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Test Coverage
package models

import (

type Issue struct {
    ID          int
    ProjectId   int    //Project id which belongs to this issue
    Status      int    // Status. Open, Close, In Progress, In QA Review, Waiting for QA, Resolved, Todo
    Summary     string `sql:"size:400"`  // summary of the issue
    Description string `sql:"size:4000"` // description of the issue
    Assignee    User
    AssigneeId  int // TODO add foreign key
    Reporter    User
    ReporterId  int // TODO add foreign key
    Resolution  int // fixed or unresolved
    Created     time.Time
    Updated     time.Time
    Due         time.Time
    Priority    int // Critical, Urgent, High, Low, misc
    Progress    int // progress. 0~100
    Roadmap     int // TODO Change to Roadmap object when a Roadmap table is created
    Started     time.Time
    Ended       time.Time
    Estimated   time.Time
    Attachment  int // TODO change to ....
