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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Standard Library Imports
from hashlib import sha1
import sqlite3
import time
import os

    # noinspection PyPep8Naming
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import pickle

# Package imports
from codequick.script import Script
from codequick.utils import ensure_unicode, PY3

if PY3:
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences, PyCompatibility
    from collections.abc import MutableMapping, MutableSequence
    buffer = bytes
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences, PyCompatibility
    from collections import MutableMapping, MutableSequence

__all__ = ["PersistentDict", "PersistentList", "Cache"]

# The addon profile directory
profile_dir = Script.get_info("profile")

def check_filename(name):
    # Filename is already a fullpath
    if os.path.sep in name:
        filepath = ensure_unicode(name)
        data_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
        # Filename must be relative, joining profile directory with filename
        filepath = os.path.join(profile_dir, ensure_unicode(name))
        data_dir = profile_dir

    # Create any missing data directory
    if not os.path.exists(data_dir):

    # The full file path
    return filepath

class _PersistentBase(object):
    Base class to handle persistent file handling.

    :param str name: Filename of persistence storage file.

    def __init__(self, name):
        super(_PersistentBase, self).__init__()
        self._filepath = check_filename(name)
        self._version_string = "__codequick_storage_version__"
        self._data_string = "__codequick_storage_data__"
        self._serializer_obj = object
        self._stream = None
        self._hash = None
        self._data = None

    def _load(self):
        """Load in existing data from disk."""
        # Load storage file if exists
        if os.path.exists(self._filepath):
            self._stream = file_obj = open(self._filepath, "rb+")
            content = file_obj.read()

            # Calculate hash of current file content
            self._hash = sha1(content).hexdigest()

            # Load content and update storage
            return pickle.loads(content)

    def flush(self):
        Synchronize data back to disk.

        Data will only be written to disk if content has changed.

        # Serialize the storage data
        data = {self._version_string: 2, self._data_string: self._data}
        content = pickle.dumps(data, protocol=2)  # Protocol 2 is used for python2/3 compatibility
        current_hash = sha1(content).hexdigest()

        # Compare saved hash with current hash, to detect if content has changed
        if self._hash is None or self._hash != current_hash:
            # Check if FileObj Needs Creating First
            if self._stream:
                self._stream = open(self._filepath, "wb+")

            # Dump data out to disk
            self._hash = current_hash

    def close(self):
        """Flush content to disk & close file object."""
        self._stream = None

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *_):

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._data)

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self._data[index][0]

    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
        self._data[index] = (value, time.time())

    def __delitem__(self, index):
        del self._data[index]

    def __bool__(self):
        return bool(self._data)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return bool(self._data)

class PersistentDict(_PersistentBase, MutableMapping):
    Persistent storage with a :class:`dictionary<dict>` like interface.

    :param str name: Filename or path to storage file.
    :param int ttl: [opt] The amount of time in "seconds" that a value can be stored before it expires.

    .. note::

        ``name`` can be a filename, or the full path to a file.
        The add-on profile directory will be the default location for files, unless a full path is given.

    .. note:: If the ``ttl`` parameter is given, "any" expired data will be removed on initialization.

    .. note:: This class is also designed as a "Context Manager".

    .. note::

        Data will only be synced to disk when connection to file is
        "closed" or when "flush" method is explicitly called.

        >>> with PersistentDict("dictfile.pickle") as db:
        >>>     db["testdata"] = "testvalue"
        >>>     db.flush()

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._data)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, dict(self.items()))

    def __init__(self, name, ttl=None):
        super(PersistentDict, self).__init__(name)
        data = self._load()
        self._data = {}

        if data:
            version = data.get(self._version_string, 1)
            if version == 1:
                self._data = {key: (val, time.time()) for key, val in data.items()}
                data = data[self._data_string]
                if ttl:
                    self._data = {key: item for key, item in data.items() if time.time() - item[1] < ttl}
                    self._data = data

    def items(self):
        return map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1][0]), self._data.items())

class PersistentList(_PersistentBase, MutableSequence):
    Persistent storage with a :class:`list<list>` like interface.

    :param str name: Filename or path to storage file.
    :param int ttl: [opt] The amount of time in "seconds" that a value can be stored before it expires.

    .. note::

        ``name`` can be a filename, or the full path to a file.
        The add-on profile directory will be the default location for files, unless a full path is given.

    .. note:: If the ``ttl`` parameter is given, "any" expired data will be removed on initialization.

    .. note:: This class is also designed as a "Context Manager".

    .. note::

        Data will only be synced to disk when connection to file is
        "closed" or when "flush" method is explicitly called.

        >>> with PersistentList("listfile.pickle") as db:
        >>>     db.append("testvalue")
        >>>     db.extend(["test1", "test2"])
        >>>     db.flush()

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, [val for val, _ in self._data])

    def __init__(self, name, ttl=None):
        super(PersistentList, self).__init__(name)
        data = self._load()
        self._data = []

        if data:
            if isinstance(data, list):
                self._data = [(val, time.time()) for val in data]
                data = data[self._data_string]
                if ttl:
                    self._data = [item for item in data if time.time() - item[1] < ttl]
                    self._data = data

    def insert(self, index, value):
        self._data.insert(index, (value, time.time()))

    def append(self, value):
        self._data.append((value, time.time()))

class Cache(object):
    Handle control of listitem cache.

    :param str name: Filename or path to storage file.
    :param int ttl: [opt] The amount of time in "seconds" that a cached session can be stored before it expires.

    .. note:: Any expired cache item will be removed on first access to that item.
    def __init__(self, name, ttl):
        self.filepath = check_filename(name)
        self.buffer = {}
        self.ttl = ttl

    def _connect(self):
        """Connect to sqlite cache database"""
        self.db = db = sqlite3.connect(self.filepath, timeout=3)
        self.cur = cur = db.cursor()
        db.isolation_level = None

        # Create cache table
        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS itemcache (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB, timestamp INTEGER)")

    def execute(self, sqlquery, args, repeat=False):  # type: (str, tuple, bool) -> None
            self.cur.execute(sqlquery, args)

        # Handle database errors
        except sqlite3.DatabaseError as e:
            # Check if database is currupted
            if not repeat and os.path.exists(self.filepath) and \
                    (str(e).find("file is encrypted") > -1 or str(e).find("not a database") > -1):
                Script.log("Deleting broken database file: %s", (self.filepath,), lvl=Script.DEBUG)
                self.execute(sqlquery, args, repeat=True)
                raise e

        # Just roll back database on error and raise again
        except Exception as e:
            raise e

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key in self.buffer:
            return self.buffer[key]
            item = self.cur.execute("SELECT value, timestamp FROM itemcache WHERE key = ?", (key,)).fetchone()
            if item is None:
                raise KeyError(key)
                value, timestamp = item
                if self.ttl > -1 and timestamp + self.ttl < time.time():  # Expired
                    del self[key]
                    raise KeyError(key)
                    return pickle.loads(bytes(value))

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        data = buffer(pickle.dumps(value))
        self.execute("REPLACE INTO itemcache (key, value, timestamp) VALUES (?,?,?)", (key, data, time.time()))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        self.execute("DELETE FROM itemcache WHERE key = ?", (key,))

    def __contains__(self, key):
            if key in self.buffer:
                return True
                self.buffer[key] = self[key]
                return True
        except KeyError:
            return False

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *_):

    def close(self):