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 * The database service class file.
 * @version 3.9.0
 * @package WooCommerce\Integrations

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

 * The service class responsible for interacting with MaxMind databases.
 * @since 3.9.0
class WC_Integration_MaxMind_Database_Service {

     * The name of the MaxMind database to utilize.
    const DATABASE = 'GeoLite2-Country';

     * The extension for the MaxMind database.
    const DATABASE_EXTENSION = '.mmdb';

     * A prefix for the MaxMind database filename.
     * @var string
    private $database_prefix;

     * WC_Integration_MaxMind_Database_Service constructor.
     * @param string|null $database_prefix A prefix for the MaxMind database filename.
    public function __construct( $database_prefix ) {
        $this->database_prefix = $database_prefix;

     * Fetches the path that the database should be stored.
     * @return string The local database path.
    public function get_database_path() {
        $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();

        $database_path = trailingslashit( $uploads_dir['basedir'] ) . 'woocommerce_uploads/';
        if ( ! empty( $this->database_prefix ) ) {
            $database_path .= $this->database_prefix . '-';
        $database_path .= self::DATABASE . self::DATABASE_EXTENSION;

         * Filter the geolocation database storage path.
         * @param string $database_path The path to the database.
         * @param int $version Deprecated since 3.4.0.
         * @deprecated 3.9.0
        $database_path = apply_filters_deprecated(
            array( $database_path, 2 ),

         * Filter the geolocation database storage path.
         * @since 3.9.0
         * @param string $database_path The path to the database.
        return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_maxmind_geolocation_database_path', $database_path );

     * Fetches the database from the MaxMind service.
     * @param string $license_key The license key to be used when downloading the database.
     * @return string|WP_Error The path to the database file or an error if invalid.
    public function download_database( $license_key ) {
        $download_uri = add_query_arg(
                'edition_id'  => self::DATABASE,
                'license_key' => urlencode( wc_clean( $license_key ) ),
                'suffix'      => 'tar.gz',

        // Needed for the download_url call right below.
        require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';

        $tmp_archive_path = download_url( esc_url_raw( $download_uri ) );
        if ( is_wp_error( $tmp_archive_path ) ) {
            // Transform the error into something more informative.
            $error_data = $tmp_archive_path->get_error_data();
            if ( isset( $error_data['code'] ) ) {
                switch ( $error_data['code'] ) {
                    case 401:
                        return new WP_Error(
                            __( 'The MaxMind license key is invalid. If you have recently created this key, you may need to wait for it to become active.', 'woocommerce' )

            return new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_maxmind_geolocation_database_download', __( 'Failed to download the MaxMind database.', 'woocommerce' ) );

        // Extract the database from the archive.
        try {
            $file = new PharData( $tmp_archive_path );

            $tmp_database_path = trailingslashit( dirname( $tmp_archive_path ) ) . trailingslashit( $file->current()->getFilename() ) . self::DATABASE . self::DATABASE_EXTENSION;

                dirname( $tmp_archive_path ),
                trailingslashit( $file->current()->getFilename() ) . self::DATABASE . self::DATABASE_EXTENSION,
        } catch ( Exception $exception ) {
            return new WP_Error( 'woocommerce_maxmind_geolocation_database_archive', $exception->getMessage() );
        } finally {
            // Remove the archive since we only care about a single file in it.
            unlink( $tmp_archive_path );

        return $tmp_database_path;

     * Fetches the ISO country code associated with an IP address.
     * @param string $ip_address The IP address to find the country code for.
     * @return string The country code for the IP address, or empty if not found.
    public function get_iso_country_code_for_ip( $ip_address ) {
        $country_code = '';

        if ( ! class_exists( 'MaxMind\Db\Reader' ) ) {
            wc_get_logger()->notice( __( 'Missing MaxMind Reader library!', 'woocommerce' ), array( 'source' => 'maxmind-geolocation' ) );
            return $country_code;

        $database_path = $this->get_database_path();
        if ( ! file_exists( $database_path ) ) {
            return $country_code;

        try {
            $reader = new MaxMind\Db\Reader( $database_path );
            $data   = $reader->get( $ip_address );

            if ( isset( $data['country']['iso_code'] ) ) {
                $country_code = $data['country']['iso_code'];

        } catch ( Exception $e ) {
            wc_get_logger()->notice( $e->getMessage(), array( 'source' => 'maxmind-geolocation' ) );

        return $country_code;