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Test Coverage
 * Mouse Dictionary (https://github.com/wtetsu/mouse-dictionary/)
 * Copyright 2018-present wtetsu
 * Licensed under MIT

import Generator from "./generator";
import dom from "../lib/dom";
import storage from "../lib/storage";
import ShortCache from "../lib/shortcache";
import utils from "../lib/utils";

const TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT = 128;

export default class Lookuper {
  constructor(settings, doBuildEntry, doUpdateContent) {
    this.lookupWithCapitalized = settings.lookupWithCapitalized;
    this.doUpdateContent = doUpdateContent;
    this.doBuildEntry = doBuildEntry;

    this.lastText = null;
    this.aimed = false;
    this.suspended = false;
    this.halfLocked = false;
    this.textLengthLimit = TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT;
    this.counter = 0;

    // Compile templates, regular expressions so that it works fast
    this.generator = new Generator(settings);
    const cacheSize = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? 100 : 0;
    this.shortCache = new ShortCache(cacheSize);

    // String.prototype.matchAll may not exist(#44)
    if (String.prototype.matchAll) {
      this.reForReferences = /[→=]([- A-z']+)/g;

  #canUpdate() {
    if (this.suspended) {
      return false;
    if (this.halfLocked && this.aimed) {
      return false;
    if (!this.halfLocked && utils.getSelection()) {
      return false;
    return true;

  async lookup(text) {
    return this.lookupAll([text]);

  async lookupAll(textList) {
    if (!this.#canUpdate()) {
      return false;
    return await this.#updateAll(textList, this.lookupWithCapitalized, false, true, 0);

  async aimedLookup(text) {
    if (!text) {
      this.aimed = false;
      return false;
    if (this.lastText === text) {
      return false;
    this.aimed = true;
    return await this.update(text, true, true, false, 1);

  async update(text, withCapitalized, includeOriginalText, enableShortWord, threshold = 0) {
    if (!text) {
      return false;
    return await this.#updateAll([text], withCapitalized, includeOriginalText, enableShortWord, threshold);

  async #updateAll(textList, withCapitalized, includeOriginalText, enableShortWord, threshold = 0) {
    const { content, hit } = await this.#createContent(textList, withCapitalized, includeOriginalText, enableShortWord);

    if (hit >= threshold) {
      this.doUpdateContent(content, hit);
      return true;
    return false;

  async #createContent(sourceTextList, withCapitalized, includeOriginalText, enableShortWord) {
    const textList = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < sourceTextList.length; i++) {
      const text = sourceTextList[i].substring(0, this.textLengthLimit);
      if (text) {
    const cacheKey = textList.join("\u0001");

    if (!includeOriginalText) {
      if (this.lastText === cacheKey) {
        return {};
      const cacheData = this.shortCache.get(cacheKey);
      if (cacheData) {
        this.doUpdateContent(cacheData.dom, cacheData.hitCount);
        this.lastText = cacheKey;
        return {};
    const counter = ++this.counter;
    DEBUG && console.time(`lookup-${counter}`);
    const { html, hit } = await this.runAll(textList, withCapitalized, includeOriginalText, enableShortWord);
    const content = dom.create(html);

    this.lastText = cacheKey;
    DEBUG && console.timeEnd(`lookup-${counter}`);

    return { content, hit };

  async run(textToLookup, withCapitalized, includeOrgText, enableShortWord) {
    return this.runAll([textToLookup], withCapitalized, includeOrgText, enableShortWord);

  async runAll(textList, withCapitalized, includeOrgText, enableShortWord) {
    const allEntries = [];
    const langs = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < textList.length; i++) {
      const text = textList[i];
      const { entries, lang } = this.doBuildEntry(text, withCapitalized, includeOrgText);
      DEBUG && console.info(`${entries.join(",")}`);
      DEBUG && console.info(`${entries.length}`);

    const { heads, descriptions } = await fetchDescriptions(allEntries, this.reForReferences);
    const { html, hitCount } = this.generator.generate(heads, descriptions, enableShortWord && langs[0] === "en");
    return { html, hit: hitCount };

const fetchDescriptions = async (entries, reForReferences) => {
  const primaryDescriptions = await storage.local.get(entries);
  const primaryHeads = entries.filter((e) => primaryDescriptions[e]);

  const refHeads = pickOutRefs(primaryDescriptions, reForReferences);
  if (refHeads.length === 0) {
    return { heads: primaryHeads, descriptions: primaryDescriptions };

  const refDescriptions = await storage.local.get(refHeads);
  const heads = [...primaryHeads, ...refHeads];
  const descriptions = { ...primaryDescriptions, ...refDescriptions };
  return { heads, descriptions };

const pickOutRefs = (descriptions, reForReferences) => {
  const resultSet = new Set();
  if (!reForReferences) {
    return resultSet;
  const existingKeys = new Set(Object.keys(descriptions));
  const descList = Object.values(descriptions);

  for (let i = 0; i < descList.length; i++) {
    const desc = descList[i];
    const refList = capture(desc, reForReferences);

    for (let i = 0; i < refList.length; i++) {
      const ref = refList[i];
      if (existingKeys.has(ref)) {
  return Array.from(resultSet);

const capture = (str, re) => {
  const capturedStrings = [];
  const matches = str.matchAll(re);
  for (const m of matches) {
  return capturedStrings;