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4 hrs
Test Coverage
package controllers

import (


    log "gopkg.in/inconshreveable/log15.v2"

//PlanIndex renders index page of TestPlan
func PlanIndex(c *interfacer.AppContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
    var plans []models.TestPlan

    if err := c.Db.Find(&plans); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg ", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "An error while select all Testplans in PlanIndex"}

    items := map[string]interface{}{
        "Plans":      plans,
        "Active_idx": 4,
    return Render2(c, w, items, "views/base.tmpl", "views/testplans/planindex.tmpl")

// PlanAdd is a Handler for rendering add testplan page
func PlanAdd(c *interfacer.AppContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
    testplan := new(models.TestPlan)
    var prj models.Project

    if err := c.Db.Preload("Users").Where("name = ?", c.ProjectName).Find(&prj); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg ", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "An error while select all Testplans in PlanAdd"}

    var builds []models.Build
    if err := c.Db.Where("project_id = ?", prj.ID).Find(&builds); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg ", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "Project is not found in PlanAdd"}

    var sections []models.Section
    c.Db.Where("project_id = ?", prj.ID).Where("for_test_case = ?", true).Find(&sections)

    var nodes []models.JSTreeNode

    for _, n := range sections {
        var nodeType string
        var parent string
        if n.RootNode == true {
            nodeType = "root"
            parent = "#"
        } else {
            nodeType = "default"
            parent = strconv.Itoa(n.ParentsID)
        childNode := models.JSTreeNode{Id: strconv.Itoa(n.ID), Text: n.Title, Type: nodeType, Parent: parent}
        nodes = append(nodes, childNode)
    treedataByte, _ := json.Marshal(nodes)
    treedata := string(treedataByte)

    items := map[string]interface{}{
        "TestPlan":   testplan,
        "TreeData":   treedata,
        "Project":    prj,
        "Builds":     builds,
        "Active_idx": 4,
    return Render2(c, w, items, "views/base.tmpl", "views/testplans/planadd.tmpl")

// PlanSave is a POST handler for save testplan
//func (c TestPlans) Save(project string, testplan models.TestPlan, execs string) revel.Result {
func PlanSave(c *interfacer.AppContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
    var prj models.Project

    if err := c.Db.Where("name = ?", c.ProjectName).First(&prj); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg ", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "Project is not found in PlanSave"}

    var testplan models.TestPlan

    if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "http", "msg ", err)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "ParseForm failed"}

    execs := r.FormValue("Execs")

    if err := c.Decoder.Decode(&testplan, r.PostForm); err != nil {
        log.Warn("Build", "Error", err, "msg", "Decode failed but go ahead")

    var t string
    rv := handleSelected(execs, &t)

    testplan.ExecuteCases = t
    testplan.ExecCaseNum = rv
    testplan.ProjectID = prj.ID
    testplan.CreatorID = c.User.ID

    /*if c.Validation.HasErrors() {
        return c.Redirect(routes.TestPlans.Add(project))


    if err := c.Db.Create(&testplan); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg ", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "Insert operation failed in TestPlans.Save"}

    http.Redirect(w, r, "/project/"+c.ProjectName+"/testplan", http.StatusFound)
    return nil

//Render an edit page for test plans
func (c TestPlans) Edit(project string, id int) revel.Result {
    // TODO merge edit to add
    testplan := models.TestPlan{}

    r := c.Db.Where("id = ?", id).First(&testplan)
    if r.Error != nil {
        revel.ERROR.Println("An Error while SELECT operation for TestCase.Edit", r.Error)
        c.Response.Status = 500
        return c.Render(routes.TestPlans.Index(project))

    return c.Render(project, id, testplan)

//PlanView renders a test plan page for viewing
func PlanView(c *interfacer.AppContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {

    vars := mux.Vars(r)
    id := vars["id"]

    var testplan models.TestPlan
    if err := c.Db.Preload("Creator").Preload("Executor").Where("id= ?", id).Find(&testplan); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "An error while select operation in TestPlans.PlanView"}

    // convert "1,2" like string to data used in JSTree
    arr := strings.Split(testplan.ExecuteCases, ",")
    var cases []models.TestCase
    if err := c.Db.Where("id in (?)", arr).Find(&cases); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "An error while finding testcases SELECT operation"}

    var build models.BuildItem
    if testplan.TargetBuildID != 0 {
        if err := c.Db.Where("id = ?", testplan.TargetBuildID).First(&build); err.Error != nil {
            log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
            return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "An error while finding Build information in TestPlans"}

    items := map[string]interface{}{
        "TestPlan":   testplan,
        "Cases":      cases,
        "Build":      build,
        "Active_idx": 4,

    return Render2(c, w, items, "views/base.tmpl", "views/testplans/planview.tmpl")

//PlanDelete is a POST handler for DELETE operation for testplan
func PlanDelete(c *interfacer.AppContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
    if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "http", "msg ", err)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "ParseForm failed"}

    planID := r.FormValue("id")

    var plan models.TestPlan

    if err := c.Db.Where("id = ?", planID).First(&plan); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "An error while select testplan operation in TestPlans.PlanDelete"}

    if err := c.Db.Delete(plan); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, Desc: "An error while delete operation in TestPlans.PlanDelete"}

    return RenderJSON(w, Resp{Msg: "OK"})

//PlanRun adds test execution with selected test plan.
func PlanRun(c *interfacer.AppContext, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {

    vars := mux.Vars(r)
    idStr := vars["id"]
    id, _ := strconv.Atoi(idStr)

    var prj models.Project
    if err := c.Db.Where("name = ?", c.ProjectName).First(&prj); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
            Desc: "An error while select project operation in TestPlans.PlanFire"}

    var plan models.TestPlan
    if err := c.Db.Where("id = ?", id).First(&plan); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
            Desc: "Not found such testplan in TestPlans.PlanFire"}

    // mendatory : testplan ID,project ID
    // advisory : if executor id is zero, make status N/A
    exec := models.Execution{Status: models.ExecStatusReady,
        ProjectID:     prj.ID,
        PlanID:        id,
        ExecutorID:    plan.ExecutorID,
        TargetBuildID: plan.TargetBuildID,
        TotalCaseNum:  plan.ExecCaseNum,
        PassCaseNum:   0,
        FailCaseNum:   0,

    if plan.ExecutorID == 0 {
        exec.Status = models.ExecStatusNotAvailable

    if err := c.Db.Create(&exec); err.Error != nil {
        log.Error("TestPlan", "type", "database", "msg", err.Error)
        return errors.HttpError{Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
            Desc: "An error while create record in TestPlans.Fire"}

    // well...
    http.Redirect(w, r, "/project/"+c.ProjectName+"/exec", http.StatusFound)
    return nil

//handleSelected seperates Testcases ID joined by ","
func handleSelected(content string, buf *string) int {
    arr := strings.Split(content, ",")
    var caseArray []string
    cnt := 0
    for _, s := range arr {
        if strings.HasPrefix(s, "cb") {
            k := strings.TrimPrefix(s, "cb")
            caseArray = append(caseArray, k)

    *buf = strings.Join(caseArray[:], ",")

    return cnt