namespace Wikibase\Repo\Rdf;
use DataValues\IllegalValueException;
use DataValues\TimeValue;
* Very basic cleaner that assumes the date is Gregorian and only
* ensures it looks OK.
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @author Stas Malyshev
* @author Thiemo Kreuz
class DateTimeValueCleaner {
* Are we using XSD 1.1 standard or XSD 1.0?
* XSD 1.1 has year 0 and it's 1 BCE
* XSD 1.0 doesn't have year 0 and year -1 is 1 BCE
* Internally, 1BCE is represented as -0001, same does PHP
* @var bool
protected $xsd11 = true;
* @param bool $xsd11 Should we use XSD 1.1 standard?
public function __construct( $xsd11 = true ) {
$this->xsd11 = $xsd11;
* Get standardized dateTime value, compatible with xsd:dateTime
* If the value cannot be converted to it, returns null
* @param TimeValue $value
* @return string|null
public function getStandardValue( TimeValue $value ) {
// If we are less precise than a day, the calendar model does not matter
// since we don't have enough information to do conversion anyway
if ( $value->getCalendarModel() === TimeValue::CALENDAR_GREGORIAN
|| $value->getPrecision() < TimeValue::PRECISION_DAY
) {
return $this->cleanupGregorianValue( $value->getTime(), $value->getPrecision() );
return null;
* Clean up Wikidata date value in Gregorian calendar
* - remove + from the start - not all data stores like that
* - validate month and date value
* @param string $dateValue
* @param int $precision Date precision constant (e.g. TimeValue::PRECISION_SECOND)
* @return string|null Value compatible with xsd:dateTime type, null if we failed to parse
protected function cleanupGregorianValue( $dateValue, $precision ) {
try {
[ $minus, $y, $m, $d, $time ] = $this->parseDateValue( $dateValue );
} catch ( IllegalValueException $e ) {
return null;
if ( $precision <= TimeValue::PRECISION_YEAR ) {
// If we don't have day precision, don't bother cleaning up day values
$d = 1;
$m = 1;
} elseif ( $precision == TimeValue::PRECISION_MONTH ) {
$d = 1;
// check if the date "looks safe". If not, we do deeper check
if ( !( $d <= 28 || ( $m != 2 && $d <= 30 ) ) ) {
// PHP source docs say PHP gregorian calendar can work down to 4714 BC
// Use float conversion here since we don't care about precision but don't want overflows.
if ( $minus && (float)$y >= 4714 ) {
$safeYear = -4713;
} else {
$safeYear = (int)$y * ( $minus ? -1 : 1 );
// This will convert $y to int. If it's not within sane range,
// Feb 29 may be mangled, but this will be rare.
$max = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, $m, $safeYear );
// We just put it as the last day in month, won't bother further
if ( $d > $max ) {
$d = $max;
if ( $this->xsd11 && $precision >= TimeValue::PRECISION_YEAR && $minus ) {
// If we have year's or finer precision, to make year match XSD 1.1 we
// need to bump up the negative years by 1
// Note that $y is an absolute value here.
$y = number_format( (float)$y - 1, 0, '', '' );
if ( $y == "0" ) {
$minus = "";
// Note that if year is very large, we could lose precision here, but
// we should not have very large years with year precision
// This is a bit weird since xsd:dateTime requires >=4 digit always,
// and leading 0 is not allowed for 5 digits, but sprintf counts - as digit
// See:
return sprintf( '%s%04s-%02d-%02dT%s', $minus, $y, $m, $d, $time );
* Parse date value and fix weird numbers there.
* @param string $dateValue
* @throws IllegalValueException if the input is an illegal XSD 1.0 timestamp
* @return array Parsed value in parts: $minus, $y, $m, $d, $time
protected function parseDateValue( $dateValue ) {
[ $date, $time ] = explode( "T", $dateValue, 2 );
if ( $date[0] == "-" ) {
$minus = "-";
} else {
$minus = '';
[ $y, $m, $d ] = explode( '-', substr( $date, 1 ), 3 );
$m = (int)$m;
$d = (int)$d;
$y = ltrim( $y, '0' );
if ( $m <= 0 ) {
$m = 1;
if ( $m >= 12 ) {
// Why anybody would do something like that? Anyway, better to check.
$m = 12;
if ( $d <= 0 ) {
$d = 1;
if ( $y === "" ) {
// Year 0 is invalid for now, see T94064 for discussion
throw new IllegalValueException();
return [ $minus, $y, $m, $d, $time ];