' )
.attr( 'name', 'wikibase-linkItem-form' )
.append( this._createSiteInput() )
.append( $( '<br>' ) )
.append( this._createPageInput() );
* Creates a labeled input box for selecting client sites.
* @return {jQuery}
_createSiteInput: function () {
return $( '<label>' )
.attr( 'for', 'wbclient-linkItem-site' )
.text( mw.msg( 'wikibase-linkitem-input-site' ) )
$( '<input>' )
.attr( {
name: 'wbclient-linkItem-site',
id: 'wbclient-linkItem-site',
class: 'wbclient-linkItem-input'
} )
.siteselector( {
source: this._getLinkableSites()
} )
'siteselectoropen siteselectorclose siteselectorautocomplete blur',
this._onSiteSelectorChangeHandler.bind( this )
* Gets an object with all linkable sites despite the current one (as pages on the same wiki
* cannot be linked).
* @return {Object}
_getLinkableSites: function () {
var sites,
linkableSites = [],
sitesModule = require( '../wikibase.sites.js' );
currentSiteId = this.options.globalSiteId;
sites = sitesModule.getSitesOfGroup( this.options.langLinkSiteGroup );
for ( site in sites ) {
if ( sites[ site ].getId() !== currentSiteId ) {
linkableSites.push( sites[ site ] );
return linkableSites;
* Handles changes to the siteselector
_onSiteSelectorChangeHandler: function () {
var apiUrl,
$page = $( '#wbclient-linkItem-page' );
$page.val( '' );
try {
apiUrl = $( '#wbclient-linkItem-site' ).siteselector( 'getSelectedSite' ).getApi();
} catch ( e ) {
// Invalid input (likely incomplete). Disable the page input an re-disable to button
$page.prop( 'disabled', true );
this.$goButton.button( 'disable' );
// If the language gets changed the yet selected page is no longer available so we clear the
// input element. Furthermore, we remove the old suggestor (if there's one) and create a new
// one working on the right wiki.
.prop( 'disabled', false )
.suggester( {
source: function ( term ) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
$.ajax( {
url: apiUrl,
dataType: 'jsonp',
data: {
search: term,
action: 'opensearch'
timeout: 8000
} )
.done( function ( response ) {
deferred.resolve( response[ 1 ], response[ 0 ] );
} )
.fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
deferred.reject( textStatus );
} );
return deferred.promise();
} );
* Creates a labeled input box for selecting pages on a client site.
* @return {jQuery}
_createPageInput: function () {
var self = this;
return $( '<label>' )
.attr( 'for', 'wbclient-linkItem-page' )
.text( mw.msg( 'wikibase-linkitem-input-page' ) )
$( '<input>' )
.attr( {
name: 'wbclient-linkItem-page',
id: 'wbclient-linkItem-page',
class: 'wbclient-linkItem-input'
} )
.prop( 'disabled', true )
.on( 'eachchange', function () {
// Enable the button if the field has a value
self.$goButton.button( $( this ).val() === '' ? 'disable' : 'enable' );
} )
.on( 'keydown', function ( e ) {
if ( !self.$goButton.prop( 'disabled' ) && e.which === 13 ) {
// Enter should submit
self.$goButton.trigger( 'click' );
} )
* Called after the user specified site and a page name. Looks up any existing items or tries to
* link the currently viewed page with an existing item.
_secondStep: function () {
this.targetSite = $( '#wbclient-linkItem-site' ).siteselector( 'getSelectedSite' ).getId();
this.targetArticle = $( '#wbclient-linkItem-page' ).val();
this._pageConnector = new PageConnector(
new wb.api.RepoApi(
mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
// Show a spinning animation and do an API request
.done( this._onConfirmationDataLoad.bind( this ) )
// This will (as a side effect) also catch errors where the target page doesn't exist:
.fail( this._onError.bind( this ) );
* Replaces the $goButton button with a loading spinner.
_showSpinner: function () {
this.$spinner = $.createSpinner();
.after( this.$spinner );
* Removes the spinner created with _showSpinner and shows the original button again.
_removeSpinner: function () {
if ( !this.$spinner || !this.$spinner.length ) {
* Handles the data from getNewlyLinkedPages and either creates a new item or shows the user a
* confirmation form in case an item exists already.
* @param {Object} entity
_onConfirmationDataLoad: function ( entity ) {
var i, itemLink;
if ( entity && entity.sitelinks ) {
var siteLinkCount = 0;
// Show a table with links to the user and ask for confirmation
itemLink = this._linkRepoTitle( entity.title );
// Count site links and abort in case the entity already is linked with a page on this
// wiki:
for ( i in entity.sitelinks ) {
if ( entity.sitelinks[ i ].site ) {
siteLinkCount += 1;
if ( entity.sitelinks[ i ].site === this.options.globalSiteId ) {
// Abort as the entity already is linked with a page on this wiki
this._onError( mw.message(
entity.sitelinks[ i ].title
).parse() );
if ( siteLinkCount === 1 ) {
// The item we want to link with only has a single sitelink so we don't have to ask
// for confirmation:
.done( this._onSuccess.bind( this ) )
.fail( this._onError.bind( this ) );
} else {
// Let the user verify this is indeed the entity to link with and link it after.
this._userConfirmEntity( entity, siteLinkCount, itemLink );
} else {
.done( this._onSuccess.bind( this ) )
.fail( this._onError.bind( this ) );
* Let the user verify this is indeed the entity to link with and link it after.
* @param {Object} entity
* @param {number} siteLinkCount Number of sitelinks attached to the entity
* @param {string} itemLink Link to the entity on the repo
_userConfirmEntity: function ( entity, siteLinkCount, itemLink ) {
var self = this,
confirmationMsg = mw.message(
.append( $( '<div>' ).html( confirmationMsg ) )
.append( $( '<br>' ) )
.append( this._createSiteLinkTable( entity ) );
.off( 'click' )
.button( 'option', 'label', mw.msg( 'wikibase-linkitem-confirmitem-button' ) )
.on( 'click', function () {
// The user confirmed that this is the right item...
.done( self._onSuccess.bind( self ) )
.fail( self._onError.bind( self ) );
} );
* Creates a table with all sitelinks linked to an entity.
* @param {Object} entity
* @return {jQuery}
_createSiteLinkTable: function ( entity ) {
var i, $siteLinks, sites = require( '../wikibase.sites.js' );
$siteLinks = $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', 'wbclient-linkItem-siteLinks' )
.append( $( '<table>' ) );
// Table head
$( '<thead>' )
$( '<tr>' )
.append( $( '<th>' ).text( mw.msg( 'wikibase-sitelinks-sitename-columnheading' ) ) )
.append( $( '<th>' ).text( mw.msg( 'wikibase-sitelinks-link-columnheading' ) ) )
.appendTo( $siteLinks.find( 'table' ) );
// Table body
for ( i in entity.sitelinks ) {
if ( entity.sitelinks[ i ].site ) {
// Show a row for each page that is linked with the current entity
.find( 'table' )
sites.getSite( entity.sitelinks[ i ].site ),
entity.sitelinks[ i ]
return $siteLinks;
* Creates a table row for a site link.
* @param {wikibase.Site} site
* @param {Object} entitySitelinks
* @return {jQuery}
_createSiteLinkRow: function ( site, entitySitelinks ) {
return $( '<tr>' )
$( '<td>' )
.addClass( 'wbclient-linkItem-column-site' )
.text( site.getName() )
.css( 'direction', site.getLanguageDirection() )
$( '<td>' )
.addClass( 'wbclient-linkItem-column-page' )
.append( site.getLinkTo( entitySitelinks.title ) )
.css( 'direction', site.getLanguageDirection() )
* Called after an entity has successfully been linked or created. Replaces the dialog content
* with a useful message linking the (new) item.
_onSuccess: function () {
var mwApi = new mw.Api(),
itemUri = this._linkRepoTitle(
'Special:ItemByTitle/' + this.options.globalSiteId + '/' + this.options.pageTitle
$( '<p>' )
.addClass( 'wbclient-linkItem-success-message' )
.html( mw.message( 'wikibase-linkitem-success-link', itemUri ).parse() )
.append( $( '<p>' ).text( mw.msg( 'wikibase-replicationnote' ) ) );
// Replace the button with one asking to close the dialog and reload the current page
.off( 'click' )
.on( 'click', function () {
window.location.reload( true );
}.bind( this ) )
.button( 'option', 'label', mw.msg( 'wikibase-linkitem-close' ) );
// Purge this page in the background... we shouldn't confuse the user with the newly added
// link(s) not being there: {
formatversion: 2,
action: 'purge',
titles: this.options.pageTitle
} );
this._trigger( 'success' );
* Called in case an error occurs and displays an error message.
* Can either show a given errorCode (as html) or use data from an
* API failure (pass two parameters in this case).
* @param {string} errorCode
* @param {Object} [errorInfo]
_onError: function ( errorCode, errorInfo ) {
var error = errorInfo
? wb.api.RepoApiError.newFromApiResponse( errorInfo )
: errorCode;
var $elem = $( '#wbclient-linkItem-page' );
if ( $elem.length === 0 ) {
$elem = $( '#wbclient-linkItem-siteLinks' );
$elem.wbtooltip( {
content: error,
permanent: true
} );
$ 'wbtooltip' ).show();
// Remove the tooltip if the user clicks onto the dialog trying to correct the input
// Also remove the tooltip in case the dialog is getting closed
this.$ 'dialogclose click', function () {
if ( $ 'wbtooltip' ) ) {
$ 'wbtooltip' ).destroy();
} );
* Returns a link to the given title on the repo.
* @param {string} title
* @return {string}
_linkRepoTitle: function ( title ) {
return this.options.repoArticlePath.replace( /\$1/g, mw.util.wikiUrlencode( title ) );
} );
}( wikibase ) );