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'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash');
var helper = require('./helper');

 * Ensures that the <tt>value</tt> that is passed in is a valid Array as well as checking that each
 * value inside the array corresponds to the type that was specified in the <tt>param</tt> definition.
 * It doesn't check that the array contains 'empty' values, even if the array parameter is required as
 * spec doesn't have a way to say all values inside the array are required.
 * While the spec says <tt>param.uniqueItems</tt> marks the array to be treated like a set instead of an array
 * (and not that this is invalid if it isn't unique), it does have the potential to lead to an
 * unintentional and unintended loss of data, so this throws a validation error that what you are passing isn't unique
 * over just allowing the non-unique data to be lost. If all the items passed their validation, check for uniqueness.
 * This only validates uniqueness after all the items in the array are validated. This allows all the individual
 * parameter methods to convert the value as they see fit so we are comparing apples to apples
 * (so '1' will get converted correctly to 1, etc.).
 * If <tt>param.uniqueItems</tt> is checked, this doesn't use either the native Set (as that is part of the Harmony
 * (ECMAScript 6) proposal, {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Set})
 * or a polyfill to "fill" in the missing functionality (something like {@link https://github.com/jfriend00/ES6-Set}).
 * This strictly converts everything to strings (using JSON.stringify()) and allows the _.uniq() method to compare strings.
 * If "nothing" was passed into the validate function and it's required with no default value,
 * then this will throw a parameter is required error.
 * @memberOf Validation.Parameters
 * @method Validate_Array
 * @param {Object} param The Swagger param that was created for this operation
 * @param {Object} value The value that is passed in along the req (via body, header, etc.)
 * @param {Object} [models] Any models that are defined for this API
 * @returns {Array} An empty Array if the <tt>value</tt> was "nothing" and not required, else an array
 * containing an object with either an error property (which contains an Array of Error objects)
 * or a value property that contains the value parsed successfully.
var validate = function(param, value, models) {
  var type = param.uniqueItems ? "set" : "array";
  var isRequired = helper.isRequired(param, value);
  if (isRequired) {
    return isRequired;

  if (!_.isArray(value)) {
    return helper.errorReturn("%s is not a type of %s", [param.name, type]);

  // if this is an object reference (so it uses $ref instead of type), switch it to use type
  if (param.items.hasOwnProperty('$ref')) {
    param.items.type = param.items.$ref;
    delete param.items.$ref;

  var values = [];
  var errors = [];
  var newParam = {
    type: param.items.type,
    format: param.items.format,
    pattern: param.items.pattern
  var validateParameter = require('../parameter');
  _.forEach(value, function(value) {

    // if this is an object in the array, we have to use the type, not the name of the object
    var isObject = Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Object]';
    newParam.name = isObject ? param.items.type : value;
    var paramReturn = validateParameter(newParam, value, models);

    if (_.some(paramReturn, function(val) { return val.hasOwnProperty('error'); })) {
      errors = errors.concat(paramReturn);
    else {
      values = values.concat(_.pluck(paramReturn, 'value'));

  if (errors.length === 0 && param.uniqueItems) {
    var unique = _.uniq(values, false, JSON.stringify);
    if (unique.length !== values.length) {
      return helper.errorReturn("%s is not unique. This may lead to an unintended loss of data", param.name);

  return errors.length ? errors : helper.successReturn(values);
module.exports = exports = validate;