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Test Coverage
import cv2
import numpy as np
import imutils
import typing
import copy
import datetime
import tempfile
import contextlib
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean

Point = namedtuple("Point", ("x", "y"))

def load_grey_from_path(pic_path: str) -> np.ndarray:
    """ load grey picture (with cv2) from path """
    assert os.path.isfile(pic_path), f"picture [{pic_path}] not existed"
    raw_img = cv2.imread(pic_path)
    return load_grey_from_cv2_object(raw_img)

def load_grey_from_cv2_object(pic_object: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """ preparation for cv2 object (force turn it into gray) """
    pic_object = pic_object.astype(np.uint8)
        # try to turn it into grey
        grey_pic = cv2.cvtColor(pic_object, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    except cv2.error:
        # already grey
        return pic_object
    return grey_pic

def pre_pic(pic_path: str = None, pic_object: np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray:
    """ this method will turn pic path and pic object into grey pic object """
    if pic_object is not None:
        return load_grey_from_cv2_object(pic_object)
    return load_grey_from_path(pic_path)

def resize_pic_scale(pic_object: np.ndarray, target_scale: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return imutils.resize(pic_object, width=int(pic_object.shape[1] * target_scale))

def turn_grey(old: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        return cv2.cvtColor(old, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    except cv2.error:
        return old

def decompress_point(old: typing.Tuple, compress_rate: float) -> typing.List:
    return [int(i / compress_rate) for i in old]

def compress_frame(
    old: np.ndarray,
    compress_rate: float = None,
    target_size: typing.Tuple[int, int] = None,
    not_grey: bool = None,
    interpolation: int = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Compress frame

    :param old:
        origin frame

    :param compress_rate:
        before_pic * compress_rate = after_pic. default to 1 (no compression)
        eg: 0.2 means 1/5 size of before_pic

    :param target_size:
        tuple. (100, 200) means compressing before_pic to 100x200

    :param not_grey:
        convert into grey if True

    :param interpolation:

    target = turn_grey(old) if not not_grey else old
    if not interpolation:
        interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA
    # target size first
    if target_size:
        return cv2.resize(target, target_size, interpolation=interpolation)
    # else, use compress rate
    # default rate is 1 (no compression)
    if not compress_rate:
        return target
    return cv2.resize(
        target, (0, 0), fx=compress_rate, fy=compress_rate, interpolation=interpolation

def fix_location(shape: typing.Sequence, location: typing.Sequence) -> typing.Sequence:
    """ location from cv2 should be left-top location, and need to fix it and make it central """
    size_y, size_x = shape
    old_x, old_y = location
    return old_x + size_x / 2, old_y + size_y / 2

def mark_point(
    pic_object: np.ndarray, location: typing.Sequence, cover: bool = None
) -> np.ndarray:
    """ draw a mark on your picture, or your picture copy. """
    if not cover:
        pic_object = copy.deepcopy(pic_object)
    distance = 50
    target_x, target_y = map(int, location)
    start_point = (target_x - distance, target_y - distance)
    end_point = (target_x + distance, target_y + distance)
    cv2.rectangle(pic_object, start_point, end_point, -1)
    return pic_object

def get_timestamp() -> str:
    return datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

def cv2file(pic_object: np.ndarray) -> str:
    """ save cv object to file, and return its path """
    temp_pic_file_object = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
        mode="wb+", suffix=".png", delete=False
    cv2.imwrite(temp_pic_file_object.name, pic_object)
    temp_pic_file_object_path = temp_pic_file_object.name
    yield temp_pic_file_object_path

def point_list_filter(
    point_list: typing.Sequence, distance: float, point_limit: int = None
) -> typing.Sequence:
    """ remove some points which are too close """
    if not point_limit:
        point_limit = 20

    point_list = sorted(list(set(point_list)), key=lambda o: o[0])
    new_point_list = [point_list[0]]
    for cur_point in point_list[1:]:
        for each_confirmed_point in new_point_list:
            cur_distance = euclidean(cur_point, each_confirmed_point)
            # existed
            if cur_distance < distance:
            if len(new_point_list) >= point_limit:
    return new_point_list

def debug_cv_object(target_object: np.ndarray, prefix: str) -> str:
    """ save target object as a temp picture, and return its path """
    mark_pic_path = f"{prefix}_{get_timestamp()}.png"
    cv2.imwrite(mark_pic_path, target_object)
    return mark_pic_path