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import { ReactNode } from 'react';
import { Redirect, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Routing } from '@wuespace/telestion-client-types';
import { logger } from './logger';

 * Builds a route for a given routing object of a page.
 * If the current authentication state does not represent
 * the page setting the route redirects.
 * @param routing - the routing object of a page
 * @param page - the page content that should be rendered
 * @param isAuthenticated - `true` when the current user is authenticated
 * @returns a {@link react-router-dom#Route} component
 * containing the routing logic
 * @example
 * ```tsx
 * const routes: ReactNode[] = [];
 * const routing = { ...parseRouting(child.type.name, child.type.routing) };
 * routes.push(buildRoute(routing, child, isAuthenticated));
 * ```
export function buildRoute(
    routing: Routing,
    page: ReactNode,
    isAuthenticated: boolean
): ReactNode {
    const { path, exact, type } = routing;

    const redirectPath = 'redirectPath' in routing ? routing.redirectPath : '';
    const key = `comp:${path}:${redirectPath}`;
    const shouldRender =
        (type === 'auth' && isAuthenticated) ||
        (type === 'unAuth' && !isAuthenticated);

        `Route with${exact ? ' exact' : ''} path "${path}" should ${
            shouldRender ? 'render' : `redirect to "${redirectPath}"`

    return (
        <Route key={key} path={path} exact={exact}>
            {shouldRender ? page : <Redirect to={redirectPath} />}