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# @svelte-dev/session

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Simple Session Storage Management for [Svlelte](https://svelte.dev/).

<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->

- [Overview](#overview)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
  - [Session API](#session-api)
  - [Cloudflare KV](#cloudflare-kv)
  - [Custom Handler](#custom-handler)
  - [Typescript](#typescript)
  - [Create your own stragety](#create-your-own-stragety)
- [赞助 Sponsor](#%E8%B5%9E%E5%8A%A9-sponsor)
- [许可证 License](#%E8%AE%B8%E5%8F%AF%E8%AF%81-license)

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## Overview

Sessions are an important part of websites that allow the server to identify requests coming from the same person, especially when it comes to server-side form validation or when JavaScript is not on the page. Sessions are a fundamental building block of many sites that let users "log in", including social, e-commerce, business, and educational websites.

Svelte-Session comes with several pre-built session storage options for common scenarios, and one to create your own:

- custom storage with `createCustomStrategy`
- `CookieSessionStrategy`
- `MemoryStrategy`
- `CloudflareKVStrategy` (Cloudflare Workers)

## Installation

To use it, install it from npm (yarn or bun):

npm install @svelte-dev/session

## Usage

Init from `hooks.server.ts`:

import { handleSession } from '@svelte-dev/session';

export const handle = handleSession({
  adapter: {
    name: 'cookie',
    options: {
      chunk: true
  session: {
    key: '__sid',
    secrets: ['s3cr3t']
  cookie: {
    path: '/',
    sameSite: 'lax',
    secure: true,
    httpOnly: true

Load Data from `+page.server.ts`:

import type { ServerLoad } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export const load: ServerLoad = async ({ locals }) => {
  const views = locals.session.get('views') ?? 0;
  await locals.session.set('views', views + 1);
  return {};

Use in `svelte5` runes component:

  let { data } = $props();

  {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}

## Advanced Usage

### Session API

See: <https://svelte-session.js.cool/> For more details

### Cloudflare KV

Init from `hooks.server.ts`:

import { handleSession } from '@svelte-dev/session';

export const handle = handleSession({
  adapter: {
    name: 'cloudflare-kv',
    options: {
      namespace: 'SESSION'
  session: {
    secrets: ['s3cr3t']
  cookie: {
    path: '/'

Checkout the docs for more details: <https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapter-cloudflare#bindings>

### Custom Handler

export const handle = handleSession({
        adapter: {
        name: 'cookie',
        options: {
            chunk: true
    session: {
        key: '__sid',
        secrets: ['s3cr3t']
    cookie: {
        path: '/',
        sameSite: 'lax',
        secure: true,
        httpOnly: true
    ({ event, resolve }) => {
        // event.locals is populated with the session `event.locals.session`
        // Do anything you want here
        return resolve(event);

In case you're using [sequence()](https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/modules#sveltejs-kit-hooks-sequence), do this

const sessionHandler = handleSession({
  adapter: {
    name: 'cookie',
    options: {
      chunk: true

export const handle = sequence(sessionHandler, ({ resolve, event }) => {
  // event.locals is populated with the session `event.locals.session`
  // event.locals is also populated with all parsed cookies by handleSession, it would cause overhead to parse them again - `event.locals.cookies`.
  // Do anything you want here
  return resolve(event);

### Typescript

Here's a simple example, modify `app.d.ts`:

import type { FlashSessionData, SessionData, SessionStorage } from '@svelte-dev/session';

declare global {
  namespace App {
    // interface Error {}
    interface Locals {
      session: SessionStorage<{ views: number }>;
    interface PageData {
      session: FlashSessionData<SessionData, SessionData>;
    interface Session extends SessionStorage {}
    // interface Platform {}

### Create your own stragety

import type { RequestEvent } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import type {
} from '@svelte-dev/session';

export type YourStrageOptions = {
   * Example
  key?: string;

export class YourStrategy<Data = SessionData, FlashData = Data>
  implements SessionStorageStrategy<Data, FlashData>
    event: RequestEvent,
    options: YourStrageOptions & { cookie: CookieOptions; session: SessionOptions }
  ) {}
   * Creates a new record with the given data and returns the session id.
  async createData(data, expires?: Date): Promise<string> {}

   * Returns data for a given session id, or `null` if there isn't any.
  async readData(id: string): Promise<FlashSessionData<Data, FlashData> | null> {}

   * Updates data for the given session id.
  async updateData(
    id: string,
    data: FlashSessionData<Data, FlashData>,
    expires?: Date
  ): Promise<void> {}

   * Deletes data for a given session id from the data store.
  async deleteData(id: string): Promise<void> {}

## 赞助 Sponsor

维护者 Owner: [Willin Wang](https://willin.wang)


- 关注我的 Github 账号:[@willin](https://github.com/willin) [![github](https://img.shields.io/github/followers/willin.svg?style=social&label=Followers)](https://github.com/willin)
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- 支付宝或微信[扫码打赏](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1890238/89126156-0f3eeb80-d516-11ea-9046-5a3a5d59b86b.png)

Donation ways:

- Github: <https://github.com/sponsors/willin>
- Paypal: <https://paypal.me/willinwang>
- Alipay or Wechat Pay: [QRCode](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1890238/89126156-0f3eeb80-d516-11ea-9046-5a3a5d59b86b.png)

## 许可证 License
