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'use strict';

exports.__esModule = true;

var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; };

exports.bottom = bottom;
exports.cloneLayout = cloneLayout;
exports.cloneLayoutItem = cloneLayoutItem;
exports.childrenEqual = childrenEqual;
exports.collides = collides;
exports.compact = compact;
exports.compactItem = compactItem;
exports.correctBounds = correctBounds;
exports.getLayoutItem = getLayoutItem;
exports.getFirstCollision = getFirstCollision;
exports.getAllCollisions = getAllCollisions;
exports.getStatics = getStatics;
exports.moveElement = moveElement;
exports.moveElementAwayFromCollision = moveElementAwayFromCollision;
exports.perc = perc;
exports.setTransform = setTransform;
exports.setTopLeft = setTopLeft;
exports.sortLayoutItems = sortLayoutItems;
exports.sortLayoutItemsByRowCol = sortLayoutItemsByRowCol;
exports.sortLayoutItemsByColRow = sortLayoutItemsByColRow;
exports.synchronizeLayoutWithChildren = synchronizeLayoutWithChildren;
exports.validateLayout = validateLayout;
exports.autoBindHandlers = autoBindHandlers;

var _lodash = require('lodash.isequal');

var _lodash2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lodash);

var _react = require('react');

var _react2 = _interopRequireDefault(_react);

function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

// All callbacks are of the signature (layout, oldItem, newItem, placeholder, e).
var isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';

 * Return the bottom coordinate of the layout.
 * @param  {Array} layout Layout array.
 * @return {Number}       Bottom coordinate.
function bottom(layout) {
  var max = 0,
      bottomY = void 0;
  for (var _i = 0, len = layout.length; _i < len; _i++) {
    bottomY = layout[_i].y + layout[_i].h;
    if (bottomY > max) max = bottomY;
  return max;

function cloneLayout(layout) {
  var newLayout = Array(layout.length);
  for (var _i2 = 0, len = layout.length; _i2 < len; _i2++) {
    newLayout[_i2] = cloneLayoutItem(layout[_i2]);
  return newLayout;

// Fast path to cloning, since this is monomorphic
function cloneLayoutItem(layoutItem) {
  return {
    w: layoutItem.w, h: layoutItem.h, x: layoutItem.x, y: layoutItem.y, i: layoutItem.i,
    minW: layoutItem.minW, maxW: layoutItem.maxW, minH: layoutItem.minH, maxH: layoutItem.maxH,
    moved: Boolean(layoutItem.moved), static: Boolean(layoutItem.static),
    // These can be null
    isDraggable: layoutItem.isDraggable, isResizable: layoutItem.isResizable

 * Comparing React `children` is a bit difficult. This is a good way to compare them.
 * This will catch differences in keys, order, and length.
function childrenEqual(a, b) {
  // $FlowIgnore: Appears to think map calls back w/array
  return (0, _lodash2.default)(_react2.default.Children.map(a, function (c) {
    return c.key;
  }), _react2.default.Children.map(b, function (c) {
    return c.key;

 * Given two layoutitems, check if they collide.
function collides(l1, l2) {
  if (l1 === l2) return false; // same element
  if (l1.x + l1.w <= l2.x) return false; // l1 is left of l2
  if (l1.x >= l2.x + l2.w) return false; // l1 is right of l2
  if (l1.y + l1.h <= l2.y) return false; // l1 is above l2
  if (l1.y >= l2.y + l2.h) return false; // l1 is below l2
  return true; // boxes overlap

 * Given a layout, compact it. This involves going down each y coordinate and removing gaps
 * between items.
 * @param  {Array} layout Layout.
 * @param  {Boolean} verticalCompact Whether or not to compact the layout
 *   vertically.
 * @return {Array}       Compacted Layout.
function compact(layout, compactType, cols) {
  // Statics go in the compareWith array right away so items flow around them.
  var compareWith = getStatics(layout);
  // We go through the items by row and column.
  var sorted = sortLayoutItems(layout, compactType);
  // Holding for new items.
  var out = Array(layout.length);

  for (var _i3 = 0, len = sorted.length; _i3 < len; _i3++) {
    var l = cloneLayoutItem(sorted[_i3]);

    // Don't move static elements
    if (!l.static) {
      l = compactItem(compareWith, l, compactType, cols);

      // Add to comparison array. We only collide with items before this one.
      // Statics are already in this array.

    // Add to output array to make sure they still come out in the right order.
    out[layout.indexOf(sorted[_i3])] = l;

    // Clear moved flag, if it exists.
    l.moved = false;

  return out;

 * Compact an item in the layout.
function compactItem(compareWith, l, compactType, cols) {
  var compactV = compactType === 'vertical';
  var compactH = compactType === 'horizontal';
  if (compactV) {
    // Bottom 'y' possible is the bottom of the layout.
    // This allows you to do nice stuff like specify {y: Infinity}
    // This is here because the layout must be sorted in order to get the correct bottom `y`.
    l.y = Math.min(bottom(compareWith), l.y);
    // Move the element up as far as it can go without colliding.
    while (l.y > 0 && !getFirstCollision(compareWith, l)) {
  } else if (compactH) {
    l.y = Math.min(bottom(compareWith), l.y);
    // Move the element left as far as it can go without colliding.
    while (l.x > 0 && !getFirstCollision(compareWith, l)) {

  // Move it down, and keep moving it down if it's colliding.
  var collides = void 0;
  while (collides = getFirstCollision(compareWith, l)) {
    if (compactH) {
      l.x = collides.x + collides.w;
    } else {
      l.y = collides.y + collides.h;
    // Since we can't grow without bounds horizontally, if we've overflown, let's move it down and try again.
    if (compactH && l.x + l.w > cols) {
      l.x = cols - l.w;
  return l;

 * Given a layout, make sure all elements fit within its bounds.
 * @param  {Array} layout Layout array.
 * @param  {Number} bounds Number of columns.
function correctBounds(layout, bounds) {
  var collidesWith = getStatics(layout);
  for (var _i4 = 0, len = layout.length; _i4 < len; _i4++) {
    var l = layout[_i4];
    // Overflows right
    if (l.x + l.w > bounds.cols) l.x = bounds.cols - l.w;
    // Overflows left
    if (l.x < 0) {
      l.x = 0;
      l.w = bounds.cols;
    if (!l.static) collidesWith.push(l);else {
      // If this is static and collides with other statics, we must move it down.
      // We have to do something nicer than just letting them overlap.
      while (getFirstCollision(collidesWith, l)) {
  return layout;

 * Get a layout item by ID. Used so we can override later on if necessary.
 * @param  {Array}  layout Layout array.
 * @param  {String} id     ID
 * @return {LayoutItem}    Item at ID.
function getLayoutItem(layout, id) {
  for (var _i5 = 0, len = layout.length; _i5 < len; _i5++) {
    if (layout[_i5].i === id) return layout[_i5];

 * Returns the first item this layout collides with.
 * It doesn't appear to matter which order we approach this from, although
 * perhaps that is the wrong thing to do.
 * @param  {Object} layoutItem Layout item.
 * @return {Object|undefined}  A colliding layout item, or undefined.
function getFirstCollision(layout, layoutItem) {
  for (var _i6 = 0, len = layout.length; _i6 < len; _i6++) {
    if (collides(layout[_i6], layoutItem)) return layout[_i6];

function getAllCollisions(layout, layoutItem) {
  return layout.filter(function (l) {
    return collides(l, layoutItem);

 * Get all static elements.
 * @param  {Array} layout Array of layout objects.
 * @return {Array}        Array of static layout items..
function getStatics(layout) {
  return layout.filter(function (l) {
    return l.static;

 * Move an element. Responsible for doing cascading movements of other elements.
 * @param  {Array}      layout            Full layout to modify.
 * @param  {LayoutItem} l                 element to move.
 * @param  {Number}     [x]               X position in grid units.
 * @param  {Number}     [y]               Y position in grid units.
 * @param  {Boolean}    [isUserAction]    If true, designates that the item we're moving is
 *                                     being dragged/resized by the user.
function moveElement(layout, l, x, y, isUserAction, preventCollision, compactType, cols) {
  if (l.static) return layout;

  // Short-circuit if nothing to do.
  if (l.y === y && l.x === x) return layout;

  var oldX = l.x;
  var oldY = l.y;

  var movingUp = y && l.y > y;
  // This is quite a bit faster than extending the object
  if (typeof x === 'number') l.x = x;
  if (typeof y === 'number') l.y = y;
  l.moved = true;

  // If this collides with anything, move it.
  // When doing this comparison, we have to sort the items we compare with
  // to ensure, in the case of multiple collisions, that we're getting the
  // nearest collision.
  var sorted = sortLayoutItems(layout, compactType);
  if (movingUp) sorted = sorted.reverse();
  var collisions = getAllCollisions(sorted, l);

  // There was a collision; abort
  if (preventCollision && collisions.length) {
    l.x = oldX;
    l.y = oldY;
    l.moved = false;
    return layout;

  // Move each item that collides away from this element.
  for (var _i7 = 0, len = collisions.length; _i7 < len; _i7++) {
    var collision = collisions[_i7];
    // console.log('resolving collision between', l.i, 'at', l.y, 'and', collision.i, 'at', collision.y);

    // Short circuit so we can't infinite loop
    if (collision.moved) continue;

    // This makes it feel a bit more precise by waiting to swap for just a bit when moving up.
    if (l.y > collision.y && l.y - collision.y > collision.h / 4) continue;
    if (l.x > collision.x && l.x - collision.x > collision.w / 4) continue;

    // Don't move static items - we have to move *this* element away
    if (collision.static) {
      layout = moveElementAwayFromCollision(layout, collision, l, isUserAction, compactType, cols);
    } else {
      layout = moveElementAwayFromCollision(layout, l, collision, isUserAction, compactType, cols);

  return layout;

 * This is where the magic needs to happen - given a collision, move an element away from the collision.
 * We attempt to move it up if there's room, otherwise it goes below.
 * @param  {Array} layout            Full layout to modify.
 * @param  {LayoutItem} collidesWith Layout item we're colliding with.
 * @param  {LayoutItem} itemToMove   Layout item we're moving.
 * @param  {Boolean} [isUserAction]  If true, designates that the item we're moving is being dragged/resized
 *                                   by the user.
function moveElementAwayFromCollision(layout, collidesWith, itemToMove, isUserAction, compactType, cols) {

  var compactH = compactType === 'horizontal';
  var compactV = compactType === 'vertical';
  var preventCollision = false; // we're already colliding
  // If there is enough space above the collision to put this element, move it there.
  // We only do this on the main collision as this can get funky in cascades and cause
  // unwanted swapping behavior.
  if (isUserAction) {
    // Make a mock item so we don't modify the item here, only modify in moveElement.
    var fakeItem = {
      x: compactH ? Math.max(collidesWith.x - itemToMove.w, 0) : itemToMove.x,
      y: !compactH ? Math.max(collidesWith.y - itemToMove.h, 0) : itemToMove.y,
      w: itemToMove.w,
      h: itemToMove.h,
      i: '-1'

    if (!getFirstCollision(layout, fakeItem)) {
      return moveElement(layout, itemToMove, compactH ? fakeItem.x : undefined, compactV ? fakeItem.y + 1 : undefined, isUserAction, preventCollision, compactType, cols);

  // Previously this was optimized to move below the collision directly, but this can cause problems
  // with cascading moves, as an item may actually leapflog a collision and cause a reversal in order.
  return moveElement(layout, itemToMove, compactH ? itemToMove.x + 1 : undefined, compactV ? itemToMove.y + 1 : undefined, isUserAction, preventCollision, compactType, cols);

 * Helper to convert a number to a percentage string.
 * @param  {Number} num Any number
 * @return {String}     That number as a percentage.
function perc(num) {
  return num * 100 + '%';

function setTransform(_ref) {
  var top = _ref.top,
      left = _ref.left,
      width = _ref.width,
      height = _ref.height;

  // Replace unitless items with px
  var translate = 'translate(' + left + 'px,' + top + 'px)';
  return {
    transform: translate,
    WebkitTransform: translate,
    MozTransform: translate,
    msTransform: translate,
    OTransform: translate,
    width: width + 'px',
    height: height + 'px',
    position: 'absolute'

function setTopLeft(_ref2) {
  var top = _ref2.top,
      left = _ref2.left,
      width = _ref2.width,
      height = _ref2.height;

  return {
    top: top + 'px',
    left: left + 'px',
    width: width + 'px',
    height: height + 'px',
    position: 'absolute'

 * Get layout items sorted from top left to right and down.
 * @return {Array} Array of layout objects.
 * @return {Array}        Layout, sorted static items first.
function sortLayoutItems(layout, compactType) {
  if (compactType === 'horizontal') return sortLayoutItemsByColRow(layout);else return sortLayoutItemsByRowCol(layout);

function sortLayoutItemsByRowCol(layout) {
  return [].concat(layout).sort(function (a, b) {
    if (a.y > b.y || a.y === b.y && a.x > b.x) {
      return 1;
    } else if (a.y === b.y && a.x === b.x) {
      // Without this, we can get different sort results in IE vs. Chrome/FF
      return 0;
    return -1;

function sortLayoutItemsByColRow(layout) {
  return [].concat(layout).sort(function (a, b) {
    if (a.x > b.x || a.x === b.x && a.y > b.y) {
      return 1;
    return -1;

 * Generate a layout using the initialLayout and children as a template.
 * Missing entries will be added, extraneous ones will be truncated.
 * @param  {Array}  initialLayout Layout passed in through props.
 * @param  {String} breakpoint    Current responsive breakpoint.
 * @param  {?String} compact      Compaction option.
 * @return {Array}                Working layout.
function synchronizeLayoutWithChildren(initialLayout, children, cols, compactType) {
  return initialLayout;  // Added this line
  initialLayout = initialLayout || [];

  // Generate one layout item per child.
  var layout = [];
  _react2.default.Children.forEach(children, function (child, i) {
    // Don't overwrite if it already exists.
    var exists = getLayoutItem(initialLayout, String(child.key));
    if (exists) {
      layout[i] = cloneLayoutItem(exists);
    } else {
      if (!isProduction && child.props._grid) {
        console.warn('`_grid` properties on children have been deprecated as of React 15.2. ' + // eslint-disable-line
        'Please use `data-grid` or add your properties directly to the `layout`.');
      var g = child.props['data-grid'] || child.props._grid;

      // Hey, this item has a data-grid property, use it.
      if (g) {
        if (!isProduction) {
          validateLayout([g], 'ReactGridLayout.children');
        layout[i] = cloneLayoutItem(_extends({}, g, { i: child.key }));
      } else {
        // Nothing provided: ensure this is added to the bottom
        layout[i] = cloneLayoutItem({ w: 1, h: 1, x: 0, y: bottom(layout), i: String(child.key) });

  // Correct the layout.
  layout = correctBounds(layout, { cols: cols });
  layout = compact(layout, compactType, cols);

  return layout;

 * Validate a layout. Throws errors.
 * @param  {Array}  layout        Array of layout items.
 * @param  {String} [contextName] Context name for errors.
 * @throw  {Error}                Validation error.
function validateLayout(layout, contextName) {
  contextName = contextName || "Layout";
  var subProps = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h'];
  if (!Array.isArray(layout)) throw new Error(contextName + " must be an array!");
  for (var _i8 = 0, len = layout.length; _i8 < len; _i8++) {
    var item = layout[_i8];
    for (var j = 0; j < subProps.length; j++) {
      if (typeof item[subProps[j]] !== 'number') {
        throw new Error('ReactGridLayout: ' + contextName + '[' + _i8 + '].' + subProps[j] + ' must be a number!');
    if (item.i && typeof item.i !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('ReactGridLayout: ' + contextName + '[' + _i8 + '].i must be a string!');
    if (item.static !== undefined && typeof item.static !== 'boolean') {
      throw new Error('ReactGridLayout: ' + contextName + '[' + _i8 + '].static must be a boolean!');

// Flow can't really figure this out, so we just use Object
function autoBindHandlers(el, fns) {
  fns.forEach(function (key) {
    return el[key] = el[key].bind(el);