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// @codingStandardsIgnoreFile
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart

declare(strict_types = 1);

{% if namespace %}
    namespace {{ namespace }};
{% endif %}

{% foreach use as import %}
    use {{ import }};
{% endforeach %}

 * Class {{ class }}
{% if namespace %} * @package {{ namespace }} {% endif %}
{% if schema.getDescription() %} * {{ schema.getDescription() }}
 *{% endif %}
 * This is an auto-implemented class implemented by the php-json-schema-model-generator.
 * If you need to implement something in this class use inheritance. Else you will lose your changes if the classes
 * are re-generated.
class {{ class }} {% if schema.getInterfaces() %}implements {{ viewHelper.joinClassNames(schema.getInterfaces()) }}{% endif %}
    {% if schema.getTraits() %}use {{ viewHelper.joinClassNames(schema.getTraits()) }};{% endif %}

    {% foreach schema.getProperties() as property %}
        /**{% if viewHelper.getTypeHintAnnotation(property, true) %} @var {{ viewHelper.getTypeHintAnnotation(property, true) }}{% endif %}{% if property.getDescription() %} {{ property.getDescription() }}{% endif %} */
        {% if property.isInternal() %}private{% else %}protected{% endif %} ${{ property.getAttribute(true) }}{% if not viewHelper.isNull(property.getDefaultValue()) %} = {{ property.getDefaultValue() }}{% endif %};
    {% endforeach %}
    /** @var array */
    protected $_rawModelDataInput = [];

    {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}
        /** @var {{ viewHelper.getSimpleClassName(generatorConfiguration.getErrorRegistryClass()) }} Collect all validation errors */
        protected $_errorRegistry;
    {% endif %}

     * {{ class }} constructor.
     * @param array $rawModelDataInput
     * @throws {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}{{ viewHelper.getSimpleClassName(generatorConfiguration.getErrorRegistryClass()) }}{% else %}ValidationException{% endif %}
    public function __construct(array $rawModelDataInput = [])
        {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}
            $this->_errorRegistry = new {{ viewHelper.getSimpleClassName(generatorConfiguration.getErrorRegistryClass()) }}();
        {% endif %}

        {{ schemaHookResolver.resolveConstructorBeforeValidationHook() }}

        {% if schema.getBaseValidators() %}
        {% endif %}

        {% foreach schema.getProperties() as property %}
            {% if not property.isInternal() %}
                $this->process{{ viewHelper.ucfirst(property.getAttribute()) }}($rawModelDataInput);
            {% endif %}
        {% endforeach %}

        {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}
            if (count($this->_errorRegistry->getErrors())) {
                throw $this->_errorRegistry;
        {% endif %}

        $this->_rawModelDataInput = $rawModelDataInput;

        {{ schemaHookResolver.resolveConstructorAfterValidationHook() }}

    {% if schema.getBaseValidators() %}
        protected function executeBaseValidators(array &$modelData): void
            $value = &$modelData;

            {% foreach baseValidatorsWithoutCompositions as validator %}
                {{ viewHelper.renderValidator(validator, schema) }}
            {% endforeach %}

            {% foreach schema.getCompositionValidatorKeys() as compositionValidatorKey %}
                $this->validateComposition_{{ compositionValidatorKey }}($modelData);
            {% endforeach %}
    {% endif %}

     * Get the raw input used to set up the model
     * @return array
    public function getRawModelDataInput(): array
        return $this->_rawModelDataInput;

    {% foreach schema.getProperties() as property %}
        {% if not property.isInternal() %}
             * Get the value of {{ property.getName() }}.
             * {% if property.getDescription() %}{{ property.getDescription() }}{% endif %}
             * {% if viewHelper.getTypeHintAnnotation(property, true) %}@return {{ viewHelper.getTypeHintAnnotation(property, true) }}{% endif %}
            public function get{{ viewHelper.ucfirst(property.getAttribute()) }}()
                {% if property.getType(true) %}: {{ viewHelper.getType(property, true) }}{% endif %}
                {{ schemaHookResolver.resolveGetterHook(property) }}

                return $this->{{ property.getAttribute(true) }};

            {% if not property.isReadOnly() %}
                 * Set the value of {{ property.getName() }}.
                 * @param {{ viewHelper.getTypeHintAnnotation(property) }} ${{ property.getAttribute(true) }}{% if property.getDescription() %} {{ property.getDescription() }}{% endif %}
                 * {% if property.getValidators() %}@throws {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}{{ viewHelper.getSimpleClassName(generatorConfiguration.getErrorRegistryClass()) }}{% else %}ValidationException{% endif %}{% endif %}
                 * @return self
                public function set{{ viewHelper.ucfirst(property.getAttribute()) }}(
                    {{ viewHelper.getType(property) }} ${{ property.getAttribute(true) }}
                ): self {
                    if ($this->{{ property.getAttribute(true) }} === ${{ property.getAttribute(true) }}) {
                        return $this;

                    $value = $modelData['{{ property.getName() }}'] = ${{ property.getAttribute(true) }};

                    {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}
                        $this->_errorRegistry = new {{ viewHelper.getSimpleClassName(generatorConfiguration.getErrorRegistryClass()) }}();
                    {% endif %}

                    {{ schemaHookResolver.resolveSetterBeforeValidationHook(property) }}

                    $value = $this->validate{{ viewHelper.ucfirst(property.getAttribute()) }}($value, $modelData);

                    {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}
                        if ($this->_errorRegistry->getErrors()) {
                            throw $this->_errorRegistry;
                    {% endif %}

                    $this->{{ property.getAttribute(true) }} = $value;
                    $this->_rawModelDataInput['{{ property.getName() }}'] = ${{ property.getAttribute(true) }};

                    {{ schemaHookResolver.resolveSetterAfterValidationHook(property) }}

                    return $this;
            {% endif %}

             * Extract the value, perform validations and set the property {{ property.getAttribute() }}
             * @param array $modelData
             * {% if property.getValidators() %}@throws {% if generatorConfiguration.collectErrors() %}{{ viewHelper.getSimpleClassName(generatorConfiguration.getErrorRegistryClass()) }}{% else %}ValidationException{% endif %}{% endif %}
            protected function process{{ viewHelper.ucfirst(property.getAttribute()) }}(array $modelData): void
                {% if not generatorConfiguration.isImplicitNullAllowed() %}
                    {% if not property.isRequired() %}
                        if (!array_key_exists('{{ property.getName() }}', $modelData) && $this->{{ property.getAttribute(true) }} === null) {
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}

                $value = array_key_exists('{{ property.getName() }}', $modelData) ? $modelData['{{ property.getName() }}'] : $this->{{ property.getAttribute(true) }};

                {{ viewHelper.resolvePropertyDecorator(property, true) }}

                $this->{{ property.getAttribute(true) }} = $this->validate{{ viewHelper.ucfirst(property.getAttribute()) }}($value, $modelData);

             * Execute all validators for the property {{ property.getAttribute() }}
            protected function validate{{ viewHelper.ucfirst(property.getAttribute()) }}($value, array $modelData)
                {% foreach property.getOrderedValidators() as validator %}
                    {{ viewHelper.renderValidator(validator, schema) }}
                {% endforeach %}

                return $value;
        {% endif %}
    {% endforeach %}

    {{ viewHelper.renderMethods(schema) }}

// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd