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Test Coverage

### Is this a bug report?

(write your answer here)

  If you answered "Yes":

    We expect that it will take you about 30 minutes to produce a high-quality bug report.
    While this may seem like a lot, putting care into issues helps us fix them faster.
    For bug reports, it is REQUIRED to fill the rest of this template, or the issue will be closed.

  If you answered "No":

    We use GitHub Issues exclusively for tracking bugs in CameraKit. If you're looking for help,
    the Community page at https://github.com/wonderkiln/CameraKit-Android list various resources
    that should help you get started.

  Now scroll below!

### Have you read the [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md)?

(Write your answer here.)

### Environment

(Please include the following information along with any other relevant environment details.)

CameraKit Version:

Android Device:

Android Version:

### Steps to Reproduce

  How would you describe your issue to someone who doesn’t know you or your project?
  Try to write a sequence of steps that anybody can repeat to see the issue.
  Be specific! If the bug cannot be reproduced, your issue may be closed.

(Write your steps here:)


### Expected Behavior

  How did you expect your project to behave?
  It’s fine if you’re not sure your understanding is correct.
  Just write down what you thought would happen.

(Write what you thought would happen.)

### Actual Behavior

  Did something go wrong?
  Is something broken, or not behaving as you expected?
  Describe this section in detail, and attach screenshots if possible.
  Don't just say "it doesn't work"!

(Write what happened. Add screenshots!)

### Reproducible Demo

  Please share a project that reproduces the issue.

(Paste the link to an example project and exact instructions to reproduce the issue.)

(Include your CameraKit setup and usage.)
  What happens if you skip this step?

  Someone will read your bug report, and maybe will be able to help you,
  but it’s unlikely that it will get much attention from the team. Eventually,
  the issue will likely get closed in favor of issues that have reproducible demos.

  Please remember that:

    * Issues without reproducible demos have a very low priority.
    * The person fixing the bug would have to do that anyway. Please be respectful of their time.
    * You might figure out the issues yourself as you work on extracting it.

  Thanks for helping us help you!

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