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Test Coverage
;standard table formatting
First Name | Last Name | Email
Scrooge    | McDuck    | number1dime@example.net ; Email should be @moneybin, but that was taken
Launchpad  | McQuack   | lpad@example.org

;alternative style
First Name
  | Last Name
  | Email
  | McDuck
  | number1dime@example.net
  ; Email should be @moneybin, but that was taken
  | McQuack
  | lpad@example.org

; sample of excluded cell
1|this cell wont show ::X|2|3

; sample of colspan
|Name   ::c2&.blue.underline#name_columns
ID  |First |Last
001 |Scrooge|McDuck
002 |Huey   |Duck ::r3&#singleId
003 |Dewey  |     ::X
004 |Louie  |     ::X

; a hyper-complex table, this uses the full proposed Placemat 1.0.0 spec
Customer ID|First Name          |Last Name  |email                          ; all rows above a line of pure hyphens (-) are treated as th
0001       |Duckworth                   ::c2|butler@moneybin.net            ; ::arguments passes arguments to the cell, c[int] indicates colspan
0002   ::r2|Scrooge             |McDuck     |scrooge@example.com            ; the r[int] argument indicates row span
-       ::X|Scrooge             |McDuck     |scrooge@moneybin.net           ; the "X" argument means that the cell should not be rendered (aka, its a placeholder)
Multiple commands can be given after each with or without spaces
  lines starting with a tab are concatenated to the previous line with
  a space between them
  ::c4&.legal&r1                                                           ; Multiple arguments can be passed with the &, and spaces are removed from the argument block
; Any line that starts with a semi-colon should be ignored                  ; trailing white space should also be removed
  | Donald
  | Duck
  | donald.duck@gonavy.gov ::.blue