* This file assigns the default values to all Wikibase Repo settings.
* This file is NOT an entry point the Wikibase extension.
* It should not be included from outside the extension.
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use Wikibase\Lib\SettingsArray;
global $wgCdnMaxAge;
/** @phan-file-suppress PhanUnextractableAnnotation */
return [
// feature flag for federated properties
'federatedPropertiesEnabled' => false,
// url for federated properties source location
'federatedPropertiesSourceScriptUrl' => '',
// feature flag for tainted references
'taintedReferencesEnabled' => false,
// url of (termbox) ssr-server
'ssrServerUrl' => null,
// Timeout for SSR-Server in seconds
'ssrServerTimeout' => 3,
// feature flag for termbox
'termboxEnabled' => true,
// debug flag for termbox ssr
'termboxUserSpecificSsrEnabled' => true,
'reservedIds' => [],
// List of entity types that (temporarily) can not be changed; identifiers per EntityDocument::getType()
'readOnlyEntityTypes' => [],
// See StatementGrouperBuilder for an example.
'statementSections' => [],
// Define constraints for various strings, such as multilingual terms (such as labels, descriptions and aliases).
'string-limits' => [
'multilang' => [
'length' => 250, // length constraint
'VT:monolingualtext' => [
'length' => 400,
'VT:string' => [
'length' => 400,
'PT:url' => [
'length' => 500,
// URL schemes allowed for URL values. See UrlSchemeValidators for a full list.
'urlSchemes' => [ 'bzr', 'cvs', 'ftp', 'git', 'http', 'https', 'irc', 'ircs', 'mailto', 'ssh', 'svn', 'telnet' ],
// Items allowed to be used as badges pointing to their CSS class names.
'badgeItems' => [],
// Item IDs that are redirect badges.
'redirectBadgeItems' => [],
// Number of seconds for which data output on Special:EntityData should be cached.
// Note: keep that low, because such caches cannot always be purged easily.
'dataCdnMaxAge' => $wgCdnMaxAge,
// list of logical database names of local client wikis.
// may contain mappings from site-id to db-name.
'localClientDatabases' => [],
// Formats that shall be available via Special:EntityData.
// The first format will be used as the default.
// Even if a format is allowed here, it may not be supported
// because when missing optional dependencies (e.g. purtle).
// The formats are given using logical names as used by EntityDataSerializationService.
'entityDataFormats' => [
// using the API
'json', // default
// using purtle
// hardcoded internal handling
'entityDataCachePaths' => function() {
return [
// JSON from entity page JS, compare wikibase.entityPage.entityLoaded.js
str_replace( '$1', 'Special:EntityData/{entity_id}.json', $GLOBALS['wgArticlePath'] ),
// Turtle from Query Service updater, compare
str_replace( '$1', 'Special:EntityData/{entity_id}.ttl', $GLOBALS['wgArticlePath'] ),
'enableEntitySearchUI' => true,
'dataRightsUrl' => function() {
return $GLOBALS['wgRightsUrl'] ?? '';
'rdfDataRightsUrl' => '',
'dataRightsText' => function() {
return $GLOBALS['wgRightsText'] ?? '';
'sparqlEndpoint' => null,
'transformLegacyFormatOnExport' => true,
// Property used as formatter to link identifiers
'formatterUrlProperty' => null,
// Property used as formatter to link identifiers in JSON/RDF
'canonicalUriProperty' => null,
'allowEntityImport' => false,
* Prefix to use for cache keys that should be shared among a Wikibase Repo instance and all
* its clients. This is for things like caching entity blobs in memcached.
* The default setting assumes Wikibase Repo + Client installed together on the same wiki.
* For a multiwiki / wikifarm setup, to configure shared caches between clients and repo,
* this needs to be set to the same value in both client and repo wiki settings.
* For Wikidata production, we set it to 'wikibase-shared/wikidata_1_25wmf24-wikidatawiki',
* which is 'wikibase_shared/' + deployment branch name + '-' + repo database name, and have
* it set in both $wgWBClientSettings and $wgWBRepoSettings.
* Please note that $wgWBClientSettings overrides settings such as this one in the repo, if
* client is enabled on the same wiki.
'sharedCacheKeyPrefix' => 'wikibase_shared/' . $GLOBALS['wgDBname'],
'sharedCacheKeyGroup' => $GLOBALS['wgDBname'],
* The duration of the object cache, in seconds.
* As with sharedCacheKeyPrefix, this is both client and repo setting. On a multiwiki setup,
* this should be set to the same value in both the repo and clients. Also note that the
* setting value in $wgWBClientSettings overrides the one here.
'sharedCacheDuration' => 60 * 60,
// The type of object cache to use. Use CACHE_XXX constants.
// This is both a repo and client setting, and should be set to the same value in
// repo and clients for multiwiki setups.
'sharedCacheType' => $GLOBALS['wgMainCacheType'],
* List of data types (by data type id) not enabled on the wiki.
* This setting is intended to aid with deployment of new data types
* or on new Wikibase installs without items and properties yet.
* This setting should be consistent with the corresponding setting on the client.
* WARNING: Disabling a data type after it is in use is dangerous
* and might break items.
'disabledDataTypes' => [],
// Special non-canonical languages and their BCP 47 mappings
// Based on:
'canonicalLanguageCodes' => [
'simple' => 'en-simple',
'crh' => 'crh-Latn',
'cbk-zam' => 'cbk-x-zam',
'map-bms' => 'jv-x-bms',
'nrm' => 'fr-x-nrm',
'roa-tara' => 'it-x-tara',
'de-formal' => 'de-x-formal',
'es-formal' => 'es-x-formal',
'hu-formal' => 'hu-x-formal',
'nl-informal' => 'nl-x-informal',
// List of image property id strings, in order of preference, that should be considered for
// the "page_image" page property.
'preferredPageImagesProperties' => [],
// List of globe-coordinate property id strings, in order of preference, to consider for
// primary coordinates when extracting coordinates from an entity for the GeoData extension.
'preferredGeoDataProperties' => [],
// Mapping of globe URIs to canonical names, as recognized and used by GeoData extension
// when indexing and querying for coordinates.
'globeUris' => [
// (same order as in GeoData includes/Globe.php)
'' => 'earth',
'' => 'mercury',
'' => 'venus',
'' => 'moon',
'' => 'mars',
'' => 'phobos',
'' => 'deimos',
'' => 'ganymede',
'' => 'callisto',
'' => 'io',
'' => 'europa',
'' => 'mimas',
'' => 'enceladus',
'' => 'tethys',
'' => 'dione',
'' => 'rhea',
'' => 'titan',
'' => 'hyperion',
'' => 'iapetus',
'' => 'phoebe',
'' => 'miranda',
'' => 'ariel',
'' => 'umbriel',
'' => 'titania',
'' => 'oberon',
'' => 'triton',
'' => 'pluto',
// additional globes not recognized by GeoData as of 2022-09-30;
// not a problem, it mainly means distance calculation is unavailable
// (sorted by numerical item ID)
'' => 'saturn',
'' => 'jupiter',
'' => 'uranus',
'' => 'ceres',
'' => 'vesta',
'' => 'amalthea',
'' => 'charon',
'' => 'bennu',
'' => 'puck',
'' => 'proteus',
'' => 'thebe',
'' => 'eros',
'' => 'epimetheus',
'' => 'janus',
'' => 'lutetia',
'' => 'ida',
'' => 'itokawa',
'' => 'mathilde',
'' => 'steins',
'' => 'gaspra',
'' => 'dactyl',
'' => 'churyumov',
'' => 'ryugu',
// Map between page properties and Wikibase predicates
// Maps from database property name to array:
// name => RDF property name (will be prefixed by wikibase:)
// type => type to convert to (optional)
'pagePropertiesRdf' => [
'wb-sitelinks' => [ 'name' => 'sitelinks', 'type' => 'integer' ],
'wb-claims' => [ 'name' => 'statements', 'type' => 'integer' ],
'wb-identifiers' => [ 'name' => 'identifiers', 'type' => 'integer' ],
// URL of geo shape storage API endpoint
'geoShapeStorageApiEndpointUrl' => '',
// Base URL of geo shape storage frontend. Used primarily to build links to the geo shapes. Will
// be concatenated with the page title, so should end with "/" or "title=". Special characters
// (e.g. space, percent, etc.) should NOT be encoded.
'geoShapeStorageBaseUrl' => '',
// URL of tabular data storage API endpoint
'tabularDataStorageApiEndpointUrl' => '',
// Base URL of tabular data storage frontend. Used primarily to build links to the tabular data
// pages. Will be concatenated with the page title, so should end with "/" or "title=". Special
// characters (e.g. space, percent, etc.) should NOT be encoded.
'tabularDataStorageBaseUrl' => '',
// List of properties to be indexed
'searchIndexProperties' => [],
// List of property types to be indexed
'searchIndexTypes' => [],
// List of properties to be excluded from indexing
'searchIndexPropertiesExclude' => [],
// List of properties that, if in a qualifier, will be used for indexing quantities
'searchIndexQualifierPropertiesForQuantity' => [],
// Search profiles available in wbsearchentities & query+wbsearch
'searchProfiles' => [ 'default' => null ],
// DB group to use in dump maintenance scripts. Defaults to "dump", per T147169.
'dumpDBDefaultGroup' => 'dump',
'useKartographerGlobeCoordinateFormatter' => false,
'useKartographerMaplinkInWikitext' => false,
// Temporary, see: T199197
'enableRefTabs' => false,
* The default for this idGenerator will have to remain using the 'original'
* generator as the 'upsert' generator only supports MySQL currently.
* @var string 'original' or 'mysql-upsert' depending on what implementation of IdGenerator
* you wish to use, or 'auto' to pick one depending on the database type.
'idGenerator' => 'original',
* Whether use a separate master database connection to generate new id or not.
* @var bool
* @see
'idGeneratorSeparateDbConnection' => false,
* Number to increase for ping limiter in case creating an entity errors in API
* @var int
* @see
'idGeneratorInErrorPingLimiter' => 0,
'entityTypesWithoutRdfOutput' => [],
'defaultEntityNamespaces' => false,
'entitySources' => function ( SettingsArray $settings ) {
if ( $settings->getSetting( 'defaultEntityNamespaces' ) ) {
global $wgServer;
if ( !defined( 'WB_NS_ITEM' ) ) {
throw new LogicException( 'Constant WB_NS_ITEM is not defined' );
if ( !defined( 'WB_NS_PROPERTY' ) ) {
throw new LogicException( 'Constant WB_NS_PROPERTY is not defined' );
$entityNamespaces = [
'item' => WB_NS_ITEM,
'property' => WB_NS_PROPERTY,
$hookContainer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer();
$hookContainer->run( 'WikibaseRepoEntityNamespaces', [ &$entityNamespaces ] );
return [
$settings->getSetting( 'localEntitySourceName' ) => [
'entityNamespaces' => $entityNamespaces,
'repoDatabase' => false,
'baseUri' => $wgServer . '/entity/',
'rdfNodeNamespacePrefix' => 'wd',
'rdfPredicateNamespacePrefix' => '',
'interwikiPrefix' => '',
throw new RuntimeException( 'entitySources must be configured manually (or use the example settings)' );
'localEntitySourceName' => 'local',
// Do not enable this one in production environments, unless you know what you are doing when
// using the script there.
'enablePopulateWithRandomEntitiesAndTermsScript' => false,
'dataBridgeEnabled' => false,
'changeVisibilityNotificationClientRCMaxAge' => $GLOBALS['wgRCMaxAge'],
'changeVisibilityNotificationJobBatchSize' => 3,
'deleteNotificationClientRCMaxAge' => $GLOBALS['wgRCMaxAge'],
'termFallbackCacheVersion' => null,
'wikibasePingback' => false,
'pingbackHost' => '',
* @note This config options is primarily added for Wikidata transition use-case and can be
* considered temporary. It could be removed in the future with no warning.
* @var bool Whether to serialize empty containers as {} instead of []
* in the json output of wbgetentities for lexemes
'tmpSerializeEmptyListsAsObjects' => false,
* @note The entities set in this configuration are subject to data
* modification and may be relabeled, removed, or merged with each other.
* @var string[]
* @see
'sandboxEntityIds' => [
'mainItem' => 'Q999999998',
'auxItem' => 'Q999999999',
* Tags for edits made via UpdateRepo jobs.
* @var string[]
* @see
'updateRepoTags' => [],
* Tags for edits made via WikibaseView frontend code.
* @var string[]
* @see
'viewUiTags' => [],
* Tags for edits made via the termbox.
* @var string[]
* @see
'termboxTags' => [],
* Tags for edits made via special pages.
* @var string[]
* @see
'specialPageTags' => [],
* @note This config options is primarily added for Wikidata transition use-case and can be
* considered temporary. It could be removed in the future with no warning.
* @var bool Whether to enable the 'mul' language code,
* adding it to the term language codes and falling back to it before the implicit 'en' fallback
* @see
'tmpEnableMulLanguageCode' => false,
* Feature Flag for the soft rollout of always showing the 'mul' language in the termbox.
* Add in, to be removed in
* @var bool Whether to always show the 'mul' language code in the termbox
'tmpAlwaysShowMulLanguageCode' => false,