import type { UnwrapErr, UnwrapOk } from "./result";
import { Result } from "./result";
import { NONE, SPECIES, SPECIES_OPTION } from "./utils";
type Falsy = false | 0 | 0n | "" | null | undefined;
type Truthy<T> = Exclude<T, Falsy>;
export type UnwrapOption<T, Default = T> = T extends Option<infer U>
? U
: Default;
* The `Option` type is an immutable representation of an optional value:
* every `Option` is either `Some` and contains a value, or `None` and does not.
export class Option<T = any> {
* @param value - A value of type `T`
* @returns Wrap a value into an `Option`.
public static Some = <T = any>(value: T): Option<T> =>
Object.freeze(new Option(value)) as Option<T>;
* The `None` value.
public static None: None = /* @__PURE__ */ Option.Some(NONE);
* Wrap a value in an `Option` if the value is truthy.
* @param value - A value of type `T`
public static from<T>(value: T): Option<Truthy<T>>;
* Wrap a value in an `Option` if the value satisfies the predicate.
* @param source - Source value
* @param predicate - A function that returns `true` if the value satisfies the predicate, otherwise `false`
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public static from<TSource, T extends TSource = TSource>(
source: TSource,
predicate: (source: TSource) => source is T,
thisArg?: any
): Option<T>;
* Wrap a value in an `Option` if the value satisfies the predicate.
* @param source - Source value
* @param predicate - A function that returns `true` if the value satisfies the predicate, otherwise `false`
public static from<TSource, T extends TSource = TSource>(
source: TSource,
predicate: (source: TSource) => boolean,
thisArg?: any
): Option<T>;
public static from<TSource, T extends TSource = TSource>(
source: TSource,
predicate?: (source: TSource) => boolean,
thisArg?: any
): Option<T> {
return (predicate ?, source) : source)
? Option.Some(source as T)
: Option.None;
* @returns `true` if the given value is an `Option`.
* @param maybeOption - A value that might be an `Option`
public static isOption<T>(maybeOption: unknown): maybeOption is Option<T> {
return (
!!maybeOption && (maybeOption as Option<T>)[SPECIES] === SPECIES_OPTION
* @returns `true` if the both are `Option` and the value are the same via ``.
* @param a - An `Option` or any value
* @param b - An `Option` or any value
public static isSame(a: unknown, b: unknown): boolean {
return Option.isOption(a) && Option.isOption(b)
?, b._value)
: false;
private readonly [SPECIES] = SPECIES_OPTION;
private readonly _value: T;
private constructor(value: T) {
this._value = value;
* Returns an iterator over the possibly contained value.
* The iterator yields one value if the result is `Some`, otherwise none.
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
if (this.isSome()) {
yield this._value;
* @returns `true` if the `Option` is a `Some`.
public isSome(): boolean {
return this._value !== NONE;
* @returns `true` if the `Option` is a `None`.
public isNone(): boolean {
return this._value === NONE;
* @returns `true` if the `Option` is a `Some` and and the value inside of it matches a predicate.
* @param predicate - A function that returns `true` if the value satisfies the predicate, otherwise `false`
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public isSomeAnd(predicate: (value: T) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean {
return this.isSome() &&, this._value);
* Whether `this` value is the same as the other `Option`.
* @param other - Another `Option` or any value
* @returns `true` if the other is an `Option` and the value are the same as `this` value via ``.
public isSame(other: unknown): boolean {
return Option.isOption(other)
?, other._value)
: false;
* @returns `None` if the `Option` is `None`, otherwise returns `optionB`.
* Arguments passed to `and` are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended to use `andThen`, which is lazily evaluated.
* @param optionB - An `Option`
public and<B>(optionB: Option<B>): Option<B> {
return this.isSome() ? optionB : Option.None;
* @returns `None` if the `Option` is `None`, otherwise calls `getOptionB` with the wrapped value and returns the result.
* @param getOptionB - A function that returns an `Option`
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public andThen<B>(
getOptionB: (value: T) => Option<B>,
thisArg?: any
): Option<B> {
return this.isSome() ?, this._value) : Option.None;
* @returns the `Option` if it contains a value, otherwise returns `optionB`.
* Arguments passed to or are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended to use `orElse`, which is lazily evaluated.
* @param optionB - An `Option`
public or<B>(optionB: Option<B>): Option<T | B> {
return this.isSome() ? this : optionB;
* @returns the `Option` if it contains a value, otherwise calls `getOptionB` and returns the result.
* @param getOptionB - A function that returns an `Option`
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public orElse<B>(getOptionB: () => Option<B>, thisArg?: any): Option<T | B> {
return this.isSome() ? this :;
* @returns `Some` if exactly one of `this` and `optionB` is `Some`, otherwise returns `None`.
* @param optionB - An `Option`
public xor<B>(optionB: Option<B>): Option<T | B> {
return this.isSome() ? (optionB.isSome() ? Option.None : this) : optionB;
* Zips `this` with another `Option`.
* @returns `Some([a, b])` if `this` is `Some(a)` and other is `Some(b)`, otherwise `None`.
* @param optionB
public zip<B>(optionB: Option<B>): Option<[T, B]> {
return this.isSome() && optionB.isSome()
? Option.Some([this._value, optionB._value])
: Option.None;
* Zips `this` and another `Option` with function `fn`.
* @returns `Some(fn(a, b))` if `this` is `Some(a)` and other is `Some(b)`, otherwise `None`.
* @param optionB
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public zipWith<B, U>(
optionB: Option<B>,
fn: (valueA: T, valueB: B) => U,
thisArg?: any
): Option<U> {
return this.isSome() && optionB.isSome()
? Option.Some(, this._value, optionB._value))
: Option.None;
* Unzips an `Option` containing a tuple of two `Option`s.
* @returns `[Some(a), Some(b)]` if `this` is `Some([a, b])`, otherwise `[None, None]`.
public unzip(): [
Option<T extends any[] ? T[0] : unknown>,
Option<T extends any[] ? T[1] : unknown>
] {
return this.isSome() && Array.isArray(this._value)
? [Option.Some(this._value[0]), Option.Some(this._value[1])]
: [Option.None, Option.None];
* Converts from `Option<Option<T>>` to `Option<T>`
public flatten(): Option<UnwrapOption<T>> {
return this.isSome() && Option.isOption<UnwrapOption<T>>(this._value)
? this._value
: (this as Option<UnwrapOption<T>>);
* Returns `None` if the `Option` is `None`, otherwise calls predicate with the wrapped value and returns:
* - `Some(t)` if predicate returns `true` (where `t` is the wrapped value with inferred new type), and
* - `None` if predicate returns `false`.
* @param predicate - A type predicate function that defines type guard by returning `true` or `false`.
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public filter<U extends T>(
predicate: (value: T) => value is U,
thisArg?: any
): Option<U>;
* Returns `None` if the `Option` is `None`, otherwise calls predicate with the wrapped value and returns:
* - `Some(t)` if predicate returns `true` (where `t` is the wrapped value), and
* - `None` if predicate returns `false`.
* @param predicate - A function that returns `true` or `false`.
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public filter(predicate: (value: T) => boolean, thisArg?: any): Option<T>;
public filter(predicate: (value: T) => boolean, thisArg?: any): Option<T> {
return this.isSome() &&, this._value)
? this
: Option.None;
* Maps an `Option<T>` to `Option<U>` by applying a function to a contained value (if `Some`) or returns `None` (if `None`).
* @param fn - A function that maps a value to another value
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
* @returns `None` if the `Option` is `None`, otherwise returns `Some(fn(value))`.
public map<U>(fn: (value: T) => U, thisArg?: any): Option<U> {
return this.isSome()
? Option.Some(, this._value))
: Option.None;
* Transposes an `Option(Result)` into `Result(Option)`.
* - `None` will be mapped to `Ok(None)`.
* - `Some(Ok(_))` and `Some(Err(_))` will be mapped to `Ok(Some(_))` and `Err(_)`.
* - `Some(value)` will be mapped to `Ok(Some(value))`.
public transpose(): Result<Option<UnwrapOk<T>>, UnwrapErr<T>> {
return this.isSome()
? Result.isResult<UnwrapOk<T>, UnwrapErr<T>>(this._value)
: Result.Ok(this)
: Result.Ok(Option.None);
* Transforms the `Option<T>` into a `Result<T, E>`, mapping `Some(v)` to `Ok(v)` and None to `Err(err)`.
* Arguments passed to `okOr` are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended to use `okOrElse`, which is lazily evaluated.
* @param error - The error value for `Err` if the `Option` is `None`.
public okOr<E>(error: E): Result<T, E> {
return this.isSome() ? Result.Ok(this._value) : Result.Err(error);
* Transforms the `Option<T>` into a `Result<T, E>`, mapping `Some(v)` to `Ok(v)` and `None` to `Err(err())`.
* @param error - A function that returns the error value for `Err` if the `Option` is `None`.
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public okOrElse<E>(error: () => E, thisArg?: any): Result<T, E> {
return this.isSome()
? Result.Ok(this._value)
: Result.Err(;
* @returns the contained `Some` value.
* @throws if the value is a None.
* @param message - Optional Error message
public unwrap(message = "called `Option.unwrap()` on a `None` value"): T {
if (this.isSome()) {
return this._value;
throw new Error(message);
* @returns the contained `Some` value or `undefined` otherwise.
public unwrapOr(): T | undefined;
* @returns the contained `Some` value or a provided default.
* Arguments passed to `unwrapOr` are eagerly evaluated; if you are passing the result of a function call, it is recommended to use `unwrapOrElse`, which is lazily evaluated.
* @param defaultValue - default value
public unwrapOr<U>(defaultValue: U): T | U;
public unwrapOr(defaultValue?: T): T | undefined {
return this.isSome() ? this._value : defaultValue;
* @returns the contained `Some` value or computes it from a closure.
* @param fn - A function that computes a default value.
* @param thisArg - If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of predicate. If it is not provided, `undefined` is used instead.
public unwrapOrElse<U>(fn: () => U, thisArg?: any): T | U {
return this.isSome() ? this._value :;
* Extract the value from an `Option` in a way that handles both the `Some` and `None` cases.
* @param Some - A function that returns a value if the `Option` is a `Some`.
* @param None - A function that returns a value if the `Option` is a `None`.
* @returns The value returned by the provided function.
public match<U>(Some: (value: T) => U, None: () => U): U {
return this.isSome() ? Some(this._value) : None();
public toString(): string {
return this.isSome() ? `Some(${this._value})` : "None";
* @param value - A value of type `T`
* @returns Wrap a value into an `Option`.
export const Some = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => Option.Some)();
export type Some<T> = Option<T>;
* The `None` value.
export const None = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => Option.None)();
export type None = Option<any>;