

0 mins
Test Coverage
 * Gaze (
 * Copyright 2020-present wtetsu
 * Licensed under MIT

package gazer

import (


// Gazer gazes filesystem.
type Gazer struct {
    patterns    []string
    notify      *notify.Notify
    isClosed    bool
    invokeCount uint64
    commands    commands
    mutexes     sync.Map

// New returns a new Gazer.
func New(patterns []string, maxWatchDirs int) (*Gazer, error) {
    cleanPatterns := make([]string, len(patterns))
    for i, p := range patterns {
        cleanPatterns[i] = filepath.Clean(p)

    notify, err := notify.New(cleanPatterns, maxWatchDirs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &Gazer{
        patterns:    cleanPatterns,
        notify:      notify,
        isClosed:    false,
        invokeCount: 0,
        commands:    newCommands(),
        mutexes:     sync.Map{},
    }, nil

// Close disposes internal resources.
func (g *Gazer) Close() {
    if g.isClosed {
    g.isClosed = true

// Run starts to gaze.
func (g *Gazer) Run(configs *config.Config, timeout int64, restart bool) error {
    if timeout <= 0 {
        return errors.New("timeout must be more than 0")
    err := g.repeatRunAndWait(configs, timeout, restart)
    return err

// repeatRunAndWait continuously monitors file system events.
// - Executes corresponding commands based on provided configuration
// - Handles process restarts and timeouts if needed
// - Gracefully shuts down upon receiving a SIGINT signal
func (g *Gazer) repeatRunAndWait(commandConfigs *config.Config, timeout int64, restart bool) error {
    sigInt := sigIntChannel()

    isTerminated := false
    for {
        select {
        case event := <-g.notify.Events:
            if isTerminated {
            logger.Debug("Receive: %s", event.Name)

            // This line is expected to not be executed concurrently by multiple threads.
            g.handleEvent(commandConfigs, timeout, restart, event)

        case <-sigInt:
            isTerminated = true
            return nil

// handleEvent processes the received file system event.
func (g *Gazer) handleEvent(commandConfigs *config.Config, timeout int64, restart bool, event notify.Event) {
    commandStringList := g.tryToFindCommand(event.Name, commandConfigs)
    if commandStringList == nil {

    queueManageKey := strings.Join(commandStringList, "\n")

    ongoingCommand := g.commands.get(queueManageKey)

    if ongoingCommand != nil && restart {
        kill(ongoingCommand.cmd, "Restart")
        g.commands.update(queueManageKey, nil)

    if ongoingCommand != nil && !restart {
        g.commands.enqueue(queueManageKey, event)

    mutex := g.lock(queueManageKey)


    go func() {
        g.invoke(commandStringList, queueManageKey, timeout)
        logger.Debug("Unlock: %s", queueManageKey)

func (g *Gazer) tryToFindCommand(filePath string, commandConfigs *config.Config) []string {
    if !matchAny(g.patterns, filePath) {
        return nil

    rawCommandString, err := getMatchedCommand(filePath, commandConfigs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil

    commandStringList := splitCommand(rawCommandString)
    if len(commandStringList) == 0 {
        logger.Debug("Command not found: %s", filePath)
        return nil

    return commandStringList

func (g *Gazer) lock(queueManageKey string) *sync.Mutex {
    logger.Debug("Lock: %s", queueManageKey)
    mutex, ok := g.mutexes.Load(queueManageKey)
    if !ok {
        mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
        g.mutexes.Store(queueManageKey, mutex)
    m := mutex.(*sync.Mutex)
    return m

// invoke executes commands, handles timeouts, and processes queued events.
func (g *Gazer) invoke(commandStringList []string, queueManageKey string, timeout int64) {
    lastLaunched := time.Now()

    commandSize := len(commandStringList)

    timeoutCh := time.After(timeout)
    for i, commandString := range commandStringList {
        if commandSize == 1 {
            logger.NoticeWithBlank("[%s]", commandString)
        } else {
            logger.NoticeWithBlank("[%s](%d/%d)", commandString, i+1, commandSize)

        err := g.invokeOneCommand(commandString, queueManageKey, timeoutCh)
        if err != nil {
            if len(err.Error()) > 0 {
    // Handle waiting events
    queuedEvent := g.commands.dequeue(queueManageKey)
    if queuedEvent == nil {
        g.commands.update(queueManageKey, nil)
    } else {
        canAbolish := lastLaunched > queuedEvent.Time
        if canAbolish {
            logger.Debug("Abolish:%d, %d", lastLaunched, queuedEvent.Time)
        } else {
            // Requeue
            g.commands.update(queueManageKey, nil)

func (g *Gazer) invokeOneCommand(commandString string, queueManageKey string, timeoutCh <-chan struct{}) error {
    cmd := createCommand(commandString)
    g.commands.update(queueManageKey, cmd)
    err := executeCommandOrTimeout(cmd, timeoutCh)
    return err

func matchAny(watchFiles []string, s string) bool {
    for _, f := range watchFiles {
        if fs.GlobMatch(f, s) {
            return true
    return false

func getMatchedCommand(filePath string, commandConfigs *config.Config) (string, error) {
    var result string
    var resultError error
    for _, c := range commandConfigs.Commands {
        if c.Cmd == "" || c.Ext == "" && c.Re == "" {
        if c.Match(filePath) {
            command, err := render(c.Cmd, filePath)
            result = command
            resultError = err
    return result, resultError

var newLines = regexp.MustCompile("\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r")

func splitCommand(commandString string) []string {
    var commandList []string
    for _, rawCmd := range newLines.Split(commandString, -1) {
        cmd := strings.TrimSpace(rawCmd)
        if len(cmd) > 0 {
            commandList = append(commandList, cmd)
    return commandList

// InvokeCount returns the current execution counter
func (g *Gazer) InvokeCount() uint64 {
    return g.invokeCount