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import Particle from './particle';
import LandmarkInitializationSet from './landmark-init-set';
import { lowVarianceSampling, numberOfEffectiveParticles, normalizeWeights } from '../util/sampling';

class ParticleSet {
     * Create a new particle set with a given number of particles
     * @param  {Number} nParticles Number of particles
     * @param  {Object} userConfig Config of the user
     * @param  {Object} initConfig Config for the init filter
     * @return {ParticleSet}
    constructor(nParticles, effectiveParticleThreshold, userConfig, initConfig) {
        this.nParticles = nParticles;
        this.effectiveParticleThreshold = effectiveParticleThreshold;
        this.particleList = [];

        //Internal list to keep track of initialised landmarks
        this.initialisedLandmarks = [];
        this.landmarkInitSet = new LandmarkInitializationSet(initConfig);

        for (let i = 0; i < nParticles; i++) {
            this.particleList.push(new Particle(userConfig));

     * Given a control, let each particle sample a new user position
     * @param  {[type]} control [description]
     * @return {ParticleSet}
    samplePose(control) {
        this.particleList.forEach((p) => p.samplePose(control));

        return this;

     * Let each particle process an observation
     * @param  {object} obs
     * @return {ParticleSet}
    processObservation(obs) {

        if (obs !== {}) {

            const { uid, r, name, moved } = obs;

            //If the landmark has moved we remove it from all particles
            if (moved) {
                console.log('Moving landmark')

            if (this.initialisedLandmarks.indexOf(uid) == -1) {

                const {x: uX, y: uY} = this.userEstimate();

                this.landmarkInitSet.addMeasurement(uid, uX, uY, r);

                const {estimate, x, y, varX, varY} = this.landmarkInitSet.estimate(uid);

                if (estimate > 0.6) {

                    this.particleList.forEach((p) => {
                        p.addLandmark(obs, {x, y}, {varX, varY});

            else {
                this.particleList.forEach((p) => p.processObservation(obs));

        return this;

     * Resample the internal particle list using their weights
     * Uses a low variance sample
     * @return {ParticleSet}
    resample() {

        const weights = this.particleList.map(p => p.weight);
        if (numberOfEffectiveParticles(weights) < this.effectiveParticleThreshold) {
            this.particleList = lowVarianceSampling(this.nParticles, weights).map((i) => {
                return new Particle({}, this.particleList[i]);

        return this;

     * Get particles
     * @return {[Array]
    particles() {
        return this.particleList;

     * Return the particle with the heighest weight
     * @return {Particle}
    bestParticle() {
        let best = this.particleList[0];

        this.particleList.forEach((p) => {
            if (p.weight > best.weight) {
                best = p;

        return best;

     * Compute an average of all landmark estimates
     * @return {Map}
    landmarkEstimate() {
        const weights = normalizeWeights(this.particleList.map((p) => p.weight));

        const landmarks = new Map();

        //Loop through all particles to get an estimate of the landmarks
        this.particleList.forEach((p, i) => {
            p.landmarks.forEach((landmark, uid) => {
                if (!landmarks.has(uid)) {
                    landmarks.set(uid, {
                        x: weights[i] * landmark.x,
                        y: weights[i] * landmark.y,
                        uid: uid,
                        name: landmark.name
                else {
                    const l = landmarks.get(uid);

                    l.x += weights[i] * landmark.x;
                    l.y += weights[i] * landmark.y;

        return landmarks;

     * Get the best estimate of the current user position
     * @return {object}
    userEstimate() {
        const weights = normalizeWeights(this.particleList.map((p) => p.weight));

        return {
            x: this.particleList.reduce((prev, p, i) => prev + (weights[i] * p.user.x), 0),
            y: this.particleList.reduce((prev, p, i) => prev + (weights[i] * p.user.y), 0)

     * Remove a landmark from all the particles
     * @param  {String} uid Landmark uid
     * @return {void}
    _removeLandmark(uid) {

        //Remove from the landmark list if it exists
        const index = this.initialisedLandmarks.indexOf(uid);

        if (index != -1) {
            this.initialisedLandmarks.splice(index, 1);

            //Remove it from all particles
            this.particleList.forEach((p) => p.removeLandmark(uid));
        else {

            //It is not initalised yet, so we remove it from the init set
            if (this.landmarkInitSet.has(uid)) {

export default ParticleSet;