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import { join, basename } from 'node:path';

import {
} from '../lib/index.mjs';
import { hasWorkspaceTag } from './workspace.mjs';

const logger = getLogger('Electron Action');

const distFolderName = 'dist';
const mainProcessFileName = 'electron.js';

// TODO: Switch to PNPM once Electron doesn't break with std::bad_alloc
//  on sym-linked dependencies in node_modules
const usePnpmAsNativeInstaller = false;

// Electron-packager needs access to all dependencies.
const distNpmRcContent = `; autogenerated via tc-cli. DO NOT EDIT!
shamefully-hoist = true
lockfile = false`;

 * Extracts the installed package version from the pnpm list output
 * for a specific package.
 * For example:
 * basename: `@wuespace+telestion-client-common@0.23.11_wtyhs37xbpfjrses3hpvo5azxm`
 * extracted version: `0.23.11`
 * @param basename the basename of the dependency folder
 * that contains the package version string
function versionFromBasename(basename: string): string {
    const versionAndHash = basename.split('@').at(-1);
    if (!versionAndHash) {
        throw new Error(
            'No version specifier found. ' +
                'Please report this issue in https://github.com/wuespace/telestion-client/issues/new. ' +
                'Sorry for the inconvenience. ' +
                `Received basename: ${basename}`

    // position 0 is always there
    return versionAndHash.split('_').at(0) as string;

 * Generates the distribution `package.json`.
 * The Electron main process reads this file on startup.
 * Dependencies listed in the project's `package.json`
 * as `"electronDependencies"` are mapped to production dependencies.
 * In the next step these production dependencies should be installed.
 * @param projectDir - path to project directory
 * @param packageJson - object that represents the project's `package.json`
 * @return a list of resolved native dependencies
export async function generateDistPackageJson(
    projectDir: string,
    packageJson: Record<string, unknown>
): Promise<string[]> {
    logger.debug('Project directory:', projectDir);
    logger.debug('Received project package.json:', packageJson);

    const electronDependencies = await getElectronDependencies(packageJson);
    logger.debug('Extracted Electron dependencies:', electronDependencies);

    const dependencies: Record<string, string> = {};
    for (const electronDependency of electronDependencies) {
        logger.debug('Find installed version for:', electronDependency);

        const result = await exec('pnpm', [
        const fullPath = result.stdout.toString().split('\n').at(1);
        if (!fullPath) {
            throw new Error(
                `Dependency '${electronDependency}' is not installed. ` +
                    'Please add it to the dependencies list in your package.json and try again.'
        const folderName = basename(fullPath);
        const version = versionFromBasename(folderName);
        logger.debug('Dependency folder name:', folderName);
        logger.debug('Installed version:', version);

        dependencies[electronDependency] = version;

    const distPackageJsonPath = join(projectDir, distFolderName, 'package.json');
    const distPackageJson: Record<string, unknown> = {
        name: await getName(packageJson),
        description: await getDescription(packageJson),
        version: await getVersion(packageJson),
        main: mainProcessFileName,

    logger.debug('Distribution package.json path:', distPackageJsonPath);
    logger.debug('Generated distribution package.json:', distPackageJson);

    await writeFile(
        JSON.stringify(distPackageJson, null, 2)

    return getElectronDependencies(packageJson);

 * Copies a dependency from the project's `node_modules` store
 * to the distribution `node_modules` store.
 * This gives Electron access to its native dependencies.
 * > Note: This method doesn't work when you need to create Electron containers.
 * The `electron-packager` needs a flat `node_modules` tree.
 * Only really use this method if you have workspace dependencies
 * in your project. Otherwise, use the npm install method from below.
 * @param specifier - the scope + package name of the dependency
 * @param projectDir - path to the project directory
export async function linkNativeDependency(
    specifier: string,
    projectDir: string
): Promise<void> {
    logger.debug(`Link dependency ${specifier}`);
    const parts = specifier.split('/');
    const scope = parts.slice(0, -1);
    const packageName = parts.at(-1) as string;
    logger.debug('Dependency scope:', scope);
    logger.debug('Dependency package name:', packageName);

    const modulesDir = join(projectDir, 'node_modules');
    const distModulesDir = join(projectDir, distFolderName, 'node_modules');
    logger.debug('Modules directory:', modulesDir);
    logger.debug('Dist modules directory:', distModulesDir);

    const sourcePath = join(modulesDir, ...scope, packageName);
    const destDir = join(distModulesDir, ...scope);
    const destPath = join(destDir, packageName);
    logger.debug('Source path:', sourcePath);
    logger.debug('Destination directory:', destDir);
    logger.debug('Destination path:', destPath);

    await mkdir(destDir, true);
    await rmIfExists(destPath, true);
    await symlink(sourcePath, destPath);

 * Installs the native dependencies specified in the distribution `package.json`.
 * @param projectDir - path to the project directory
 * @param nativeDependencies - a list of resolved native dependencies
export async function installNativeDependencies(
    projectDir: string,
    nativeDependencies: string[]
): Promise<void> {
    const distDir = join(projectDir, distFolderName);
    logger.debug('Project directory:', projectDir);
    logger.debug('Distribution directory:', distDir);

    if (await hasWorkspaceTag(projectDir)) {
            'Workspace tag detected. Use symbolic links to refer to already installed native dependencies'

        await Promise.all(
            nativeDependencies.map(specifier =>
                linkNativeDependency(specifier, projectDir)
    } else {
            'Has no workspace tag. Use package manager to install native dependencies'

        if (usePnpmAsNativeInstaller) {
            logger.debug('Use PNPM as package manager');

            const distNpmRcPath = join(distDir, '.npmrc');
            logger.debug('Distribution .npmrc path:', distNpmRcPath);
            logger.debug('Write distribution .npmrc to configure pnpm');
            await writeFile(distNpmRcPath, distNpmRcContent);

            return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
                // install native dependencies via npm in the distribution folder
                logger.debug('Install native dependencies');
                const pnpmProcess = spawn('pnpm', ['install'], { cwd: distDir });

                // pass through process output

                pnpmProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) =>
                    code === 0 || !signal
                        ? resolve()
                        : reject(
                                new Error(
                                    `Cannot install native dependencies with PNPM. Exit code: ${code}, Signal: ${signal}`
        } else {
            logger.debug('Use NPM as package manager');

            return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
                logger.debug('Install native dependencies');
                const npmProcess = spawn('npm', ['install', '--no-package-lock'], {
                    cwd: distDir

                // pass through process output

                npmProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) =>
                    code === 0 || !signal
                        ? resolve()
                        : reject(
                                new Error(
                                    `Cannot install native dependencies with NPM. Exit code: ${code}, Signal: ${signal}`

 * Removes any residing native dependencies
 * from the distribution `node_modules` store.
 * @param projectDir - path to the project directory
export async function clearNativeDependencies(
    projectDir: string
): Promise<void> {
    const distModulesDir = join(projectDir, distFolderName, 'node_modules');
    logger.debug('Project directory:', projectDir);
    logger.debug('Distribution module directory:', distModulesDir);

    await rmIfExists(distModulesDir, true);

 * Starts Electron in development mode. It reads all components
 * from the distribution folder.
 * @param projectDir - path to the project directory
 * @param devServerPort - port on which the development listens.
 * Electron receives this port via the `"DEV_SERVER_PORT"` environment variable.
 * @return the spawned Electron child process
export function startElectron(
    projectDir: string,
    devServerPort: number
): ChildProcess {
    logger.debug('Project directory:', projectDir);
    logger.debug('Development server port:', devServerPort);

    const electronPackagePath = join(projectDir, 'node_modules', 'electron');
    if (!existsSync(electronPackagePath)) {
        throw new Error(
            'Electron binary not found. Is Electron installed in your project?'

    const electronBinaryName = readFileSync(
        join(electronPackagePath, 'path.txt')
    const electronBinaryPath = join(
    logger.debug('Electron binary name:', electronBinaryName);
    logger.debug('Electron package path:', electronPackagePath);
    logger.debug('Electron binary path:', electronBinaryPath);

    const distFolderPath = join(projectDir, distFolderName);
    logger.debug('Distribution folder path:', distFolderPath);

    logger.debug('Spawn electron main process');
    const electronProcess = spawn(electronBinaryPath, [distFolderPath], {
        cwd: projectDir,
        env: {
            DEV_SERVER_PORT: `${devServerPort}`

    // pass through process output

    return electronProcess;