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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
    "apihelp-wbeditentity-param-data": "The serialised object that is used as the data source.\nA newly created entity will be assigned an 'id'.",
    "apihelp-wbformatvalue-param-datavalue": "The data to format. This has to be the JSON serialisation of a DataValue object.",
    "apihelp-wbgetentities-param-languages": "By default the internationalised values are returned in all available languages.\nThis parameter allows filtering these down to one or more languages by providing one or more language codes.",
    "apihelp-wbgetentities-param-normalize": "Try to normalise the page title against the client site.\nThis only works if exactly one site and one page have been given.",
    "apihelp-wbgetentities-example-11": "Get the item for page \"<var>Berlin</var>\" on the site \"<var>enwiki</var>\" after normalising the title from \"<var>berlin</var>\"",
    "apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-claim": "Statement or Claim serialisation"