namespace Wikibase\Lib\Formatters;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Snak\PropertyValueSnak;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Snak\Snak;
use Wikibase\Lib\SnakUrlExpander;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
use Wikimedia\Assert\ParameterTypeException;
* A formatter for PropertyValueSnaks that contain a StringValue that is
* interpreted as an external identifier. The identifier is rendered as an wikitext link to some
* resource about the wikitext. The link is created based on a URL pattern associated with the
* snak's property id via a SnakUrlExpander.
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @author Daniel Kinzler
class WikitextExternalIdentifierFormatter implements SnakFormatter {
* @var SnakUrlExpander
private $urlExpander;
public function __construct( SnakUrlExpander $urlExpander ) {
$this->urlExpander = $urlExpander;
private function escapeWikitextInUrl( $url ) {
return str_replace( [
'[', ']', '<', '>', '\'', ' ', "\r", "\n", "\t",
], [
'%5B', '%5D', '%3C', '%3E', '%27', '%20', '%0D', '%0A', '%09',
], $url );
* @see SnakFormatter::format
* Formats the given Snak as an wikitext link to an authoritative resource.
* The URL of that link is determined using a SnakUrlExpander.
* If the snak could not be expanded into a URL, the identifier is returned as simple text.
* @param Snak $snak
* @throws ParameterTypeException if $snak is not a PropertyValueSnak, or if $snak->getDataValue()
* does not return a StringValue.
* @return string Wikitext
public function formatSnak( Snak $snak ) {
Assert::parameterType( PropertyValueSnak::class, $snak, '$snak' );
/** @var PropertyValueSnak $snak */
'@phan-var PropertyValueSnak $snak';
$id = $snak->getDataValue()->getValue();
$url = $this->urlExpander->expandUrl( $snak );
if ( $url === null ) {
return wfEscapeWikiText( $id );
} else {
return '[' . $this->escapeWikitextInUrl( $url ) . ' ' . wfEscapeWikiText( $id ) . ']';
* @see SnakFormatter::getFormat
* @return string SnakFormatter::FORMAT_WIKI
public function getFormat() {
return SnakFormatter::FORMAT_WIKI;