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# frozen_string_literal: true

module Nostr
  # Performs cryptographic operations.
  class Crypto
    # Numeric base of the OpenSSL big number used in an event content's encryption.
    # @return [Integer]
    BN_BASE = 16

    # Name of the cipher curve used in an event content's encryption.
    # @return [String]
    CIPHER_CURVE = 'secp256k1'

    # Name of the cipher algorithm used in an event content's encryption.
    # @return [String]
    CIPHER_ALGORITHM = 'aes-256-cbc'

    # Encrypts a piece of text
    # @api public
    # @example Encrypting an event's content
    #   crypto = Nostr::Crypto.new
    #   encrypted = crypto.encrypt_text(sender_private_key, recipient_public_key, 'Feedback appreciated. Now pay $8')
    #   encrypted # => "wrYQaHDfpOEvyJELSCg1vzsywmlJTz8NqH03eFW44s8iQs869jtSb26Lr4s23gmY?iv=v38vAJ3LlJAGZxbmWU4qAg=="
    # @param sender_private_key [PrivateKey] 32-bytes hex-encoded private key of the creator.
    # @param recipient_public_key [PublicKey] 32-bytes hex-encoded public key of the recipient.
    # @param plain_text [String] The text to be encrypted
    # @return [String] Encrypted text.
    def encrypt_text(sender_private_key, recipient_public_key, plain_text)
      cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new(CIPHER_ALGORITHM).encrypt
      cipher.iv = iv = cipher.random_iv
      cipher.key = compute_shared_key(sender_private_key, recipient_public_key)
      encrypted_text = cipher.update(plain_text) + cipher.final
      encrypted_text = "#{Base64.encode64(encrypted_text)}?iv=#{Base64.encode64(iv)}"
      encrypted_text.gsub("\n", '')

    # Decrypts a piece of text
    # @api public
    # @example Encrypting an event's content
    #   crypto = Nostr::Crypto.new
    #   encrypted # => "wrYQaHDfpOEvyJELSCg1vzsywmlJTz8NqH03eFW44s8iQs869jtSb26Lr4s23gmY?iv=v38vAJ3LlJAGZxbmWU4qAg=="
    #   decrypted = crypto.decrypt_text(recipient_private_key, sender_public_key, encrypted)
    # @param sender_public_key [PublicKey] 32-bytes hex-encoded public key of the message creator.
    # @param recipient_private_key [PrivateKey] 32-bytes hex-encoded public key of the recipient.
    # @param encrypted_text [String] The text to be decrypted
    # @return [String] Decrypted text.
    def decrypt_text(recipient_private_key, sender_public_key, encrypted_text)
      base64_encoded_text, iv = encrypted_text.split('?iv=')

      # Ensure iv and base64_encoded_text are not nil
      return '' unless iv && base64_encoded_text

      cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new(CIPHER_ALGORITHM).decrypt
      cipher.iv = Base64.decode64(iv)
      cipher.key = compute_shared_key(recipient_private_key, sender_public_key)
      plain_text = cipher.update(Base64.decode64(base64_encoded_text)) + cipher.final

    # Uses the private key to generate an event id and sign the event
    # @api public
    # @example Signing an event
    #   crypto = Nostr::Crypto.new
    #   crypto.sign(event, private_key)
    #   event.id # => an id
    #   event.sig # => a signature
    # @param event [Event] The event to be signed
    # @param private_key [PrivateKey] 32-bytes hex-encoded private key.
    # @return [Event] An unsigned event.
    def sign_event(event, private_key)
      event_digest = hash_event(event)
      signature = sign_message(event_digest, private_key)

      event.id = event_digest
      event.sig = signature


    # Signs a message using the Schnorr signature algorithm
    # @api public
    # @example Signing a message
    #   crypto = Nostr::Crypto.new
    #   message = 'Viva la libertad carajo'
    #   private_key = Nostr::PrivateKey.new('7d1e4219a5e7d8342654c675085bfbdee143f0eb0f0921f5541ef1705a2b407d')
    #   signature = crypto.sign_message(message, private_key)
    #   signature # => 'b2115694a576f5bdcebf8c0951a3c7adcfbdb17b11cb9e6d6b7017691138bc6' \
    #     '38fee642a7bd26f71b313a7057181294198900a9770d1435e43f182acf3d34c26'
    # @param [String] message The message to be signed
    # @param [PrivateKey] private_key The private key used for signing
    # @return [Signature] A signature object containing the signature as a 64-byte hexadecimal string.
    def sign_message(message, private_key)
      hex_private_key = Array(private_key).pack('H*')
      hex_message     = Array(message).pack('H*')
      hex_signature   = Schnorr.sign(hex_message, hex_private_key).encode.unpack1('H*')


    # Verifies the given {Signature} and returns true if it is valid
    # @api public
    # @example Checking a signature
    #   public_key = Nostr::PublicKey.new('15678d8fbc126fa326fac536acd5a6dcb5ef64b3d939abe31d6830cba6cd26d6')
    #   private_key = Nostr::PrivateKey.new('7d1e4219a5e7d8342654c675085bfbdee143f0eb0f0921f5541ef1705a2b407d')
    #   message = 'Viva la libertad carajo'
    #   crypto = Nostr::Crypto.new
    #   signature = crypto.sign_message(message, private_key)
    #   valid = crypto.valid_sig?(message, public_key, signature)
    #   valid # => true
    # @see #check_sig!
    # @param [String] message A message to be signed with binary format.
    # @param [PublicKey] public_key The public key with binary format.
    # @param [Signature] signature The signature with binary format.
    # @return [Boolean] whether signature is valid.
    def valid_sig?(message, public_key, signature)
      signature = Schnorr::Signature.decode([signature].pack('H*'))
      Schnorr.valid_sig?([message].pack('H*'), [public_key].pack('H*'), signature.encode)

    # Verifies the given {Signature} and raises an +Schnorr::InvalidSignatureError+ if it is invalid
    # @api public
    # @example Checking a signature
    #   public_key = Nostr::PublicKey.new('15678d8fbc126fa326fac536acd5a6dcb5ef64b3d939abe31d6830cba6cd26d6')
    #   private_key = Nostr::PrivateKey.new('7d1e4219a5e7d8342654c675085bfbdee143f0eb0f0921f5541ef1705a2b407d')
    #   message = 'Viva la libertad carajo'
    #   crypto = Nostr::Crypto.new
    #   signature = crypto.sign_message(message, private_key)
    #   valid = crypto.valid_sig?(message, public_key, signature)
    #   valid # => true
    # @see #valid_sig?
    # @param [String] message A message to be signed with binary format.
    # @param [PublicKey] public_key The public key with binary format.
    # @param [Signature] signature The signature with binary format.
    # @raise [Schnorr::InvalidSignatureError] if the signature is invalid.
    # @return [Boolean] whether signature is valid.
    def check_sig!(message, public_key, signature)
      signature = Schnorr::Signature.decode([signature].pack('H*'))
      Schnorr.check_sig!([message].pack('H*'), [public_key].pack('H*'), signature.encode)


    # Finds a shared key between two keys
    # @api private
    # @param private_key [PrivateKey] 32-bytes hex-encoded private key.
    # @param public_key [PublicKey] 32-bytes hex-encoded public key.
    # @return [String] A shared key used in the event's content encryption and decryption.
    def compute_shared_key(private_key, public_key)
      group = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Group.new(CIPHER_CURVE)

      private_key_bn   = OpenSSL::BN.new(private_key, BN_BASE)
      public_key_bn    = OpenSSL::BN.new("02#{public_key}", BN_BASE)
      public_key_point = OpenSSL::PKey::EC::Point.new(group, public_key_bn)

      asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence(
          OpenSSL::ASN1::ObjectId(CIPHER_CURVE, 0, :EXPLICIT),
          OpenSSL::ASN1::BitString(public_key_point.to_octet_string(:uncompressed), 1, :EXPLICIT)

      pkey = OpenSSL::PKey::EC.new(asn1.to_der)

    # Generates a SHA256 hash of a +Nostr::Event+
    # @api private
    # @param event [Event] The event to be hashed
    # @return [String] A SHA256 digest of the event
    def hash_event(event)