

1 hr
Test Coverage
 * Gaze (
 * Copyright 2020-present wtetsu
 * Licensed under MIT

package notify

import (


// Notify delivers events to a channel when files are virtually updated.
// "create+rename" is regarded as "update".
type Notify struct {
    Events                  chan Event
    Errors                  chan error
    watcher                 *fsnotify.Watcher
    isClosed                bool
    times                   map[string]int64
    pendingPeriod           int64
    regardRenameAsModPeriod int64
    detectCreate            bool
    candidates              []string

// Event represents a single file system notification.
type Event struct {
    Name string
    Time int64

// Op describes a set of file operations.
type Op = fsnotify.Op

// Close disposes internal resources.
func (n *Notify) Close() {
    if n.isClosed {
    n.isClosed = true

// New creates a Notify
func New(patterns []string, maxWatchDirs int) (*Notify, error) {
    watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    candidates := findCandidatesDirectories(patterns)
    watchDirs := findActualDirs(candidates, maxWatchDirs)

    if len(watchDirs) > maxWatchDirs {
        logger.Error(strings.Join(watchDirs[:maxWatchDirs], "\n") + "\n...")
        return nil, errors.New("too many watchDirs")

    for _, t := range watchDirs {
        err = watcher.Add(t)
        if err != nil {
            if err.Error() == "bad file descriptor" {
                logger.Info("%s: %v", t, err)
            } else {
                logger.Error("%s: %v", t, err)
        } else {
            logger.Info("gazing at: %s", t)

    notify := &Notify{
        Events:                  make(chan Event),
        watcher:                 watcher,
        isClosed:                false,
        times:                   make(map[string]int64),
        pendingPeriod:           100,
        regardRenameAsModPeriod: 1000,
        detectCreate:            true,
        candidates:              candidates,

    go notify.wait()

    return notify, nil

func findActualDirs(patterns []string, maxWatchDirs int) []string {
    targets := uniq.New()

    for _, pattern := range patterns {
        dirs := findDirsByPattern(pattern)

        if targets.Len() > maxWatchDirs {
    return targets.List()

// ["aaa/bbb/ccc"] -> [".", "aaa", "aaa/bbb", "aaa/bbb/ccc"]
// ["../aaa/bbb/ccc"] -> ["..", "../aaa", "../aaa/bbb", "../aaa/bbb/ccc"]
// ["/aaa/bbb/ccc"] -> ["/", "/aaa", "/aaa/bbb", "/aaa/bbb/ccc"]
func findCandidatesDirectories(patterns []string) []string {
    targets := uniq.New()

    for _, pattern := range patterns {
        paths := parsePathPattern(pattern)
        for i := len(paths) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    return targets.List()

// "aaa/bbb/ccc/*/ddd/eee/*" -> ["aaa/bbb/ccc/*/ddd/eee/*", "aaa/bbb/ccc/*/ddd/eee", "aaa/bbb/ccc/*/ddd", "aaa/bbb/ccc/*", "aaa/bbb/ccc", "aaa/bbb", "aaa", "."]
func parsePathPattern(pathPattern string) []string {
    result := []string{}

    if len(pathPattern) == 0 {
        return result
    if pathPattern == "/" || pathPattern == "\\" || pathPattern == "." || pathPattern == ".." {
        return []string{pathPattern}

    result = append(result, pathPattern)

    isAbs := filepath.IsAbs(pathPattern) || pathPattern[0] == '/'
    isParent := strings.HasPrefix(pathPattern, "..")
    isWinAbs := pathPattern[0] != '/' && isAbs
    isExplicitCurrent := false
    isCurrent := !isAbs && !isParent
    if isCurrent {
        isExplicitCurrent = strings.HasPrefix(pathPattern, ".")

    winFirstDelimiter := -1
    if isWinAbs {
        winFirstDelimiter = strings.Index(pathPattern, "\\")

    for i := len(pathPattern) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
        ch := pathPattern[i]

        if ch == '/' || ch == '\\' {

            if i > 0 {
                p := pathPattern[0:i]
                if winFirstDelimiter == i {
                    p += "\\"
                result = append(result, p)
            } else {
                result = append(result, "/")

    if len(result) <= 1 {
        if !isAbs && !isExplicitCurrent {
            result = append(result, ".")
    } else {
        if isCurrent && !isExplicitCurrent {
            result = append(result, ".")

    return result

func findDirsByPattern(pattern string) []string {
    patternDir := filepath.Dir(pattern)
    logger.Debug("pattern: %s", pattern)
    logger.Debug("patternDir: %s", patternDir)

    var targets []string

    realDir := findRealDirectory(patternDir)
    if len(realDir) > 0 {
        targets = append(targets, realDir)

    _, dirs1 := fs.Find(pattern)
    targets = append(targets, dirs1...)

    _, dirs2 := fs.Find(patternDir)
    targets = append(targets, dirs2...)

    return targets

func findRealDirectory(path string) string {
    entries := strings.Split(filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Clean(path)), "/")

    currentPath := ""
    for i := 0; i < len(entries); i++ {
        if containsWildcard(entries[i]) {

        currentPath += entries[i] + string(filepath.Separator)
    currentPath = fs.TrimSuffix(currentPath, string(filepath.Separator))

    if fs.IsDir(currentPath) {
        return currentPath
    } else {
        return ""

func containsWildcard(path string) bool {
    return strings.ContainsAny(path, "*?[{")

func shouldWatch(dirPath string, candidates []string) bool {
    dirPathSlash := filepath.ToSlash(dirPath)
    if !fs.IsDir(dirPathSlash) {
        return false

    for _, pattern := range candidates {
        patternSlash := filepath.ToSlash(pattern)
        ok, _ := doublestar.Match(patternSlash, dirPathSlash)
        if ok {
            return true

    return false

func (n *Notify) wait() {
    for {
        select {
        case event, ok := <-n.watcher.Events:

            normalizedName := filepath.Clean(event.Name)

            logger.Debug("fs.IsDir: %s", fs.IsDir(normalizedName))
            if event.Op == fsnotify.Create && shouldWatch(normalizedName, n.candidates) {
                logger.Info("gazing at: %s", normalizedName)

            if !ok {
            if !n.shouldExecute(normalizedName, event.Op) {
            logger.Debug("notified: %s: %s", normalizedName, event.Op)
            now := time.Now()
            n.times[normalizedName] = now
            e := Event{
                Name: normalizedName,
                Time: now,
            n.Events <- e
        case err, ok := <-n.watcher.Errors:
            if !ok {
            n.Errors <- err

func (n *Notify) watchNewDir(normalizedName string) {
    err := n.watcher.Remove(normalizedName)
    if err != nil {
        if !strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "can't remove non-existent") {
            logger.Error("watcher.Remove: %s", err)
    err = n.watcher.Add(normalizedName)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Error("watcher.Add: %s", err)

func (n *Notify) shouldExecute(filePath string, op Op) bool {
    const W = fsnotify.Write
    const R = fsnotify.Rename
    const C = fsnotify.Create

    if op != W && op != R && !(n.detectCreate && op == C) {
        logger.Debug("skipped: %s: %s (Op is not applicable)", filePath, op)
        return false

    lastExecutionTime := n.times[filePath]

    if !fs.IsFile(filePath) {
        logger.Debug("skipped: %s: %s (not a file)", filePath, op)
        return false

    if strings.Contains(filePath, "'") || strings.Contains(filePath, "\"") {
        logger.Debug("skipped: %s: %s (unsupported character)", filePath, op)
        return false

    modifiedTime := time.GetFileModifiedTime(filePath)

    if op == W || op == C {
        elapsed := modifiedTime - lastExecutionTime
        logger.Debug("lastExecutionTime(%s): %d, %d", op, lastExecutionTime, elapsed)
        if elapsed < n.pendingPeriod*1000000 {
            logger.Debug("skipped: %s: %s (too frequent)", filePath, op)
            return false
    if op == R {
        elapsed := time.Now() - modifiedTime
        logger.Debug("lastExecutionTime(%s): %d, %d", op, lastExecutionTime, elapsed)
        if elapsed > n.regardRenameAsModPeriod*1000000 {
            logger.Debug("skipped: %s: %s (unnatural rename)", filePath, op)
            return false

    return true

// PendingPeriod sets new pendingPeriod(ms).
func (n *Notify) PendingPeriod(p int64) {
    n.pendingPeriod = p

// Requeue requeue an event.
func (n *Notify) Requeue(event Event) {
    n.Events <- event