"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Amir E. Aharoni",
"Anja Jentzsch",
"Daniel Kinzler",
"Daniel Werner",
"Henning Snater",
"Jens Ohlig",
"John Erling Blad",
"Lucas Werkmeister",
"Lucie-Aimée Kaffee",
"Marius Hoch",
"Michał Łazowik",
"Siebrand Mazeland",
"Thiemo Kreuz",
"Tobias Gritschacher"
"apihelp-wbavailablebadges-summary": "Queries available badge items.",
"apihelp-wbavailablebadges-example-1": "Queries all available badge items",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-summary": "Creates Wikibase claims.",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-entity": "ID of the entity the claim is being added to",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-property": "ID of the snaks property",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-value": "Value of the snak when creating a claim with a snak that has a value",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-snaktype": "The type of the snak",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-example-1": "Creates a claim for item <samp>$1</samp> of property <samp>P9001</samp> with a \"{{int:wikibase-snakview-snaktypeselector-novalue}}\" snak.",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-example-2": "Creates a claim for item <samp>$1</samp> of property <samp>P9002</samp> with string value \"<var>itsastring</var>\"",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-example-3": "Creates a claim for item <samp>$1</samp> of property <samp>P9003</samp> with a value of item <samp>Q1</samp>",
"apihelp-wbcreateclaim-example-4": "Creates a claim for item <samp>$1</samp> of property <samp>P9004</samp> with a coordinate snak value",
"apihelp-wbcreateredirect-summary": "Creates Entity redirects.",
"apihelp-wbcreateredirect-param-from": "Entity ID to make a redirect",
"apihelp-wbcreateredirect-param-to": "Entity ID to point the redirect to",
"apihelp-wbcreateredirect-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbcreateredirect-example-1": "Turn <samp>$1</samp> into a redirect to <samp>$2</samp>",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-summary": "Creates a single new Wikibase entity and modifies it with serialised information.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-id": "The identifier for the entity, including the prefix.\nUse either <var>id</var> or <var>site</var> and <var>title</var> together.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-site": "An identifier for the site on which the page resides.\nUse together with <var>title</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-title": "Title of the page to associate.\nUse together with <var>site</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-data": "The serialized object that is used as the data source.\nA newly created entity will be assigned an 'id'.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-clear": "If set, the complete entity is emptied before proceeding.\nThe entity will not be saved before it is filled with the \"<code>data</code>\", possibly with parts excluded.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-new": "If set, a new entity will be created.\nSet this to the type of the entity to be created.\nIt is not allowed to have this set when <var>id</var> is also set.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-1": "Create a new empty item, return full entity structure",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-2": "Create a new item and set labels for <var>de</var> and <var>en</var>",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-3": "Create a new property containing the json data, return full entity structure",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-4": "Clear all data from entity with ID <samp>$1</samp>",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-5": "Clear all data from entity with ID <samp>$1</samp> and set a label for <var>en</var>",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-6": "Sets sitelink for <var>nowiki</var>, overwriting it if it already exists",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-7": "Sets description for <var>nb</var>, overwriting it if it already exists",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-8": "Creates a new claim on the item for the property <samp>P56</samp> and a value of \"<var>ExampleString</var>\"",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-9": "Removes the claims from the item with the provided GUIDs",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-10": "Sets the claim with the GUID to the value of the claim",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-11": "Adds a label without overwriting it if it already exists",
"apihelp-wbeditentity-example-12": "Removes a label",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-summary": "Formats DataValues.",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-param-generate": "The desired output format to generate.",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-param-datatype": "The value's data type. This is distinct from the value's type",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-param-datavalue": "The data to format. This has to be the JSON serialization of a DataValue object.",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-param-options": "The options the formatter should use. Provided as a JSON object.",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-param-property": "Property ID the data value belongs to, should be used instead of the <var>datatype</var> parameter.",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-example-1": "Format a simple string value.",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-example-2": "Format a string value as a URL in HTML.",
"apihelp-wbformatvalue-example-3": "Format a time value as plain text, automatically showing the calendar model if needed.",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-summary": "Gets Wikibase claims.",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-param-entity": "ID of the entity from which to obtain claims. Required unless claim GUID is provided.",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-param-property": "Optional filter to only return claims with a main snak that has the specified property.",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-param-claim": "A GUID identifying the claim. Required unless entity is provided. The GUID is the globally unique identifier for a claim, e.g. \"<var>q42$D8404CDA-25E4-4334-AF13-A3290BCD9C0F</var>\".",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-param-rank": "Optional filter to return only the claims that have the specified rank",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-param-props": "Some parts of the claim are returned optionally. This parameter controls which ones are returned.",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-example-1": "Get claims for item with ID <samp>Q42</samp>",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-example-2": "Get claims for item with ID <samp>Q42</samp> and property with ID <samp>P31</samp>",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-example-3": "Get claims for item with ID <samp>Q42</samp> that are ranked as normal",
"apihelp-wbgetclaims-example-4": "Get claim with GUID of <var>Q42$D8404CDA-25E4-4334-AF13-A3290BCD9C0F</var>",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-summary": "Gets the data for multiple Wikibase entities.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-ids": "The IDs of the entities to get the data from",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-sites": "Identifier for the site on which the corresponding page resides.\nUse together with <code>title</code>, but only give one site for several titles or several sites for one title.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-titles": "The title of the corresponding page.\nUse together with <code>sites</code>, but only give one site for several titles or several sites for one title.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-redirects": "Whether redirects shall be resolved.\nIf set to \"no\", redirects will be treated like deleted entities.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-props": "The names of the properties to get back from each entity.\nWill be further filtered by any languages given.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-languages": "By default the internationalized values are returned in all available languages.\nThis parameter allows filtering these down to one or more languages by providing one or more language codes.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-languagefallback": "Apply language fallback for languages defined in the <var>languages</var> parameter, with the current context of API call.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-normalize": "Try to normalize the page title against the client site.\nThis only works if exactly one site and one page have been given.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-param-sitefilter": "Filter sitelinks in entities to those with these site IDs.",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-1": "Get entities with ID <samp>Q42</samp> with all available attributes in all available languages",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-2": "Get entities with ID <samp>P17</samp> with all available attributes in all available languages",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-3": "Get entities with IDs <samp>Q42</samp> and <samp>P17</samp> with all available attributes in all available languages",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-4": "Get entities with ID <samp>Q42</samp> with all available attributes in English language",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-5": "Get entities with ID <samp>Q42</samp> with all available attributes in any possible fallback language for the <var>ii</var> language",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-6": "Get entities with ID <samp>Q42</samp> showing all labels in all available languages",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-7": "Get entities with IDs <samp>P17</samp> and <samp>P3</samp> showing only datatypes",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-8": "Get entities with ID <samp>Q42</samp> showing all aliases in English language",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-9": "Get entities with IDs <samp>Q1</samp> and <samp>Q42</samp> showing descriptions in English, German and French languages",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-10": "Get the item for page \"<var>Berlin</var>\" on the site \"<var>enwiki</var>\", with language attributes in English language",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-11": "Get the item for page \"<var>Berlin</var>\" on the site \"<var>enwiki</var>\" after normalizing the title from \"<var>berlin</var>\"",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-12": "Get the sitelinks for item <samp>Q42</samp>",
"apihelp-wbgetentities-example-13": "Get entities with ID <samp>Q42</samp> showing only sitelinks from \"<var>enwiki</var>\"",
"apihelp-wblinktitles-summary": "Associates two pages on two different wikis with a Wikibase item.",
"apihelp-wblinktitles-param-tosite": "An identifier for the site on which the page resides.\nUse together with <var>totitle</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wblinktitles-param-totitle": "Title of the page to associate.\nUse together with <var>tosite</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wblinktitles-param-fromsite": "An identifier for the site on which the page resides.\nUse together with <var>fromtitle</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wblinktitles-param-fromtitle": "Title of the page to associate.\nUse together with <var>fromsite</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wblinktitles-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"bot\".",
"apihelp-wblinktitles-example-1": "Add a link \"Hydrogen\" from the English page to \"Wasserstoff\" at the German page",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-summary": "Merges multiple items.",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-param-fromid": "The ID to merge from",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-param-toid": "The ID to merge to",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-param-ignoreconflicts": "Array of elements of the item to ignore conflicts for. Can only contain values of \"<var>description</var>\", \"<var>sitelink</var>\" and \"<var>statement</var>\"",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revisions.",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"bot\".",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-example-1": "Merges data from <samp>$1</samp> into <samp>$2</samp>",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-example-3": "Merges data from <samp>$1</samp> into <samp>$2</samp> ignoring any conflicting sitelinks",
"apihelp-wbmergeitems-example-4": "Merges data from <samp>$1</samp> into <samp>$2</samp> ignoring any conflicting sitelinks and descriptions",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-summary": "Parses values using a <code>ValueParser</code>.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-param-parser": "ID of the <code>ValueParser</code> to use. <span class=\"apihelp-deprecated\">Deprecated</span>. Use the <var>datatype</var> parameter instead.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-param-datatype": "Datatype of the value to parse. Determines the parser to use.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-param-property": "Property ID the value to parse belongs to. Determines the parser to use.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-param-validate": "Whether to additionally verify the data passed in.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-param-values": "The values to parse",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-param-options": "The options the parser should use. Provided as a JSON object.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-example-1": "Parse a plain string into a StringValue object.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-example-2": "Parse 1994-02-08 to a TimeValue object with a precision of 9 (year).",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-example-3": "Parse 1994-02-08 to a TimeValue object with a precision of 14 (second) with validation enabled, resulting in a validation failure.",
"apihelp-wbparsevalue-example-4": "Parse foo into an object of whatever datatype P123 is, with validation enabled, potentially resulting in a validation failure depending on P123's datatype's expected input.",
"apihelp-wbremoveclaims-summary": "Removes Wikibase claims.",
"apihelp-wbremoveclaims-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbremoveclaims-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"bot\".",
"apihelp-wbremoveclaims-param-claim": "One GUID or several (pipe-separated) GUIDs identifying the claims to be removed.\nAll claims must belong to the same entity.",
"apihelp-wbremoveclaims-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbremoveclaims-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbremoveclaims-example-1": "Remove claim with GUID of \"$1\"",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-summary": "Removes a qualifier from a claim.",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-param-claim": "A GUID identifying the claim from which to remove qualifiers",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-param-qualifiers": "Snak hashes of the qualifiers to remove",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbremovequalifiers-example-1": "Remove qualifier with hash \"<var>$1</var>\" from claim with GUID of \"<var>$2</var>\"",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-summary": "Removes one or more references of the same statement.",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-param-statement": "A GUID identifying the statement for which a reference is being set",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-param-references": "The hashes of the references that should be removed",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbremovereferences-example-1": "Remove reference with hash \"<var>$1</var>\" from the statement with GUID of \"<var>$2</var>\"",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-summary": "Searches for entities using labels and aliases.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-extended-description": "Returns a label and description for the entity in the user language if possible.\nReturns details of the matched term.\nThe matched term text is also present in the aliases key if different from the display label.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-search": "Search for this text.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-language": "Search in this language. This only affects how entities are selected, not the language in which the results are returned: this is controlled by the \"uselang\" parameter.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-strictlanguage": "Whether to disable language fallback",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-type": "Search for this type of entity.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-props": "Return these properties for each entity.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-limit": "Maximal number of results",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-continue": "Offset where to continue a search",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-param-profile": "The search profile to use.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-paramvalue-profile-default": "The default profile, suitable for most purposes.",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-example-1": "Search for \"abc\" in English language, with defaults for type and limit",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-example-2": "Search for \"abc\" in English language with a limit of 50",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-example-3": "Search only properties for \"alphabet\" in English language",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-example-4": "Search for \"abc\" in English language with a limit of 2 and an offset of 2",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-example-5": "Search for \"alphabet\" in English language omitting url parameter",
"apihelp-wbsearchentities-example-6": "Search for \"Q1234\" in English language, to match the entity ID.",
"apihelp-query+entityterms-summary": "Get the terms (labels, descriptions and aliases) of the entity on this page.",
"apihelp-query+entityterms-param-language": "The language code to get terms in. If not specified, the user language is used.",
"apihelp-query+entityterms-param-terms": "The types of terms to get, e.g. 'description', each returned as an array of strings keyed by their type, e.g. {\"description\": [\"foo\"]}. If not specified, all types are returned.",
"apihelp-query+entityterms-example-item": "Get labels and aliases of item Q84.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-summary": "Returns information about the content languages Wikibase accepts in different contexts.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-param-context": "The context in which the content languages should be valid.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-paramvalue-context-term": "The terms (label, description, aliases) of an entity.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-paramvalue-context-monolingualtext": "A monolingual text value in a statement.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-param-prop": "The properties that should be returned about each language.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-paramvalue-prop-code": "The language code.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-paramvalue-prop-autonym": "The autonym of the language, that is, the name of the language in that language. May not be known for all languages.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-paramvalue-prop-name": "The name of the language in the current language (specified via the <var>uselang</var> parameter), with language fallbacks applied if necessary. Usually, at least an English name is known for all content languages Wikibase accepts.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-example-1": "Get the valid language codes for the terms of an entity.",
"apihelp-query+wbcontentlanguages-example-2": "Get the valid languages, with language code and autonym, for monolingual text values.",
"apihelp-query+wbdatabridgeconfig-summary": "Returns information needed for the [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata Bridge|Data Bridge]] feature.",
"apihelp-query+wbdatabridgeconfig-extended-description": "This is an internal module. Please do not use it.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-summary": "Searches for entities using labels and aliases.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-extended-description": "This can be used as a generator for other queries.\nReturns the matched term that should be displayed.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-param-search": "Search for this text.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-param-language": "Search in this language.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-param-strictlanguage": "Whether to disable language fallback",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-param-type": "Search for this type of entity.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-param-limit": "Maximal number of results",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-param-profile": "The search profile to use.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-paramvalue-profile-default": "The default profile, suitable for most purposes.",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-example-1": "Search for \"abc\" in English language, with defaults for type and limit",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-example-2": "Search for \"abc\" in English language with a limit of 50",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-example-3": "Search only properties for \"alphabet\" in English language",
"apihelp-query+wbsearch-example-4": "Search for \"alphabet\" in English language as a generator",
"apihelp-query+wbsubscribers-summary": "Get subscriptions to given entities.",
"apihelp-query+wbsubscribers-param-entities": "Entities to get subscribers",
"apihelp-query+wbsubscribers-param-prop": "Properties to add to result",
"apihelp-query+wbsubscribers-param-limit": "Maximal number of results",
"apihelp-query+wbsubscribers-example-1": "Get subscribers to entity <samp>Q42</samp>",
"apihelp-query+wbsubscribers-example-2": "Get subscribers to entity <samp>Q42</samp> with URL to <code>Special:EntityUsage</code> included",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-summary": "Sets the aliases for a Wikibase entity.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-id": "The identifier for the entity, including the prefix.\nUse either <var>id</var> or <var>site</var> and <var>title</var> together.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-new": "If set, a new entity will be created.\nSet this to the type of the entity you want to create.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-site": "An identifier for the site on which the page resides.\nUse together with <var>title</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-title": "Title of the page to associate.\nUse together with <var>site</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-add": "List of aliases to add (can be combined with <var>remove</var>)",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-remove": "List of aliases to remove (can be combined with <var>add</var>)",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-set": "A list of aliases that will replace the current list (cannot be combined with neither <var>add</var> nor <var>remove</var>)",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-language": "The language for which to set the aliases",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-example-1": "Set the English aliases for the entity with ID <samp>$1</samp> to <var>Foo</var> and <var>Bar</var>",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-example-2": "Add <var>Foo</var> and <var>Bar</var> to the list of English aliases for the entity with ID <samp>$1</samp>",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-example-3": "Remove <var>Foo</var> and <var>Bar</var> from the list of English aliases for the entity with ID <samp>$1</samp>",
"apihelp-wbsetaliases-example-4": "Remove <var>Foo</var> from the list of English aliases for the entity with ID <samp>$1</samp> while adding <var>Bar</var> to it",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-summary": "Creates or updates an entire Statement or Claim.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-claim": "Statement or Claim serialization",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-index": "The index within the entity's list of statements to move the statement to. Optional. Be aware that when setting an index that specifies a position not next to a statement whose main snak does not feature the same property, the whole group of statements whose main snaks feature the same property is moved. When not provided, an existing statement will stay in place while a new statement will be appended to the last one whose main snak features the same property.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-ignoreduplicatemainsnak": "If this is true, and the entity already has a claim with the same main snak as the claim being sent in the request, then the request is ignored",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-example-1": "Set the claim with the given ID to property <samp>P1</samp> with a string value of \"<var>City</var>\"",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-example-2": "Set the claim with the given ID to property <samp>P1</samp> with a string value of \"<var>City</var>\" and move the claim to the topmost position within the entity's subgroup of claims that feature the main snak property <samp>P1</samp>. In addition, move the whole subgroup to the top of all subgroups aggregated by property.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaim-example-3": "Set the Statement with the given ID to Property <samp>P1</samp> with a string value of \"<var>City</var>\" and set the Statement's References to a single Reference featuring the string value \"<var>The Economy of Cities</var>\" assigned to the Property <samp>P2</samp>.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-summary": "Sets the value of a Wikibase claim.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-param-claim": "A GUID identifying the claim",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-param-snaktype": "The type of the snak",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-param-value": "The value to set the DataValue of the main snak of the claim to",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetclaimvalue-example-1": "Sets the claim with the GUID of <var>$1</var> to a value of <samp>Q1</samp>",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-summary": "Sets a description for a single Wikibase entity.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-id": "The identifier for the entity, including the prefix.\nUse either <var>id</var> or <var>site</var> and <var>title</var> together.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-new": "If set, a new entity will be created.\nSet this to the type of the entity you want to create.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-site": "An identifier for the site on which the page resides.\nUse together with <var>title</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-title": "Title of the page to associate.\nUse together with <var>site</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-language": "Language of the description",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-value": "The value to set for the description",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-example-1": "Set the string \"<var>An encyclopedia that everyone can edit</var>\" for page with ID \"<samp>$1</samp>\" as a description in English language",
"apihelp-wbsetdescription-example-2": "Set the string \"<var>An encyclopedia that everyone can edit</var>\" as a description in English language for page with a sitelink to <var>enwiki:Wikipedia</var>",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-summary": "Sets a label for a single Wikibase entity.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-id": "The identifier for the entity, including the prefix.\nUse either <var>id</var> or <var>site</var> and <var>title</var> together.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-new": "If set, a new entity will be created.\nSet this to the type of the entity you want to create.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-site": "An identifier for the site on which the page resides.\nUse together with <var>title</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-title": "Title of the page to associate.\nUse together with <var>site</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-language": "Language of the label",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-value": "The value of the label",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-example-1": "Set the string \"Wikimedia\" for page with ID \"<samp>$1</samp>\" as a label in English language and report it as pretty printed JSON.",
"apihelp-wbsetlabel-example-2": "Set the English language label to \"<var>Earth</var>\" for the item with sitelink <var>enwiki</var> => \"<var>Earth</var>\".",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-summary": "Creates a qualifier or sets the value of an existing one.",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-claim": "A GUID identifying the claim for which a qualifier is being set",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-property": "ID of the snaks property.\nShould only be provided when creating a new qualifier or changing the property of an existing one",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-value": "The new value of the qualifier.\nShould only be provided for PropertyValueSnak qualifiers",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-snaktype": "The type of the snak.\nShould only be provided when creating a new qualifier or changing the type of an existing one",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-snakhash": "The hash of the snak to modify.\nShould only be provided for existing qualifiers",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"{{int:group-bot}}\".",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetqualifier-example-1": "Set the qualifier for the given claim with property <samp>P1</samp> to string value <var>GdyjxP8I6XB3</var>",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-summary": "Creates a reference or sets the value of an existing one.",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-statement": "A GUID identifying the statement for which a reference is being set",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-snaks": "The snaks to set the reference to. JSON object with property IDs pointing to arrays containing the snaks for that property",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-snaks-order": "The order of the snaks. JSON array of property ID strings",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-reference": "A hash of the reference that should be updated. Optional. When not provided, a new reference is created",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-index": "The index within the statement's list of references where to move the reference to. Optional. When not provided, an existing reference will stay in place while a new reference will be appended.",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"bot\".",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-example-1": "Create a new reference for claim with GUID $1",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-example-2": "Set reference for claim with GUID $1 which has hash of $2",
"apihelp-wbsetreference-example-3": "Creates a new reference for the claim with GUID $1 and inserts the new reference at the top of the list of references instead of appending it to the bottom.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-summary": "Associates a page on a wiki with a Wikibase item or removes an already made such association.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-id": "The identifier for the entity, including the prefix.\nUse either <var>id</var> or <var>site</var> and <var>title</var> together.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-new": "If set, a new entity will be created.\nSet this to the type of the entity you want to create.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-site": "An identifier for the site on which the page resides.\nUse together with <var>title</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-title": "Title of the page to associate.\nUse together with <var>site</var> to make a complete sitelink.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-baserevid": "The numeric identifier for the revision to base the modification on.\nThis is used for detecting conflicts during save.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-summary": "Summary for the edit.\nWill be prepended by an automatically generated comment. The length limit of the autocomment together with the summary is 260 characters. Be aware that everything above that limit will be cut off.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-bot": "Mark this edit as bot. This URL flag will only be respected if the user belongs to the group \"bot\".",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-linksite": "The identifier of the site on which the page to link resides",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-linktitle": "The title of the page to link. If this parameter is an empty string or both <var>linktitle</var> and <var>badges</var> are not set, the link will be removed.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-badges": "The IDs of items to be set as badges. They will replace the current ones. If this parameter is not set, the badges will not be changed",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-param-tags": "Change tags to apply to the revision.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-1": "Add a sitelink to the English page \"Hydrogen\" to the item with ID <samp>$1</samp>, if the sitelink does not exist",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-2": "Add a sitelink to the English page \"Hydrogen\" to the item with ID <samp>$1</samp>, if the sitelink does not exist. Also appends \"Loves Oxygen\" to the edit summary.",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-3": "Add a sitelink to the German page \"Wasserstoff\" to the item that is linked with the English page \"Hydrogen\", if the sitelink does not exist",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-4": "Remove the German sitelink from the item",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-5": "Add a sitelink to the Polish page \"Wodór\" to the item that is linked with the English page \"Hydrogen\", with one badge pointing to the item with ID \"Q149\"",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-6": "Change badges for the link to the Polish page from the item with ID <samp>$1</samp> to two badges pointing to the items with IDs \"Q2\" and \"Q149\" without providing the link title",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-7": "Change the link to the Polish page from the item with ID <samp>$1</samp> without changing badges",
"apihelp-wbsetsitelink-example-8": "Change the link to the Polish page from the item with ID <samp>$1</samp> and remove all of its badges",
"apihelp-wbformatentities-summary": "Formats entity IDs to HTML.",
"apihelp-wbformatentities-extended-description": "The language can be specified with the global <var>uselang</var> parameter.",
"apihelp-wbformatentities-param-ids": "The entity IDs to format.",
"apihelp-wbformatentities-example-1": "Format a single item ID.",
"apihelp-wbformatentities-example-2": "Format an item ID and a property ID.",
"apihelp-wbformatentities-example-3": "Format an item ID, a property ID and a lexeme ID.",
"apihelp-wbformatentities-example-4": "Format three item IDs in French."