import MenuBuilder from "../menubuilder";
const dom = require("dom-helper");
const arrowUp = "\u2191";
const arrowDown = "\u2193";
const OrderingMenu = MenuBuilder.extend({
initialize: function(data) {
this.g = data.g;
this.order = "ID";
return = "inline-block";
setOrder: function(order) {
this.order = order;
return this.render();
// TODO: make more generic
render: function() {
var comps = this.getComparators();
for (var i = 0, m; i < comps.length; i++) {
m = comps[i];
var el = this.buildDOM();
// TODO: make more efficient
return this;
_addNode(m) {
var text = m.text;
var style = {};
if (text === this.order) {
style.backgroundColor = "#77ED80";
return this.addNode(text, (() => {
if ((m.precode != null)) { m.precode(); }
this.model.comparator = m.comparator;
return this.setOrder(m.text);
), {
style: style
getComparators: function() {
var models = [];
models.push({text: "ID " + arrowUp, comparator: "id"});
models.push({text: "ID " + arrowDown, comparator: function(a, b) {
// auto converts to string for localeCompare
return - ("" + a.get("id")).localeCompare("" + b.get("id"), [], {numeric: true} );
models.push({text: "Label " + arrowUp, comparator: "name"});
models.push({text: "Label " + arrowDown, comparator: function(a, b) {
return - a.get("name").localeCompare(b.get("name"));
models.push({text: "Seq " + arrowUp, comparator: "seq"});
models.push({text: "Seq " + arrowDown, comparator: function(a,b) {
return - a.get("seq").localeCompare(b.get("seq"));
var setIdent = () => {
return this.ident = this.g.stats.identity();
var setGaps = () => {
this.gaps = {};
return this.model.each((el) => {
var seq = el.attributes.seq;
return this.gaps[] = (seq.reduce(function(memo, c) { return c === '-' ? ++memo: undefined; }),0)/ seq.length;
models.push({text: "Identity " + arrowUp,comparator: ((a,b) => {
var val = this.ident[] - this.ident[];
if (val > 0) { return 1; }
if (val < 0) { return -1; }
return 0;
), precode: setIdent});
models.push({text: "Identity " + arrowDown, comparator: ((a,b) => {
var val = this.ident[] - this.ident[];
if (val > 0) { return -1; }
if (val < 0) { return 1; }
return 0;
), precode: setIdent});
models.push({text: "Gaps " + arrowUp, comparator: ((a,b) => {
var val = this.gaps[] - this.gaps[];
if (val > 0) { return 1; }
if (val < 0) { return -1; }
return 0;
), precode: setGaps});
models.push({text: "Gaps " + arrowDown, comparator: ((a,b) => {
var val = this.gaps[] - this.gaps[];
if (val < 0) { return 1; }
if (val > 0) { return -1; }
return 0;
), precode: setGaps});
models.push({text: "Consensus to top", comparator(seq) {
return !seq.get("ref");
return models;
export default OrderingMenu;