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Test Coverage
 * WooCommerce WC_AJAX. AJAX Event Handlers.
 * @class   WC_AJAX
 * @package WooCommerce\Classes

use Automattic\Jetpack\Constants;
use Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\NumberUtil;

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * WC_Ajax class.
class WC_AJAX {

     * Hook in ajax handlers.
    public static function init() {
        add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'define_ajax' ), 0 );
        add_action( 'template_redirect', array( __CLASS__, 'do_wc_ajax' ), 0 );

     * Get WC Ajax Endpoint.
     * @param string $request Optional.
     * @return string
    public static function get_endpoint( $request = '' ) {
        return esc_url_raw( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_ajax_get_endpoint', add_query_arg( 'wc-ajax', $request, remove_query_arg( array( 'remove_item', 'add-to-cart', 'added-to-cart', 'order_again', '_wpnonce' ), home_url( '/', 'relative' ) ) ), $request ) );

     * Set WC AJAX constant and headers.
    public static function define_ajax() {
        // phpcs:disable
        if ( ! empty( $_GET['wc-ajax'] ) ) {
            wc_maybe_define_constant( 'DOING_AJAX', true );
            wc_maybe_define_constant( 'WC_DOING_AJAX', true );
            if ( ! WP_DEBUG || ( WP_DEBUG && ! WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY ) ) {
                @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 ); // Turn off display_errors during AJAX events to prevent malformed JSON.
        // phpcs:enable

     * Send headers for WC Ajax Requests.
     * @since 2.5.0
    private static function wc_ajax_headers() {
        if ( ! headers_sent() ) {
            header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
            header( 'X-Robots-Tag: noindex' );
            status_header( 200 );
        } elseif ( Constants::is_true( 'WP_DEBUG' ) ) {
            headers_sent( $file, $line );
            trigger_error( "wc_ajax_headers cannot set headers - headers already sent by {$file} on line {$line}", E_USER_NOTICE ); // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine

     * Check for WC Ajax request and fire action.
    public static function do_wc_ajax() {
        global $wp_query;

        // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
        if ( ! empty( $_GET['wc-ajax'] ) ) {
            $wp_query->set( 'wc-ajax', sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['wc-ajax'] ) ) );

        $action = $wp_query->get( 'wc-ajax' );

        if ( $action ) {
            $action = sanitize_text_field( $action );
            do_action( 'wc_ajax_' . $action );
        // phpcs:enable

     * Hook in methods - uses WordPress ajax handlers (admin-ajax).
    public static function add_ajax_events() {
        $ajax_events_nopriv = array(

        foreach ( $ajax_events_nopriv as $ajax_event ) {
            add_action( 'wp_ajax_woocommerce_' . $ajax_event, array( __CLASS__, $ajax_event ) );
            add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_woocommerce_' . $ajax_event, array( __CLASS__, $ajax_event ) );

            // WC AJAX can be used for frontend ajax requests.
            add_action( 'wc_ajax_' . $ajax_event, array( __CLASS__, $ajax_event ) );

        $ajax_events = array(

        foreach ( $ajax_events as $ajax_event ) {
            add_action( 'wp_ajax_woocommerce_' . $ajax_event, array( __CLASS__, $ajax_event ) );

     * Get a refreshed cart fragment, including the mini cart HTML.
    public static function get_refreshed_fragments() {


        $mini_cart = ob_get_clean();

        $data = array(
            'fragments' => apply_filters(
                    'div.widget_shopping_cart_content' => '<div class="widget_shopping_cart_content">' . $mini_cart . '</div>',
            'cart_hash' => WC()->cart->get_cart_hash(),

        wp_send_json( $data );

     * AJAX apply coupon on checkout page.
    public static function apply_coupon() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'apply-coupon', 'security' );

        if ( ! empty( $_POST['coupon_code'] ) ) {
            WC()->cart->add_discount( wc_format_coupon_code( wp_unslash( $_POST['coupon_code'] ) ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
        } else {
            wc_add_notice( WC_Coupon::get_generic_coupon_error( WC_Coupon::E_WC_COUPON_PLEASE_ENTER ), 'error' );


     * AJAX remove coupon on cart and checkout page.
    public static function remove_coupon() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'remove-coupon', 'security' );

        $coupon = isset( $_POST['coupon'] ) ? wc_format_coupon_code( wp_unslash( $_POST['coupon'] ) ) : false; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        if ( empty( $coupon ) ) {
            wc_add_notice( __( 'Sorry there was a problem removing this coupon.', 'woocommerce' ), 'error' );
        } else {
            WC()->cart->remove_coupon( $coupon );
            wc_add_notice( __( 'Coupon has been removed.', 'woocommerce' ) );


     * AJAX update shipping method on cart page.
    public static function update_shipping_method() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'update-shipping-method', 'security' );

        wc_maybe_define_constant( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CART', true );

        $chosen_shipping_methods = WC()->session->get( 'chosen_shipping_methods' );
        $posted_shipping_methods = isset( $_POST['shipping_method'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['shipping_method'] ) ) : array();

        if ( is_array( $posted_shipping_methods ) ) {
            foreach ( $posted_shipping_methods as $i => $value ) {
                $chosen_shipping_methods[ $i ] = $value;

        WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', $chosen_shipping_methods );


     * AJAX receive updated cart_totals div.
    public static function get_cart_totals() {
        wc_maybe_define_constant( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CART', true );

     * Session has expired.
    private static function update_order_review_expired() {
                'fragments' => apply_filters(
                        'form.woocommerce-checkout' => '<div class="woocommerce-error">' . __( 'Sorry, your session has expired.', 'woocommerce' ) . ' <a href="' . esc_url( wc_get_page_permalink( 'shop' ) ) . '" class="wc-backward">' . __( 'Return to shop', 'woocommerce' ) . '</a></div>',

     * AJAX update order review on checkout.
    public static function update_order_review() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'update-order-review', 'security' );

        wc_maybe_define_constant( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );

        if ( WC()->cart->is_empty() && ! is_customize_preview() && apply_filters( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review_expired', true ) ) {

        do_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review', isset( $_POST['post_data'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['post_data'] ) : '' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        $chosen_shipping_methods = WC()->session->get( 'chosen_shipping_methods' );
        $posted_shipping_methods = isset( $_POST['shipping_method'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['shipping_method'] ) ) : array();

        if ( is_array( $posted_shipping_methods ) ) {
            foreach ( $posted_shipping_methods as $i => $value ) {
                $chosen_shipping_methods[ $i ] = $value;

        WC()->session->set( 'chosen_shipping_methods', $chosen_shipping_methods );
        WC()->session->set( 'chosen_payment_method', empty( $_POST['payment_method'] ) ? '' : wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['payment_method'] ) ) );
                'billing_country'   => isset( $_POST['country'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['country'] ) ) : null,
                'billing_state'     => isset( $_POST['state'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['state'] ) ) : null,
                'billing_postcode'  => isset( $_POST['postcode'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['postcode'] ) ) : null,
                'billing_city'      => isset( $_POST['city'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['city'] ) ) : null,
                'billing_address_1' => isset( $_POST['address'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['address'] ) ) : null,
                'billing_address_2' => isset( $_POST['address_2'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['address_2'] ) ) : null,

        if ( wc_ship_to_billing_address_only() ) {
                    'shipping_country'   => isset( $_POST['country'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['country'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_state'     => isset( $_POST['state'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['state'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_postcode'  => isset( $_POST['postcode'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['postcode'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_city'      => isset( $_POST['city'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['city'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_address_1' => isset( $_POST['address'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['address'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_address_2' => isset( $_POST['address_2'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['address_2'] ) ) : null,
        } else {
                    'shipping_country'   => isset( $_POST['s_country'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['s_country'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_state'     => isset( $_POST['s_state'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['s_state'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_postcode'  => isset( $_POST['s_postcode'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['s_postcode'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_city'      => isset( $_POST['s_city'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['s_city'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_address_1' => isset( $_POST['s_address'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['s_address'] ) ) : null,
                    'shipping_address_2' => isset( $_POST['s_address_2'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['s_address_2'] ) ) : null,

        if ( isset( $_POST['has_full_address'] ) && wc_string_to_bool( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['has_full_address'] ) ) ) ) {
            WC()->customer->set_calculated_shipping( true );
        } else {
            WC()->customer->set_calculated_shipping( false );


        // Calculate shipping before totals. This will ensure any shipping methods that affect things like taxes are chosen prior to final totals being calculated. Ref: #22708.

        // Get order review fragment.
        $woocommerce_order_review = ob_get_clean();

        // Get checkout payment fragment.
        $woocommerce_checkout_payment = ob_get_clean();

        // Get messages if reload checkout is not true.
        $reload_checkout = isset( WC()->session->reload_checkout );
        if ( ! $reload_checkout ) {
            $messages = wc_print_notices( true );
        } else {
            $messages = '';

        unset( WC()->session->refresh_totals, WC()->session->reload_checkout );

                'result'    => empty( $messages ) ? 'success' : 'failure',
                'messages'  => $messages,
                'reload'    => $reload_checkout,
                'fragments' => apply_filters(
                        '.woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table' => $woocommerce_order_review,
                        '.woocommerce-checkout-payment' => $woocommerce_checkout_payment,

     * AJAX add to cart.
    public static function add_to_cart() {

        // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['product_id'] ) ) {

        $product_id        = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_product_id', absint( $_POST['product_id'] ) );
        $product           = wc_get_product( $product_id );
        $quantity          = empty( $_POST['quantity'] ) ? 1 : wc_stock_amount( wp_unslash( $_POST['quantity'] ) );
        $passed_validation = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', true, $product_id, $quantity );
        $product_status    = get_post_status( $product_id );
        $variation_id      = 0;
        $variation         = array();

        if ( $product && 'variation' === $product->get_type() ) {
            $variation_id = $product_id;
            $product_id   = $product->get_parent_id();
            $variation    = $product->get_variation_attributes();

        if ( $passed_validation && false !== WC()->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id, $quantity, $variation_id, $variation ) && 'publish' === $product_status ) {

            do_action( 'woocommerce_ajax_added_to_cart', $product_id );

            if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add' ) ) {
                wc_add_to_cart_message( array( $product_id => $quantity ), true );


        } else {

            // If there was an error adding to the cart, redirect to the product page to show any errors.
            $data = array(
                'error'       => true,
                'product_url' => apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_error', get_permalink( $product_id ), $product_id ),

            wp_send_json( $data );
        // phpcs:enable

     * AJAX remove from cart.
    public static function remove_from_cart() {

        // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
        $cart_item_key = wc_clean( isset( $_POST['cart_item_key'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['cart_item_key'] ) : '' );

        if ( $cart_item_key && false !== WC()->cart->remove_cart_item( $cart_item_key ) ) {
        } else {

     * Process ajax checkout form.
    public static function checkout() {
        wc_maybe_define_constant( 'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT', true );
        wp_die( 0 );

     * Get a matching variation based on posted attributes.
    public static function get_variation() {

        // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
        if ( empty( $_POST['product_id'] ) ) {

        $variable_product = wc_get_product( absint( $_POST['product_id'] ) );

        if ( ! $variable_product ) {

        $data_store   = WC_Data_Store::load( 'product' );
        $variation_id = $data_store->find_matching_product_variation( $variable_product, wp_unslash( $_POST ) );
        $variation    = $variation_id ? $variable_product->get_available_variation( $variation_id ) : false;
        wp_send_json( $variation );
        // phpcs:enable

     * Locate user via AJAX.
    public static function get_customer_location() {
        $location_hash = WC_Cache_Helper::geolocation_ajax_get_location_hash();
        wp_send_json_success( array( 'hash' => $location_hash ) );

     * Toggle Featured status of a product from admin.
    public static function feature_product() {
        if ( current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) && check_admin_referer( 'woocommerce-feature-product' ) && isset( $_GET['product_id'] ) ) {
            $product = wc_get_product( absint( $_GET['product_id'] ) );

            if ( $product ) {
                $product->set_featured( ! $product->get_featured() );

        wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() ? remove_query_arg( array( 'trashed', 'untrashed', 'deleted', 'ids' ), wp_get_referer() ) : admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=product' ) );

     * Mark an order with a status.
    public static function mark_order_status() {
        if ( current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) && check_admin_referer( 'woocommerce-mark-order-status' ) && isset( $_GET['status'], $_GET['order_id'] ) ) {
            $status = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_GET['status'] ) );
            $order  = wc_get_order( absint( wp_unslash( $_GET['order_id'] ) ) );

            if ( wc_is_order_status( 'wc-' . $status ) && $order ) {
                // Initialize payment gateways in case order has hooked status transition actions.

                $order->update_status( $status, '', true );
                do_action( 'woocommerce_order_edit_status', $order->get_id(), $status );

        wp_safe_redirect( wp_get_referer() ? wp_get_referer() : admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=shop_order' ) );

     * Get order details.
    public static function get_order_details() {
        check_admin_referer( 'woocommerce-preview-order', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_GET['order_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $order = wc_get_order( absint( $_GET['order_id'] ) );

        if ( $order ) {
            include_once __DIR__ . '/admin/list-tables/class-wc-admin-list-table-orders.php';

            wp_send_json_success( WC_Admin_List_Table_Orders::order_preview_get_order_details( $order ) );

     * Add an attribute row.
    public static function add_attribute() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'add-attribute', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || ! isset( $_POST['taxonomy'], $_POST['i'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $i             = absint( $_POST['i'] );
        $metabox_class = array();
        $attribute     = new WC_Product_Attribute();

        $attribute->set_id( wc_attribute_taxonomy_id_by_name( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['taxonomy'] ) ) ) );
        $attribute->set_name( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['taxonomy'] ) ) );
        $attribute->set_visible( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_attribute_default_visibility', 1 ) );
        $attribute->set_variation( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_attribute_default_is_variation', 0 ) );

        if ( $attribute->is_taxonomy() ) {
            $metabox_class[] = 'taxonomy';
            $metabox_class[] = $attribute->get_name();

        include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-product-attribute.php';

     * Add a new attribute via ajax function.
    public static function add_new_attribute() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'add-attribute', 'security' );

        if ( current_user_can( 'manage_product_terms' ) && isset( $_POST['taxonomy'], $_POST['term'] ) ) {
            $taxonomy = esc_attr( wp_unslash( $_POST['taxonomy'] ) ); // phpcs:ignore
            $term     = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['term'] ) );

            if ( taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) {

                $result = wp_insert_term( $term, $taxonomy );

                if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
                            'error' => $result->get_error_message(),
                } else {
                    $term = get_term_by( 'id', $result['term_id'], $taxonomy );
                            'term_id' => $term->term_id,
                            'name'    => $term->name,
                            'slug'    => $term->slug,
        wp_die( -1 );

     * Delete variations via ajax function.
    public static function remove_variations() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'delete-variations', 'security' );

        if ( current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) && isset( $_POST['variation_ids'] ) ) {
            $variation_ids = array_map( 'absint', (array) wp_unslash( $_POST['variation_ids'] ) );

            foreach ( $variation_ids as $variation_id ) {
                if ( 'product_variation' === get_post_type( $variation_id ) ) {
                    $variation = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
                    $variation->delete( true );

        wp_die( -1 );

     * Save attributes via ajax.
    public static function save_attributes() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'save-attributes', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || ! isset( $_POST['data'], $_POST['post_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            parse_str( wp_unslash( $_POST['data'] ), $data ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

            $attributes   = WC_Meta_Box_Product_Data::prepare_attributes( $data );
            $product_id   = absint( wp_unslash( $_POST['post_id'] ) );
            $product_type = ! empty( $_POST['product_type'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['product_type'] ) ) : 'simple';
            $classname    = WC_Product_Factory::get_product_classname( $product_id, $product_type );
            $product      = new $classname( $product_id );

            $product->set_attributes( $attributes );

            $attributes = $product->get_attributes( 'edit' );
            $i          = -1;
            if ( ! empty( $data['attribute_names'] ) ) {
                foreach ( $data['attribute_names'] as $attribute_name ) {
                    $attribute = isset( $attributes[ sanitize_title( $attribute_name ) ] ) ? $attributes[ sanitize_title( $attribute_name ) ] : false;
                    if ( ! $attribute ) {
                    $metabox_class = array();

                    if ( $attribute->is_taxonomy() ) {
                        $metabox_class[] = 'taxonomy';
                        $metabox_class[] = $attribute->get_name();

                    include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-product-attribute.php';

            $response['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Add variation via ajax function.
    public static function add_variation() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'add-variation', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || ! isset( $_POST['post_id'], $_POST['loop'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        global $post; // Set $post global so its available, like within the admin screens.

        $product_id       = intval( $_POST['post_id'] );
        $post             = get_post( $product_id ); // phpcs:ignore
        $loop             = intval( $_POST['loop'] );
        $product_object   = wc_get_product_object( 'variable', $product_id ); // Forces type to variable in case product is unsaved.
        $variation_object = wc_get_product_object( 'variation' );
        $variation_object->set_parent_id( $product_id );
        $variation_object->set_attributes( array_fill_keys( array_map( 'sanitize_title', array_keys( $product_object->get_variation_attributes() ) ), '' ) );
        $variation_id   = $variation_object->save();
        $variation      = get_post( $variation_id );
        $variation_data = array_merge( get_post_custom( $variation_id ), wc_get_product_variation_attributes( $variation_id ) ); // kept for BW compatibility.
        include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-variation-admin.php';

     * Link all variations via ajax function.
    public static function link_all_variations() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'link-variations', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        wc_maybe_define_constant( 'WC_MAX_LINKED_VARIATIONS', 50 );
        wc_set_time_limit( 0 );

        $post_id = isset( $_POST['post_id'] ) ? intval( $_POST['post_id'] ) : 0;

        if ( ! $post_id ) {

        $product    = wc_get_product( $post_id );
        $data_store = $product->get_data_store();

        if ( ! is_callable( array( $data_store, 'create_all_product_variations' ) ) ) {

        echo esc_html( $data_store->create_all_product_variations( $product, Constants::get_constant( 'WC_MAX_LINKED_VARIATIONS' ) ) );

        $data_store->sort_all_product_variations( $product->get_id() );

     * Delete download permissions via ajax function.
    public static function revoke_access_to_download() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'revoke-access', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['download_id'], $_POST['product_id'], $_POST['order_id'], $_POST['permission_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );
        $download_id   = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['download_id'] ) );
        $product_id    = intval( $_POST['product_id'] );
        $order_id      = intval( $_POST['order_id'] );
        $permission_id = absint( $_POST['permission_id'] );
        $data_store    = WC_Data_Store::load( 'customer-download' );
        $data_store->delete_by_id( $permission_id );

        do_action( 'woocommerce_ajax_revoke_access_to_product_download', $download_id, $product_id, $order_id, $permission_id );


     * Grant download permissions via ajax function.
    public static function grant_access_to_download() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'grant-access', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['loop'], $_POST['order_id'], $_POST['product_ids'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        global $wpdb;


        $order_id     = intval( $_POST['order_id'] );
        $product_ids  = array_filter( array_map( 'absint', (array) wp_unslash( $_POST['product_ids'] ) ) );
        $loop         = intval( $_POST['loop'] );
        $file_counter = 0;
        $order        = wc_get_order( $order_id );

        foreach ( $product_ids as $product_id ) {
            $product = wc_get_product( $product_id );
            $files   = $product->get_downloads();

            if ( ! $order->get_billing_email() ) {

            if ( ! empty( $files ) ) {
                foreach ( $files as $download_id => $file ) {
                    $inserted_id = wc_downloadable_file_permission( $download_id, $product_id, $order );
                    if ( $inserted_id ) {
                        $download = new WC_Customer_Download( $inserted_id );
                        $loop ++;
                        $file_counter ++;

                        if ( $file->get_name() ) {
                            $file_count = $file->get_name();
                        } else {
                            /* translators: %d file count */
                            $file_count = sprintf( __( 'File %d', 'woocommerce' ), $file_counter );
                        include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-download-permission.php';

     * Get customer details via ajax.
    public static function get_customer_details() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'get-customer-details', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['user_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $user_id  = absint( $_POST['user_id'] );
        $customer = new WC_Customer( $user_id );

        if ( has_filter( 'woocommerce_found_customer_details' ) ) {
            wc_deprecated_function( 'The woocommerce_found_customer_details filter', '3.0', 'woocommerce_ajax_get_customer_details' );

        $data                  = $customer->get_data();
        $data['date_created']  = $data['date_created'] ? $data['date_created']->getTimestamp() : null;
        $data['date_modified'] = $data['date_modified'] ? $data['date_modified']->getTimestamp() : null;

        $customer_data = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_ajax_get_customer_details', $data, $customer, $user_id );
        wp_send_json( $customer_data );

     * Add order item via ajax. Used on the edit order screen in WP Admin.
     * @throws Exception If order is invalid.
    public static function add_order_item() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        if ( ! isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ) {
            throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );
        $order_id = absint( wp_unslash( $_POST['order_id'] ) );

        // If we passed through items it means we need to save first before adding a new one.
        $items = ( ! empty( $_POST['items'] ) ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['items'] ) : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        $items_to_add = isset( $_POST['data'] ) ? array_filter( wp_unslash( (array) $_POST['data'] ) ) : array(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        try {
            $response = self::maybe_add_order_item( $order_id, $items, $items_to_add );
            wp_send_json_success( $response );
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

     * Add order item via AJAX. This is refactored for better unit testing.
     * @param int          $order_id     ID of order to add items to.
     * @param string|array $items        Existing items in order. Empty string if no items to add.
     * @param array        $items_to_add Array of items to add.
     * @return array     Fragments to render and notes HTML.
     * @throws Exception When unable to add item.
    private static function maybe_add_order_item( $order_id, $items, $items_to_add ) {
        try {
            $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );

            if ( ! $order ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );

            if ( ! empty( $items ) ) {
                $save_items = array();
                parse_str( $items, $save_items );
                wc_save_order_items( $order->get_id(), $save_items );

            // Add items to order.
            $order_notes = array();

            foreach ( $items_to_add as $item ) {
                if ( ! isset( $item['id'], $item['qty'] ) || empty( $item['id'] ) ) {
                $product_id = absint( $item['id'] );
                $qty        = wc_stock_amount( $item['qty'] );
                $product    = wc_get_product( $product_id );

                if ( ! $product ) {
                    throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid product ID', 'woocommerce' ) . ' ' . $product_id );
                if ( 'variable' === $product->get_type() ) {
                    /* translators: %s product name */
                    throw new Exception( sprintf( __( '%s is a variable product parent and cannot be added.', 'woocommerce' ), $product->get_name() ) );
                $validation_error = new WP_Error();
                $validation_error = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_ajax_add_order_item_validation', $validation_error, $product, $order, $qty );

                if ( $validation_error->get_error_code() ) {
                    /* translators: %s: error message */
                    throw new Exception( sprintf( __( 'Error: %s', 'woocommerce' ), $validation_error->get_error_message() ) );
                $item_id                 = $order->add_product( $product, $qty );
                $item                    = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_ajax_order_item', $order->get_item( $item_id ), $item_id, $order, $product );
                $added_items[ $item_id ] = $item;
                $order_notes[ $item_id ] = $product->get_formatted_name();

                // We do not perform any stock operations here because they will be handled when order is moved to a status where stock operations are applied (like processing, completed etc).

                do_action( 'woocommerce_ajax_add_order_item_meta', $item_id, $item, $order );

            /* translators: %s item name. */
            $order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Added line items: %s', 'woocommerce' ), implode( ', ', $order_notes ) ), false, true );

            do_action( 'woocommerce_ajax_order_items_added', $added_items, $order );

            $data = get_post_meta( $order_id );

            // Get HTML to return.
            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $items_html = ob_get_clean();

            $notes = wc_get_order_notes( array( 'order_id' => $order_id ) );
            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-notes.php';
            $notes_html = ob_get_clean();

            return array(
                'html'       => $items_html,
                'notes_html' => $notes_html,
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            throw $e; // Forward exception to caller.

     * Add order fee via ajax.
     * @throws Exception If order is invalid.
    public static function add_order_fee() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            $order_id = isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['order_id'] ) : 0;
            $order    = wc_get_order( $order_id );

            if ( ! $order ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );

            $amount = isset( $_POST['amount'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['amount'] ) ) : 0;

            $calculate_tax_args = array(
                'country'  => isset( $_POST['country'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['country'] ) ) ) : '',
                'state'    => isset( $_POST['state'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['state'] ) ) ) : '',
                'postcode' => isset( $_POST['postcode'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['postcode'] ) ) ) : '',
                'city'     => isset( $_POST['city'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['city'] ) ) ) : '',

            if ( strstr( $amount, '%' ) ) {
                $formatted_amount = $amount;
                $percent          = floatval( trim( $amount, '%' ) );
                $amount           = $order->get_total() * ( $percent / 100 );
            } else {
                $amount           = floatval( $amount );
                $formatted_amount = wc_price( $amount, array( 'currency' => $order->get_currency() ) );

            $fee = new WC_Order_Item_Fee();
            $fee->set_amount( $amount );
            $fee->set_total( $amount );
            /* translators: %s fee amount */
            $fee->set_name( sprintf( __( '%s fee', 'woocommerce' ), wc_clean( $formatted_amount ) ) );

            $order->add_item( $fee );
            $order->calculate_taxes( $calculate_tax_args );
            $order->calculate_totals( false );

            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $response['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Add order shipping cost via ajax.
     * @throws Exception If order is invalid.
    public static function add_order_shipping() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            $order_id = isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['order_id'] ) : 0;
            $order    = wc_get_order( $order_id );

            if ( ! $order ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );

            $order_taxes      = $order->get_taxes();
            $shipping_methods = WC()->shipping() ? WC()->shipping()->load_shipping_methods() : array();

            // Add new shipping.
            $item = new WC_Order_Item_Shipping();
            $item->set_shipping_rate( new WC_Shipping_Rate() );
            $item->set_order_id( $order_id );
            $item_id = $item->save();

            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-shipping.php';
            $response['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Add order tax column via ajax.
     * @throws Exception If order or tax rate is invalid.
    public static function add_order_tax() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            $order_id = isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['order_id'] ) : 0;
            $order    = wc_get_order( $order_id );

            if ( ! $order ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );

            $rate_id = isset( $_POST['rate_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['rate_id'] ) : '';

            if ( ! $rate_id ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid rate', 'woocommerce' ) );

            $data = get_post_meta( $order_id );

            // Add new tax.
            $item = new WC_Order_Item_Tax();
            $item->set_rate( $rate_id );
            $item->set_order_id( $order_id );

            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $response['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Add order discount via ajax.
     * @throws Exception If order or coupon is invalid.
    public static function add_coupon_discount() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            $order_id           = isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['order_id'] ) : 0;
            $order              = wc_get_order( $order_id );
            $calculate_tax_args = array(
                'country'  => isset( $_POST['country'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['country'] ) ) ) : '',
                'state'    => isset( $_POST['state'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['state'] ) ) ) : '',
                'postcode' => isset( $_POST['postcode'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['postcode'] ) ) ) : '',
                'city'     => isset( $_POST['city'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['city'] ) ) ) : '',

            if ( ! $order ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );

            if ( empty( $_POST['coupon'] ) ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid coupon', 'woocommerce' ) );

            // Add user ID and/or email so validation for coupon limits works.
            $user_id_arg    = isset( $_POST['user_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['user_id'] ) : 0;
            $user_email_arg = isset( $_POST['user_email'] ) ? sanitize_email( wp_unslash( $_POST['user_email'] ) ) : '';

            if ( $user_id_arg ) {
                $order->set_customer_id( $user_id_arg );
            if ( $user_email_arg ) {
                $order->set_billing_email( $user_email_arg );

            $result = $order->apply_coupon( wc_format_coupon_code( wp_unslash( $_POST['coupon'] ) ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

            if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
                throw new Exception( html_entity_decode( wp_strip_all_tags( $result->get_error_message() ) ) );

            $order->calculate_taxes( $calculate_tax_args );
            $order->calculate_totals( false );

            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $response['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Remove coupon from an order via ajax.
     * @throws Exception If order or coupon is invalid.
    public static function remove_order_coupon() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            $order_id           = isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['order_id'] ) : 0;
            $order              = wc_get_order( $order_id );
            $calculate_tax_args = array(
                'country'  => isset( $_POST['country'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['country'] ) ) ) : '',
                'state'    => isset( $_POST['state'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['state'] ) ) ) : '',
                'postcode' => isset( $_POST['postcode'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['postcode'] ) ) ) : '',
                'city'     => isset( $_POST['city'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['city'] ) ) ) : '',

            if ( ! $order ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );

            if ( empty( $_POST['coupon'] ) ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid coupon', 'woocommerce' ) );

            $order->remove_coupon( wc_format_coupon_code( wp_unslash( $_POST['coupon'] ) ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing, WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            $order->calculate_taxes( $calculate_tax_args );
            $order->calculate_totals( false );

            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $response['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Remove an order item.
     * @throws Exception If order is invalid.
    public static function remove_order_item() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['order_id'], $_POST['order_item_ids'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            $order_id = absint( $_POST['order_id'] );
            $order    = wc_get_order( $order_id );

            if ( ! $order ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid order', 'woocommerce' ) );

            if ( ! isset( $_POST['order_item_ids'] ) ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid items', 'woocommerce' ) );

            $order_item_ids     = wp_unslash( $_POST['order_item_ids'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            $items              = ( ! empty( $_POST['items'] ) ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['items'] ) : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            $calculate_tax_args = array(
                'country'  => isset( $_POST['country'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['country'] ) ) ) : '',
                'state'    => isset( $_POST['state'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['state'] ) ) ) : '',
                'postcode' => isset( $_POST['postcode'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['postcode'] ) ) ) : '',
                'city'     => isset( $_POST['city'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['city'] ) ) ) : '',

            if ( ! is_array( $order_item_ids ) && is_numeric( $order_item_ids ) ) {
                $order_item_ids = array( $order_item_ids );

            // If we passed through items it means we need to save first before deleting.
            if ( ! empty( $items ) ) {
                $save_items = array();
                parse_str( $items, $save_items );
                wc_save_order_items( $order->get_id(), $save_items );

            if ( ! empty( $order_item_ids ) ) {
                $order_notes = array();

                foreach ( $order_item_ids as $item_id ) {
                    $item_id = absint( $item_id );
                    $item    = $order->get_item( $item_id );

                    // Before deleting the item, adjust any stock values already reduced.
                    if ( $item->is_type( 'line_item' ) ) {
                        $changed_stock = wc_maybe_adjust_line_item_product_stock( $item, 0 );

                        if ( $changed_stock && ! is_wp_error( $changed_stock ) ) {
                            /* translators: %1$s: item name %2$s: stock change */
                            $order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Deleted %1$s and adjusted stock (%2$s)', 'woocommerce' ), $item->get_name(), $changed_stock['from'] . '&rarr;' . $changed_stock['to'] ), false, true );
                        } else {
                            /* translators: %s item name. */
                            $order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Deleted %s', 'woocommerce' ), $item->get_name() ), false, true );

                    wc_delete_order_item( $item_id );

            $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
            $order->calculate_taxes( $calculate_tax_args );
            $order->calculate_totals( false );

            // Get HTML to return.
            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $items_html = ob_get_clean();

            $notes = wc_get_order_notes( array( 'order_id' => $order_id ) );
            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-notes.php';
            $notes_html = ob_get_clean();

                    'html'       => $items_html,
                    'notes_html' => $notes_html,
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Remove an order tax.
     * @throws Exception If there is an error whilst deleting the rate.
    public static function remove_order_tax() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['order_id'], $_POST['rate_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            $order_id = absint( $_POST['order_id'] );
            $rate_id  = absint( $_POST['rate_id'] );

            $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
            if ( ! $order->is_editable() ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Order not editable', 'woocommerce' ) );

            wc_delete_order_item( $rate_id );

            // Need to load order again after deleting to have latest items before calculating.
            $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
            $order->calculate_totals( false );

            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $response['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Calc line tax.
    public static function calc_line_taxes() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'calc-totals', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['order_id'], $_POST['items'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $order_id           = absint( $_POST['order_id'] );
        $calculate_tax_args = array(
            'country'  => isset( $_POST['country'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['country'] ) ) ) : '',
            'state'    => isset( $_POST['state'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['state'] ) ) ) : '',
            'postcode' => isset( $_POST['postcode'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['postcode'] ) ) ) : '',
            'city'     => isset( $_POST['city'] ) ? wc_strtoupper( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['city'] ) ) ) : '',

        // Parse the jQuery serialized items.
        $items = array();
        parse_str( wp_unslash( $_POST['items'] ), $items ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        // Save order items first.
        wc_save_order_items( $order_id, $items );

        // Grab the order and recalculate taxes.
        $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
        $order->calculate_taxes( $calculate_tax_args );
        $order->calculate_totals( false );
        include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';

     * Save order items via ajax.
    public static function save_order_items() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['order_id'], $_POST['items'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        if ( isset( $_POST['order_id'], $_POST['items'] ) ) {
            $order_id = absint( $_POST['order_id'] );

            // Parse the jQuery serialized items.
            $items = array();
            parse_str( wp_unslash( $_POST['items'] ), $items ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

            // Save order items.
            wc_save_order_items( $order_id, $items );

            // Return HTML items.
            $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );

            // Get HTML to return.
            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';
            $items_html = ob_get_clean();

            $notes = wc_get_order_notes( array( 'order_id' => $order_id ) );
            include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-notes.php';
            $notes_html = ob_get_clean();

                    'html'       => $items_html,
                    'notes_html' => $notes_html,

     * Load order items via ajax.
    public static function load_order_items() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        // Return HTML items.
        $order_id = absint( $_POST['order_id'] );
        $order    = wc_get_order( $order_id );
        include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php';

     * Add order note via ajax.
    public static function add_order_note() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'add-order-note', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['post_id'], $_POST['note'], $_POST['note_type'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $post_id   = absint( $_POST['post_id'] );
        $note      = wp_kses_post( trim( wp_unslash( $_POST['note'] ) ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
        $note_type = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['note_type'] ) );

        $is_customer_note = ( 'customer' === $note_type ) ? 1 : 0;

        if ( $post_id > 0 ) {
            $order      = wc_get_order( $post_id );
            $comment_id = $order->add_order_note( $note, $is_customer_note, true );
            $note       = wc_get_order_note( $comment_id );

            $note_classes   = array( 'note' );
            $note_classes[] = $is_customer_note ? 'customer-note' : '';
            $note_classes   = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_note_class', array_filter( $note_classes ), $note );
            <li rel="<?php echo absint( $note->id ); ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr( implode( ' ', $note_classes ) ); ?>">
                <div class="note_content">
                    <?php echo wp_kses_post( wpautop( wptexturize( make_clickable( $note->content ) ) ) ); ?>
                <p class="meta">
                    <abbr class="exact-date" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $note->date_created->date( 'y-m-d h:i:s' ) ); ?>">
                        /* translators: $1: Date created, $2 Time created */
                        printf( esc_html__( 'added on %1$s at %2$s', 'woocommerce' ), esc_html( $note->date_created->date_i18n( wc_date_format() ) ), esc_html( $note->date_created->date_i18n( wc_time_format() ) ) );
                    if ( 'system' !== $note->added_by ) :
                        /* translators: %s: note author */
                        printf( ' ' . esc_html__( 'by %s', 'woocommerce' ), esc_html( $note->added_by ) );
                    <a href="#" class="delete_note" role="button"><?php esc_html_e( 'Delete note', 'woocommerce' ); ?></a>

     * Delete order note via ajax.
    public static function delete_order_note() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'delete-order-note', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['note_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $note_id = (int) $_POST['note_id'];

        if ( $note_id > 0 ) {
            wc_delete_order_note( $note_id );

     * Search for products and echo json.
     * @param string $term (default: '') Term to search for.
     * @param bool   $include_variations in search or not.
    public static function json_search_products( $term = '', $include_variations = false ) {
        check_ajax_referer( 'search-products', 'security' );

        if ( empty( $term ) && isset( $_GET['term'] ) ) {
            $term = (string) wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_GET['term'] ) );

        if ( empty( $term ) ) {

        if ( ! empty( $_GET['limit'] ) ) {
            $limit = absint( $_GET['limit'] );
        } else {
            $limit = absint( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_json_search_limit', 30 ) );

        $include_ids = ! empty( $_GET['include'] ) ? array_map( 'absint', (array) wp_unslash( $_GET['include'] ) ) : array();
        $exclude_ids = ! empty( $_GET['exclude'] ) ? array_map( 'absint', (array) wp_unslash( $_GET['exclude'] ) ) : array();

        $exclude_types = array();
        if ( ! empty( $_GET['exclude_type'] ) ) {
            // Support both comma-delimited and array format inputs.
            $exclude_types = wp_unslash( $_GET['exclude_type'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            if ( ! is_array( $exclude_types ) ) {
                $exclude_types = explode( ',', $exclude_types );

            // Sanitize the excluded types against valid product types.
            foreach ( $exclude_types as &$exclude_type ) {
                $exclude_type = strtolower( trim( $exclude_type ) );
            $exclude_types = array_intersect(
                array_merge( array( 'variation' ), array_keys( wc_get_product_types() ) ),

        $data_store = WC_Data_Store::load( 'product' );
        $ids        = $data_store->search_products( $term, '', (bool) $include_variations, false, $limit, $include_ids, $exclude_ids );

        $products = array();

        foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
            $product_object = wc_get_product( $id );

            if ( ! wc_products_array_filter_readable( $product_object ) ) {

            $formatted_name = $product_object->get_formatted_name();
            $managing_stock = $product_object->managing_stock();

            if ( in_array( $product_object->get_type(), $exclude_types, true ) ) {

            if ( $managing_stock && ! empty( $_GET['display_stock'] ) ) {
                $stock_amount = $product_object->get_stock_quantity();
                /* Translators: %d stock amount */
                $formatted_name .= ' &ndash; ' . sprintf( __( 'Stock: %d', 'woocommerce' ), wc_format_stock_quantity_for_display( $stock_amount, $product_object ) );

            $products[ $product_object->get_id() ] = rawurldecode( wp_strip_all_tags( $formatted_name ) );

        wp_send_json( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_json_search_found_products', $products ) );

     * Search for product variations and return json.
     * @see WC_AJAX::json_search_products()
    public static function json_search_products_and_variations() {
        self::json_search_products( '', true );

     * Search for downloadable product variations and return json.
     * @see WC_AJAX::json_search_products()
    public static function json_search_downloadable_products_and_variations() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'search-products', 'security' );

        if ( ! empty( $_GET['limit'] ) ) {
            $limit = absint( $_GET['limit'] );
        } else {
            $limit = absint( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_json_search_limit', 30 ) );

        $include_ids = ! empty( $_GET['include'] ) ? array_map( 'absint', (array) wp_unslash( $_GET['include'] ) ) : array();
        $exclude_ids = ! empty( $_GET['exclude'] ) ? array_map( 'absint', (array) wp_unslash( $_GET['exclude'] ) ) : array();

        $term       = isset( $_GET['term'] ) ? (string) wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_GET['term'] ) ) : '';
        $data_store = WC_Data_Store::load( 'product' );
        $ids        = $data_store->search_products( $term, 'downloadable', true, false, $limit );

        $product_objects = array_filter( array_map( 'wc_get_product', $ids ), 'wc_products_array_filter_readable' );
        $products        = array();

        foreach ( $product_objects as $product_object ) {
            $products[ $product_object->get_id() ] = rawurldecode( $product_object->get_formatted_name() );

        wp_send_json( $products );

     * Search for customers and return json.
    public static function json_search_customers() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'search-customers', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $term  = isset( $_GET['term'] ) ? (string) wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_GET['term'] ) ) : '';
        $limit = 0;

        if ( empty( $term ) ) {

        $ids = array();
        // Search by ID.
        if ( is_numeric( $term ) ) {
            $customer = new WC_Customer( intval( $term ) );

            // Customer does not exists.
            if ( 0 !== $customer->get_id() ) {
                $ids = array( $customer->get_id() );

        // Usernames can be numeric so we first check that no users was found by ID before searching for numeric username, this prevents performance issues with ID lookups.
        if ( empty( $ids ) ) {
            $data_store = WC_Data_Store::load( 'customer' );

            // If search is smaller than 3 characters, limit result set to avoid
            // too many rows being returned.
            if ( 3 > strlen( $term ) ) {
                $limit = 20;
            $ids = $data_store->search_customers( $term, $limit );

        $found_customers = array();

        if ( ! empty( $_GET['exclude'] ) ) {
            $ids = array_diff( $ids, array_map( 'absint', (array) wp_unslash( $_GET['exclude'] ) ) );

        foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
            $customer = new WC_Customer( $id );
            /* translators: 1: user display name 2: user ID 3: user email */
            $found_customers[ $id ] = sprintf(
                /* translators: $1: customer name, $2 customer id, $3: customer email */
                esc_html__( '%1$s (#%2$s &ndash; %3$s)', 'woocommerce' ),
                $customer->get_first_name() . ' ' . $customer->get_last_name(),

        wp_send_json( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_json_search_found_customers', $found_customers ) );

     * Search for categories and return json.
    public static function json_search_categories() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'search-categories', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $search_text = isset( $_GET['term'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_GET['term'] ) ) : '';

        if ( ! $search_text ) {

        $found_categories = array();
        $args             = array(
            'taxonomy'   => array( 'product_cat' ),
            'orderby'    => 'id',
            'order'      => 'ASC',
            'hide_empty' => true,
            'fields'     => 'all',
            'name__like' => $search_text,

        $terms = get_terms( $args );

        if ( $terms ) {
            foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
                $term->formatted_name = '';

                if ( $term->parent ) {
                    $ancestors = array_reverse( get_ancestors( $term->term_id, 'product_cat' ) );
                    foreach ( $ancestors as $ancestor ) {
                        $ancestor_term = get_term( $ancestor, 'product_cat' );
                        if ( $ancestor_term ) {
                            $term->formatted_name .= $ancestor_term->name . ' > ';

                $term->formatted_name              .= $term->name . ' (' . $term->count . ')';
                $found_categories[ $term->term_id ] = $term;

        wp_send_json( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_json_search_found_categories', $found_categories ) );

     * Ajax request handling for categories ordering.
    public static function term_ordering() {
        // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || empty( $_POST['id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $id       = (int) $_POST['id'];
        $next_id  = isset( $_POST['nextid'] ) && (int) $_POST['nextid'] ? (int) $_POST['nextid'] : null;
        $taxonomy = isset( $_POST['thetaxonomy'] ) ? esc_attr( wp_unslash( $_POST['thetaxonomy'] ) ) : null; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
        $term     = get_term_by( 'id', $id, $taxonomy );

        if ( ! $id || ! $term || ! $taxonomy ) {
            wp_die( 0 );

        wc_reorder_terms( $term, $next_id, $taxonomy );

        $children = get_terms( $taxonomy, "child_of=$id&menu_order=ASC&hide_empty=0" );

        if ( $term && count( $children ) ) {
            echo 'children';
        // phpcs:enable

     * Ajax request handling for product ordering.
     * Based on Simple Page Ordering by 10up (https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-page-ordering/).
    public static function product_ordering() {
        global $wpdb;

        // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || empty( $_POST['id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $sorting_id  = absint( $_POST['id'] );
        $previd      = absint( isset( $_POST['previd'] ) ? $_POST['previd'] : 0 );
        $nextid      = absint( isset( $_POST['nextid'] ) ? $_POST['nextid'] : 0 );
        $menu_orders = wp_list_pluck( $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, menu_order FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'product' ORDER BY menu_order ASC, post_title ASC" ), 'menu_order', 'ID' );
        $index       = 0;

        foreach ( $menu_orders as $id => $menu_order ) {
            $id = absint( $id );

            if ( $sorting_id === $id ) {
            if ( $nextid === $id ) {
                $index ++;
            $index ++;
            $menu_orders[ $id ] = $index;
            $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'menu_order' => $index ), array( 'ID' => $id ) );

             * When a single product has gotten it's ordering updated.
             * $id The product ID
             * $index The new menu order
            do_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_ordering', $id, $index );

        if ( isset( $menu_orders[ $previd ] ) ) {
            $menu_orders[ $sorting_id ] = $menu_orders[ $previd ] + 1;
        } elseif ( isset( $menu_orders[ $nextid ] ) ) {
            $menu_orders[ $sorting_id ] = $menu_orders[ $nextid ] - 1;
        } else {
            $menu_orders[ $sorting_id ] = 0;

        $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'menu_order' => $menu_orders[ $sorting_id ] ), array( 'ID' => $sorting_id ) );


        do_action( 'woocommerce_after_product_ordering', $sorting_id, $menu_orders );
        wp_send_json( $menu_orders );
        // phpcs:enable

     * Handle a refund via the edit order screen.
     * @throws Exception To return errors.
    public static function refund_line_items() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $order_id               = isset( $_POST['order_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['order_id'] ) : 0;
        $refund_amount          = isset( $_POST['refund_amount'] ) ? wc_format_decimal( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['refund_amount'] ) ), wc_get_price_decimals() ) : 0;
        $refunded_amount        = isset( $_POST['refunded_amount'] ) ? wc_format_decimal( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['refunded_amount'] ) ), wc_get_price_decimals() ) : 0;
        $refund_reason          = isset( $_POST['refund_reason'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['refund_reason'] ) ) : '';
        $line_item_qtys         = isset( $_POST['line_item_qtys'] ) ? json_decode( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['line_item_qtys'] ) ), true ) : array();
        $line_item_totals       = isset( $_POST['line_item_totals'] ) ? json_decode( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['line_item_totals'] ) ), true ) : array();
        $line_item_tax_totals   = isset( $_POST['line_item_tax_totals'] ) ? json_decode( sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['line_item_tax_totals'] ) ), true ) : array();
        $api_refund             = isset( $_POST['api_refund'] ) && 'true' === $_POST['api_refund'];
        $restock_refunded_items = isset( $_POST['restock_refunded_items'] ) && 'true' === $_POST['restock_refunded_items'];
        $refund                 = false;
        $response               = array();

        try {
            $order      = wc_get_order( $order_id );
            $max_refund = wc_format_decimal( $order->get_total() - $order->get_total_refunded(), wc_get_price_decimals() );

            if ( ( ! $refund_amount && ( wc_format_decimal( 0, wc_get_price_decimals() ) !== $refund_amount ) ) || $max_refund < $refund_amount || 0 > $refund_amount ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Invalid refund amount', 'woocommerce' ) );

            if ( wc_format_decimal( $order->get_total_refunded(), wc_get_price_decimals() ) !== $refunded_amount ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Error processing refund. Please try again.', 'woocommerce' ) );

            // Prepare line items which we are refunding.
            $line_items = array();
            $item_ids   = array_unique( array_merge( array_keys( $line_item_qtys ), array_keys( $line_item_totals ) ) );

            foreach ( $item_ids as $item_id ) {
                $line_items[ $item_id ] = array(
                    'qty'          => 0,
                    'refund_total' => 0,
                    'refund_tax'   => array(),
            foreach ( $line_item_qtys as $item_id => $qty ) {
                $line_items[ $item_id ]['qty'] = max( $qty, 0 );
            foreach ( $line_item_totals as $item_id => $total ) {
                $line_items[ $item_id ]['refund_total'] = wc_format_decimal( $total );
            foreach ( $line_item_tax_totals as $item_id => $tax_totals ) {
                $line_items[ $item_id ]['refund_tax'] = array_filter( array_map( 'wc_format_decimal', $tax_totals ) );

            // Create the refund object.
            $refund = wc_create_refund(
                    'amount'         => $refund_amount,
                    'reason'         => $refund_reason,
                    'order_id'       => $order_id,
                    'line_items'     => $line_items,
                    'refund_payment' => $api_refund,
                    'restock_items'  => $restock_refunded_items,

            if ( is_wp_error( $refund ) ) {
                throw new Exception( $refund->get_error_message() );

            if ( did_action( 'woocommerce_order_fully_refunded' ) ) {
                $response['status'] = 'fully_refunded';
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'error' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Delete a refund.
    public static function delete_refund() {
        check_ajax_referer( 'order-item', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_shop_orders' ) || ! isset( $_POST['refund_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $refund_ids = array_map( 'absint', is_array( $_POST['refund_id'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['refund_id'] ) : array( wp_unslash( $_POST['refund_id'] ) ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
        foreach ( $refund_ids as $refund_id ) {
            if ( $refund_id && 'shop_order_refund' === get_post_type( $refund_id ) ) {
                $refund   = wc_get_order( $refund_id );
                $order_id = $refund->get_parent_id();
                $refund->delete( true );
                do_action( 'woocommerce_refund_deleted', $refund_id, $order_id );

     * Triggered when clicking the rating footer.
    public static function rated() {
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );
        update_option( 'woocommerce_admin_footer_text_rated', 1 );

     * Create/Update API key.
     * @throws Exception On invalid or empty description, user, or permissions.
    public static function update_api_key() {

        global $wpdb;

        check_ajax_referer( 'update-api-key', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $response = array();

        try {
            if ( empty( $_POST['description'] ) ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Description is missing.', 'woocommerce' ) );
            if ( empty( $_POST['user'] ) ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'User is missing.', 'woocommerce' ) );
            if ( empty( $_POST['permissions'] ) ) {
                throw new Exception( __( 'Permissions is missing.', 'woocommerce' ) );

            $key_id      = isset( $_POST['key_id'] ) ? absint( $_POST['key_id'] ) : 0;
            $description = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['description'] ) );
            $permissions = ( in_array( wp_unslash( $_POST['permissions'] ), array( 'read', 'write', 'read_write' ), true ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['permissions'] ) ) : 'read';
            $user_id     = absint( $_POST['user'] );

            // Check if current user can edit other users.
            if ( $user_id && ! current_user_can( 'edit_user', $user_id ) ) {
                if ( get_current_user_id() !== $user_id ) {
                    throw new Exception( __( 'You do not have permission to assign API Keys to the selected user.', 'woocommerce' ) );

            if ( 0 < $key_id ) {
                $data = array(
                    'user_id'     => $user_id,
                    'description' => $description,
                    'permissions' => $permissions,

                    $wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_api_keys',
                    array( 'key_id' => $key_id ),
                    array( '%d' )

                $response                    = $data;
                $response['consumer_key']    = '';
                $response['consumer_secret'] = '';
                $response['message']         = __( 'API Key updated successfully.', 'woocommerce' );
            } else {
                $consumer_key    = 'ck_' . wc_rand_hash();
                $consumer_secret = 'cs_' . wc_rand_hash();

                $data = array(
                    'user_id'         => $user_id,
                    'description'     => $description,
                    'permissions'     => $permissions,
                    'consumer_key'    => wc_api_hash( $consumer_key ),
                    'consumer_secret' => $consumer_secret,
                    'truncated_key'   => substr( $consumer_key, -7 ),

                    $wpdb->prefix . 'woocommerce_api_keys',

                $key_id                      = $wpdb->insert_id;
                $response                    = $data;
                $response['consumer_key']    = $consumer_key;
                $response['consumer_secret'] = $consumer_secret;
                $response['message']         = __( 'API Key generated successfully. Make sure to copy your new keys now as the secret key will be hidden once you leave this page.', 'woocommerce' );
                $response['revoke_url']      = '<a style="color: #a00; text-decoration: none;" href="' . esc_url( wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'revoke-key' => $key_id ), admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced&section=keys' ) ), 'revoke' ) ) . '">' . __( 'Revoke key', 'woocommerce' ) . '</a>';
        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wp_send_json_error( array( 'message' => $e->getMessage() ) );

        // wp_send_json_success must be outside the try block not to break phpunit tests.
        wp_send_json_success( $response );

     * Load variations via AJAX.
    public static function load_variations() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'load-variations', 'security' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || empty( $_POST['product_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        // Set $post global so its available, like within the admin screens.
        global $post;

        $loop           = 0;
        $product_id     = absint( $_POST['product_id'] );
        $post           = get_post( $product_id ); // phpcs:ignore
        $product_object = wc_get_product( $product_id );
        $per_page       = ! empty( $_POST['per_page'] ) ? absint( $_POST['per_page'] ) : 10;
        $page           = ! empty( $_POST['page'] ) ? absint( $_POST['page'] ) : 1;
        $variations     = wc_get_products(
                'status'  => array( 'private', 'publish' ),
                'type'    => 'variation',
                'parent'  => $product_id,
                'limit'   => $per_page,
                'page'    => $page,
                'orderby' => array(
                    'menu_order' => 'ASC',
                    'ID'         => 'DESC',
                'return'  => 'objects',

        if ( $variations ) {
            wc_render_invalid_variation_notice( $product_object );

            foreach ( $variations as $variation_object ) {
                $variation_id   = $variation_object->get_id();
                $variation      = get_post( $variation_id );
                $variation_data = array_merge( get_post_custom( $variation_id ), wc_get_product_variation_attributes( $variation_id ) ); // kept for BW compatibility.
                include __DIR__ . '/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-variation-admin.php';

     * Save variations via AJAX.
    public static function save_variations() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'save-variations', 'security' );

        // Check permissions again and make sure we have what we need.
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || empty( $_POST ) || empty( $_POST['product_id'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $product_id                           = absint( $_POST['product_id'] );
        WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes::$meta_box_errors = array();
        WC_Meta_Box_Product_Data::save_variations( $product_id, get_post( $product_id ) );

        do_action( 'woocommerce_ajax_save_product_variations', $product_id );

        $errors = WC_Admin_Meta_Boxes::$meta_box_errors;

        if ( $errors ) {
            echo '<div class="error notice is-dismissible">';

            foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
                echo '<p>' . wp_kses_post( $error ) . '</p>';

            echo '<button type="button" class="notice-dismiss"><span class="screen-reader-text">' . esc_html__( 'Dismiss this notice.', 'woocommerce' ) . '</span></button>';
            echo '</div>';

            delete_option( 'woocommerce_meta_box_errors' );


     * Bulk action - Toggle Enabled.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_toggle_enabled( $variations, $data ) {
        foreach ( $variations as $variation_id ) {
            $variation = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
            $variation->set_status( 'private' === $variation->get_status( 'edit' ) ? 'publish' : 'private' );

     * Bulk action - Toggle Downloadable Checkbox.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_toggle_downloadable( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_toggle( $variations, 'downloadable' );

     * Bulk action - Toggle Virtual Checkbox.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_toggle_virtual( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_toggle( $variations, 'virtual' );

     * Bulk action - Toggle Manage Stock Checkbox.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_toggle_manage_stock( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_toggle( $variations, 'manage_stock' );

     * Bulk action - Set Regular Prices.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_regular_price( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'regular_price', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Set Sale Prices.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_price( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'sale_price', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Set Stock Status as In Stock.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_stock_status_instock( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'stock_status', 'instock' );

     * Bulk action - Set Stock Status as Out of Stock.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_stock_status_outofstock( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'stock_status', 'outofstock' );

     * Bulk action - Set Stock Status as On Backorder.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_stock_status_onbackorder( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'stock_status', 'onbackorder' );

     * Bulk action - Set Stock.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_stock( $variations, $data ) {
        if ( ! isset( $data['value'] ) ) {

        $quantity = wc_stock_amount( wc_clean( $data['value'] ) );

        foreach ( $variations as $variation_id ) {
            $variation = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
            if ( $variation->managing_stock() ) {
                $variation->set_stock_quantity( $quantity );
            } else {
                $variation->set_stock_quantity( null );

     * Bulk action - Set Weight.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_weight( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'weight', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Set Length.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_length( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'length', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Set Width.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_width( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'width', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Set Height.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_height( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'height', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Set Download Limit.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_download_limit( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'download_limit', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Set Download Expiry.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_download_expiry( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_set( $variations, 'download_expiry', $data['value'] );

     * Bulk action - Delete all.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_delete_all( $variations, $data ) {
        if ( isset( $data['allowed'] ) && 'true' === $data['allowed'] ) {
            foreach ( $variations as $variation_id ) {
                $variation = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
                $variation->delete( true );

     * Bulk action - Sale Schedule.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_schedule( $variations, $data ) {
        if ( ! isset( $data['date_from'] ) && ! isset( $data['date_to'] ) ) {

        foreach ( $variations as $variation_id ) {
            $variation = wc_get_product( $variation_id );

            if ( 'false' !== $data['date_from'] ) {
                $variation->set_date_on_sale_from( wc_clean( $data['date_from'] ) );

            if ( 'false' !== $data['date_to'] ) {
                $variation->set_date_on_sale_to( wc_clean( $data['date_to'] ) );


     * Bulk action - Increase Regular Prices.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_regular_price_increase( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_adjust_price( $variations, 'regular_price', '+', wc_clean( $data['value'] ) );

     * Bulk action - Decrease Regular Prices.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_regular_price_decrease( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_adjust_price( $variations, 'regular_price', '-', wc_clean( $data['value'] ) );

     * Bulk action - Increase Sale Prices.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_price_increase( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_adjust_price( $variations, 'sale_price', '+', wc_clean( $data['value'] ) );

     * Bulk action - Decrease Sale Prices.
     * @param array $variations List of variations.
     * @param array $data Data to set.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_price_decrease( $variations, $data ) {
        self::variation_bulk_adjust_price( $variations, 'sale_price', '-', wc_clean( $data['value'] ) );

     * Bulk action - Set Price.
     * @param array  $variations List of variations.
     * @param string $field price being adjusted _regular_price or _sale_price.
     * @param string $operator + or -.
     * @param string $value Price or Percent.
     * @used-by bulk_edit_variations
    private static function variation_bulk_adjust_price( $variations, $field, $operator, $value ) {
        foreach ( $variations as $variation_id ) {
            $variation   = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
            $field_value = $variation->{"get_$field"}( 'edit' );

            if ( '%' === substr( $value, -1 ) ) {
                $percent      = wc_format_decimal( substr( $value, 0, -1 ) );
                $field_value += NumberUtil::round( ( $field_value / 100 ) * $percent, wc_get_price_decimals() ) * "{$operator}1";
            } else {
                $field_value += $value * "{$operator}1";

            $variation->{"set_$field"}( $field_value );

     * Bulk set convenience function.
     * @param array  $variations List of variations.
     * @param string $field Field to set.
     * @param string $value to set.
    private static function variation_bulk_set( $variations, $field, $value ) {
        foreach ( $variations as $variation_id ) {
            $variation = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
            $variation->{ "set_$field" }( wc_clean( $value ) );

     * Bulk toggle convenience function.
     * @param array  $variations List of variations.
     * @param string $field Field to toggle.
    private static function variation_bulk_toggle( $variations, $field ) {
        foreach ( $variations as $variation_id ) {
            $variation  = wc_get_product( $variation_id );
            $prev_value = $variation->{ "get_$field" }( 'edit' );
            $variation->{ "set_$field" }( ! $prev_value );

     * Bulk edit variations via AJAX.
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_set()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_adjust_price()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_price_decrease()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_price_increase()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_regular_price_decrease()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_regular_price_increase()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_schedule()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_delete_all()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_download_expiry()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_download_limit()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_height()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_width()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_length()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_weight()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_stock()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_sale_price()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_variable_regular_price()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_toggle_manage_stock()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_toggle_virtual()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_toggle_downloadable()
     * @uses WC_AJAX::variation_bulk_action_toggle_enabled
    public static function bulk_edit_variations() {

        check_ajax_referer( 'bulk-edit-variations', 'security' );

        // Check permissions again and make sure we have what we need.
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_products' ) || empty( $_POST['product_id'] ) || empty( $_POST['bulk_action'] ) ) {
            wp_die( -1 );

        $product_id  = absint( $_POST['product_id'] );
        $bulk_action = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['bulk_action'] ) );
        $data        = ! empty( $_POST['data'] ) ? wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['data'] ) ) : array();
        $variations  = array();

        if ( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_bulk_edit_variations_need_children', true ) ) {
            $variations = get_posts(
                    'post_parent'    => $product_id,
                    'posts_per_page' => -1,
                    'post_type'      => 'product_variation',
                    'fields'         => 'ids',
                    'post_status'    => array( 'publish', 'private' ),

        if ( method_exists( __CLASS__, "variation_bulk_action_$bulk_action" ) ) {
            call_user_func( array( __CLASS__, "variation_bulk_action_$bulk_action" ), $variations, $data );
        } else {
            do_action( 'woocommerce_bulk_edit_variations_default', $bulk_action, $data, $product_id, $variations );

        do_action( 'woocommerce_bulk_edit_variations', $bulk_action, $data, $product_id, $variations );
        WC_Product_Variable::sync( $product_id );
        wc_delete_product_transients( $product_id );

     * Handle submissions from assets/js/settings-views-html-settings-tax.js Backbone model.
    public static function tax_rates_save_changes() {
        // phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['wc_tax_nonce'], $_POST['changes'] ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_fields' );

        $current_class = ! empty( $_POST['current_class'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['current_class'] ) : ''; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( wp_unslash( $_POST['wc_tax_nonce'] ), 'wc_tax_nonce-class:' . $current_class ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce' );

        $current_class = WC_Tax::format_tax_rate_class( $current_class );

        // Check User Caps.
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_capabilities' );

        $changes = wp_unslash( $_POST['changes'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
        foreach ( $changes as $tax_rate_id => $data ) {
            if ( isset( $data['deleted'] ) ) {
                if ( isset( $data['newRow'] ) ) {
                    // So the user added and deleted a new row.
                    // That's fine, it's not in the database anyways. NEXT!
                WC_Tax::_delete_tax_rate( $tax_rate_id );

            $tax_rate = array_intersect_key(
                    'tax_rate_country'  => 1,
                    'tax_rate_state'    => 1,
                    'tax_rate'          => 1,
                    'tax_rate_name'     => 1,
                    'tax_rate_priority' => 1,
                    'tax_rate_compound' => 1,
                    'tax_rate_shipping' => 1,
                    'tax_rate_order'    => 1,

            if ( isset( $tax_rate['tax_rate'] ) ) {
                $tax_rate['tax_rate'] = wc_format_decimal( $tax_rate['tax_rate'] );

            if ( isset( $data['newRow'] ) ) {
                $tax_rate['tax_rate_class'] = $current_class;
                $tax_rate_id                = WC_Tax::_insert_tax_rate( $tax_rate );
            } elseif ( ! empty( $tax_rate ) ) {
                WC_Tax::_update_tax_rate( $tax_rate_id, $tax_rate );

            if ( isset( $data['postcode'] ) ) {
                $postcode = array_map( 'wc_clean', $data['postcode'] );
                $postcode = array_map( 'wc_normalize_postcode', $postcode );
                WC_Tax::_update_tax_rate_postcodes( $tax_rate_id, $postcode );
            if ( isset( $data['city'] ) ) {
                WC_Tax::_update_tax_rate_cities( $tax_rate_id, array_map( 'wc_clean', array_map( 'wp_unslash', $data['city'] ) ) );

        WC_Cache_Helper::invalidate_cache_group( 'taxes' );
        WC_Cache_Helper::get_transient_version( 'shipping', true );

                'rates' => WC_Tax::get_rates_for_tax_class( $current_class ),
        // phpcs:enable

     * Handle submissions from assets/js/wc-shipping-zones.js Backbone model.
    public static function shipping_zones_save_changes() {
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'], $_POST['changes'] ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_fields' );

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( wp_unslash( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'] ), 'wc_shipping_zones_nonce' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce' );

        // Check User Caps.
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_capabilities' );

        $changes = wp_unslash( $_POST['changes'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
        foreach ( $changes as $zone_id => $data ) {
            if ( isset( $data['deleted'] ) ) {
                if ( isset( $data['newRow'] ) ) {
                    // So the user added and deleted a new row.
                    // That's fine, it's not in the database anyways. NEXT!
                WC_Shipping_Zones::delete_zone( $zone_id );

            $zone_data = array_intersect_key(
                    'zone_id'    => 1,
                    'zone_order' => 1,

            if ( isset( $zone_data['zone_id'] ) ) {
                $zone = new WC_Shipping_Zone( $zone_data['zone_id'] );

                if ( isset( $zone_data['zone_order'] ) ) {
                    $zone->set_zone_order( $zone_data['zone_order'] );


                'zones' => WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zones( 'json' ),

     * Handle submissions from assets/js/wc-shipping-zone-methods.js Backbone model.
    public static function shipping_zone_add_method() {
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'], $_POST['zone_id'], $_POST['method_id'] ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_fields' );

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( wp_unslash( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'] ), 'wc_shipping_zones_nonce' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce' );

        // Check User Caps.
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_capabilities' );

        $zone_id     = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['zone_id'] ) );
        $zone        = new WC_Shipping_Zone( $zone_id );
        $instance_id = $zone->add_shipping_method( wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['method_id'] ) ) );

                'instance_id' => $instance_id,
                'zone_id'     => $zone->get_id(),
                'zone_name'   => $zone->get_zone_name(),
                'methods'     => $zone->get_shipping_methods( false, 'json' ),

     * Handle submissions from assets/js/wc-shipping-zone-methods.js Backbone model.
    public static function shipping_zone_methods_save_changes() {
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'], $_POST['zone_id'], $_POST['changes'] ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_fields' );

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( wp_unslash( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'] ), 'wc_shipping_zones_nonce' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_capabilities' );

        global $wpdb;

        $zone_id = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['zone_id'] ) );
        $zone    = new WC_Shipping_Zone( $zone_id );
        $changes = wp_unslash( $_POST['changes'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        if ( isset( $changes['zone_name'] ) ) {
            $zone->set_zone_name( wc_clean( $changes['zone_name'] ) );

        if ( isset( $changes['zone_locations'] ) ) {
            $zone->clear_locations( array( 'state', 'country', 'continent' ) );
            $locations = array_filter( array_map( 'wc_clean', (array) $changes['zone_locations'] ) );
            foreach ( $locations as $location ) {
                // Each posted location will be in the format type:code.
                $location_parts = explode( ':', $location );
                switch ( $location_parts[0] ) {
                    case 'state':
                        $zone->add_location( $location_parts[1] . ':' . $location_parts[2], 'state' );
                    case 'country':
                        $zone->add_location( $location_parts[1], 'country' );
                    case 'continent':
                        $zone->add_location( $location_parts[1], 'continent' );

        if ( isset( $changes['zone_postcodes'] ) ) {
            $zone->clear_locations( 'postcode' );
            $postcodes = array_filter( array_map( 'strtoupper', array_map( 'wc_clean', explode( "\n", $changes['zone_postcodes'] ) ) ) );
            foreach ( $postcodes as $postcode ) {
                $zone->add_location( $postcode, 'postcode' );

        if ( isset( $changes['methods'] ) ) {
            foreach ( $changes['methods'] as $instance_id => $data ) {
                $method_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT method_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods WHERE instance_id = %d", $instance_id ) );

                if ( isset( $data['deleted'] ) ) {
                    $shipping_method = WC_Shipping_Zones::get_shipping_method( $instance_id );
                    $option_key      = $shipping_method->get_instance_option_key();
                    if ( $wpdb->delete( "{$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods", array( 'instance_id' => $instance_id ) ) ) {
                        delete_option( $option_key );
                        do_action( 'woocommerce_shipping_zone_method_deleted', $instance_id, $method_id, $zone_id );

                $method_data = array_intersect_key(
                        'method_order' => 1,
                        'enabled'      => 1,

                if ( isset( $method_data['method_order'] ) ) {
                    $wpdb->update( "{$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods", array( 'method_order' => absint( $method_data['method_order'] ) ), array( 'instance_id' => absint( $instance_id ) ) );

                if ( isset( $method_data['enabled'] ) ) {
                    $is_enabled = absint( 'yes' === $method_data['enabled'] );
                    if ( $wpdb->update( "{$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods", array( 'is_enabled' => $is_enabled ), array( 'instance_id' => absint( $instance_id ) ) ) ) {
                        do_action( 'woocommerce_shipping_zone_method_status_toggled', $instance_id, $method_id, $zone_id, $is_enabled );


                'zone_id'   => $zone->get_id(),
                'zone_name' => $zone->get_zone_name(),
                'methods'   => $zone->get_shipping_methods( false, 'json' ),

     * Save method settings
    public static function shipping_zone_methods_save_settings() {
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'], $_POST['instance_id'], $_POST['data'] ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_fields' );

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( wp_unslash( $_POST['wc_shipping_zones_nonce'] ), 'wc_shipping_zones_nonce' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_capabilities' );

        $instance_id     = absint( $_POST['instance_id'] );
        $zone            = WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zone_by( 'instance_id', $instance_id );
        $shipping_method = WC_Shipping_Zones::get_shipping_method( $instance_id );
        $shipping_method->set_post_data( wp_unslash( $_POST['data'] ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        WC_Cache_Helper::get_transient_version( 'shipping', true );

                'zone_id'   => $zone->get_id(),
                'zone_name' => $zone->get_zone_name(),
                'methods'   => $zone->get_shipping_methods( false, 'json' ),
                'errors'    => $shipping_method->get_errors(),

     * Handle submissions from assets/js/wc-shipping-classes.js Backbone model.
    public static function shipping_classes_save_changes() {
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['wc_shipping_classes_nonce'], $_POST['changes'] ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_fields' );

        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( wp_unslash( $_POST['wc_shipping_classes_nonce'] ), 'wc_shipping_classes_nonce' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized
            wp_send_json_error( 'bad_nonce' );

        if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) {
            wp_send_json_error( 'missing_capabilities' );

        $changes = wp_unslash( $_POST['changes'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized

        foreach ( $changes as $term_id => $data ) {
            $term_id = absint( $term_id );

            if ( isset( $data['deleted'] ) ) {
                if ( isset( $data['newRow'] ) ) {
                    // So the user added and deleted a new row.
                    // That's fine, it's not in the database anyways. NEXT!
                wp_delete_term( $term_id, 'product_shipping_class' );

            $update_args = array();

            if ( isset( $data['name'] ) ) {
                $update_args['name'] = wc_clean( $data['name'] );

            if ( isset( $data['slug'] ) ) {
                $update_args['slug'] = wc_clean( $data['slug'] );

            if ( isset( $data['description'] ) ) {
                $update_args['description'] = wc_clean( $data['description'] );

            if ( isset( $data['newRow'] ) ) {
                $update_args = array_filter( $update_args );
                if ( empty( $update_args['name'] ) ) {
                $inserted_term = wp_insert_term( $update_args['name'], 'product_shipping_class', $update_args );
                $term_id       = is_wp_error( $inserted_term ) ? 0 : $inserted_term['term_id'];
            } else {
                wp_update_term( $term_id, 'product_shipping_class', $update_args );

            do_action( 'woocommerce_shipping_classes_save_class', $term_id, $data );

        $wc_shipping = WC_Shipping::instance();

                'shipping_classes' => $wc_shipping->get_shipping_classes(),

     * Toggle payment gateway on or off via AJAX.
     * @since 3.4.0
    public static function toggle_gateway_enabled() {
        if ( current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) && check_ajax_referer( 'woocommerce-toggle-payment-gateway-enabled', 'security' ) && isset( $_POST['gateway_id'] ) ) {
            // Load gateways.
            $payment_gateways = WC()->payment_gateways->payment_gateways();

            // Get posted gateway.
            $gateway_id = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $_POST['gateway_id'] ) );

            foreach ( $payment_gateways as $gateway ) {
                if ( ! in_array( $gateway_id, array( $gateway->id, sanitize_title( get_class( $gateway ) ) ), true ) ) {
                $enabled = $gateway->get_option( 'enabled', 'no' );

                if ( ! wc_string_to_bool( $enabled ) ) {
                    if ( $gateway->needs_setup() ) {
                        wp_send_json_error( 'needs_setup' );
                    } else {
                        $gateway->update_option( 'enabled', 'yes' );
                } else {
                    // Disable the gateway.
                    $gateway->update_option( 'enabled', 'no' );

                wp_send_json_success( ! wc_string_to_bool( $enabled ) );

        wp_send_json_error( 'invalid_gateway_id' );
