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import User from './user';
import { randn, pdfn } from '../util/math';

class Particle {
     * Create a new particle
     * @param  {object} userConfig
     * @return {Particle}
    constructor(userConfig, parent = undefined) {

        if (parent !== undefined) {
            this.user = User.copyUser(parent.user);
            this.landmarks = this._copyMap(parent.landmarks);
        else {
            this.user = new User(userConfig.defaultPose, userConfig);
            this.landmarks = new Map();

        this.weight = 1;

     * Given a control, sample a new user position
     * @param  {[type]} control [description]
     * @return {Particle}
    samplePose(control) {

        //Sample a pose from the 'control'

        return this;

     * Reset the weight of the particle
     * @return {Particle}
    resetWeight() {
        this.weight = 1;

        return this;

     * Register a new landmark
     * @param {string} options.uid
     * @param {float} options.r
     * @param {String} options.name
     * @param {Number} options.x     Initial x position
     * @param {Number} options.y    Initial y
     * @param {Number} options.varX Cov in X direction
     * @param {Number} options.varY Cov in Y direction
    addLandmark({uid, r, name}, {x, y}, {varX, varY} = {varX: 1, varY: 1}) {

        const landmark = {
            x: x,
            y: y,
            name: name,
            cov: [[varX, 0], [0, varY]]

        this.landmarks.set(uid, landmark);

     * Remove a landmark from this particle
     * @param  {String} uid landmark uid
     * @return {void}
    removeLandmark(uid) {

     * Update a landmark using the EKF update rule
     * @param  {string} options.uid landmark id
     * @param  {float} options.r    range measurement
     * @return {void}
    processObservation({uid, r}) {

        //Find the correct EKF
        const l = this.landmarks.get(uid);

        //Compute the difference between the predicted user position of this
        //particle and the predicted position of the landmark.
        const dx = this.user.x - l.x;
        const dy = this.user.y - l.y;

        //@todo find better values for default coviarance
        const errorCov = randn(2, 0.1);

        const dist = Math.max(0.001, Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)));

        //Compute innovation: difference between the observation and the predicted value
        const v = r - dist;

        //Compute Jacobian
        const H = [-dx / dist, -dy / dist];

        //Compute covariance of the innovation
        //covV = H * Cov_s * H^T + error
        const HxCov = [l.cov[0][0] * H[0] + l.cov[0][1] * H[1],
                        l.cov[1][0] * H[0] + l.cov[1][1] * H[1]];

        const covV = (HxCov[0] * H[0]) + (HxCov[1] * H[1]) + errorCov;

        //Kalman gain
        const K = [HxCov[0] * (1 / covV), HxCov[1] * (1.0 / covV)];

        //Calculate the new position of the landmark
        const newX = l.x + (K[0] * v);
        const newY = l.y + (K[1] * v);

        //Calculate the new covariance
        //cov_t = cov_t-1 - K * covV * K^T
        const updateCov = [
            [K[0] * K[0] * covV, K[0] * K[1] * covV],
            [K[1] * K[0] * covV, K[1] * K[1] * covV]

        const newCov = [[l.cov[0][0] - updateCov[0][0], l.cov[0][1] - updateCov[0][1]],
                        [l.cov[1][0] - updateCov[1][0], l.cov[1][1] - updateCov[1][1]]];

        //Update the weight of the particle
        //this.weight = this.weight - (v * (1.0 / covV) * v);
        this.weight = this.weight * pdfn(r, dist, covV);

        //Update particle
        l.x = newX;
        l.y = newY;
        l.cov = newCov;

     * Deep copy a mpa
     * @param  {Map} map
     * @return {Map}
    _copyMap(map) {
        const copy = new Map();

        for (let [key, value] of map.entries()) {
            copy.set(key, this._copyLandmark(value));

        return copy;

     * Deep copy a landmark
     * @param  {object} landmark
     * @return {landmark}
    _copyLandmark(landmark) {
        let copy = {};

        copy.x = landmark.x;
        copy.y = landmark.y;
        copy.name = landmark.name;
        copy.cov = [...landmark.cov];

        return copy;

export default Particle;