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import { join } from 'node:path';
import { ChildProcess, existsSync, fork, getLogger } from '../lib/index.mjs';
import { BuildEvent } from '../model/index.mjs';

const logger = getLogger('Parcel Action');

export type BuildEventHandler = (
    event: BuildEvent,
    process: ChildProcess
) => void;

interface BaseOptions {
     * A list of targets that Parcel should compile.
     * When `undefined` Parcel compiles all targets.
    targets: string[] | undefined;

     * Additional arguments that are passed directly to the parcel executable.
    additionalArgs: string[] | undefined;

export interface ServeOptions extends BaseOptions {
     * The port to development server uses to wait for incoming connections. (web server port)
    port: number;

export interface WatchOptions extends BaseOptions {
     * The port to development server uses to wait for incoming connections. (web server port)
    port: number;

export interface BuildOptions extends BaseOptions {
    // placeholder

export const defaultServeOptions: ServeOptions = {
    targets: undefined,
    port: 3100, // move away from default ports used by other tools
    additionalArgs: []

export const defaultWatchOptions: WatchOptions = {
    targets: undefined,
    port: 3101, // move away from default ports used by other tools
    additionalArgs: []

export const defaultBuildOptions: BuildOptions = {
    targets: undefined,
    additionalArgs: []

// TODO: Remove no-cache flag once Parcel no longer exits uncleanly
export const defaultParcelArgs: string[] = ['--no-autoinstall', '--no-cache'];

 * Starts Parcel in serve mode and compiles the project based
 * on the Parcel configuration and the metadata in the `package.json`.
 * @param projectDir path to the project directory
 * @param options additional build and serve options
 * @param onEvent gets called when a build event has happened
 * @return a promise that fulfills once the Parcel process stops
export function serve(
    projectDir: string,
    options?: Partial<ServeOptions>,
    onEvent?: BuildEventHandler
): ChildProcess {
    const finalOptions = { ...defaultServeOptions, ...options };
    logger.debug('Project directory:', projectDir);
    logger.debug('Frontend serve options:', finalOptions);

    const targetArgs = finalOptions.targets
        ? ['--target', `${finalOptions.targets.join(',')}`]
        : [];

    const additionalArgs = finalOptions.additionalArgs ?? [];

    const parcelProcess = forkParcel(projectDir, [

    // register event handlers
    parcelProcess.on('message', (event: BuildEvent) =>
        onEvent?.(event, parcelProcess)

    return parcelProcess;

 * Starts Parcel in watch mode and compiles the project based on the Parcel configuration
 * and the metadata in the `package.json`.
 * @param projectDir path to the project directory
 * @param options additional build and watch options
 * @param onEvent gets called when a build event has happened
 * @return a promise that fulfills once the Parcel process stops
export function watch(
    projectDir: string,
    options?: Partial<WatchOptions>,
    onEvent?: BuildEventHandler
): ChildProcess {
    const finalOptions = { ...defaultWatchOptions, ...options };
    logger.debug('Project directory:', projectDir);
    logger.debug('Electron watch options:', finalOptions);

    const targetArgs = finalOptions.targets
        ? ['--target', `${finalOptions.targets.join(',')}`]
        : [];

    const additionalArgs = finalOptions.additionalArgs ?? [];

    const parcelProcess = forkParcel(projectDir, [

    // register event handlers
    parcelProcess.on('message', (event: BuildEvent) =>
        onEvent?.(event, parcelProcess)

    return parcelProcess;

 * Starts Parcel in build mode and compiles the project based on the Parcel configuration
 * and the metadata in the `package.json`.
 * @param projectDir path to the project directory
 * @param options additional build options
export async function build(
    projectDir: string,
    options: Partial<BuildOptions> = {}
): Promise<void> {
    const finalOptions = { ...defaultBuildOptions, ...options };
    logger.debug('Project directory:', projectDir);
    logger.debug('Bundler options:', finalOptions);

    const targetArgs = finalOptions.targets
        ? ['--target', `${finalOptions.targets.join(',')}`]
        : [];

    const additionalArgs = finalOptions.additionalArgs ?? [];

    return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
        const parcelProcess = forkParcel(projectDir, [

        parcelProcess.on('exit', (code, signal) =>
            code === 0
                ? resolve()
                : reject(
                        new Error(
                            `Cannot build with parcel. Exit code: ${code}, signal: ${signal}, build options: ${options}`

 * Starts a Parcel process via Node forking.
 * @param workingDir the directory in which Parcel should be started
 * @param args additional arguments for the Parcel process
export function forkParcel(workingDir: string, args?: string[]): ChildProcess {
    const parcelBinary = join(

    logger.debug('Parcel working directory:', workingDir);
    logger.debug('Parcel binary path:', parcelBinary);
    logger.debug('Parcel arguments:', args);

    if (!existsSync(parcelBinary)) {
        throw new Error(
            'Parcel binary not found. Is Parcel installed in your project?'

    logger.debug('Fork parcel process');
    const childProcess = fork(parcelBinary, args, { cwd: workingDir });
    return childProcess;