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Test Coverage
<% attributes.each do |attribute| -%>
<% case attribute.type
   when :attachments -%>
  <%= label_if_needed_for attribute %>
  {{#attachmentComposer field="<%= attribute.name %>"}}
    <textarea name="caption" placeholder="Caption…" class="full-height">{{caption}}</textarea>
<% when :date %>
  <%= label_if_needed_for attribute %>
  {{dateField field="<%= attribute.name %>"}}
<% when :date_time, :datetime -%>
  <%= label_if_needed_for attribute %>
  {{dateField field="<%= attribute.name %>"}}
<% when :boolean -%>
    <input type="checkbox" id="slices-{{id}}-<%= attribute.name %>" data-value="{{<%= attribute.name %>}}">
    <%= attribute.name.humanize %>
<% when :text %>
  <%= label_if_needed_for attribute %>
  <textarea id="slices-{{id}}-<%= attribute.name %>" placeholder="<%= attribute.name.humanize %>…" rows="24">{{<%= attribute.name %>}}</textarea>
<% else -%>
  <%= label_if_needed_for attribute %>
  <input type="text" id="slices-{{id}}-<%= attribute.name %>" placeholder="<%= attribute.name.humanize %>…" value="{{<%= attribute.name %>}}">
<% end -%>
<% end -%>

  To change the text that is displayed when this slice is minimised,
  use the `slicePreview` helper below. The method is scoped to this slice
  so you can easily access any contained elements.


    return this.find('textarea').val();
    return this.find('option:selected').text();


  To use radio buttons, follow this formula...

  Let's say we've a field on the slice called 'color', this is how we'd
  structure the radio buttons:

    <ul id="slices-{{id}}-color" data-value="{{color}}">
        <input type="radio" value="red"
               id="option-{{id}}-red" name="slices-{{id}}-color">
        <label for="option-{{id}}-red">Red</label>
        <input type="radio" value="green"
               id="option-{{id}}-green" name="slices-{{id}}-color">
        <label for="option-{{id}}-green">Green</label>
        <input type="radio" value="blue"
               id="option-{{id}}-blue" name="slices-{{id}}-color">
        <label for="option-{{id}}-blue">Blue</label>

  The important points to note:

  * The field id `slices-{{id}}-color` goes on the common parent.
  * The value `data-value="{{color}}"` also goes on the common parent.
  * The name attribute of the radio buttons is the field id (see above).
  * To relate labels to inputs, use `option-{{id}}-value` in `for` and `id`.