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# promise-back
> Augment a thunk such that it returns a promise if applied without a callback.

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npm install promise-back --save

>  You can also use Duo, Bower or [download the files manually](https://github.com/wilmoore/promise-back.js/releases).

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## API Example

###### require

var promiseBack = require('promise-back')

###### expose dual interface async function

var read = require('fs').readFile
var path = require('path')
var filepath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'package.json')
var encoding = 'utf8'
var readable = promiseBack(read.bind(null, filepath, encoding))

> NOTE: if you already have a function that takes a callback as it's only parameter, you can just pass it to `promiseBack`. Modules that expose such an interface can be passed directly to `promiseBack` without a wrapper; You may also use `Function.prototype.bind` to achieve the same.

###### use callback interface

readable(function (_, str) {
//=> Augment a thunk such that it returns a promise if applied without a callback.

###### use promise interface

//=> Augment a thunk such that it returns a promise if applied without a callback.

## API

### `promiseBack(fn)`

###### arguments

 - `fn: (Function)` Thunk.

###### returns

 - `(Function)` Returns a function that when applied with a callback, returns `undefined`, otherwise, returns a `Promise`.

## Contributing

> SEE: [contributing.md](contributing.md)

## Licenses

[![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/wilmoore/promise-back.js.svg)](https://github.com/wilmoore/promise-back.js/blob/master/license)