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# Friend of the Day

[![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/wlowry88/friend-of-the-day/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/wlowry88/friend-of-the-day)

## Description

Add a short description of your app.

## Screenshots

Add some spiffy screenshots of your app here.

## Background

Why did you want to make this app? What was your development process

## Features

Bullet point some of the key features of your app here.

## Usage

How do users use your app?

## Development/Contribution

Explain how people can contribute to your app. How should they write tests?
Any things in particular you'd like to see in pull requests?

## Future

What features are you currently working on? Only mention things that you
actually are implementing. No pie-in-the-sky-never-gonna-happen stuff.

## Author

Link to your blog, twitter, etc!

## License

Friend of the Day is MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for details.