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Test Coverage
importCircuitSystemVerilogAssigns(svFileName, topModuleName) - import a Circuit 'topModuleName' (can be skipped for auto detection) with its dependencies from the given System Verilog (*.sv) file 'svFileName' and return its work
importCircuitVerilog(vFileName, topModuleName) - import a Circuit 'topModuleName' (can be skipped for auto detection) with its dependencies from the given Verilog netlist (*.v) file 'vFileName' and return its work
importFstSg(sgFileName) - import an FST from the State Graph (*.sg) file 'sgFileName' and return its work
importStgG(gFileName) - import an STG from the Signal Transition Graph (*.g) file 'gFileName' and return its work
importStgLpn(lpnFileName) - import an STG from the Labeled Petri Net (*.lpn) file 'lpnFileName' and return its work