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Test Coverage
# Contributing

## Code Style

This project follows [JavaScript Standard Style] with a couple of [tweaks]. ESLint will report any style violations when tests are run or with `yarn lint`

Some style violations can automatically be fixed by running `yarn fix`

## Commit Messages

Semantic commit messages are used:

feat(category): added feature x

| Category   | Usage
| ---------: | -----
| `empty`    | Changes to monorepo, no change to packages (alternatively, the filename - e.g `readme`)
| kitsu      | Changes to the `kitsu` package
| kitsu-core | Changes to the `kitsu-core` package

| Type     | Usage
| -------: | -----
| ci       | Continuous Integration changes
| chore    | Build scripts, no production code change
| feat     | New feature/enhancement
| fix      | Fix a bug for users - not build related issues
| refactor | Refactoring production code, optimisations
| style    | Formatting changes, no code change
| test     | Adding, refactoring or fixing tests

## Requirements

- [git](https://git-scm.com/) 2.0.0 or newer
- [node.js](https://nodejs.org) 7.0.0 or newer
- [yarn](https://https://yarnpkg.com) 1.0.0 or newer (optional)

## Setup

1. Fork this repo

1. Clone your fork:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/kitsu.git
    cd kitsu

1. Create a feature branch:

    git checkout -b your-feature-name

1. Install dependencies:

    # or
    npm install

1. Test changes

    yarn test
    # or
    npm test

1. Commit changes:

    git commit -am 'feat: add feature name'

1. Push changes:

    git push origin your-feature-name

1. Open a pull request

[javascript standard style]: https://standardjs.com
[tweaks]: https://github.com/wopian/eslint-config-wopian/tree/master/packages/eslint-config-wopian