"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Daniel Kinzler",
"Tobias Gritschacher",
"John Erling Blad",
"Jens Ohlig",
"Anja Jentzsch",
"Daniel Werner",
"Michał Łazowik",
"Lucie-Aimée Kaffee",
"Winston Sung"
"wikibase-desc": "Structured data repository",
"wikibase-entity": "Entity",
"wikibase-entity-item": "Item",
"wikibase-entity-property": "Property",
"wikibase-entity-query": "Query",
"nstab-item": "Item",
"tooltip-ca-nstab-item": "View the Item",
"nstab-property": "Property",
"tooltip-ca-nstab-property": "View the Property",
"nstab-query": "Query",
"tooltip-ca-nstab-query": "View the Query",
"wikibase-edit": "edit",
"wikibase-save": "save",
"wikibase-publish": "publish",
"wikibase-cancel": "cancel",
"wikibase-add": "add",
"wikibase-addqualifier": "add qualifier",
"wikibase-addreference": "add reference",
"wikibase-save-inprogress": "Saving…",
"wikibase-publish-inprogress": "Publishing…",
"wikibase-remove-inprogress": "Removing…",
"wikibase-statementlistview-add": "add value",
"wikibase-statementlistview-add-tooltip": "Add a new value",
"wikibase-statementgrouplistview-add": "add statement",
"wikibase-statementgrouplistview-add-tooltip": "Add a new statement",
"wikibase-entitytermsview-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-toggler": "In more languages",
"wikibase-entitytermsview-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-configure-link": "",
"wikibase-entitytermsview-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-configure-link-label": "Configure",
"wikibase-setting-entitytermsview-showEntitytermslistview": "Show labels, aliases and descriptions in all my languages on page load",
"wikibase-setting-entitytermsview-showEntitytermslistview-help": "Personal languages additional to the user interface language can be set using the [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Babel|Babel extension]] syntax on the user page.",
"wikibase-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-aliases": "Also known as",
"wikibase-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-description": "Description",
"wikibase-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-label": "Label",
"wikibase-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-language": "Language",
"wikibase-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-more": "All entered languages",
"wikibase-entitytermsforlanguagelistview-less": "Fewer languages",
"wikibase-entityterms-languagelistview-mul-popup-title": "New! Add default labels and aliases for all languages",
"wikibase-entityterms-languagelistview-mul-popup-content": "The default values are used for all languages with empty labels and aliases in order to minimize repetition. [$1 More information]",
"wikibase-entityterms-languagelistview-mul-popup-dont-show-again": "Don't show this again",
"wikibase-label-empty": "No label defined",
"wikibase-label-edit-placeholder": "enter a label",
"wikibase-label-edit-placeholder-language-aware": "enter a label in $1",
"wikibase-label-edit-placeholder-mul": "enter a default label",
"wikibase-description-empty": "No description defined",
"wikibase-description-edit-placeholder": "enter a description",
"wikibase-description-edit-placeholder-language-aware": "enter a description in $1",
"wikibase-description-edit-placeholder-not-applicable": "not applicable",
"wikibase-description-edit-mul-not-applicable-accessibility-label": "It is not possible to set a default description for all languages",
"wikibase-item-description-edit-not-supported": "Descriptions are not supported for this language. Please provide a description in another language once the Item is created.",
"wikibase-property-description-edit-not-supported": "Descriptions are not supported for this language. Please provide a description in another language once the Property is created.",
"wikibase-description-not-applicable": "–",
"wikibase-description-not-applicable-title": "It is not possible to set a default description for all languages",
"wikibase-aliases-edit-placeholder": "enter some aliases",
"wikibase-aliases-edit-placeholder-language-aware": "enter some aliases in $1",
"wikibase-aliases-edit-placeholder-mul": "enter some aliases for all languages",
"wikibase-aliases-edit-label": "Aliases, pipe-separated:",
"wikibase-aliases-separator": "|",
"wikibase-content-language-edit-label": "Language:",
"wikibase-content-language-edit-not-recognized-language": "The supplied language code was not recognized.",
"wikibase-diffview-reference": "reference",
"wikibase-diffview-rank": "rank",
"wikibase-diffview-rank-preferred": "Preferred rank",
"wikibase-diffview-rank-normal": "Normal rank",
"wikibase-diffview-rank-deprecated": "Deprecated rank",
"wikibase-diffview-qualifier": "qualifier",
"wikibase-diffview-label": "label",
"wikibase-diffview-alias": "aliases",
"wikibase-diffview-description": "description",
"wikibase-diffview-link": "links",
"wikibase-diffview-link-name": "name",
"wikibase-diffview-link-badges": "badges",
"wikibase-sitelink-site-edit-placeholder": "wiki",
"wikibase-sitelink-page-edit-placeholder": "page",
"wikibase-alias-edit-placeholder": "enter an alias",
"wikibase-label-input-help-message": "Enter the label of this entity in $1.",
"wikibase-entitytermsview-input-help-message": "Enter a label of this entity, a short description and aliases per language.",
"wikibase-statementsection-statements": "Statements",
"wikibase-statementsection-identifiers": "Identifiers",
"wikibase-sitelinks": "Sitelinks",
"wikibase-sitelinkgroupview-input-help-message": "Add a sitelink by specifying a site and a page of that site, edit or remove existing sitelinks.",
"wikibase-sitelinks-counter": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|entry|entries}}",
"wikibase-sitelinks-empty": "No page is linked to this Item.",
"wikibase-sitelinks-special": "Other sites",
"wikibase-badgeselector-badge-placeholder-title": "Click to assign a badge.",
"wikibase-remove": "remove",
"wikibase-undo-title": "Undoing edit to \"$1\"",
"wikibase-restore-title": "Restoring old revision of \"$1\"",
"wikibase-partial-undo": "The edit can partially be undone.",
"wikibase-omitted-undo-ops": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|change|changes}} cannot be undone because the {{PLURAL:$1|value has|values have}} changed in the meantime.",
"wikibase-empty-undo": "There is nothing that can be undone here.",
"wikibase-undo-revision-error": "Undo failed",
"wikibase-undo-samerev": "Two different revisions must be specified to undo an edit.",
"wikibase-undo-badpage": "Bad revision: Revision $2 does not belong to [[:$1]].",
"wikibase-undo-firstrev": "Cannot undo the page's creation",
"wikibase-undo-nocontent": "Cannot load content of revision $2 of page $1",
"wikibase-undo-redirect-latestredirect": "Cannot undo non-redirect edit if latest revision is a redirect",
"wikibase-undo-redirect-latestnoredirect": "Cannot undo redirect edit if latest revision is not a redirect",
"wikibase-summary-generated": "Summary (will be appended to an automatically generated summary):",
"wikibase-disambiguation-title": "Disambiguation for \"$1\"",
"wikibase-aliases-input-help-message": "To make this entity easier to find, you can enter alternative names.",
"wikibase-propertypage-datatype": "Data type",
"wikibase-propertypage-bad-datatype": "Unknown data type: $1",
"wikibase-property-footer": "",
"wikibase-claimview-snak-tooltip": "Enter a value corresponding to the Property named \"$1\". If the Property has no designated value or the actual value is not known, you can choose an alternative value type by clicking the icon before the input box.",
"wikibase-claimview-snak-new-tooltip": "After specifying a Property you can enter a corresponding value. If the Property has no designated value or the actual value is not known, you can choose an alternative value type by clicking the icon before the input box.",
"wikibase-referenceview-tabs-manual": "Manual",
"wikibase-statementview-rank-preferred": "Preferred rank",
"wikibase-statementview-rank-tooltip-preferred": "Valid and up-to-date value",
"wikibase-statementview-rank-normal": "Normal rank",
"wikibase-statementview-rank-tooltip-normal": "Valid value, though possibly historic",
"wikibase-statementview-rank-deprecated": "Deprecated rank",
"wikibase-statementview-rank-tooltip-deprecated": "Value is known to be wrong but (used to be) commonly believed",
"wikibase-statementview-references-counter": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|reference|references}}",
"wikibase-snakview-property-input-placeholder": "Property",
"wikibase-snakview-unsupportedsnaktype": "Snak of type \"$1\". Handling for this kind of Snak is not yet supported.",
"wikibase-snakview-choosesnaktype": "Choose a value type.",
"wikibase-snakview-variation-datavaluetypemismatch": "The value does not comply with the Property's definition.",
"wikibase-snakview-variation-datavaluetypemismatch-details": "Unexpected conflict between the Property type \"$2\" and the value type \"$1\".",
"wikibase-snakview-variation-nonewvaluefordeletedproperty": "It is not possible to define a new value for a deleted Property.",
"wikibase-snakview-variations-somevalue-label": "unknown value",
"wikibase-snakview-variations-novalue-label": "no value",
"wikibase-snakview-snaktypeselector-value": "custom value",
"wikibase-snakformat-invalid-value": "Invalid value.",
"wikibase-snakformat-propertynotfound": "Property not found.",
"wikibase-shortcopyrightwarning-minimal": "By clicking \"$1\", you agree to the [[$2|terms of use]].",
"wikibase-shortcopyrightwarning": "By clicking \"$1\", you agree to the [[$2|terms of use]], and you irrevocably agree to release your contribution under the [$3 $4].",
"wikibase-shortcopyrightwarning-version": "wikibase-1",
"wikibase-shortcopyrightwarning-accept-persist": "I accept these terms for my future edits. Do not show this message again.",
"wikibase-copyrighttooltip-acknowledge": "I accept these terms for my future edits. Do not show this message again.",
"wikibase-entityselector-more": "more",
"wikibase-entityselector-notfound": "No match was found",
"wikibase-anonymouseditwarning": "Warning: You are not logged in. Your [ IP address] will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If you <strong>[$1 log in]</strong> or <strong>[$2 create an account]</strong>, your edits will be attributed to a username, among other benefits.",
"wikibase-anonymouseditwarning-heading": "You are not logged in",
"wikibase-anonymouseditwarning-message": "Currently your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If you log in or create an account, your edits will be attributed to your username, among other benefits.",
"wikibase-anonymouseditnotificationtempuser-message": "If you log in or create an account, your edits will be attributed to your username, among other benefits.",
"wikibase-anonymouseditwarning-dismiss-persist": "Warn me whenever I'm not logged in.",
"wikibase-anonymouseditwarning-dismiss-button": "Edit without logging in",
"wikibase-anonymouseditnotificationtempuser": "If you <strong>[$1 log in]</strong> or <strong>[$2 create an account]</strong>, your edits will be attributed to a username, among other benefits.",
"wikibase-move-error": "You cannot move pages that are in a data namespace, and you cannot move pages into it.",
"wikibase-validator-invalid": "Invalid value",
"wikibase-validator-missing-field": "Missing required field \"$1\"",
"wikibase-validator-bad-type": "$2 instead of $1",
"wikibase-validator-too-long": "Must be no more than {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-label-too-long": "Label must be no more than {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-label-too-short": "Label must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-description-too-long": "Description must be no more than {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-description-too-short": "Description must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-alias-too-long": "Each alias must be no more than {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-alias-too-short": "Each alias must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-too-short": "Must be at least {{PLURAL:$1|one character|$1 characters}} long",
"wikibase-validator-too-high": "Out of range, must be no higher than $1",
"wikibase-validator-too-low": "Out of range, must be no lower than $1",
"wikibase-validator-malformed-value": "Malformed input: $1",
"wikibase-validator-bad-entity-id": "Malformed ID: $1",
"wikibase-validator-bad-entity-type": "Unexpected entity type $1",
"wikibase-validator-no-such-entity": "$1 not found",
"wikibase-validator-no-such-property": "Property $1 not found",
"wikibase-validator-bad-value": "Data value corrupt: $1",
"wikibase-validator-bad-value-type": "Bad value type $1, expected $2",
"wikibase-validator-bad-data-type": "Bad data type: $1",
"wikibase-validator-bad-prefix": "Bad value $1, expected it to begin with $2",
"wikibase-validator-bad-url": "URLs are not allowed to contain certain characters like spaces or square brackets: $1",
"wikibase-validator-url-scheme-missing": "This URL misses a scheme like \"https://\": $1",
"wikibase-validator-bad-url-scheme": "An URL scheme \"$1\" is not supported.",
"wikibase-validator-unknown-unit": "Unknown unit: $1",
"wikibase-validator-not-allowed": "Illegal value: $1",
"wikibase-validator-no-validators": "Forbidden",
"wikibase-validator-sitelink-conflict": "The link $1 is already used by Item $2. You may remove it from $2 if it does not belong there or merge the Items if they are about the exact same topic.",
"wikibase-validator-sitelink-conflict-redirects-supported": "The link $1 is already used by Item $2. You may remove it from $2 if it does not belong there or merge the Items if they are about the exact same topic. If the situation is more complex, please see [ Help:Sitelinks].",
"wikibase-validator-sitelink-conflict-unknown": "The link $1 is also used by another Item that is currently being saved.",
"wikibase-validator-label-conflict": "Property $3 already has label \"$1\" associated with language code $2.",
"wikibase-validator-label-with-description-conflict": "Item $3 already has label \"$1\" associated with language code $2, using the same description text.",
"wikibase-validator-label-equals-description": "Label and description for language code $1 can not have the same value.",
"wikibase-validator-label-no-entityid": "The label must not be a valid entity ID.",
"wikibase-validator-illegal-string-chars": "String should not start or end with whitespace nor include vertical whitespace or tabs: $1",
"wikibase-validator-illegal-file-chars": "File names are not allowed to contain characters like colons or slashes",
"wikibase-validator-check-file-type": "File extension is missing.",
"wikibase-validator-illegal-geo-shape-title": "Value must start with <code>Data:</code> and end with <code>.map</code>. In addition title should not contain characters like colon, hash or pipe.",
"wikibase-validator-illegal-tabular-data-title": "Value must start with <code>Data:</code> and end with <code>.tab</code>. In addition title should not contain characters like colon, hash or pipe.",
"wikibase-validator-no-such-media": "The file \"$1\" does not exist on [ Wikimedia Commons].",
"wikibase-validator-no-such-sitelink": "Could not find a sitelink to \"$1\" when trying to edit badges.",
"wikibase-validator-no-mul-descriptions": "The language code \"mul\" ($1) can only be used for labels and aliases, not for descriptions.",
"wikibase-validator-page-not-exists": "The page \"$1\" does not exist.",
"wikibase-validator-not-a-language": "\"$1\" is not a known language code.",
"wikibase-itemlink": "$1 $2",
"wikibase-itemlink-id-wrapper": "($1)",
"wikibase-itemlink-userlang-wrapper": " ($1: $2)",
"wikibase-itemlink-title": "$1 | $2",
"wikibase-item-reference-edit-placeholder": "Enter Item ID e.g. Q10",
"wikibase-item-reference-edit-invalid-format": "Entered Item ID has invalid format",
"wikibase-item-reference-edit-nonexistent-item": "Item with this ID does not exist",
"wikibase-wikibaserepopage-not-itemid": "\"$1\" is not a valid Item ID.",
"wikibase-wikibaserepopage-invalid-langcode": "The language code \"$1\" is unknown. Please use a language code known to the system, such as \"en\".",
"wikibase-wikibaserepopage-pipe-in-alias": "Aliases that contain pipes can only be edited on the page of the entity itself (with JavaScript enabled) or via the API",
"wikibase-wikibaserepopage-invalid-id": "The ID \"$1\" is unknown to the system. Please use a valid entity ID.",
"wikibase-wikibaserepopage-unresolved-redirect": "$1 is a redirect.",
"wikibase-wikibaserepopage-storage-exception": "An error occurred while trying to load $1: $2.",
"special-availablebadges": "Available badges",
"wikibase-availablebadges-emptylist": "There are no badges configured on this wiki.",
"special-itembytitle": "Item by title",
"wikibase-itembytitle-lookup-fieldset": "Search for Items by site and title",
"wikibase-itembytitle-lookup-site": "Site:",
"wikibase-itembytitle-lookup-page": "Page:",
"wikibase-itembytitle-submit": "Search",
"wikibase-itembytitle-error-site": "Please use an existing site identifier, e.g. \"enwiki\" for the English Wikipedia.",
"wikibase-itembytitle-error-item": "An Item that links to the given page was not found.",
"wikibase-itembytitle-create": "You can also [$1 create an Item].",
"wikibase-itembytitle-summary": "Special:ItemByTitle is used to find the corresponding Item for a given page on a connected site.<br />The first field, \"{{int:wikibase-itembytitle-lookup-site}}\", is where you enter the language and site code.<br />For the second field, \"{{int:wikibase-itembytitle-lookup-page}}\", you must put in the exact title of the page as it appears on the connected site.",
"special-gotolinkedpage": "Go to linked page",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-lookup-fieldset": "Go to linked page by site and Item",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-lookup-site": "Site:",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-lookup-item": "Item ID:",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-submit": "Go",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-summary": "Special:GoToLinkedPage is used to find the page for an Item on a connected site.<br />The first field, \"{{int:wikibase-gotolinkedpage-lookup-site}}\", is where you enter the language and site code.<br />For the second field, \"{{int:wikibase-gotolinkedpage-lookup-item}}\", you must put in the item ID you are looking for.",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-error-page-not-found": "There was no page found for that combination of Item and site",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-error-item-id-invalid": "The entered ID of the Item is not valid",
"wikibase-gotolinkedpage-error-item-not-found": "Item was not found",
"special-itemdisambiguation": "Item disambiguation",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-lookup-fieldset": "Search for Items by language and label",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-lookup-language": "Language code:",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-lookup-label": "Label:",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-submit": "Search",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-form-hints": "Note that no more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|result|results}} will be shown.",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-nothing-found": "Sorry, no Item with that label was found.",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-search": "You can [$1 search for the Item].",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-create": "You can [$1 create the Item].",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-invalid-langcode": "Sorry, the language code you have provided is unknown to the system. Please use a valid language code like \"en\".",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-description": "Values used for searching must be the complete text entry. Language is an identifier, such as \"en\".",
"wikibase-itemdisambiguation-summary": "Search for all Items with the exact same label.",
"special-newproperty": "Create a new Property",
"wikibase-newproperty-summary": "Make sure to check if the Property already exists!<br />You should create a {{int:Wikibase-label-helppage|label}} and a {{int:Wikibase-description-helppage|description}} for all new Properties, and in addition a valid Property type.",
"wikibase-newproperty-fieldset": "Create a new Property",
"wikibase-newproperty-datatype": "Data type:",
"wikibase-newproperty-invalid-datatype": "Invalid data type specified.",
"wikibase-newproperty-insufficient-data": "You need to fill at least either label, description or aliases.",
"wikibase-newproperty-pick-data-type": "(pick a data type)",
"wikibase-description-helppage": "[// $1]",
"wikibase-label-helppage": "[// $1]",
"special-newitem": "Create a new Item",
"wikibase-newitem-summary": "Make sure to [[Special:Search|check if the Item already exists]]!<br />You should create a {{int:Wikibase-label-helppage|label}} and a {{int:Wikibase-description-helppage|description}} for all new items.",
"wikibase-newitem-fieldset": "Create a new Item",
"wikibase-newitem-site": "Site of the first linked page",
"wikibase-newitem-page": "Name of the first linked page",
"wikibase-newitem-no-external-page": "A page \"$2\" could not be found on \"$1\".",
"wikibase-newitem-not-recognized-siteid": "The provided site identifier was not recognized.",
"wikibase-newitem-same-label-and-description": "The label and description can not have the same value.",
"wikibase-newproperty-same-label-and-description": "The label and description can not have the same value.",
"wikibase-newitem-insufficient-data": "You need to fill at least either label, description or aliases.",
"wikibase-newentity-language": "Language:",
"wikibase-newentity-label": "Label:",
"wikibase-newentity-description": "Description:",
"wikibase-newentity-submit": "Create",
"special-setlabel": "Set Item/Property label",
"wikibase-search-result-stats": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|statement|statements}}, $2 {{PLURAL:$2|sitelink|sitelinks}}",
"wikibase-setlabel-introfull": "You are setting the label in $2 for [[:$1]].",
"wikibase-setlabel-intro": "This form allows you to set the label of an entity. You need to provide the ID of the entity (e.g. Q23), a language code (e.g. \"en\") and the label to set to.",
"wikibase-setlabel-label": "Label:",
"wikibase-setlabel-submit": "Set label",
"special-setdescription": "Set Item/Property description",
"wikibase-setdescription-introfull": "You are setting the description in $2 for [[:$1]].",
"wikibase-setdescription-intro": "This form allows you to set the description of an entity. You need to provide the ID of the entity (e.g. Q23), a language code (e.g. \"en\") and the description to set to.",
"wikibase-setdescription-label": "Description:",
"wikibase-setdescription-submit": "Set description",
"special-setaliases": "Set Item/Property aliases",
"wikibase-setaliases-introfull": "You are setting the aliases in $2 for [[:$1]]. Several aliases are separated by a pipe (<code>|</code>) character.",
"wikibase-setaliases-intro": "This form allows you to set the aliases of an entity. You need to provide the ID of the entity (e.g. Q23), a language code (e.g. \"en\") and the aliases to set to. Several aliases are separated by a pipe (<code>|</code>) character.",
"wikibase-setaliases-label": "Aliases:",
"wikibase-setaliases-submit": "Set aliases",
"special-setlabeldescriptionaliases": "Set Item/Property label, description and aliases",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-introfull": "You are setting label, description and aliases in $2 for [[:$1]]. Several aliases are separated by a pipe (<code>|</code>) character.",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-intro": "This form allows you to set label, description and aliases of an entity. You need to first provide the ID of the entity (e.g. \"Q23\") and a language code (e.g. \"en\").",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-label-label": "Label:",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-description-label": "Description:",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-aliases-label": "Aliases:",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-description-not-supported": "Descriptions are not supported for this language.",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-submit": "Set label, description and aliases",
"wikibase-setlabeldescriptionaliases-continue": "Continue",
"special-setsitelink": "Set Item sitelink",
"wikibase-setsitelink-introfull": "You are setting the sitelink of $2 for [[:$1]].",
"wikibase-setsitelink-intro": "This form allows you to set the sitelink of an Item. You need to provide the ID of the Item (e.g. Q23), a site ID (e.g. \"enwiki\") and the sitelink to set to.",
"wikibase-setsitelink-intro-badges": "Additionally you can set various badges for this sitelink which are listed below.",
"wikibase-setsitelink-site": "Site ID:",
"wikibase-setsitelink-label": "Sitelink:",
"wikibase-setsitelink-badges": "Badges:",
"wikibase-setsitelink-submit": "Set the sitelink",
"wikibase-setsitelink-invalid-site": "The site ID \"$1\" is unknown. Please use an existing site ID, such as \"enwiki\".",
"wikibase-setsitelink-not-item": "The ID $1 does not belong to an Item.",
"wikibase-setsitelink-not-badge": "The Item $1 is not a badge.",
"wikibase-setsitelink-add-failed": "The sitelink could not be saved.",
"wikibase-setsitelink-remove-failed": "The sitelink could not be removed.",
"wikibase-modifyentity-id": "ID:",
"wikibase-modifyterm-language": "Language code:",
"special-mergeitems": "Merge two Items",
"wikibase-mergeitems-intro": "If you merge two Items, all labels, descriptions, aliases, sitelinks and statements will be moved from one Item to the other.",
"wikibase-mergeitems-fromid": "The ID to merge from",
"wikibase-mergeitems-toid": "The ID to merge to",
"wikibase-mergeitems-submit": "Merge Items",
"wikibase-mergeitems-success": "$1 was merged into $3 and redirected.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-redirect": "These Items might be already merged.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-missing-parameter": "Incomplete input.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-not-item": "The specified entity is not an Item.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-failed-save": "Failed to save Item.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-permissiondenied": "Permission denied.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-failed-modify": "Failed to merge Items, please resolve any conflicts first.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-no-such-entity": "Item not found.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-cant-load-entity-content": "Failed to load Item.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-cant-merge-self": "Cannot merge an Item with itself.",
"wikibase-itemmerge-cant-create-temp-user": "Unable to create temporary user",
"wikibase-tokencheck-missingtoken": "Edit token required.",
"wikibase-tokencheck-mustposttoken": "Editing is only possible using POST requests.",
"wikibase-tokencheck-badtoken": "Bad edit token (perhaps your session expired).",
"special-dispatchstats": "Change dispatch statistics",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-intro": "This page provides statistics about dispatching changes to the clients.\nA client wiki is notified of a change on {{SITENAME}} once the change has been dispatched on that wiki, and the job queue on that wiki has processed that notification.",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-empty-queue": "There are no changes in the Change Dispatch queue.",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-oldest": "The oldest undispatched change is from $1.",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-newest": "The newest undispatched change is from $1.",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-estimate": "There {{PLURAL:$1|are approximately $1 undispatched changes}}.",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-above": "There {{PLURAL:$1|are over $1 changes}}.",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-number-of-changes-in-queue": "Number of changes in queue: {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}",
"wikibase-dispatchstats-number-of-entities-in-queue": "Number of Entities in queue: {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}",
"special-listdatatypes": "List of all data types available",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-intro": "This is a list of all data types with the corresponding value types available on this installation:",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-listproperties": "List of Properties with this data type",
"wikibase-history-title-with-label": "Revision history of \"$2\" ($1)",
"wikibase-history-title-without-label": "Revision history of ($1)",
"special-listproperties": "List of Properties",
"wikibase-listproperties-legend": "Get a list of Properties by data type",
"wikibase-listproperties-datatype": "Data type:",
"wikibase-listproperties-all": "All data types",
"wikibase-listproperties-submit": "Find",
"wikibase-listproperties-invalid-datatype": "\"$1\" is not a valid data type.",
"special-itemswithoutsitelinks": "Items without sitelinks",
"special-entitydata": "Entity data",
"wikibase-entitydata-not-found": "No entity with ID $1 was found.",
"wikibase-entitydata-not-acceptable": "No matching format found. Supported MIME types: $1",
"wikibase-entitydata-bad-revision": "Can't show revision $2 of entity $1.",
"wikibase-entitydata-bad-id": "Invalid ID: $1.",
"wikibase-entitydata-bad-flavor": "Invalid flavor $1: must be {{PLURAL:$2|{{#commaseparatedlist:$3}}|one of {{#commaseparatedlist:$3}}}}.",
"wikibase-entitydata-rdf-not-available": "RDF output is currently not available for entities of type: $1. Please request JSON format instead.",
"wikibase-entitydata-unsupported-format": "The data format $1 is not supported by this interface.",
"wikibase-entitydata-storage-error": "Failed to load entity $1.",
"wikibase-entitydata-title": "Entity Data",
"wikibase-entitydata-text": "This page provides a linked data interface to entity values. Please provide the entity ID in the URL, using subpage syntax.\n* Content negotiation applies based on you client's Accept header. This means that the entity data will be provided in the format preferred by your client. For a web browser, this will be HTML, causing your browser to be redirected to the regular entity page.\n* You can explicitly request a specific data format by adding the appropriate file extension to the entity ID: Q23.json will return data in the JSON format, Q23.ttl will return RDF/Turtle, and so on. Supported formats are: $1.",
"wikibase-entitydata-unresolvable-sub-entity-redirect": "Unable to resolve redirect for \"$1\". The parent entity was redirected to \"$2\".",
"special-entitypage": "Entity page",
"wikibase-entitypage-title": "Entity Page",
"wikibase-entitypage-text": "This page redirects to the entity page on the repository it belongs to. Please provide the entity ID in the URL, using subpage syntax.",
"wikibase-entitypage-bad-id": "Invalid ID: $1.",
"wikibase-error-entity-not-local": "Entity type $1 cannot be edited on this wiki.",
"wikibase-error-entity-too-big": "The entity is too big. The maximum allowed entity size is $1.",
"wikibase-parse-error": "Malformed value.",
"wikibase-parse-error-coordinate": "The coordinate value is malformed.",
"wikibase-parse-error-entity-id": "The entity ID is malformed.",
"wikibase-parse-error-quantity": "The quantity value is malformed.",
"wikibase-parse-error-time": "The time value is malformed.",
"special-redirectentity": "Redirect an entity",
"wikibase-redirectentity-success": "$1 was redirected to $2.",
"wikibase-redirectentity-fromid": "The ID to redirect from",
"wikibase-redirectentity-toid": "The ID to redirect to",
"wikibase-redirectentity-submit": "Redirect",
"wikibase-redirect-origin-not-empty": "Can't create redirect on non empty entity $1",
"wikibase-redirect-no-such-entity": "Could not find entity $1",
"wikibase-redirect-cant-load-entity-content": "Cannot access content, revision may be deleted.",
"wikibase-redirect-target-is-incompatible": "Incompatible entity types",
"wikibase-redirect-source-and-target-are-the-same": "It's not possible to redirect an entity to itself",
"wikibase-redirect-target-is-redirect": "Entity $1 is a redirect",
"wikibase-redirect-cant-redirect-due-to-edit-filter-hook": "EditFilterHook stopped redirect creation",
"wikibase-redirect-cant-redirect": "Redirect creation failed due to technical problems",
"wikibase-redirect-cant-create-temp-user": "Unable to create temporary user",
"wikibase-redirect-permissiondenied": "Permission Denied",
"special-mylanguagefallbackchain": "My language fallback chain",
"wikibase-mylanguagefallbackchain-text": "The language fallback chain used to display entity labels for you is shown below.",
"wikibase-mylanguagefallbackchain-babel": "You can edit it by putting <nowiki>{{#babel: }}</nowiki> on {{GENDER:$1|your}} [[Special:MyPage|user page]].",
"wikibase-mylanguagefallbackchain-verbatim-item": "$1 - $2",
"wikibase-mylanguagefallbackchain-converted-item": "$1 - $2, converted from $3 - $4",
"wikibase-api-claim-value-missing": "A value needs to be provided when creating a claim with PropertyValueSnak snak.",
"wikibase-api-claim-value-unexpected": "You cannot provide a value when creating a claim with no PropertyValueSnak as main snak.",
"wikibase-api-common-item": "Common Item detected.",
"wikibase-api-badtoken": "Bad token detected.",
"wikibase-api-cant-load-entity-content": "Cannot access content, revision may be deleted.",
"wikibase-api-unresolved-redirect": "The given entity ID refers to a redirect, which is not supported in this context.",
"wikibase-api-editconflict": "Edit conflict. Could not patch the current revision.",
"wikibase-api-failed-add-sitelink": "The sitelink could not be saved.",
"wikibase-api-failed-modify": "Attempted modification of the Item failed.",
"wikibase-api-failed-save": "The save has failed.",
"wikibase-api-illegal-entity-remove": "Entities can not be deleted by providing a top-level <var>remove</var> key.",
"wikibase-api-illegal-id-or-site-page-selector": "You need to provide either an entity <var>id</var>, or a <var>site</var> and <var>page</var> combination, but not both.",
"wikibase-api-illegal-ids-or-sites-titles-selector": "Either provide the Item \"ids\" or pairs of \"sites\" and \"titles\" for corresponding page",
"wikibase-api-inconsistent-language": "Inconsistent language \"$1\" detected (expected \"$2\").",
"wikibase-api-inconsistent-site": "Inconsistent site detected.",
"wikibase-api-invalid-guid": "Invalid claim guid.",
"wikibase-api-invalid-json": "Invalid json in request.",
"wikibase-api-invalid-snak": "Invalid snak data.",
"wikibase-api-invalid-list": "Invalid list data.",
"wikibase-api-invalid-property-id": "Invalid Property ID.",
"wikibase-api-invalid-entity-id": "Invalid entity ID.",
"wikibase-api-no-common-item": "There is no common Item.",
"wikibase-api-no-data": "No data to operate on.",
"wikibase-api-no-external-page": "The external client site \"$1\" did not provide page information for page \"$2\".",
"wikibase-api-nosuchrevid": "Revision with ID not found.",
"wikibase-api-no-such-claim": "Could not find such a claim.",
"wikibase-api-no-such-entity": "Could not find an entity with the ID \"$1\".",
"wikibase-api-no-such-entity-link": "Could not find an Item containing a sitelink to the provided site and page name.",
"wikibase-api-no-such-reference": "Could not find such a reference.",
"wikibase-api-no-such-site": "Could not find such a site.",
"wikibase-api-no-such-sitelink": "Could not find a sitelink to \"$1\" when trying to edit badges.",
"wikibase-api-no-such-statement": "Could not find such a statement.",
"wikibase-api-not-supported": "The requested feature is not supported by the given entity.",
"wikibase-api-not-statement": "Not a statement.",
"wikibase-api-not-item": "Not an Item.",
"wikibase-api-not-recognized-datatype": "A datatype was expected, but either missing or not recognized.",
"wikibase-api-not-recognized-siteid": "The supplied site identifier was not recognized.",
"wikibase-api-not-recognized": "Something was not recognized.",
"wikibase-api-not-recognized-array": "An array was expected, but not recognized.",
"wikibase-api-not-recognized-language": "The supplied language code \"$1\" was not recognized.",
"wikibase-api-not-recognized-string": "A string was expected, but not recognized.",
"wikibase-api-param-missing": "The required parameter \"$1\" was missing.",
"wikibase-api-param-illegal": "An illegal set of parameters have been used.",
"wikibase-api-permissiondenied": "You do not have the permissions needed to carry out this action.",
"wikibase-api-wrong-class": "Wrong class type detected.",
"wikibase-api-tags-invalid": "Tags parameter invalid.",
"wikibase-api-target-not-empty": "The redirect can only be created on top of an empty or deleted entity.",
"wikibase-api-target-is-redirect": "The redirect's target must not be a redirect too.",
"wikibase-api-target-is-incompatible": "Attempt to redirect to an entity of a different type.",
"wikibase-api-cant-redirect": "Can't create redirect (possibly because redirects between this kind of entity are not supported at all).",
"wikibase-self-conflict-patched": "Your edit was patched into the latest version, overriding some of your own intermediate changes.",
"wikibase-conflict-patched": "Your edit was patched into the latest version.",
"wikibase-save-unresolved-redirect": "Encountered an unresolved redirect from $1 to $2 while attempting to save a change.",
"wikibase-restoreold": "restore",
"wikibase-entity-summary-restore": "Restore revision [[Special:Permalink/$3|$3]] by [[Special:Contributions/$4|{{GENDER:$4|$4}}]] ([[User talk:$4|talk]])",
"wikibase-entity-summary-undo": "Undo revision [[Special:Diff/$3|$3]] by [[Special:Contributions/$4|{{GENDER:$4|$4}}]] ([[User talk:$4|talk]])",
"wikibase-no-direct-editing": "Direct editing is disabled in namespace $1",
"wikibase-noentity": "This entity does not exist. You can [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} search the related logs] to find out where it went.",
"wikibase-noentity-createone": "You can also [[$1|create a new one]].",
"wikibase-special-mergeitems-error-prefix": "The Items could not be merged. The following error occurred:",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-wikibase-item-head": "Item",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-wikibase-item-body": "Link to other Items on the project. When a value is entered, the project's \"Item\" namespace will be searched for matching Items.",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-wikibase-property-head": "Property",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-wikibase-property-body": "Link to Properties on the project. When a value is entered, the project's \"Property\" namespace will be searched for matching Properties.",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-commonsmedia-head": "Commons media",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-commonsmedia-body": "Link to files stored at Wikimedia Commons. When a value is entered, the \"File\" namespace on Commons will be searched for matching files.",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-globe-coordinate-head": "Globe coordinate",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-globe-coordinate-body": "Literal data for a geographical position given as a latitude-longitude pair in gms or decimal degrees for the given stellar body. Defaults to \"Earth\" and then \"WGS84\". It adds a resolution and range.\n* latitude – implicit first part (float, dms, dm, dd) of the coordinate string, direction is either given by prefixed sign or by postfixed N/S\n* longitude – implicit second part (float, dms, dm, dd) of the coordinate string, direction is either given by prefixed sign or by postfixed E/W\n* globe – explicit (?) data value, given as stellar body that defaults to Earth \"\"\n* precision - numeric precision of the coordinate",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-geo-shape-head": "Geographic shape",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-geo-shape-body": "Link to geographic map data stored on Wikimedia Commons (or other configured wiki). See \"\" for more documentation about map data.",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-tabular-data-head": "Tabular data",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-tabular-data-body": "Link to tabular data stored on Wikimedia Commons (or other configured wiki). See \"\" for more documentation about tabular data.",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-quantity-head": "Quantity",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-quantity-body": "Literal data field for a quantity that relates to some kind of well-defined unit. The actual unit goes in the data values that is entered.\n* amount – implicit part of the string (mapping of unit prefix is unclear)\n* unit – implicit part of the string that defaults to \"1\" (mapping to standardizing body is unclear)\n* upperbound - quantity's upper bound\n* lowerbound - quantity's lower bound",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-monolingualtext-head": "Monolingual text",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-monolingualtext-body": "Literal data field for a string that is not translated into other languages. This type of string is defined once and reused across all languages. Typical use is a geographical names written in the local language, an identifier of some kind, a chemical formula or a Latin scientific name.\n* language – explicit value for identifying the language for the text part\n* value – explicit value for the language specific variant string",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-multilingualtext-head": "Multilingual text",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-multilingualtext-body": "Literal data field for a string that must be translated into other languages. Typical use is an entity name of global interest that has non-local written forms. Those can differ both in languages and script systems.\n* language – explicit value for identifying the language for the text part\n* value – explicit value for the language specific variant string",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-string-head": "String",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-string-body": "Literal data field for a string of glyphs. Typical use are identifiers that have written forms which do not depend on the language of the reader.\n* value – explicit value for the language specific variant string",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-time-head": "Time",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-time-body": "Literal data field for a point in time. Given as a date and time with some precision and boundaries. The time is saved internally in the specified calendar model.\n* time – explicit value for point in time, represented as a timestamp resembling ISO 8601, e.g. +2013-01-01T00:00:00Z. The year is always signed and padded to have between 4 and 16 digits.\n* timezone – explicit value as a signed integer. Timezone information as an offset from UTC in minutes.\n* before – explicit integer value for how many units after the given time it could be. The unit is given by the precision.\n* after – explicit integer value for how many units before the given time it could be. The unit is given by the precision.\n* precision – explicit value encoded in a shortint. The numbers have the following meaning: 0 - billion years, 1 - hundred million years, ..., 6 - millennium, 7 - century, 8 - decade, 9 - year, 10 - month, 11 - day, 12 - hour, 13 - minute, 14 - second.\n* calendarmodel – explicit value given as a URI. It identifies the calendar model of the timestamp.",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-url-head": "URL",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-url-body": "Literal data field for a URL. URLs are restricted to the protocols also supported for external links in wikitext.",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-external-id-head": "External identifier",
"wikibase-listdatatypes-external-id-body": "Literal data field for an external identifier. External identifiers may automatically be linked to an authoritative resource for display.",
"wikibase-listdatavaluetypes-name-string": "string",
"wikibase-listdatavaluetypes-name-globecoordinate": "globe coordinate",
"wikibase-listdatavaluetypes-name-monolingualtext": "monolingual text",
"wikibase-listdatavaluetypes-name-quantity": "quantity",
"wikibase-listdatavaluetypes-name-time": "time",
"wikibase-listdatavaluetypes-name-wikibase-entityid": "Wikibase entity id",
"wikibase-listdatavaluetypes-generalbody": "The value type for this data type is <code>$1</code>.",
"wikibase-concept-uri": "Concept URI",
"wikibase-concept-uri-tooltip": "URI that identifies the concept described by this Item",
"wikibase-pageimage-helptext": "This image is taken from the statements of this Item. You can adjust the image by changing the statement.",
"datatypes-type-url": "URL",
"content-model-wikibase-item": "Wikibase Item",
"content-model-wikibase-property": "Wikibase Property",
"content-model-wikibase-query": "Wikibase Query",
"action-item-term": "change Item terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)",
"right-item-term": "Change Item terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)",
"action-item-merge": "merge Items",
"right-item-merge": "Merge Items",
"action-item-redirect": "create Item redirects",
"right-item-redirect": "Create Item redirects",
"action-property-term": "change Property terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)",
"right-property-term": "Change Property terms (labels, descriptions, aliases)",
"action-property-create": "create Properties",
"right-property-create": "Create Properties",
"wikibase-entity-not-viewable-title": "Content type mismatch: Cannot display content",
"wikibase-entity-not-viewable": "The given content of type \"$1\" is not an Entity and cannot be displayed by Wikibase.",
"wikibase-pageinfo-subscription": "Wikis subscribed to this entity",
"wikibase-pageinfo-subscription-none": "None",
"wikibase-pageinfo-wb-claims": "Number of statements in this entity",
"wikibase-pageinfo-wb-identifiers": "Number of external identifier statements in this entity",
"wikibase-search-bad-entity-type": "Bad entity type: $1",
"wikibase-search-bad-profile-name": "Bad search profile name: $1",
"wikibase-search-namespace-mix": "Mixing entity and article namespaces in search is currently not supported. Only entity namespaces will be searched.",
"wikibase-search-config-notfound": "Fulltext search configuration not found: $1",
"wikibase-search-config-badclass": "Bad query builder class: $1",
"wikibase-refresh-for-missing-datatype": "$1 data type was not found in local client script. This may be a result of an outdated cached script. Try to hard refresh your browser, bypassing local cache (Ctrl-Shift-R or Cmd-Shift-R in most browsers) to resolve the problem.",
"wikibase-outdated-client-script": "Uh-oh, a hard refresh is due!",
"wikibase-shortcopyrightwarning-heading": "License Attribution",
"wikibase-entity-save-error-heading": "Something went wrong",
"wikibase-entity-save-error-message": "Your change could not be published. You can try clicking the publish button again.",
"wikibase-tainted-ref-popper-text": "The value of this statement was changed, but the reference remained the same. You may remove this warning in case the reference is still correct.",
"wikibase-tainted-ref-popper-title": "Potential reference/value mismatch",
"wikibase-tainted-ref-popper-help-link-title": "Help page for this constraint type",
"wikibase-tainted-ref-popper-help-link-text": "Help",
"wikibase-tainted-ref-popper-remove-warning": "Remove warning",
"wikibase-tainted-ref-tainted-icon-title": "This statement has some potential issues.",
"wikibase-setclaim-warning-duplicatemainsnak": "Duplicate main snak detected. Statement not added.",
"wikibase-editentity-warning-serializeresult": "Could not serialize entity data for result.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-search-api-error-message": "Properties temporarily unavailable.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-save-api-error-message": "Your save failed due to a failed request to the federation source wiki.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-source-wiki-api-error-message": "Statements about this item are temporarily unavailable due to a failed request to the federation source wiki. Please refresh the page.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-special-list-of-properties-notice": "This Wikibase uses federated properties from an external source. You can access the $1.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-special-list-of-properties-source-ref": "[$1 List of Properties on $2]",
"wikibase-federated-properties-leaving-site-notice-cancel": "Cancel",
"wikibase-federated-properties-leaving-site-notice-continue": "Continue to source wiki",
"wikibase-federated-properties-leaving-site-notice-notice": "This is a federated property. You'll be redirected to $1 in order to view its details.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-leaving-site-notice-header": "Leaving local Wikibase",
"wikibase-federated-properties-leaving-site-notice-checkbox-label": "Don't show me this message again",
"wikibase-federated-properties-edit-request-failed-notice-try-again": "Try again",
"wikibase-federated-properties-edit-request-failed-notice-notice": "You cannot edit this statement due to a failed request to the federation source wiki.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-edit-request-failed-notice-header": "Editing failed",
"special-setaliases-parameterized": "Set $1 aliases",
"special-setlabel-parameterized": "Set $1 label",
"special-setdescription-parameterized": "Set $1 description",
"special-setlabeldescriptionaliases-parameterized": "Set $1 label, description and aliases",
"special-parameterized-description-separator": "/",
"wikibase-federated-properties-federated-property-api-error-message": "You cannot interact with Federated Properties using this API.",
"wikibase-federated-properties-failed-request-api-error-message": "The request failed due to a failed request to the federation source wiki."