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package org.workcraft.plugins.cpog;

import org.workcraft.dom.visual.BoundingBoxHelper;
import org.workcraft.dom.visual.DrawRequest;
import org.workcraft.dom.visual.VisualGroup;
import org.workcraft.formula.visitors.FormulaRenderingResult;
import org.workcraft.formula.visitors.FormulaToGraphics;
import org.workcraft.observation.PropertyChangedEvent;
import org.workcraft.utils.ColorUtils;
import org.workcraft.utils.Hierarchy;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.*;

public class VisualScenario extends VisualGroup {

    public static final String PROPERTY_ENCODING = "Encoding";
    public static final String PROPERTY_LABEL = "Label";
    public static final String DASH_SYMBOL = Character.toString((char) 0x2013);

    private static final float frameDepth = 0.25f;
    private static final float strokeWidth = 0.03f;
    private static final float minVariableWidth = 0.7f;
    private static final float minVariableHeight = 0.85f;

    private Rectangle2D contentsBB = null;
    private Rectangle2D labelBB = null;
    private Rectangle2D encodingBB = null;

    private final Map<Rectangle2D, Variable> variableBBs = new HashMap<>();

    private String label = "";
    private Encoding encoding = new Encoding();

    private static Font labelFont;

    static {
        try {
            labelFont = Font.createFont(Font.TYPE1_FONT, ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("fonts/default.pfb")).deriveFont(0.5f);
        } catch (FontFormatException | IOException e) {

    private static final class ReverseComparator implements Comparator<Variable> {
        public int compare(Variable o1, Variable o2) {
            return -o1.compareTo(o2);

    public VisualScenario() {
        addPropertyDeclaration(new PropertyDeclaration<>(String.class, PROPERTY_LABEL,
                this::setLabel, this::getLabel).setCombinable().setTemplatable());

        addPropertyDeclaration(new PropertyDeclaration<>(Encoding.class, PROPERTY_ENCODING,
                this::setEncoding, this::getEncoding).setCombinable().setTemplatable());

    public Rectangle2D getBoundingBoxInLocalSpace() {
        Rectangle2D bb = getContentsBoundingBox();

        // Increase bb by the label height (to include the latter into the bb)
        if (labelBB != null) {
            bb.add(bb.getMinX(), bb.getMinY() - labelBB.getHeight());
        // Increase bb by the encoding height (to include the latter into the bb)
        if (encodingBB != null) {
            bb.add(bb.getMinX(), bb.getMaxY() + encodingBB.getHeight());

        return bb;

    private Rectangle2D getContentsBoundingBox() {
        Rectangle2D bb = null;

        for (VisualVertex v : Hierarchy.getChildrenOfType(this, VisualVertex.class)) {
            bb = BoundingBoxHelper.union(bb, v.getBoundingBox());
        for (VisualVariable v : Hierarchy.getChildrenOfType(this, VisualVariable.class)) {
            bb = BoundingBoxHelper.union(bb, v.getBoundingBox());
        for (VisualArc a : Hierarchy.getChildrenOfType(this, VisualArc.class)) {
            bb = BoundingBoxHelper.union(bb, a.getLabelBoundingBox());
        if (bb == null) bb = contentsBB;
        else {
            bb.setRect(bb.getMinX() - frameDepth, bb.getMinY() - frameDepth,
                    bb.getWidth() + 2.0 * frameDepth, bb.getHeight() + 2.0 * frameDepth);

        if (bb == null) bb = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 1, 1);

        contentsBB = (Rectangle2D) bb.clone();

        return bb;

    public void draw(DrawRequest r) {
        Graphics2D g = r.getGraphics();
        Color colorisation = r.getDecoration().getColorisation();

        Rectangle2D bb = getContentsBoundingBox();

        if (bb != null && getParent() != null) {
            g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.BLACK, colorisation));
            g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeWidth));

            // draw label

            FormulaRenderingResult result = FormulaToGraphics.print(label, labelFont, g.getFontRenderContext());

            labelBB = BoundingBoxHelper.expand(result.boundingBox, 0.4, 0.2);

            Point2D labelPosition = new Point2D.Double(bb.getMaxX() - labelBB.getMaxX(), bb.getMinY() - labelBB.getMaxY());

            g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.WHITE, colorisation));
            g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeWidth));
            g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.BLACK, colorisation));

            AffineTransform transform = g.getTransform();
            g.translate(labelPosition.getX(), labelPosition.getY());
            g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.BLACK, colorisation));


            // draw encoding

            encodingBB = null;

            Set<Variable> sortedVariables = new TreeSet<>(new ReverseComparator());

            double right = bb.getMaxX();
            double top = bb.getMaxY();


            boolean perfectMatch = true;

            for (Variable var : sortedVariables) {
                if (!var.getState().matches(encoding.getState(var))) perfectMatch = false;

            for (Variable var : sortedVariables) {
                String text = var.getLabel();

                result = FormulaToGraphics.print(text, labelFont, g.getFontRenderContext());

                bb = result.boundingBox;
                bb = BoundingBoxHelper.expand(bb, 0.4, 0.2);

                if (bb.getWidth() < minVariableWidth) bb = BoundingBoxHelper.expand(bb, minVariableWidth - bb.getWidth(), 0);
                if (bb.getHeight() < minVariableHeight) bb = BoundingBoxHelper.expand(bb, 0, minVariableHeight - bb.getHeight());

                labelPosition = new Point2D.Double(right - bb.getMaxX(), top - bb.getMinY());

                double left = right - bb.getWidth();
                double bottom = top + bb.getHeight();

                Rectangle2D tmpBB = new Rectangle2D.Double(left, top, bb.getWidth(), bb.getHeight());

                encodingBB = BoundingBoxHelper.union(encodingBB, tmpBB);

                g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.WHITE, colorisation));
                g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeWidth));
                g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.BLACK, colorisation));

                transform = g.getTransform();
                g.translate(labelPosition.getX(), labelPosition.getY());
                g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.BLACK, colorisation));


                variableBBs.put(tmpBB, var);

                text = encoding.getState(var).getValueAsString();
                if ("?".equals(text)) {
                    text = DASH_SYMBOL;

                result = FormulaToGraphics.print(text, labelFont, g.getFontRenderContext());

                bb = result.boundingBox;
                bb = BoundingBoxHelper.expand(bb, tmpBB.getWidth() - bb.getWidth(), tmpBB.getHeight() - bb.getHeight());

                labelPosition = new Point2D.Double(right - bb.getMaxX(), bottom - bb.getMinY());

                tmpBB = new Rectangle2D.Double(left, bottom, bb.getWidth(), bb.getHeight());

                encodingBB = BoundingBoxHelper.union(encodingBB, tmpBB);

                g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.WHITE, colorisation));
                g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeWidth));
                g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(Color.BLACK, colorisation));

                transform = g.getTransform();
                g.translate(labelPosition.getX(), labelPosition.getY());

                Color color = Color.BLACK;
                if (!var.getState().matches(encoding.getState(var))) color = Color.RED;
                if (perfectMatch) color = Color.GREEN;
                g.setColor(ColorUtils.colorise(color, colorisation));


                variableBBs.put(tmpBB, var);

                right = left;

    public boolean hitTestInLocalSpace(Point2D p) {
            getContentsBoundingBox().contains(p) ||
            getLabelBB().contains(p) ||
            ((encodingBB != null) && encodingBB.contains(p));

    private Rectangle2D getLabelBB() {
        Rectangle2D bb = getContentsBoundingBox();
        return new Rectangle2D.Double(bb.getMaxX() - labelBB.getWidth(), bb.getMinY() - labelBB.getHeight(), labelBB.getWidth(), labelBB.getHeight());

    public void setLabel(String value) {
        if (value == null) value = "";
        if (!value.equals(label)) {
            label = value;
            sendNotification(new PropertyChangedEvent(this, PROPERTY_LABEL));

    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

    public void setEncoding(Encoding value) {
        if (encoding != value) {
            encoding = value;
            sendNotification(new PropertyChangedEvent(this, PROPERTY_ENCODING));

    public Encoding getEncoding() {
        return encoding;
