declare( strict_types = 1 );
namespace Wikibase\Lib\Formatters;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use MediaWiki\Language\Language;
use ValueFormatters\FormatterOptions;
use ValueFormatters\ValueFormatter;
use Wikibase\Lib\LanguageFallbackChainFactory;
use Wikibase\Lib\TermLanguageFallbackChain;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
* Factory for ValueFormatters, based on factory callbacks.
* This class provides a mapping between factory callbacks organized by data type
* to ValueFormatters by target type. This reflects the fact that formatters for a single data type
* are typically defined by code that has knowledge about that specific data type, while
* ValueFormatters are typically used by code that doesn't know anything about specific data types,
* but requires a specific output format.
* This class implements a fallback mechanism for target formats, that allows some target formats
* to stand in for others (with escaping applies if necessary). E.g. if there is not HTML formatter
* defined for a data type, the plain text formatter plus HTML escaping would be used.
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @author Daniel Kinzler
class OutputFormatValueFormatterFactory {
* @var callable[]
private $factoryFunctions;
* @var Language
private $defaultLanguage;
* @var LanguageFallbackChainFactory
private $languageFallbackChainFactory;
* @param callable[] $factoryFunctions An associative array mapping types to factory
* functions. Type names must use the "PT:" prefix for property types (data types),
* and "VT:" for value types, to be compatible with the convention used by
* DispatchingValueFormatter.
* The factory functions will be called with two parameters, the desired target
* type (see the SnakFormatter::FORMAT_XXX constants) and a FormatterOptions object.
* The factory function must return an instance of ValueFormatter suitable for the given target
* format, or null if no formatter for the requested target format is known.
* @param Language $defaultLanguage
* @param LanguageFallbackChainFactory $fallbackChainFactory
public function __construct(
array $factoryFunctions,
Language $defaultLanguage,
LanguageFallbackChainFactory $fallbackChainFactory
) {
Assert::parameterElementType( 'callable', $factoryFunctions, '$factoryFunctions' );
$this->factoryFunctions = $factoryFunctions;
$this->defaultLanguage = $defaultLanguage;
$this->languageFallbackChainFactory = $fallbackChainFactory;
* @param string $type The data type or value type to register the formatter factory for.
* Use the "PT:" prefix for data types and "VT:" for value types.
* @param callable|null $factoryFunction The factory method. Will be called with two parameters,
* a string indicating the desired target format, and a FormatterOptions object. The
* callback must return a ValueFormatter suitable for emitting the given output format,
* or null.
public function setFormatterFactoryCallback( string $type, ?callable $factoryFunction ) {
if ( $factoryFunction === null ) {
unset( $this->factoryFunctions[$type] );
} else {
$this->factoryFunctions[$type] = $factoryFunction;
* Initializes the options keys ValueFormatter::OPT_LANG and
* FormatterLabelDescriptionLookupFactory::OPT_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK_CHAIN if they are not yet set.
* @param FormatterOptions $options The options to modify.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @todo : Sort out how the desired language is specified. We have two language options,
* each accepting different ways of specifying the language. That's not good.
* @todo this shouldn't be public at all. Perhaps factor it out into a helper class.
public function applyLanguageDefaults( FormatterOptions $options ) {
$options->defaultOption( ValueFormatter::OPT_LANG, $this->defaultLanguage->getCode() );
$lang = $options->getOption( ValueFormatter::OPT_LANG );
if ( !is_string( $lang ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
'The value of OPT_LANG must be a language code. For a fallback chain, use OPT_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK_CHAIN.'
$fallbackOption = FormatterLabelDescriptionLookupFactory::OPT_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK_CHAIN;
if ( !$options->hasOption( $fallbackOption ) ) {
$this->languageFallbackChainFactory->newFromLanguageCode( $lang )
if ( !( $options->getOption( $fallbackOption ) instanceof TermLanguageFallbackChain ) ) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'The value of OPT_LANGUAGE_FALLBACK_CHAIN must be '
. 'an instance of TermLanguageFallbackChain.' );
* Returns a ValueFormatter for the given format, suitable for formatting DataValues
* of any any type supported by the formatter factory functions supplied to the constructor.
* @param string $format
* @param FormatterOptions $options
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return DispatchingValueFormatter
public function getValueFormatter( $format, FormatterOptions $options ) {
$this->applyLanguageDefaults( $options );
$formatters = $this->buildDefinedFormatters( $format, $options );
return new DispatchingValueFormatter( $formatters );
* Instantiates the formatters defined for the given format in
* WikibaseValueFormatterBuilders::$valueFormatterSpecs.
* @see WikibaseValueFormatterBuilders::$valueFormatterSpecs
* @param string $format One of the SnakFormatter::FORMAT_... constants.
* @param FormatterOptions $options
* @return callable[] A map from prefixed type IDs to ValueFormatter factories.
private function buildDefinedFormatters( $format, FormatterOptions $options ) {
$formatters = [];
foreach ( $this->factoryFunctions as $type => $func ) {
$formatters[$type] = fn() => $func( $format, $options );
return $formatters;