<h1 align=center>Kitsu Core</h1>
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<p align=center>Simple, lightweight & framework agnostic <a href=>JSON:API</a> (de)serialisation components</p>
<p align=center><a href=>Migration guide</a> for v10 & previous major releases</p>
## Features
* JSON-API 1.0 compliant
* Automatically links relationships to data
* Works in Node & browsers
* Tree shakeable components
* Zero dependencies
## Node / Browser Support
| Package | Package<br> Size\* | ESM Size† | Node | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge |
| -----------: | :----------------: | :-------: | :--: | :----: | :-----: | :----: | :--: |
| `kitsu-core` | ≤ 1.5 kb | ≤ 1.4 KB | 14+ | 83+ | 78+ | 13.1+ | 95+ |
\* Minified with brotli
† EcmaScript Modules package size\*
## Install
### Yarn / NPM
yarn add kitsu-core
npm install kitsu-core
import { camel } from 'kitsu-core' // ES Modules and Babel
const { camel } = require('kitsu-core') // CommonJS and Browserify
### CDNs
<!-- jsDelivr -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- unpkg -->
<script src=""></script>
## Contributing
## Releases
## License
All code released under [MIT]
## API
<!-- Generated by documentation.js. Update this documentation by updating the source code. -->
#### Table of Contents
* [camel](#camel)
* [Parameters](#parameters)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [deattribute](#deattribute)
* [Parameters](#parameters-1)
* [Examples](#examples-1)
* [deserialise](#deserialise)
* [Parameters](#parameters-2)
* [Examples](#examples-2)
* [error](#error)
* [Parameters](#parameters-3)
* [Examples](#examples-3)
* [filterIncludes](#filterincludes)
* [Parameters](#parameters-4)
* [Examples](#examples-4)
* [kebab](#kebab)
* [Parameters](#parameters-5)
* [Examples](#examples-5)
* [linkRelationships](#linkrelationships)
* [Parameters](#parameters-6)
* [Examples](#examples-6)
* [isDeepEqual](#isdeepequal)
* [Parameters](#parameters-7)
* [Examples](#examples-7)
* [query](#query)
* [Parameters](#parameters-8)
* [Examples](#examples-8)
* [serialise](#serialise)
* [Parameters](#parameters-9)
* [Examples](#examples-9)
* [snake](#snake)
* [Parameters](#parameters-10)
* [Examples](#examples-10)
* [splitModel](#splitmodel)
* [Parameters](#parameters-11)
* [Examples](#examples-11)
### camel
[packages/kitsu-core/src/camel/index.js:14-14]( "Source code on GitHub")
Converts kebab-case and snake\_case into camelCase
#### Parameters
* `input` **[string](** String to convert
#### Examples
Convert kebab-case
camel('hello-world') // 'helloWorld'
Convert snake\_case
camel('hello_world') // 'helloWorld'
Returns **[string](** camelCase formatted string
### deattribute
[packages/kitsu-core/src/deattribute/index.js:29-51]( "Source code on GitHub")
Hoists attributes to be top-level
#### Parameters
* `data` **([Object]( | [Array](<[Object](>)** Resource data
#### Examples
Deattribute an array of resources
// JSON:API 'data' field
const data = [
id: '1',
type: 'users',
attributes: { slug: 'wopian' }
const output = deattribute(data) // [ { id: '1', type: 'users', slug: 'wopian' } ]
Deattribute a resource
// JSON:API 'data' field
const data = {
id: '1',
type: 'users',
attributes: { slug: 'wopian' }
const output = deattribute(data) // { id: '1', type: 'users', slug: 'wopian' }
Returns **([Object]( | [Array](<[Object](>)** Deattributed resource data
### deserialise
[packages/kitsu-core/src/deserialise/index.js:62-77]( "Source code on GitHub")
Deserialises a JSON-API response
#### Parameters
* `response` **[Object](** The raw JSON:API response object
#### Examples
Deserialise with a basic data object
data: {
id: '1',
attributes: { liked: true }
meta: { hello: 'world' }
}) // { data: { id: '1', liked: true }, meta: { hello: 'world' } }
Deserialise with relationships
data: {
id: '1',
relationships: {
user: {
data: {
type: 'users',
id: '2' }
included: [
type: 'users',
id: '2',
attributes: { slug: 'wopian' }
}) // { data: { id: '1', user: { data: { type: 'users', id: '2', slug: 'wopian' } } } }
Returns **[Object](** The deserialised response
### error
[packages/kitsu-core/src/error/index.js:27-33]( "Source code on GitHub")
Uniform error handling for Axios, JSON:API and internal package errors. Mutated Error object is rethrown to the caller.
#### Parameters
* `Error` **[Object](** The Error
#### Examples
error({errors: [ { code: 400 } ]})
response: {
data: {
errors: [ {
title: 'Filter is not allowed',
detail: 'x is not allowed',
code: '102',
status: '400'
} ]
* Throws **[Object](** The mutated Error
### filterIncludes
[packages/kitsu-core/src/filterIncludes/index.js:33-46]( "Source code on GitHub")
Filters includes for the specific relationship requested
#### Parameters
* `included` **[Array](<[Object](>** The response included object
* `relationship` **[Object](** 
* `` **[string](** The relationship ID
* `relationship.type` **[string](** The relationship type
#### Examples
const includes = [
id: '1',
type: 'users',
attributes: { name: 'Emma' }
id: '2',
type: 'users',
attributes: { name: 'Josh' }
const relationship = { id: '1', type: 'users' }
const response = filterIncludes(includes, relationship)
// {
// id: '1',
// type: 'users',
// attributes: { name: 'Emma' }
// }
Returns **[Array](<[Object](>** The matched includes
### kebab
[packages/kitsu-core/src/kebab/index.js:11-11]( "Source code on GitHub")
Converts camelCase into kebab-case
#### Parameters
* `input` **[string](** camelCase string
#### Examples
kebab('helloWorld') // 'hello-world'
Returns **[string](** kebab-case formatted string
### linkRelationships
[packages/kitsu-core/src/linkRelationships/index.js:145-165]( "Source code on GitHub")
Links relationships to included data
#### Parameters
* `data` **[Object](** The response data object
* `included` **[Array](<[Object](>?** The response included object (optional, default `[]`)
* `previouslyLinked` **[Object](** A mapping of already visited resources (internal use only) (optional, default `{}`)
* `relationshipCache` **[Object](** A cache object for relationship meta and links (optional, default `{}`)
#### Examples
const data = {
attributes: { author: 'Joe' },
relationships: {
author: {
data: { id: '1', type: 'people' }
const included = [ {
id: '1',
type: 'people',
attributes: { name: 'Joe' }
} ]
const output = linkRelationships(data, included)
// {
// attributes: { author: 'Joe' },
// author: {
// data: { id: '1', name: 'Joe', type: 'people' }
// }
// }
Returns **any** Parsed data
### isDeepEqual
[packages/kitsu-core/src/deepEqual/index.js:18-42]( "Source code on GitHub")
Compare two objects equality
#### Parameters
* `left` **[Object](** Object to compare against the right object
* `right` **[Object](** Object to compare against the left object
#### Examples
Deep equality check
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
age: 35
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
age: 35
}) // true
Returns **[boolean](** Whether the objects are equal
### query
[packages/kitsu-core/src/query/index.js:55-64]( "Source code on GitHub")
Constructs a URL query string for JSON:API parameters
#### Parameters
* `params` **[Object](** Parameters to parse
* `prefix` **[string](** Prefix for nested parameters - used internally (optional, default `null`)
* `traditional` **[boolean](** Use the traditional (default) or modern param serializer. Set to false if your server is running Ruby on Rails or other modern web frameworks (optional, default `true`)
#### Examples
filter: {
slug: 'cowboy-bebop',
title: {
value: 'foo'
sort: '-id'
// filter%5Bslug%5D=cowboy-bebop&filter%5Btitle%5D%5Bvalue%5D=foo&sort=-id
Returns **[string](** URL query string
### serialise
[packages/kitsu-core/src/serialise/index.js:213-224]( "Source code on GitHub")
Serialises an object into a JSON-API structure
#### Parameters
* `type` **[string](** Resource type
* `data` **([Object]( | [Array](<[Object](>)?** The data (optional, default `{}`)
* `method` **[string](** Request type (PATCH, POST, DELETE) (optional, default `'POST'`)
* `options` **[Object](** Optional configuration for camelCase and pluralisation handling (optional, default `{}`)
* `options.camelCaseTypes` **[Function](** Convert library-entries and library\_entries to libraryEntries (default no conversion). To use parameter, import camel from kitsu-core (optional, default `s=>s`)
* `options.pluralTypes` **[Function](** Pluralise types (default no pluralisation). To use parameter, import pluralize (or another pluralisation npm package) (optional, default `s=>s`)
#### Examples
Setting camelCaseTypes and pluralTypes options (example shows options used by the `kitsu` package by default)
import { serialise, camel } from 'kitsu-core'
import pluralize from 'pluralize'
const model = 'anime'
const obj = { id: '1', slug: 'shirobako' }
// { data: { id: '1', type: 'anime', attributes: { slug: 'shirobako' } } }
const output = serialise(model, obj, 'PATCH', { camelCaseTypes: camel, pluralTypes: pluralize })
Basic usage (no case conversion or pluralisation)
import { serialise } from 'kitsu-core'
const model = 'anime'
const obj = { id: '1', slug: 'shirobako' }
// { data: { id: '1', type: 'anime', attributes: { slug: 'shirobako' } } }
const output = serialise(model, obj, 'PATCH')
Returns **[Object](** The serialised data
### snake
[packages/kitsu-core/src/snake/index.js:11-11]( "Source code on GitHub")
Converts camelCase into snake\_case
#### Parameters
* `input` **[string](** camelCase string
#### Examples
snake('helloWorld') // 'hello_world'
Returns **[string](** snake\_case formatted string
### splitModel
[packages/kitsu-core/src/splitModel/index.js:29-39]( "Source code on GitHub")
Split model name from the model's resource URL
#### Parameters
* `url` **[string](** URL path for the model
* `options` **[Object](** Optional configuration for camelCase and pluralisation handling
* `options.resourceCase` **[Function](** Convert libraryEntries to library-entries or library\_entries (default no conversion). To use parameter, import kebab or snake from kitsu-core (optional, default `s=>s`)
* `options.pluralModel` **[Function](** Pluralise models (default no pluralisation). To use parameter, import pluralize (or another pluralisation npm package) (optional, default `s=>s`)
#### Examples
// [ 'comments', 'posts/1/comments' ]
With pluralModel option
import plural from 'pluralize'
splitModel('posts/1/comment', { pluralModel: plural })
// [ 'comment', 'posts/1/comments' ]
With resourceCase option
import { kebab, snake } from 'kitsu-core'
splitModel('libraryEntries', { resourceCase: kebab })
// [ 'libraryEntries', 'library-entries' ]
splitModel('libraryEntries', { resourceCase: snake })
// [ 'libraryEntries', 'library_entries' ]
Returns **\[[string](, [string](]** } Array containing the model name and the resource URL with pluralisation applied