* Replacing the native MediaWiki search suggestions with the jQuery.wikibase.entitysearch widget.
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @author H. Snater < >
( function ( mw ) {
'use strict';
require( './jquery.wikibase/jquery.wikibase.entitysearch.js' );
$( function () {
var $searchForm = $( '#searchform ' ),
$input = $( '#searchInput' ),
// Both inputs must be named "search" to support Firefox' smart keyword feature (T60467)
$hiddenInput = $( '<input>' ).attr( { type: 'hidden', name: 'search' } );
* @param {jQuery} $form
* @return {string}
function getHref( $form ) {
var href = $form.attr( 'action' ),
params = {};
href += href.indexOf( '?' ) === -1 ? '?' : '&';
$form.serializeArray().forEach( function ( param ) {
params[ ] = param.value;
} ); = $input.val();
return href + $.param( params );
* Updates the suggestion list special item that triggers a full-text search.
* @param {jQuery.ui.ooMenu.CustomItem} containig
function updateSuggestionSpecial( containig ) {
var $suggestionsSpecial = $( '.wb-entitysearch-suggestions .suggestions-special' );
$suggestionsSpecial.find( '.special-query' ).text( $input.val() );
containig.setLink( getHref( $searchForm ) + '&fulltext=1' );
* Removes the native search box suggestion list.
* @param {HTMLElement} input Search box node
function removeSuggestionContext( input ) {
var context = $( input ).data( 'suggestionsContext' );
if ( context && !context._wbDisabled ) {
// Native fetch() updates/re-sets the data attribute with the suggestion context.
context.config.fetch = function () {};
// Flag as disabled so we don't keep overwriting `fetch`, but don't
// delete context completely, in case there are some requests still
// in-flight. T105637
context._wbDisabled = true;
var suggestionsPlaceholder = new $.ui.ooMenu.CustomItem(
$( '<div>' ).append( $.createSpinner() )
var $searchContaining = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'suggestions-special' )
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'special-label' )
.text( mw.msg( 'searchsuggest-containing' ) ),
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'special-query' )
var searchContaining = new $.ui.ooMenu.CustomItem( $searchContaining, null, function () {
mw.track( 'counter.MediaWiki.wikibase.repo.searchbox.footer.submit' );
$searchForm.trigger( 'submit' );
}, 'wb-entitysearch-suggestions' );
var $searchMenu = $( '<ul>' ).ooMenu( {
customItems: [ searchContaining ]
} );
// Must be placed in that order to support Firefox' smart keyword feature (T60467)
$input.before( $hiddenInput );
.one( 'eachchange.entitysearch', function () {
removeSuggestionContext( this );
} )
.entitysearch( {
url: mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/api.php',
menu: $ 'ooMenu' ),
position: $.extend(
{ offset: '-1 2' }
confineMinWidthTo: $searchForm,
suggestionsPlaceholder: suggestionsPlaceholder
} )
.on( 'entityselectoropen', function ( event ) {
updateSuggestionSpecial( searchContaining );
} )
.on( 'eachchange', function ( event, oldVal ) {
$hiddenInput.val( '' );
updateSuggestionSpecial( searchContaining );
} )
.on( 'entityselectorselected', function ( event, entityId ) {
$hiddenInput.val( entityId );
} );
// TODO: Re-evaluate entity selector input (e.g. hitting "Go" after having hit "Search"
// before. However, this will require triggering the entity selector's API call and waiting
// for its response.
$( '#searchButton' ).on( 'click keydown', function ( event ) {
if ( !$ 'entityselector' ) ) {
// If an entity is selected, redirect to that entity's page.
if ( event.type === 'click'
|| event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER
|| event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.SPACE
) {
var entity = $ 'entityselector' ).selectedEntity();
if ( entity && entity.url ) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default form submit action.
window.location.href = entity.url;
} );
// Default form submit action: Imitate full-text search.
// Since we are using the entity selector, if an entity is selected, the entity id is stored
// in a hidden input element (which has ripped the "name" attribute from the original search
// box). Therefore, the entity id needs to be replaced by the actual search box (entity
// selector) content.
$searchForm.on( 'submit', function ( event ) {
$( this ).find( 'input[name="search"]' ).val( $input.val() );
} );
} );
}( mw ) );