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Test Coverage
plugins {
    id 'org.javacc.javacc'
    id 'com.github.kt3k.coveralls'
    id 'de.aaschmid.cpd'
    id 'com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report'

repositories {

subprojects {
    repositories {

    apply plugin: 'java'
    sourceCompatibility = gradle.javaSourceVersion
    targetCompatibility = gradle.javaTargetVersion

    sourceSets { = ['src', 'src-gen']
        main.resources.srcDirs = ['res'] = ['test-src']
        test.resources.srcDirs = ['test-res']

    compileJava {
        options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
        options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:deprecation"
        if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
            options.release = gradle.javaReleaseVersion

    apply plugin: 'org.javacc.javacc'

    compileJavacc {
        inputDirectory = file('javacc')
        outputDirectory = file('src-gen')
        include '**/*.jj'
        arguments = [grammar_encoding: 'UTF-8', static: 'false']

    task cleanJavacc(type: Delete) {
        delete compileJavacc.outputDirectory

    apply plugin: 'java-library'

    configurations {

    dependencies {
        lib fileTree(dir: gradle.libDir, include: ['**/*.jar'])
        testImplementation gradle.junit
        testRuntimeOnly gradle.junit
        javacc gradle.javacc

    test {
        workingDir = rootDir
        testLogging {
            events "failed"
            exceptionFormat "full"
            // Uncomment the next two lines to show stdout and stderr of tests
            /*  outputs.upToDateWhen {false} */
            /*  showStandardStreams = true */


    apply plugin: 'checkstyle'

    checkstyle {
        toolVersion = gradle.checkstyleVersion
        configFile = file("${project.rootDir}/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml")

    checkstyleMain.exclude gradle.javaccExclude

    task checkstyle(dependsOn: tasks.withType(Checkstyle)*.name)

    apply plugin: 'pmd'

    pmd {
        toolVersion = gradle.pmdVersion
        consoleOutput = true
        incrementalAnalysis = true
        ruleSetFiles = files("${project.rootDir}/config/pmd/rules.xml")
        ruleSets = []

    pmdMain.exclude gradle.javaccExclude

    task pmd(dependsOn: tasks.withType(Pmd)*.name)

    apply plugin: 'de.aaschmid.cpd'

    cpd {
        toolVersion = gradle.pmdVersion
        minimumTokenCount = 250

    cpdCheck {
        dependsOn compileJavacc
        source = sourceSets.main.allJava
        exclude gradle.javaccExclude

    apply plugin: 'jacoco'

    jacoco {
        toolVersion = gradle.jacocoVersion

    jacocoTestReport {
        reports {
            xml.required = true    /* XML report for coveralls */
            html.required = false  /* skip human readable report */

    afterEvaluate {project ->
        task copyLibs(type: Copy) {
            from configurations.lib
            into "$buildDir/$gradle.libDir"
            include '*.jar'

        jar {
            dependsOn copyLibs
            destinationDirectory = file("$buildDir/bin")
            manifest {
                attributes 'Class-Path': configurations.lib.collect {
                    "../$gradle.libDir/" +
                }.join(' ')

    apply plugin: 'eclipse'

    eclipse {
        classpath {
            defaultOutputDir = file('build/eclipse/bin/')
            file.whenMerged {
                entries.each {
                    if (it.kind == 'src' && it.hasProperty('output')) {
                        it.output = it.output.replace('bin/', 'build/eclipse/')

    eclipseClasspath.dependsOn compileJavacc

    apply plugin: 'idea'

    idea.module {
        sourceDirs = [file('src'), file('javacc'), file('src-gen')]
        generatedSourceDirs = [file('src-gen')]
        resourceDirs = [file('res'), file('models')]
        testSourceDirs = [file('test-src')]
        testResourceDirs = [file('test-res')]
        excludeDirs = [file('.gradle'), file('.settings'), file('bin'), file('build'), file('gradle')]
        inheritOutputDirs = false
        outputDir = file('build/idea/')

    ideaModule.dependsOn compileJavacc

    task cleanAll(dependsOn: ['clean', 'cleanEclipse', 'cleanIdea', 'cleanJavacc'])

apply plugin: 'java'

cpdCheck {
    dependsOn compileJavacc
    source = sourceSets.main.allJava
    exclude gradle.javaccExclude

apply plugin: 'jacoco'

jacoco {
    toolVersion = gradle.jacocoVersion

def coverageProjects = subprojects.findAll { ==~ ~(gradle.coverageProjects.join('|'))

task jacocoRootReport(type: JacocoReport) {

    sourceDirectories.from = coverageProjects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs
    additionalSourceDirs.from = coverageProjects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs
    classDirectories.from = coverageProjects.sourceSets.main.output
    executionData.from = coverageProjects.jacocoTestReport.executionData

    reports {
        xml.required = true   // XML report for coveralls
        html.required = true  // human readable report

    afterEvaluate {
        ext.jacocoExclude = [gradle.javaccExclude]
        subprojects {
            if (it.hasProperty('excludeFromCoverage')) {
                jacocoExclude += it.excludeFromCoverage
        classDirectories.from = classDirectories.files.collect {
            fileTree(dir: it, exclude: jacocoExclude)
    doLast {
        println 'Excluding from coverage:'
        jacocoExclude.each { println "  - " + it }

coveralls {
    sourceDirs = coverageProjects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs.flatten()
    jacocoReportPath = "${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/jacocoRootReport/jacocoRootReport.xml"

tasks.coveralls {
    group = 'Verification'
    description = 'Generate coverage report for all subprojects with tests.'
    dependsOn jacocoRootReport

apply plugin: 'com.github.jk1.dependency-license-report'

import com.github.jk1.license.filter.*

licenseReport {
    configurations = ['runtimeClasspath', 'compileClasspath']
    renderers = [new com.github.jk1.license.render.InventoryHtmlReportRenderer()]
    allowedLicensesFile = new File("${project.rootDir}/config/license/allowed.json")
    filters = [new ReduceDuplicateLicensesFilter(), new LicenseBundleNormalizer()]
} = 'Verification' = 'Verification' = null
// License checking takes too long (>2min), has deprecated calls and may run out of memory
/* check.dependsOn checkLicense */

apply plugin: 'idea'

idea.module {
    excludeDirs = [file('.gradle'), file('config'), file('dist-template'), file('doc'), file('gradle')]
    outputDir = file('build/idea/')

def workcraftRunConfiguration = '''
    <configuration default="false" name="Workcraft" type="Application" factoryName="Application" singleton="true">
        <option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="org.workcraft.Console" />
        <option name="WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="file://$PROJECT_DIR$" />
        <module name="WorkcraftRunner" />

idea.workspace.iws {
    withXml { workspace ->
        def runManagerNode = workspace.node.component.find { it.@name == 'RunManager' }
        def workcraftRunNode = runManagerNode.find { it.@name == 'Workcraft' }
        if (workcraftRunNode != null) runManagerNode?.remove(workcraftRunNode)
        runManagerNode?.append(new XmlParser().parseText(workcraftRunConfiguration))

tasks.cleanIdea.doLast {
    project.delete 'workcraft.iws'

task cleanAll(dependsOn: 'cleanIdea')

allprojects { = null  // Exclude javadoc from the list of tasks

tasks.cleanAll.doLast {
    project.delete 'build/'  // Remove root build directory (left untouched by other clean tasks)