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 * WPS Mu Plugins Autoloader
 * Class to handle the copying and removing of a MU plugin.
 * @package    WPS\WP\MuPlugins
 * @author     Travis Smith <t@wpsmith.net>
 * @copyright  2020 WP Smith, Travis Smith
 * @link       https://github.com/wpsmith/MuPluginManager/
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU Public License
 * @version    0.1.0
 * @since      0.1.0

namespace WPS\WP\MuPlugins;

use Exception;
use WP_Error;
use WP_Filesystem_Base;

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

if ( ! class_exists( __NAMESPACE__ . '\MuPluginManager' ) ) {
     * Class MuPluginManager
     * Class to handle the copying and removing of a MU plugin.
    class MuPluginManager {

         * MU plugin source.
         * @var string
        public $mu_plugin_source;

         * MU plugin destination.
         * @var string
        public $mu_plugin_dest;

         * Filesystem shim.
         * @var WP_Filesystem_Base
        public $filesystem;

         * MU plugin version.
         * @var string
        public $mu_plugin_version;

         * mu-plugins directory.
         * @var string
        public $mu_plugin_dir;

         * Settings name.
         * @var string
        public $settings_name;

         * Settings from DB.
         * @var mixed
        public $settings;

         * Whether to throw error if activation/deactivation issues occur.
         * Throwing an error on deactivation will prevent the plugin from deactivating.
         * @var bool
        public $throw_errs;

         * Activation or Deactivation result.
         * @var bool|null|WP_Error
        public static $activation_result;

         * MuPluginManager constructor.
         * @param string $settings_name Name of the settings.
         * @param string $src Source file to be moved to mu-plugins folder.
         * @param string $dest_filename Destination within mu-plugins to move file.
         * @param string $version Version of the compatibility plugin, to force an update of the MU plugin, increment this value
         * @param bool   $throw_errs Whether to throw error if activation/deactivation issues occur.
        public function __construct( $src, $dest_filename, $version, $settings_name = null, $throw_errs = false ) {

            $this->mu_plugin_version = $version;
            $this->mu_plugin_dir     = self::get_mu_plugin_dir();
            $this->mu_plugin_source  = $src;
            $this->mu_plugin_dest    = trailingslashit( $this->mu_plugin_dir ) . $dest_filename;
            $this->settings_name     = $settings_name;
            $this->throw_errs        = (bool) $throw_errs;
            if ( null !== $settings_name ) {
                $this->settings = get_option( $settings_name );


         * Hook into WordPress.
        public function add_hooks() {

            // Version check.
            add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'init_wp_filesystem' ), 0 );
            add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'muplugin_version_check' ), 1 );

            // Admin notice.
            add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notice' ), 1 );


         * Gets the admin DB settings.
         * @return mixed
        protected function get_settings() {
            if ( null == $this->settings ) {
                $this->settings = get_option( $this->settings_name );

            return $this->settings;

         * Checks if the compatibility mu-plugin requires an update based on the 'mu_plugin_version' setting in the database
         * @return bool
        protected function is_muplugin_update_required() {
            // Return true if the mu-plugin is not installed.
            if ( ! $this->is_muplugin_installed() ) {
                return true;

            // Check via Filesystem.
            $muplugin_data = get_plugin_data( $this->mu_plugin_source, false, false );
            if ( version_compare( $this->mu_plugin_version, $muplugin_data['Version'], '>' ) ) {
                return true;

            // Check via DB.
            $settings = $this->get_settings();
            if (
                ! isset( $settings['mu_plugin_version'] ) ||
                ( isset( $settings['mu_plugin_version'] ) && version_compare( $this->mu_plugin_version, $settings['mu_plugin_version'], '>' ) )

            ) {
                return true;

            return false;

         * Outputs the admin notice.
         * @param string $notice Admin notice.
        protected function add_admin_warning_notice( $notice = '' ) {
            <div class="notice notice-error is-dismissible">
                    if ( '' !== $notice ) {
                        echo $notice;
                    } else {
                        printf( __( 'Your mu-plugin directory is currently not writable. Please update the permissions of the mu-plugins folder: %s', 'wps-codeable' ), $this->mu_plugin_dir );

         * Returns the error that the mu-plugins directory could not be created.
         * @return WP_Error
        protected function get_mu_plugins_not_created() {
            return new WP_Error( 'mu-plugins-not-created', sprintf( esc_html__( 'The mu-plugins directory could not be created: %s', 'wps-codeable' ), $this->mu_plugin_dir ) );

         * Returns the error that the mu-plugins directory is not writeable.
         * @return WP_Error
        protected function get_plugins_not_writeable() {
            return new WP_Error( 'mu-plugins-not-writeable', sprintf( __( 'Your mu-plugin directory is currently not writable. Please update the permissions of the mu-plugins folder: %s', 'wps-codeable' ), $this->mu_plugin_dir ) );

        /* PRIVATE WP HOOKS */

         * Initializes WP Filesystem.
         * @access private
         * @return WP_Error|bool
        public function init_wp_filesystem() {
            // Make sure we have access to WP_Filesystem.
            if ( ! function_exists( 'WP_Filesystem' ) ) {
                require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php' );

            // If we already have the method, let's go.
            if ( get_filesystem_method() === 'direct' ) {
                /* you can safely run request_filesystem_credentials() without any issues and don't need to worry about passing in a URL */
                $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( admin_url(), '', false, false, array() );

                /* initialize the API */
                if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) {
                    /* any problems and we exit */
                    return new WP_Error( 'filesystem-error', __( 'Something happened with initializing WP Filesystem.', 'wps-codeable' ) );

                global $wp_filesystem;
                $this->filesystem = $wp_filesystem;
            } else {
                $url = wp_nonce_url( 'plugins.php', 'wps-mu-plugin' );

                /** Let's try to setup WP_Filesystem */
                if ( false === ( $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( $url, '', false, false, null ) ) ) {
                    /** A form has just been output asking the user to verify file ownership */
                    return true;

                /** If the user enters the credentials but the credentials can't be verified to setup WP_Filesystem, output the form again */
                if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) {
                    /** This time produce the error that tells the user there was an error connecting */
                    request_filesystem_credentials( $url, '', true, false, '' );

                    return true;

                if ( WP_Filesystem( $creds ) ) {
                    global $wp_filesystem;
                    $this->filesystem = $wp_filesystem;
                } else {

            return true;

         * Adds an admin notice if the mu-plugins directory is not writable.
         * @access private
        public function admin_notice() {
            if ( $this->is_muplugin_update_required() && false === $this->is_muplugin_writable() ) {

         * Checks to see if the latest version of the MU plugin has been installed.
         * If the MU plugin is not present, copy the plugin, enabling it by default.
         * Checks the plugin's setting and 'mu_plugin_version' option to see if the MU plugin needs updating.
         * If the MU plugin cannot be installed, a warning notice is added within the WP admin.
         * @access private
        public function muplugin_version_check() {
            if (
                self::is_plugins_page() &&
                true === $this->is_muplugin_update_required()
            ) {
                $result = $this->copy_muplugin();
                if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
                    $this->add_admin_warning_notice( $result );

        /* PUBLIC API */

         * Attempts to copy the MU plugin to the mu-plugins directory.
         * It optionally creates the mu-plugins directory if it doesn't exist.
         * It attempts to copy the MU plugin to the mu-plugins directory.
         * It updates the DB setting with the latest version number.
         * @return bool|WP_Error
        public function copy_muplugin() {
            if ( null === $this->filesystem ) {

            // Make the mu-plugins folder if it doesn't already exist, if the folder does exist it's left as-is.
            if ( ! $this->filesystem->is_dir( $this->mu_plugin_dir ) && ! $this->filesystem->mkdir( $this->mu_plugin_dir ) ) {
                return $this->get_mu_plugins_not_created();

            // Copy the file over.
            if ( ! $this->filesystem->copy( $this->mu_plugin_source, $this->mu_plugin_dest ) ) {
                return $this->get_plugins_not_writeable();

            // Check if the DB needs to be updated.
            if ( $this->is_muplugin_update_required() ) {
                $settings = (array) $this->get_settings();
                // Update version number in the database
                $settings['mu_plugin_version'] = $this->mu_plugin_version;

                update_option( $this->settings_name, $settings );

            return true;

         * Attempts to remove the MU plugin from the mu-plugins folder.
         * @return bool|WP_Error
        public function remove_muplugin() {
            if ( null === $this->filesystem ) {

            if ( $this->filesystem->exists( $this->mu_plugin_dest ) && ! $this->filesystem->delete( $this->mu_plugin_dest ) ) {
                return $this->get_plugins_not_writeable();

            return true;

         * Checks if the compatibility mu-plugin is installed
         * @return bool $installed
        public function is_muplugin_installed() {
            $plugins           = wp_get_mu_plugins();
            $muplugin_filename = basename( $this->mu_plugin_dest );

            foreach ( $plugins as $plugin ) {
                if ( false !== strpos( $plugin, $muplugin_filename ) ) {
                    return true;

            return false;

         * Utility function to check if the mu-plugin directory and compatibility plugin are both writable.
         * @return bool
        public function is_muplugin_writable() {
            //Assumes by default we can create the mu-plugins folder and compatibility plugin if they don't exist
            $mu_folder_writable = true;
            $mu_plugin_writable = true;

            //If the mu-plugins folder exists, make sure it's writable.
            if ( true === $this->filesystem->is_dir( $this->mu_plugin_dir ) ) {
                $mu_folder_writable = $this->filesystem->is_writable( $this->mu_plugin_dir );

            //If the mu-plugins/wp-migrate-db-pro-compatibility.php file exists, make sure it's writable.
            if ( true === $this->filesystem->exists( $this->mu_plugin_dest ) ) {
                $mu_plugin_writable = $this->filesystem->is_writable( $this->mu_plugin_dest );

            if ( false === $mu_folder_writable || false === $mu_plugin_writable ) {
                return false;

            return true;

         * Write to the WordPress debug.log.
         * @param mixed $log Log message to print.
        public static function write_log( $log ) {
            if ( true === WP_DEBUG ) {
                if ( is_array( $log ) || is_object( $log ) ) {
                    error_log( print_r( $log, true ) );
                } else {
                    error_log( $log );

         * Gets mu-plugins directory.
         * @return string
        public static function get_mu_plugin_dir() {
            $wpmu_plugin_path = ( defined( 'WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR' ) && defined( 'WPMU_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) ? WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR : trailingslashit( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . 'mu-plugins';

            return trailingslashit( wp_normalize_path( $wpmu_plugin_path ) );

         * Determines whether the current admin page is the plugins page.
         * @return bool
        public static function is_plugins_page() {
            global $pagenow;
            $screen = get_current_screen();

            return is_admin() && ( 'plugins.php' === $pagenow || ( null !== $screen && 'plugins.php' === $screen->base ) );

         * Removes MU plugin and removes the option from the DB setting.
         * @param MuPluginManager $instance The MU plugin manager.
         * @return bool|WP_Error The deactivation result.
         * @throws Exception
        public static function on_deactivation( MuPluginManager $instance ) {
            self::$activation_result  = $instance->remove_muplugin();

            // If successfully removed, let's do some DB cleanup.
            if ( true === self::$activation_result && null !== $instance->settings ) {
                if ( isset( $instance->settings['mu_plugin_version'] ) ) {
                    unset( $instance->settings['mu_plugin_version'] );
                update_site_option( $instance->settings_name, $instance->settings );

                return true;

            return self::on_tivation( $instance, self::$activation_result  );

         * @param MuPluginManager $instance The MU plugin manager.
         * @return bool|WP_Error The activation result.
         * @throws Exception
        public static function on_activation( MuPluginManager $instance ) {
            self::$activation_result = $instance->copy_muplugin();

            return self::on_tivation( $instance, self::$activation_result  );

         * Helper for on_activation & on_deactivation.
         * @param MuPluginManager $instance The MU plugin manager.
         * @param bool|WP_Error   $activation_result The (de)activation result.
         * @return bool|WP_Error The (de)activation Result.
         * @throws Exception
        public static function on_tivation( MuPluginManager $instance, $activation_result ) {
            // If copying the mu plugin failed, let's log it for the user.
            // On next page load, our admin notice should display.
            if ( is_wp_error( $activation_result ) ) {
                self::write_log( $activation_result->get_error_message() );

                // And maybe throw an exception.
                if ( $instance->throw_errs ) {
                    $message = __( 'Plugin was not deactivated. ', 'wps' ) . $activation_result->get_error_message();
                    throw new Exception( $message );

            return $activation_result;