declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace Wikibase\Lib\Store\Sql\Terms;
use JobQueueGroup;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\Int32EntityId;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Term\Fingerprint;
use Wikibase\Lib\Rdbms\RepoDomainDb;
use Wikibase\Lib\Store\Sql\Terms\Util\StatsdMonitoring;
use Wikibase\Lib\StringNormalizer;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;
* Base class for item/property TermStoreWriters.
* @see @ref docs_storage_terms
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
abstract class DatabaseTermStoreWriterBase {
use NormalizedTermStorageMappingTrait;
use FingerprintableEntityTermStoreTrait;
use StatsdMonitoring;
/** @var RepoDomainDb */
private $repoDb;
/** @var TermInLangIdsAcquirer */
private $termInLangIdsAcquirer;
/** @var TermInLangIdsResolver */
private $termInLangIdsResolver;
/** @var StringNormalizer */
private $stringNormalizer;
/** @var JobQueueGroup */
private $jobQueueGroup;
public function __construct(
RepoDomainDb $repoDb, JobQueueGroup $jobQueueGroup, TermInLangIdsAcquirer $termInLangIdsAcquirer,
TermInLangIdsResolver $termInLangIdsResolver, StringNormalizer $stringNormalizer
) {
$this->repoDb = $repoDb;
$this->jobQueueGroup = $jobQueueGroup;
$this->termInLangIdsAcquirer = $termInLangIdsAcquirer;
$this->termInLangIdsResolver = $termInLangIdsResolver;
$this->stringNormalizer = $stringNormalizer;
private function getDbw(): IDatabase {
return $this->repoDb->connections()->getWriteConnection();
protected function delete( Int32EntityId $entityId ): void {
$termInLangIdsToClean = $this->deleteTermsWithoutClean( $entityId );
$this->submitJobToCleanTermStorageRowsIfUnused( $termInLangIdsToClean );
protected function store( Int32EntityId $entityId, Fingerprint $fingerprint ): void {
$termInLangIdsToClean = $this->acquireAndInsertTerms( $entityId, $fingerprint );
$this->submitJobToCleanTermStorageRowsIfUnused( $termInLangIdsToClean );
private function submitJobToCleanTermStorageRowsIfUnused( array $termInLangIdsToClean ): void {
if ( $termInLangIdsToClean === [] ) {
$this->getDbw()->onTransactionCommitOrIdle( function() use ( $termInLangIdsToClean ) {
foreach ( $termInLangIdsToClean as $termInLangId ) {
CleanTermsIfUnusedJob::getJobSpecificationNoTitle( [
CleanTermsIfUnusedJob::TERM_IN_LANG_IDS => [ $termInLangId ],
] )
}, __METHOD__ );
* Acquire term in lang IDs for the given Fingerprint,
* store them in the table for the given entity ID,
* and return term in lang IDs that are no longer referenced
* and might now need to be cleaned up.
* Updating the current state is done on a best effort basis.
* Because this method is called as a secondary data update, not in the primary transaction,
* (nearly) simultaneous edits to the same entity can race on the term store update,
* and the final state does not necessarily correspond to the terms of the latest revision.
* (In theory, it may even be a mixture of the terms of several revisions, without exactly matching any of them.)
* However, any future terms update should fix such a situation
* (any out-of-sync state should not survive through later updates).
* Additionally, all removed <prefix>_term_in_lang_ids will always be accurately reported:
* we will never silently remove a reference to the wbt_term_in_lang table.
* @param Int32EntityId $entityId
* @param Fingerprint $fingerprint
* @return int[] <prefix>_term_in_lang_ids that we removed (references to the
* wbt_term_in_lang table).
* The returned term in lang IDs might still be used in other wbt_<entity>_terms rows,
* in case of a race condition potentially even on the same entity. This should be checked
* just before cleanup. However, that may happen in a different transaction than this call.
private function acquireAndInsertTerms( Int32EntityId $entityId, Fingerprint $fingerprint ): array {
$entityNumericId = $entityId->getNumericId();
$dbw = $this->getDbw();
$queryBuilder = $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
->select( $this->getMapping()->getTermInLangIdColumn() ) // select term_in_lang_id
->from( $this->getMapping()->getTableName() )
->where( [ $this->getMapping()->getEntityIdColumn() => $entityNumericId ] ) // of this entity
->caller( __METHOD__ );
// Find term entries that already exist for the entity
$oldTermInLangIds = ( clone $queryBuilder )->fetchFieldValues();
$termsArray = $this->termsArrayFromFingerprint( $fingerprint, $this->stringNormalizer );
$termInLangIdsToClean = [];
$fname = __METHOD__;
// Acquire all of the Term in lang Ids needed for the wbt_<entity>_terms table
function ( array $newTermInLangIds ) use (
) {
$termInLangIdsToInsert = array_diff( $newTermInLangIds, $oldTermInLangIds );
$termInLangIdsToClean = array_diff( $oldTermInLangIds, $newTermInLangIds );
if ( $termInLangIdsToInsert === [] ) {
$rowsToInsert = [];
$entityIdColumnName = $this->getMapping()->getEntityIdColumn();
$termInLangColumnName = $this->getMapping()->getTermInLangIdColumn();
foreach ( $termInLangIdsToInsert as $termInLangIdToInsert ) {
$rowsToInsert[] = [
$entityIdColumnName => $entityNumericId, // entity id
$termInLangColumnName => $termInLangIdToInsert, // term_in_lang_id
$dbw->onTransactionPreCommitOrIdle( function () use ( $dbw, $rowsToInsert, $fname ) {
->insertInto( $this->getMapping()->getTableName() )
->rows( $rowsToInsert )
->caller( $fname )->execute();
}, $fname );
if ( $termInLangIdsToClean !== [] ) {
// Delete entries in the table that are no longer needed
// Further cleanup should then done by the caller of this method
->deleteFrom( $this->getMapping()->getTableName() )
->where( [
$this->getMapping()->getEntityIdColumn() => $entityNumericId,
$this->getMapping()->getTermInLangIdColumn() => $termInLangIdsToClean,
] )
->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
return $termInLangIdsToClean;
* Delete rows for the given Int32EntityId,
* and return term in lang IDs that are no longer referenced
* and might now need to be cleaned up.
* (The returned term in lang IDs might still be used in wbt_<entity>_terms rows
* for other entity IDs, and this should be checked just before cleanup.
* However, that may happen in a different transaction than this call.)
* @param Int32EntityId $entityId
* @return int[]
private function deleteTermsWithoutClean( Int32EntityId $entityId ): array {
$dbw = $this->getDbw();
$res = $dbw->newSelectQueryBuilder()
->select( [
'id' => $this->getMapping()->getRowIdColumn(),
'term_in_lang_id' => $this->getMapping()->getTermInLangIdColumn(),
] )
->from( $this->getMapping()->getTableName() )
->where( [ $this->getMapping()->getEntityIdColumn() => $entityId->getNumericId() ] )
->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchResultSet();
$rowIdsToDelete = [];
$termInLangIdsToCleanUp = [];
foreach ( $res as $row ) {
$rowIdsToDelete[] = $row->id;
$termInLangIdsToCleanUp[] = $row->term_in_lang_id;
if ( $rowIdsToDelete !== [] ) {
->deleteFrom( $this->getMapping()->getTableName() )
->where( [ $this->getMapping()->getRowIdColumn() => $rowIdsToDelete ] )
->caller( __METHOD__ )->execute();
return array_values( array_unique( $termInLangIdsToCleanUp ) );