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import create, { StoreApi, UseBoundStore } from 'zustand';
import { UserConfig, UserInformation } from '@wuespace/telestion-client-types';
import { UserConfigState } from './use-user-config.model';

const initialUserConfig: UserConfig = {};

 * Returns the user config state and actions to interact with.
 * A selector can be defined to pick out parts of the store.
 * If correctly set up, the function only triggers a rerender
 * if the selected values have changed.
 * For more information about state management in Zustand,
 * take a look at their {@link https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand | GitHub page}.
 * @param selector - optional selector function
 * which picks the specified elements out of the store
 * @param equalityFn - optional equality function
 * to check for state updates on the picked elements
 * @returns the picked elements in the selector function
 * @see {@link UserConfigState}
 * @see {@link https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand}
 * @see {@link UseBoundStore}
 * @see {@link zustand#shallow}
 * @example
 * Fetch available usernames from the store:
 * ```ts
 * function Notifications() {
 *     const usernames = useUserConfig(state => Object.keys(state.userConfig));
 *     return (
 *         <ul>
 *             {notifications.map(notification => (
 *                 <li>{notification}</li>
 *             )}
 *         </ul>
 *     );
 * }
 * ```
 * Performance optimized and type-safe fetching from the store:
 * ```ts
 * import { useCallback, ReactNode } from 'react';
 * import { StateSelector } from 'zustand';
 * import shallow from 'zustand/shallow';
 * import {
 *     useUserConfig,
 *     UserConfigState
 * } from '@wuespace/telestion-client-common';
 * // selector does not depend on scope, so it's better to define it outside
 * // to not re-declare it on every render
 * const selector: StateSelector<
 *     UserConfigState,
 *     {
 *         add: UserConfigState['addUser'],
 *         remove: UserConfigState['removeUser']
 *     }
 * > = state => ({
 *     add: state.addUser,
 *     remove: state.removeUser
 * });
 * function MyComponent() {
 *     const { add, remove } = useUserConfig(selector, shallow);
 *     return (
 *         <div>
 *             <button onClick={() => add('Alice', { dashboards: [] })}>
 *                 Add user 'Alice' to the user configurations
 *             </button>
 *             <button onClick={() => remove('Alice')}>
 *                 Remove user 'Alice' from the user configurations
 *             </button>
 *         </div>
 *     );
 * }
 * ```
export const useUserConfig: UseBoundStore<StoreApi<UserConfigState>> =
    create<UserConfigState>((set, get) => ({
        userConfig: initialUserConfig,
        addUser: (username, information) => {
            if (!username) {
                throw new TypeError("The string '' is not a valid username.");
            const { userConfig } = get();
            if (userConfig[username]) {
                throw new TypeError(
                    `The username '${username}' already exists in the user config store. ` +
                        'Please edit the user information ' +
                        'or delete the user from the store to create a one.'
            set({ userConfig: { ...userConfig, [username]: information } });
        removeUser: username => {
            const { userConfig } = get();
            if (!userConfig[username]) {
                throw new TypeError(
                    `The username '${username}' does not exist in the user config store.`
            const newUserConfig = { ...userConfig };
            delete newUserConfig[username];
            set({ userConfig: newUserConfig });
        updateUserInfo: (username, newState) => {
            const { userConfig } = get();
            if (!userConfig[username]) {
                throw new TypeError(
                    `The username '${username}' does not exist in the user config store.`
            let newUserInfo: Partial<UserInformation>;
            if (typeof newState === 'function') {
                newUserInfo = newState(userConfig[username]);
            } else {
                newUserInfo = newState;
                userConfig: {
                    [username]: { ...userConfig[username], ...newUserInfo }
        set: userConfig => set({ userConfig }),
        clear: () => set({ userConfig: initialUserConfig })